Antibalističke (ABM) i antisatelitske (ASAT) rakete


Antibalističke (ABM) i antisatelitske (ASAT) rakete

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 6283
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija

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  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 172
  • Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna

On alert comes a new set of long-range missile defense

The missile shield will strengthen Moscow's "Gazelle"

Commander Allied Aerospace Defense (ASD) of Russia set a date for pilot and combat-training tests of the new system A-235 "aircraft-M", which will be a key element of the anti-missile shield in Moscow and the region. Source-in-command said "News" that the test will take place in late spring or early fall of 2013. Following those A-235 may enter the alert.

- Will shoot a missile 53T6, which in the West is classified as a Gazelle. Now Moscow position area to protect the A-135 "Airplane", equipped only with nuclear warheads. A "Gazelle" can have both nuclear and kinetic warhead. Simply put, the disc - says the source of "Izvestia".

Ability to opt out of a powerful nuclear missile weapons appeared in connection with the development of modern means of communication and guidance. A-135 is on active duty in the 1970's, when the operators were not able to guidance to hit the incoming missile. In contrast, the A-235 can be induced by radio signals from the ground to the nearest centimeter.

"Plane-M", developed the design bureau "Innovator" in Yekaterinburg, performs tasks that are different from the well-known problems now S-400 "Triumph" and advanced S-500 "Prometheus". He has more height (up to 30 km) and range (up to 100 km) lesions. In addition, A-235 is able to capture most of the existing high-speed intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). But there is a downside: if the "Triumph" is equipped with a homing (a "fire and forget"), the "Aircraft-M" is controlled only by radio operator.

This is logical, said Officer Command EKR. All types of missile are induced by radio beam radar. Missile with a seeker needs only in the original direction, and then it looks for the very purpose. However, at altitudes of 30 km around the missile a cloud of plasma, which prevents radio pulses from the ground. So in the stratosphere homing ineffective and may only radio command guidance with a focused beam of high power.

The complex includes a 235-radar (SAR) "Don-2M" and launchers "Gazelle". Virtually all of the performance characteristics of A-235 is a state secret. We only know that he will be armed with long-range and medium-range interceptor missiles. Does the radius of a nuclear-warhead or disc - too secret, shared with "Izvestia" a source in the command of EKR.

President of the Institute of Strategic Studies, Alexander Konovalov called "Plane-M" missile components present in contrast to the A-135.

- The task of defense to keep their facilities and infrastructure, and the "Airplane" is only capable of a nuclear interception, which suffer more from their own facilities. A-235 due to the kinetic warhead will destroy an enemy missile without prejudice cover your territory. On the other hand, nuclear interceptor missiles explode quite a few miles away from the target, and the kinetic require ultra-precise. It is doubtful that the designers 'innovators' achieved outstanding successes in the stratosphere - Konovalov told "Izvestia".

The official representative of the command EKR Alexei Zolotukhin was unable to comment "News" plans to test.

Work on the "Aircraft-M" conducted in 1997. In 2011, passed the first test at the Sary-Shagan. He must be on duty together with its predecessor A-135.

  • Pridružio: 14 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 1364

Negde sam pročitao, ali nemam pojma gde, da se u budućnosti za Moskvu planira antibalistička odbrana u tri nivou. Velikog dometa do visina od 800km, srednjeg do visina od 100km i malog(dalji razvoj postojećih raketa 53T6) do visina od 40km. Pri tom nukelarnu bojevu glavu bi nosila raketa velikog i eventualno srednjeg dometa.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212


Drugar jel ima neki link ili nesto sto vodi ka takvim info ?

  • Pridružio: 14 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 1364

Ima, kad ga iskopam kačim Wink

Namuči me Smile

Citat:Предположительно, вычислительные мощности А-135 в обновленном А-235 будут заменены; вместо устаревшего "Эльбрус-2" будет установлен новый суперкомпьютер "Эльбрус-3М". Кроме того, А-235 будет состоять из трех эшелонов. В состав дальнего эшелона войдут противоракеты на базе 51Т6, способные поражать цели на дальности до 1,5 тысячи километров и на высоте до 800 тысяч метров. Для среднего эшелона будет создан стрельбовый комплекс 58Р6, предназначенный для поражения целей на дальности до тысячи километров и на высоте до 120 тысяч метров.

Наконец, в ближний эшелон могут быть включены противоракеты 53Т6М (вероятно, одна из них и была испытана 20 декабря 2011 года) или 45Т6 (создаются на базе 53Т6). Они смогут уничтожать цели на дальности до 350 километров и на высоте, по разным данным, 40-50 тысяч метров. Предположительно, противоракеты дальнего эшелона будут оснащаться ядерной боевой частью.

Na sajtu

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212



Kao sto moze da se vidi (na temi o zahorizontalnim radarima)RF kontrolise ili ce uskoro kontrolisati citav VaP kako sopstveni tako i okolni sto se odbrane od bal.raketa tice .Medjutim i ona se kontrolise od strane Amera.



  • Pridružio: 14 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 1364

Kinezi su presreli interkontinetalnu raketu. Zna li neko nešto više...

Evo i slika ako pomaže

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212



Izgleda da kineski ABM program zadire `daleko` u proslost

Citat:Historical Project 640

Project 640 had been the PRC's indigenous effort to develop ABM capability.The Academy of Anti-Ballistic Missile & Anti-Satellite was established from 1969 for the purpose of developing Project 640. The project was to involve at least three elements, including the necessary sensors and guidance/command systems, the Fan Ji (FJ) missile interceptor, and the XianFeng missile-intercepting cannon. The FJ-1 had completed two successful flight tests during 1979, while the low-altitude interceptor FJ-2 completed some successful flight tests using scaled prototypes. A high altitude FJ-3 interceptor was also proposed. Despite the development of missiles, the programme was slowed down due to financial and political reasons. It was finally closed down during 1980 under a new leadership of Deng Xiaoping as it was seemingly deemed unnecessary after the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty between the Soviet Union and the United States and the closure of the US Safeguard ABM system .

Citat:Development of midcourse ABM in China

The technology and experience from the successful anti-satellite test using a ground-launched interceptor during January 2007 was immediately applied to current ABM efforts and development.
China carried out a land-based anti-ballistic missile test on 11 January 2010. The test was exoatmospheric and done in midcourse phase and with a kinetic kill vehicle. China is the second country after US that demonstrated intercepting ballistic missile with a kinetic kill vehicle, the interceptor missile was a SC-19. The sources suggest the system is not operationally deployed as of 2010.
Rumored midcourse missiles:SC-19 ,KT-1 ,KT-II, KT-III

No tema je ipak sovjetski/ruski ABM sistemi .

  • Pridružio: 14 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 1364

Ameri kukaju da će da im obaraju i satelite. Tako da možda nije loše dovoriti novu temu. Posle moskovskog ABM i američkog GMD sprema se treći sistem u režiji žutih.

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