Super pitanje.
Jedan vojni analitičar je izjavio pre neki dan kako se lako mogu preraditi za tu svrhu mada ja baš nisam siguran u tu priču. Čemu trošak kad prevoz i lansiranje krstarećih već imaju kontejnere.
Da li se iz lansera raketa SM-3 mogu lansirati krstareće rakete ili bilo kakve rakete zemlja-zemlja?
Ako su u pitanju brodski Mk 41 vertikalni lanseri, odgovor je da.
Da li se iz lansera raketa SM-3 mogu lansirati krstareće rakete ili bilo kakve rakete zemlja-zemlja?
Ako su u pitanju brodski Mk 41 vertikalni lanseri, odgovor je da.
Ali i njih imas tri verzije, razlicite velicine i to je na brodu gde je pod AEGIS sve, i moze da lansira samo tomahavk.
Citat:Mk 41 VLS adopts a modular design concept, which results in different versions that vary in size and weight. The length comes in three sizes: 209 in (5.3 m) for the self-defense version, 266 in (6.8 m) for the tactical version, and 303 in (7.7 m) for the strike version. The empty weight for an 8-cell module is 26,800 lb (12,200 kg) for the self-defense version, 29,800 lb (13,500 kg) for the tactical version, and 32,000 lb (15,000 kg) for the strike version, thus incorporating anti-submarine warfare (ASW) systems and Tomahawk Land Attack Cruise Missiles (TLAM). Shipboard torpedo and naval gunnery systems are also integrated.
zixo ::Jedno pitanje.
Da li se iz lansera raketa SM-3 mogu lansirati krstareće rakete ili bilo kakve rakete zemlja-zemlja?
Sa druge teme juce
SM-6 ti se sad u mornarici, a u sklopu Aegis razaraca i krstarica, testira za upotrebu i kao protivbrodska raketa/za gadjanje povrsinskih meta a to je smesna raketa(PVO raketa nesto manja od raketa za S-300 sa duplo manjom glavom) u poredjenju sa SM-3 koji je glavno oruzje Aegisa, a posebno u odnosu na buduci SM-3 Block IIA i Block IIB. Mada ni on nebi imao nekog smisla bez nuklearne glave( ovako nema nikakvu jer je kineticki presretac).
Uskoro test i sa F-35 u sklopu NIFC-CA (Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air)
Citat:Patel said the Navy is also expanding NIFC-CA by introducing more sensors, specifically the F-35. NIFC-CA today primarily relies on the E-2D, which are limited in number. The F-35 will be fielded in great numbers by countries around the world, so the Navy is eager to prove out the NIFC-CA/F-35 combo.
The Navy will conduct a live-fire test in September at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, where an F-35 will detect an over-the-horizon threat with its RF sensor and send data back to the USS Desert Ship (LLS-1) land-based ship simulator, which will then launch an SM-6 to intercept the threat.
“It’s no different than E-2D,” Patel said – except that the sensor will be new to NIFC-CA, as will the Mid Air Data Link (MADL) that was developed for F-35s to communicate with one another. The test will assess the Navy’s ability to take unrelated technologies and successfully close the fire control loop.
Patel added that the F-35 brings significant capability to the fleet, but his office is only funded to look at the RF sensor for now. Many of its other sensors could be integrated into NIFC-CA if additional funds were appropriated.
Juzna Koreja i Japan modernizuju svoje na nivo Baseline 9, uz to Japan ugradjuje AEGIS na jos dva broda, Atogo razarace.
Citat:The most current version, Baseline 9, can intercept low-flying cruise missiles, aircraft, anti-ship missiles, high-flying aircraft, and even ballistic missiles and satellites in low Earth orbit. A special version of the Standard missile, the SM-3, was developed just for this purpose. Baseline 9 can even allow ships to attack other ships with the SM-6 air defense missile.