Izraelski antiraketni stit


Izraelski antiraketni stit

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Dalja modernizacija Iron Dome

Citat:Detection systems at the service's main ballistic picture centre will be replaced with a newer version that will allow for the detection of 99% of the rockets and missiles launched towards Israel. The equipment will specifically scan an attacked area, meaning that fewer false alarms will be sounded and reducing disruption to civilians.

"This new system is a great advancement; it will give a better solution to all levels of operations and detection issues," says Maj Offir, commander of the main ballistic picture centre. "It is a control system managed by sensors and was invented by the Israeli air force and industry. It will replace the older system very soon," he told the Israeli air force magazine.

One of the main system improvements is the ability to have a more precise evaluation of the area under attack within Israel. This will allow earlier alerts to be activated in specific zones.

Meanwhile, Rafael and the Israeli air force have successfully tested an upgraded version of the service's Iron Dome rocket interceptor. Tested earlier this month, the enhanced system is designed to shoot down rockets at greater ranges: a key requirement, as Israeli intelligence data suggests that Hezbollah militants in Lebanon have acquired longer-range weapons from Iran.

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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102942

Napisano: 30 Jan 2013 14:23

Israel Successfully Tests Iron Dome Upgrade

Citat:The Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) of the Ministry of Defense, responsible for the development of Israel's multi-level defense system, completed a series of pre-planned trials today (Monday, January 21) as part of a project to upgrade the Iron Dome missile interception system.

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Dopuna: 06 Feb 2013 15:39

Third Iron Dome battery deployed to Israel’s north

Citat:Israel has stationed a third Iron Dome air defense battery in northern Israel on Tuesday. An army spokeswoman said the deployment has no link with any current events.

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Dopuna: 08 Feb 2013 17:01

Nece ga indijci ....za sada

Indian Air Force rejects Iron Dome

Citat:India has rejected Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system, offered to the Indian Air Force nearly two years ago.
Marshal Norman Anil Kumar Browne, the Indian Air Force (IAF) chief, told reporters at Aero India 2013 that Iron Dome is not suitable for the service.

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Nude im ga uz Spyder SR/MR koji vec imaju ali sta ce njima ? Lepo covek kaze

Citat:“It is a great system but not for India. Our country is larger, and have different needs” a senior Air Force leader told Vayu

Njima treba Arrow, David minimum jer im je prvenstvena pretnja vece balisticke rakete iz Pakistana i Kine.

Iron Dome montiran na kamion

Promotivni video

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  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4961

Baš bi bilo zanimljivo testirati ga po ruskim normama na Ašluku ne toliko na ove balističke ciljeve već na svu onu gamu ostalih ciljeva.
Uzgred ja bih ga kupio (mada to verovatno nije moguće) možda samo za Južnu Osetiju ali za nju definitivno.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102942

Hetz-3 missile sees successful live test
Citat:Defense Ministry says newest addition to surface-to-air missile defense system has successful first test fire; system to enable Israel to better counter future threats alongside Iron Dome, David's Sling

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  • boksi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 7837

Izrael testirao antiraketni sistem

Uspešno testiran antiraketni sistem "arou" (strela), saopštilo ministarstvo odbrane Izraela. Testiranje obavljeno zajedno sa američkim snagama. Taj sistem trebalo bi da brani Izrael od napada iz Irana.

Ministarstvo odbrane Izraela saopštilo je da je, zajedno sa sa američkim snagama, prvi put uspešno testiralo antiraketni sistem "arou" (strela). Taj sistem trebalo bi da brani Izrael od napada iz Irana.

Ministarstvo je objavilo da je ta proba "velika prekretnica u razvoju oružanog sistema 'arou 3'".

"Arou" je zajednički proizvod izraelske firme "Izrael aerospejs indastriz" i američkog "Boinga".

On nalazi dolazni projektil i uništava ga raketom. Iranska balistička raketa "šahab" može da nosi i nuklearnu bojevu glavu, a ima domet od 2.000 kilometara, te je Izrael u dometu.

"Arou" je deo "višeslojnog štita" Izraela za presretanje raketa i drugih projektila. Izrael smatra da su nuklearni i balistički raketni program Irana velika pretnja.

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Poljaci izgleda zele Davida za svoj stit

Citat:Reports within the Polish defence community suggest the Ministry of National Defence (MND) intends to designate a preferred supplier for the Polish Air and Missile Defence (AMD) 'Shield of Poland' programme by the end of March.

