Koliko sam shvatio to se desilo prije početka testiranja pa je uzeta nova turbina sa drugog broda iste klase a ova pokvarena će nakon popravka biti ugrađena u kasatonova. Šteta. Previše nesreća prati ovaj brod. Nadam se da će sa oružanim sistemima i elektronikom biti više sreće.
Inače, svim mojim kolegama forumašima ovdje želim Sretan Božić.
New rescue vessel starts sea trials
http://barentsobserver.com/en/security/2015/01/new.....ials-07-01 Citat:The 98 meter long and 5000 ton deadweight ship will be the first search and rescue vessel built in Russia for almost 30 years.
Citat:The vessel is equipped with the “Bester-1” mini-submarine, which can dive down to 700 meters and take onboard rescues at depths down to 60 meters.
http://rusnavy.com/news/navy/index.php?ELEMENT_ID=16324 Citat:The manned deep-sea submersible was developed by the Lazurit Design Bureau (Nizhny Novgorod) and is being constructed at Admiralteyskie Verfi.
Prava stvar.
The Russian Navy Is on the Verge of Collapse Citat:
The Kremlin has announced that Russia will hugely boost its naval operations in 2015.
But that’s an empty promise—or threat, if you will. In fact, the Russian fleet is on the edge of a precipitous decline in ship numbers and combat power, owing to huge industrial shortfalls that have been decades in the making.
“As for missions of Russian naval ships, there will be 50 percent more of them than in 2013,” Gen. Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian general staff, told a TV audience in December.
But Gerasimov’s vow belies a bleak future for the Russian navy. Even if the fleet is busier in 2015 than it was in 2013, in coming years it will have fewer and fewer ships to be busy with—and those that remain will be progressively smaller and weaker than rival vessels.
gold_digger ::The Russian Navy Is on the Verge of Collapse Citat:
The Kremlin has announced that Russia will hugely boost its naval operations in 2015.
But that’s an empty promise—or threat, if you will. In fact, the Russian fleet is on the edge of a precipitous decline in ship numbers and combat power, owing to huge industrial shortfalls that have been decades in the making.
“As for missions of Russian naval ships, there will be 50 percent more of them than in 2013,” Gen. Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian general staff, told a TV audience in December.
But Gerasimov’s vow belies a bleak future for the Russian navy. Even if the fleet is busier in 2015 than it was in 2013, in coming years it will have fewer and fewer ships to be busy with—and those that remain will be progressively smaller and weaker than rival vessels.
Интересантно...важно да је ''УСнејви''...тип топ...а интересантно је да тај исто не наводи да је УС буџет за 2015 у дефициту за око 600млрд...отприлике колки је и буџет ус војске,а да ће само за ''уснајви'' ићи око 150млрд...колко ће највероватније и БРИКС позајмити пара УС за крпљење рупа...дакле они немају пара ни за гориво...
Како год ипак је Руска морнарица друга у свету и нико неоже да им примирише...дуги низ година...ако не и деценија...
Rusi neshvatljivo kompliciraju proizvodnju brodova. Umesto da uvedu 1 dizajn broda za razarač, fregatu, korvetu sa jedinstvenim domišljato konstruisanim i jednostavnom modularnom dizajnu, kao u smislu npr. Sigma ili Gowind klase, te većaju gabarite i jačaju konstrukciju sukladno sa veličinom uz upotrebu štoviše jednakih sastavnih delova, koje bi mogla graditi sva brodogradilišta u Rusiji, uvode nove i nove različite projekte različitih biroa kako se kome prohte.