Elektronsko ometanje


Elektronsko ometanje

  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2019
  • Poruke: 6229

Piše da je CIA stajala iza kompanije Crypto AG čije je uređaje koristila Jugoslavija


Electronic Message Unit

HC-5205 was an Electronic Message Unit (EMU) with built-in encryption, developed by Crypto AG in Zug (Switzerland) around 1988. The device was used for sending secure text-based messages via HF, VHF and UHF radio links. The one shown here is a custom variant of the HC-5200/5250, and was produced especially for the Yugoslav 1 armed forces. It has an adapted keyboard and is compatible with the other members of the Cryptomatic 5000 series, such as the HC-5300/5350.

"Intelligence Coup Of The Century": CIA Ran Global Spy Op Using Well-Known Swiss Encryption Company


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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • goxin 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 7806
  • Gde živiš: Srpsko Sarajevo

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Zasto se nije pametno osloniti na BPL i digitalizaciju (mora analogna alternativa postojati)

  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2017
  • Poruke: 2657

reče Pravda, apsolutno objektivan medij, uopšte neprivržen Rusiji koja ne ume da napravi krštenu BPL od Tu-143 naovamo.

  • goxin 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 7806
  • Gde živiš: Srpsko Sarajevo

Da Hrcak, ali nesto se desilo, Erdogan otisao Putinu na noge u Moskvu, Putin mu se izvinuo zbog Turskih zrtava, bila pobuna i tuca u parlamentu u Ankari zbog gubitaka .

Rusi su jaki sa el. ometanjem a slucajno sam bio prisutan prilikom gubitka BPL jakog proizvodjaca (nekoliko njih ) u borbenoj zoni, ne znamo od koga tacno. to se desilo prije par godina i od tada tvrdim da je ok protiv sosona ali nije bas pouzdano.

  • d.ing Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3568
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Napisano: 13 Mar 2020 22:18

Врх врхова ЕРБ
Новейшие иcтpeбuтeли CША сгорают на пол пути! Русская РЭБ показала свою мощь!

Dopuna: 13 Mar 2020 22:29

i verojatno vrh vrhova

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Latest jamming system arrives for electronic warfare troops in central Russia
The Pole-21 electronic countermeasures station is intended to protect strategically important facilities

Citat:YEKATERINBURG, November 13. /TASS/. The latest jamming station Pole-21 has arrived for the first time for a separate electronic warfare unit of Russia’s Central Military District stationed in the Sverdlovsk Region in the Urals, the District’s press office reported on Wednesday.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9455

Може неко да објасни како раде ови земаљски ситеми?

Прочитах негде да су турци користили свој корал систем у пару са аваксом, и тако заслепљивали Сиријске ПВО системе како би им беспилотне прилазиле довољно близу да их униште.

Да ли је то упопште могуће, да корал шаље таласе ка аваксу те да их овај преусмерава ка Сирији из Турског ВП и заслепљује радаре? Surprised

  • Pridružio: 05 Apr 2009
  • Poruke: 3723
  • Gde živiš: JAGODINA

Ajde jedno pitanje, ovde se analiziraju 90% ruski ECM sistemi. Rusi ovo, Rusi ono, a ima li još neka zemlja da proizvodi sisteme za recimo borbu protiv BPL ili uopšte ED montiranih na vozila?

Ja sam na Ukrajnskom sajtu našao neki njihov sistem ali piše da se proizvodi u kompaniji koja je u Donjecku...
Da li je to sada pod Ruskim okriljem ili taj sistem još uvek mogu da naprave i Ukrainci?

  • d.ing Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3568
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

MOZHDA se ovde krije i odogovor .

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shta kazhe VIKI
Комплекс Мандате-М креирало је Републичко научно-производно предузеће КБ Радар [20] . Модернизација застојних станица састоји се од потпуне замене све електронске опреме (осим појачала), додавања нових средстава комуникације и побољшања услова живота. Као резултат модернизације, тактичке и техничке карактеристике комплекса су побољшане и обезбеђују се:

панорамско откривање и проналажење правца на основу дигиталне обраде сигнала;
прикупљање, обрада и похрана података у рачунарским базама података;
приказ електронског окружења на дигиталној мапи подручја;
аутоматско рангирање и распоређивање циљева;
детекција и радио-сузбијање комуникационих линија брзим прескакањем фреквенција.
Управљачки центар Р-330К је модернизован потпуном заменом све електронске опреме, осим комуникације и уградње новог софтвера.

i odogov na jutjub pocetak na 10.23 ali gde su sutruchnajci ko che znati.