Rumours of a late-March announcement have been circulating in Warsaw since the beginning of 2013 and claim Undersecretary of State for Armament and Modernisation Waldemar Skrzypczak will declare the Israeli Rafael David's Sling system as the MND's preference.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Izraelski list "Haaretz" u elektronskom izdanju od 09.03.2013. objavio je analizu učinka IRON DOME koju su uradila trojica vrhunskih nezavisnih raketnih stručnjaka. Jedan od njih je radio u Rafaelu, drugi u Raytheonu na projektu Patriot, a treći je profesor na izraelskom Univezitetu i jedan je od vodećih eksperata za raketnu odbranu. Zaključak je zapanjujući. IRON DOME je, po njima, zaustavio svega 5% raketa koje je gađao, a moguće i manje od toga. Evo link, ali pošto je Haaretz na pretplatu dat je samo kratki sažetak analize. Pronašao sam cijeli tekst na engleskom i zalijepiću ga u cjelosti.
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While IDF figures put the Iron Dome missile defense system's success rate at 84 percent, three scientists claim the real figure could be much lower than that.
By Reuven Pedatzur | Mar.09, 2013 | 2:08 PM | 27

An Israeli missile is launched from the Iron Dome defense missile system in Ashdod, November 18, 2012. Photo by AFP

"Iron Dome’s intercept rate, defined as destruction of the rocket's warhead, was relatively low, perhaps as low as 5%, but could well be lower."

This astonishing figure, which casts a shadow of doubt on the figures published by the Israel Defense Forces regarding the Iron Dome missile defense system, was suggested by Professor Theodore Postol, a world-renowned scientist and expert in missile defense.

Postol, and two other rocket scientists, Dr. Mordechai Shefer, formerly of Rafael, and D., a scientist who until recently worked for Raytheon, the manufacturer of PATRIOT missiles, investigated the performance of Iron Dome performance during Operation Pillar of Defense and all reached similar conclusions: Iron Dome’s rate of success did not come close to the figure of 84% as reported by the IDF.

According to the three scientists, who conducted their research separately by analyzing dozens of videos filmed during the operation, most of the explosions which look as if they were successful interceptions, are actually just the self-destruction of the Iron Dome’s own missiles. The scientists point out that in every case the explosions, seen as balls of fire during the day and clouds of smoke at night, were round and symmetrical. In the case of successful interceptions, in which the incoming missile’s warhead is destroyed, there should have been another ball of fire or cloud of smoke.

They also uncovered a strange phenomenon whereby the Iron Dome’s missiles followed identical trajectories, and self-destructed at precisely the same time. In some of the videos, it appears that the Iron Dome’s missiles made a very sharp turn shortly before self-destruction. That cannot be, say the scientists, as there is no way that the missile defense system could “remember” that it needs to turn in the direction of the incoming Grad missile a quarter-second before it self-destructs.

In some cases, it seems as if the trajectories of Iron Dome missiles were preset.

In many cases, the Iron Dome’s missiles are seen taking a sharp plunge, and chasing after the incoming rockets from behind. In such a scenario, the chances that the interceptor could come into close enough proximity to destroy the incoming missile’s warhead are miniscule. In order to destroy an incoming missile’s warhead, the Iron Dome missile would need to follow a trajectory that would result in a direct hit, or at least a hit at a sharp angle.

The scientists also discovered that 3,200 civilian damage reports were filed for destruction caused by incoming rockets. It is impossible, claim the scientists, that the 58 rockets that weren’t intercepted – the number reported by the IDF – could have caused damage on such a large scale.

When they compare the damage during Pillar of Defense to the damage from the Gulf War, or the Second Lebanon War, serious questions arise regarding the number of rockets that were not successfully intercepted by Iron Dome, and fell in populated areas. Also, Israel Police reported that it dealt with 109 cases of rockets falling in populated areas, which is almost double the figure reported by the IDF.

The reports compiled by the three scientists cast even more doubt on the rate of success touted by the IDF. While it is difficult to stomach such harsh criticism of the army’s figures, the scientists’ claims should not be ignored without remembering the aftermath of the Gulf War. Initial reports following that conflict claimed a 96% rate of success for Patriot missiles. Later, an extensive study carried out by Professor Postol revealed that the rate of success was actually zero.

IDF spokesperson's response: Operation Pillar of Cloud will be investigated in all its aspects, including the activity of the Iron Dome system. All interceptions [of missiles] by Iron Dome are investigated, with cross-checking of system data, radar [data], reports of different sources on the ground and other information. The data of [Iron Dome] activity was arrived at based on this process.

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Contrary to Israeli claims that Iron Dome’s success rate in destroying incoming Palestinian rockets during the regime’s massive military strikes against the blockaded Gaza strip was 90 percent, studies by weapons experts in the US and Israel suggest that the anti-missile system “destroyed no more than 40 percent” of the rockets “and perhaps far fewer,” the report emphasizes.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102942

Napisano: 06 Maj 2013 13:13

Maj 2013

Citat:An 'Iron Dome' short-range missile defence system is pictured near the northern Israeli city of Haifa on May 5, 2013. Israel carried out a pre-dawn air strike near Damascus, targeting Iranian missiles destined for Lebanon's Hezbollah in the second such raid on Syria in three days, a senior Israeli source said.

Dopuna: 25 Jun 2013 7:35

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