Ruska ratna mornarica


Ruska ratna mornarica

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102546

Фрегат «Адмирал Григорович» передадут ВМФ России 10 марта
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  • nemam
  • Pridružio: 30 Nov 2011
  • Poruke: 659

Evo još jedan link vezan za predaju ADmirala Grigorovića.

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Ovdje se tvgrdi da CMF ove godine dobiva i još dvije fregate 11356. Admirala Essena i Admirala Makarova.

Također, našao sam na jednomforumu vijest (ali bezu postavljenog linka) da je porinut i Admiral Butakov ali bez motora. Pretpostavlja se da će ih dobiti 2017-2018 godine.

I za kraj jedna slika Gorškova u Murmansku..

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102546

Спущен на воду фрегат "Адмирал Бутаков"
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  • Pridružio: 14 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 1373

To je četvrti iz serije i za njega i sledeća dva nemaju motore zbog ukrajinskih sankcija.

  • nemam
  • Pridružio: 30 Nov 2011
  • Poruke: 659

A evo i prvoga...

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Još nek Essen uđe u operativu ove godine i bit će to veliko pojačanje za CMF...

  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2009
  • Poruke: 433

možda baš ne paše u ovu temu,ali neznam gde da stavim

ep.2. [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
ep.3. [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
ep.4. [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11768
  • Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...

Citat:России придется продать три фрегата из-за непоставки украинских турбин
Русија врши преговоре са Индијом о продаји три фрегате 11356 због проблема са моторима.

Из овога се може закључити следеће:
1) Русија има проблема да у потпуности овлада производњом свих делова за моторе који ће бити уграђивани у њихове нове бродове отуда и силна кашњења!
2) мањак новаца који је по мени изгледа један од фактора у свему овоме.
3) немаштина у свим тим бродоградилиштима и алави менаџмент, који пробија све могуће рокове испорука бродова који се граде за ВМФ како би искамчио што више пара од МО

одустати од фрегата и правити оне мале бродиће за ЦФ, па и остале флоте је лудост...такође море нових пројеката које избацују бирои, а нису у стању да овладају са једним типом бродова у свакој класи па да те исте надограђују и унапређују.

једном речју тамо и даље влада хаос и ништа се није променило нити ће у скорије време....

Спрдамо се са кинезима, а они газе ли газе са прављењем бородова и то свега неколико типова....свака им част....руси би могли нешто да науче од њих ако имају намеру да модернизују и подмладе своју морнарицу, јер све ово што раде са овим старудијама је бацање пара....када њима треба по 6 година за проклете кровете да се направе, колико ће им требати за једног разарача онда око 10 GUZ - Glavom U Zid ....

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Citat:Сторожевой корабль "Адмирал Григорович" включен в состав ВМФ России.
Сегодня 11 марта 2016 года на сторожевом корабле проекта 11356 "Адмирал Григорович" поднят Андреевский Военно-морской Флаг и корабль включен в состав ВМФ России. Корабль будет базироваться в городе Севастополе и будет в составе 30 дивизии надводных кораблей ЧФ.

  • djboj  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Jul 2010
  • Poruke: 1282

Russia in Talks With India to Sell Three Project 11356 Frigates to Complement Talwar Class

Russia is in talks with India to sell three Project 11356 frigates originally intended for the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Vice-President of the United Ship-Building Corporation for Warship Construction Igor Ponomaryov told TASS on Friday. "We are fulfilling the state defense order and building these frigates. At the same time, we are holding talks on the possibility of selling these vessels to India," Ponomaryov said. Russia is in talks with India to sell three Project 11356 frigates originally intended for the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Vice-President of the United Ship-Building Corporation for Warship Construction Igor Ponomaryov told TASS on Friday. "We are fulfilling the state defense order and building these frigates. At the same time, we are holding talks on the possibility of selling these vessels to India," Ponomaryov said.

INS Talwar (Indian Navy) first ship of the class
(Picture: M. Mazumdar/ Bharat-Rakshak)

"This has not been decided," Ponomaryov said in reply to a TASS question about whether a decision had been made to sell these frigates. "We are holding talks and fulfilling the state defense contract. But such talks are in progress," he said.
According to Ponomaryov, the engines for these frigates "have been fully paid for by the Ukrainian side. They are in Ukraine and we will be resolving the issue related to these engines."
Six Project 11356 frigates were planned to be built for the Russian Black Sea Fleet. These vessels are equipped with Ukrainian-made propulsion units, which has threatened the construction of the other three Project 11356 frigates.
The United Ship-Building Corporation said last year that the frigates would be built but would have Russian-made engines.
India already operates six Talwar-class frigates, which are the Project 11356 frigate’s predecessors developed for export. The vessels entered service in 2003-2004 and 2012-2013.

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  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11768
  • Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...

Citat:The frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" the players interact with the ship's helicopters

The frigate "the Admiral of Fleet of Soviet Union of pots" held in ranges of combat training of Northern fleet in the Barents sea, another series of tests of aviation-technical means of the ship. Together with the crews of Ka-27 helicopters of the Northern fleet air base was developed an element such as a landing ship helicopter on the ship.

According to the press service of the Northern fleet in the near future a complex of tests of aviation-technical means of the ship will continue. In the Barents sea will be developed in collaboration with the Sukhoi su-24 separate mixed aviation regiment of the 45th army air force and air defense of the Northern fleet complex tasks in the detection and tracking of air targets at long range and over a range of heights with the on-Board radio and radar armament of the frigate.

Head frigate of the project 22350 "Admiral of Fleet of Soviet Union of pots" arrived to the Northern fleet for the final stages of state testing of technical means and armament in the autumn of last year. Currently he has completed a series of tests associated with a complex of missile armament, in the White sea. In the Barents sea continue testing various ship systems and mechanisms.

Project 22350 frigates are typical ships dlinnoplodny design, with a solid superstructure made using composite structural materials based on polyvinyl chloride and carbon fibers (composite materials provide a lower-level secondary radar field of the ship by absorption and scattering of radio waves). Physical field frigate is minimized.Thanks to the original add-in architecture and use of composite structural materials reduced effective surface scattering of the ship, which reduces its radar and optical visibility.

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