Izraelski antiraketni stit


Izraelski antiraketni stit

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101829

IDF rasporedjuje jos Iron Dome

Citat:Israel is deploying Iron Dome air defense systems around occupied Al-Quds ahead of Thursday’s flags parade.

  • Kubovac  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 12 Jul 2016
  • Poruke: 5848

Nemačka planira da uloži 4,3 milijarde dolara u izraelski protivraketni sistem Arrow-3

Sistem funkcioniše kao gornji sloj izraelske protivraketne odbrane, a Berlin će ga koristiti kao protivmeru potencijalnim pretnjama iz Moskve

Prema dokumentima koje je otkrio Rojters, Nemačka je planirala da do kraja godine nabavi izraelski odbrambeni raketni sistem Arrow 3 po ceni od oko 4,3 milijarde dolara. Vlada bi trebalo da odobri početnu uplatu od 495 miliona dolara već sledeće nedelje.

Prema otkrivenim dokumentima Ministarstva finansija, Berlin planira da potpiše međuvladin sporazum sa Izraelom za nabavku Arrow 3 do kraja godine. A ako sporazum ne bude zaključen, Nemačka bi mogla da izgubi deo ili sve avansne uplate kao kompenzaciju za dosadašnje troškove.

Izraelski vojnici šetaju u blizini raketnih odbrambenih sistema Iron Dome (levo), Patriot (sredina) i Arrow 3 (desno) u bazi izraelskih vazduhoplovnih snaga Hatzor u centralnom Izraelu:

Izvor: https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/diplomacy/16.....ile-system

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31296

Nesto novo, Sky Sonic, presretac za hipersonicne rakete. Bice predstavljen na Pariz airshow.

RAFAEL Unveils Sky Sonic: Hypersonic Missile Interceptor

Citat:Haifa, Israel - June 14, 2023 - RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Ltd., a leading defense technology company, announced today that it has developed an advanced interceptor, named "Sky Sonic," as a groundbreaking defensive response to the growing threat of hypersonic missiles. This revolutionary system will be officially unveiled for the first time at the Paris Air Show, one of the world's largest aerospace exhibitions, opening next week.

The Sky Sonic interceptor represents a major technological leap in hypersonic missile defense. Designed with exceptional maneuverability and high-speed capabilities, it effectively neutralizes hypersonic missiles, which travel at ten times the speed of sound, with unmatched precision and stealth. RAFAEL's booth at the Paris Air Show will showcase the interceptor, highlighting the company's commitment to pushing the boundaries of air defense technology.

Over the past years, the threat posed by hypersonic missiles has escalated, necessitating proactive measures to safeguard national security. RAFAEL, known for its pioneering contributions in the field of defense systems such as the renowned "Iron Dome," "David's Sling," and the cutting-edge "Iron Beam" laser-based system, is proud to be at the forefront of developing an effective solution to counter hypersonic threats.

Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Chairman of RAFAEL "RAFAEL has identified a marked increase and arousing interest in the international arena with proven operational capabilities and a geopolitical reality that has created many opportunities. We are following the developments and emerging threats in the current security context and are developing the most advanced defense systems. Project Sky Sonic is an innovative, unique development of its kind for the hypersonic weapon threat.

Major General Yoav Har Even, CEO of Rafael "We are coming to the air show with RAFAEL's vast and impressive portfolio that includes systems that are at the forefront of technology. We at RAFAEL believe that even the seemingly impossible can be done. We have proven this in the past and will continue to prove it in the future. The orders for these systems are breaking records and for the first time we stand on a backlog of orders of over 40 billion NIS and alongside the activity as a successful global business company, RAFAEL continues to be a significant pillar in the security of the State of Israel."

Brigadier General Pini Yungman, Executive Vice President and Head of the Air Defense Division at Rafael: "RAFAEL has achieved a reputation as a leading global manufacturer of air defense systems. From groundbreaking and operationally proven systems like the Iron Dome in its various configurations, to the David's Sling and the SPYDER, we continue to look ahead and develop the next generations of systems to defend against the threats of tomorrow."

Sa promo snimka se jedino moze videti da poseduje odvojivu bojevu glavu koja se odvaja od tela rakete i u terminalnoj fazi je upravljiva. Vrlo verovatno je kineticki presretac. Slicno kao THAAD.
Drugo pitanje je da li je ovo poseban sistem ili samo presretac koji bi se ispaljivao naprimer iz postojecih lansera Arrow 3.

  • Kubovac  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 12 Jul 2016
  • Poruke: 5848

Izrael je završio uspešne testove raketnog sistema PVO David`s Sling

Serija testova uključivala je simulacije napada balističkim projektilima, krstarećim projektilima, avionima i bespilotnim letelicama. Uspešna presretanja su dokazala mogućnosti sistema Davidova Praćka tokom sukoba, koji je nazvan centralnom komponentom izraelskog sistema protivvazduhoplovne odbrane, uključujući Arrow, Iron Dome i Mornarički Iron Dome.

„Tokom operacije Štit i Strela (protiv islamskog džihada u Gazi, maja ove godine, prim. Kubovac) prvi put smo bili svedoci operativnih sposobnosti sistema David`s Sling“, citiran je u saopštenju generalni direktor Ministarstva odbrane, general-major (res.) Ejal Zamir, sumirajući značajan korak.

Izvor: https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/defense/1688.....nse-system

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101829

Toni ::Finska kupuje Davida kao novi sistem dugog dometa.
New Long-Range Air Defence System for the Finnish Defence Forces

Ameri dali zeleno svetlo
Israel gets US nod for sale of David’s Sling missile system to Finland
Arrow https://defbrief.com/2023/08/03/israel-gets-us-nod.....o-finland/

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101829

Maroko dobio prvi Barak MX
Morocco acquires Israeli Barak MX Air and Missile Defense System
Arrow https://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_news_augus.....ystem.html

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101829

Nemci dobili zeleno svetlo od amera za kupovinu Arrow 3
Citat:Israeli MoD announces that US has approved the $3.5 billion sale of Arrow 3 missile defense system to Germany.
Initial $600m down payment allows immediate start; final contract signature by November.


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101829

Marinci dokupljuju
U.S. Marine Corps set to strengthen Air Defense with additional purchase of Iron Dome system
Citat:This strategic procurement involves the acquisition of 1,840 Tamir interceptor missiles, 44 launchers, and 11 US-made command centers, signaling a significant enhancement to the Marine Corps’ air defense capabilities.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101829

Slovacka kupuje Barak MX
Arrow https://twitter.com/praisethesteph/status/1709518977116815565

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