Ruska ratna mornarica


Ruska ratna mornarica

  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2019
  • Poruke: 6184

Vidjao sam neke rendere ruskih dronova sa vertikalnim polijetanjem kao V22 osprey. Sad da li im je to stvarno u planu, ne znam.

  • Pridružio: 08 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2194
  • Gde živiš: Novi Travnik - ex Pucarevo

Stiže nova korveta projekta 20380. Krenuli na ispitivanje.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102546

Jos jedan...
Спущен на воду базовый тральщик «Георгий Курбатов» проекта 12700
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  • Pridružio: 08 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2194
  • Gde živiš: Novi Travnik - ex Pucarevo

Gorškov malo vježbao. Lete cirkoni...

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1232

  • nemam
  • Pridružio: 30 Nov 2011
  • Poruke: 659

Pošto nije bilo linka, prenosim vijest sa jednog drugog foruma o reduktorima za motore za Gorškove. Izgleda da je problem riješen. No, kako Smiljko Šagolj nekada govorio, ostaje da se vidi... Nadajmo se da će se proizvodnja Gorškova sada ubrzati.

Russian navy Project 22350 Admiral Gorshkov-class frigate reducers undergo successful trials

According to information published by the Russian press agency on October 27, 2020, the reducing gear produced by Zvezda enterprise for the power plants of project 22350 Admiral Gorshkov-class frigates successfully passed qualification trials and tests in a gas-turbine engine designed by Saturn, the enterprise said.

The qualification commission ruled that the enterprise is ready for batch production. The enterprise has been dealing with the large-scale project to produce RO55 reducers since 2017. Zvezda updated technical documentation, prepared the production of components and units, assembled and tested them, and created a test bench for the purpose.

The reducing gear provides 27200 HP full capacity of gas-turbine engine and 5096 HP of a diesel engine. The weight is close to 40 tons. It is a sophisticated technical product comprising of 5000 units. Only Russian components are used.

“Russia has never produced reducing gear of such capacity. It is the first sophisticated project. We coped with it and can supply the gear to the Russian Navy,” Zvezda Director for development Alexander Zinovyev said.

The enterprise had to update the design and upgrade the test bench during trials. The next stage will install the power plant on a warship built by Severnaya Verf Shipyard. Zvezda is constructing two more reducers for the next frigate.

Project 22350 also called Admiral Gorshkov-class is a guided missile frigate designed by the Severnoye Design Bureau and incorporates the use of stealth technology. As of August 2020, ten vessels have been contracted by the Russian Navy for delivery by 2027.

On 23 April 2019, two modified Project 22350 frigates, Admiral Amelko and Admiral Chichagov, were laid down at Severnaya Verf in Saint Petersburg. They will be fitted with 24 VLS cells for Kalibr, Oniks or Zircon cruise missiles, as opposed to 16 VLS cells installed on the first four frigates of the class.

  • Pridružio: 20 Jun 2018
  • Poruke: 2141

Нови снимак ракете Циркон са Адмирала Горшкова.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102546

Primljen u sluzbu VMF

Citat:Latest patrol ship accepted for service in Russia’s Black Sea Fleet
The Project 22160 latest patrol vessel Pavel Derzhavin has entered service with Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, the Fleet’s press office reported on Friday.
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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102546

Ädmiral Golovko stize u flotu do kraja 2021

Citat:Третий фрегат проекта 22350 - "Адмирал Головко" - планируется принять в состав Северного флота до конца 2021 года.
Об этом в среду, 9 декабря, заявил в интервью Красной звезде командующий СФ вице-адмирал Александр Моисеев.

  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 860

Велики десантни брод "Пётр Моргунов", класе "Иван Грен", уведен у састав Северне флоте.

St. Andrew's flag was raised at the large landing craft "Petr Morgunov"

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