  • d.ing Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3568
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Napisano: 11 Okt 2020 22:03

Citat:The Khibiny-U is the next-generation modification of the onboard defense system with expanded capabilities by the frequency band, the range of targets and other parameters, he said.

A contract with Russia’s Defense Ministry for developing the Khibiny-U onboard electronic warfare system was signed at the MAKS aerospace show outside Moscow in 2013. It was reported that the contract for carrying out R&D work to develop the fighter jets’ defense system against surface-to-air missiles and conducting all types of trials was worth 1.6 billion rubles ($28 million at the current exchange rate).

The onboard defense system comprises integrated technical means designed to identify and classify the threat of the protected object’s destruction, and also to neutralize it. Source: tass.com

Su-30SM/Su-30SM1: Details

Su-30 received an electronic shield

VCS of Russia will be equipped with fighter planes with the newest suppression stations

June 28, 2018, 00:01

Citat:Alexander Kruglov Bogdan Stepova

Russian Su-30SM fighters will equip the newest stations of electronic suppression of SAP-518. This decision was made by the Military Space Forces (VCS) following the results of the study of the Syrian experience. These systems are able to protect aircraft from anti-aircraft and aircraft missile systems. They interfere with the means of homing, knocking down missiles from the trajectory. According to military experts, such complexes will significantly increase the survivability of Russian fighters.

As Izvestia was told in the General Staff of the VCS, the results of the operation in Syria decided to equip all multipurpose Su-30SM fighter jets with the SAP-518 jamming stations by the end of 2018. This system is being used as part of a large-scale modernization and technical re-equipment program for the fleet of aircrafts.

The station of active jamming of individual protection SAP-518 was created by the Kaluga scientific research radio engineering institute. It is designed to protect the aircraft from destruction by modern and prospective surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles. The system is especially effective against missiles with active radar homing systems. It also creates active interference to radar stations (radars) of aircraft, ground and ship air defense complexes.

When creating the SAP-518, the latest achievements in radio electronics were applied, including powerful broadband active antenna arrays. SAP-518 is housed in two suspended containers, which are installed on the wings of the aircraft. In one container there is a receiver for determining the frequency of the radiating signal. In the second - the device of digital radio frequency memory with a transmitter for the formation of a signal of interference.

SAP-518 allows you to select the most dangerous targets and to formulate optimal programs for their effective suppression. The device uses the so-called digital radio frequency memory (HDR) technology. Multichannel memory devices are able to receive and store copies of hundreds of radio frequency signals. Therefore, the HDI is capable of generating false goals that are difficult to distinguish from the real ones. Simulated signals are in fact radio portraits of various types of purposes. In fact, the HDR is engaged in disinformation of the enemy. As a result, he is forced to spend significant resources on tracking false goals, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of guidance systems.

The installation of advanced radio-electronic suppression stations on the Su-30 will greatly increase the survivability of the aircraft in the areas of air defense systems, the military expert Aleksey Leonkov told Izvestiya.

"The main purpose of SAP-518 is the individual protection of the aircraft," Aleksey Leonkov said. - The system works on the principle of anti-radar. That is, it constantly produces distorted information to the enemy locators: it reflects the signal with a delay, confuses the measurement of the range to the object, speed and angular position. This prevents the radar from detecting targets, determining their parameters and generating the necessary data for weapons systems.

The Su-30 is a Russian multipurpose fighter of the 4+ generation. On aircraft of this type, the concept of the use of powerful EW assets is being worked out. Combat experience of EW modules for Su-30 showed the possibility of neutralizing not only individual fighter radars, but whole air defense complexes under the control of integrated systems.

Source: iz.ru

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Dopuna: 13 Okt 2020 9:50

Kada ovde citam
Beloruske inachice chini mi se d asu bolje i od Ruskih

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Dopuna: 16 Okt 2020 22:34

Josh jedno sredstvo REB

Русское «тайное оружие» преподнесло неожиданный "сюрприз" "друзьям за лужей"!
Аббревиатура РЭБ, которая расшифровывается как радиоэлектронная борьба, стала звучать всё чаще, при том, что известно о ней не так уж и много. РЭБ Леер-3

  • d.ing Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3568
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Ranets E

mozhda ovo stane na put dronovima.
verojatno ga rusi uzhurnano vade iz naftalina.

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