Laseri kao PVO


Laseri kao PVO

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 1548

Ja koliko sam obavešten Amerikanci su napravili Free electron Laser weapon, i on je instaliran za testiranje na jednom od Američkih Razarača, A u suštini to bi bilo teslino oružije.Postavio sam ja to pitanje pre mesec dana na , temi Brodsko Naoružanje i još negde, ali niko ništa nije odgovarao.

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  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 521
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Sta je zapravo teslino oruzje niko pojma nema, moze se samo nagadjati, ko zna dal uopste postoji. Mediji su cudo, oni kad poture pricu pa to ti je...
Pregrst tih cudnih naprava je pravljena za vreme 2. svetskog rata, od kojih je vecina neslavno zavrsila. Pocevsi od zvucnog topa pa nadalje...

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31440

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31440

Citat:Rheinmetall and the German Bundeswehr have successfully tested a high-energy laser effector installed on a German warship operating on the high seas.
For the test Rheinmetall mounted a 10-kilowatt high-energy laser (HEL) effector on a MLG 27 light naval gun mounted on the ship. The tests included tracking of potential targets such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and very small surface craft. While these engagements were passive and laser was not fired at sea, the HEL effector was tested separately, against stationary targets on land. Demonstrating the feasibility of integration of Rheinmetall’s HEL effector on MLG27 in maritime operations, the test program provided significant insights for future development of marine HEL systems

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103059

Evo i engleza
Britain to Name Contractor for Testing Laser Weapon

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31440

Citat:MBDA Deutschland has developed a rotatable laser effector designed to deploy on various land and sea-based platforms and is integrated with the platform via standardised interfaces. The company is displaying the new system this week at the ILA Berlin Air Show. The new weapon system is especially suitable for defence against highly agile targets such as UAVs, rockets and mortar shells.

With a beam guidance system covering a full hemisphere, the system can acquire targets in a 360-degree operational arc, track and then destroy specific targets using the weapon’s powerful laser beam.

The integrated tracking systems ensure a stable holding point on the target, and thus rapid target engagement. Short engagement times also make this effector capable of defending against swarming attacks such as UAVs attacking from different directions. The mirror optics used are capable of harnessing higher laser power levels than those currently available today.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103059

MBDA Deutschland is presenting a new 360-degree laser weapon at ILA 2016
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  • boksi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 7837

Nemačka kompanija "MBDA Deutschland" predstavila je u Berlinu svoj novi laserski sistem predviđen za obranu od dronova i drugih letelica bez posade.

Reč je o oružju koje ima mogućnost okretanja za 360 stepeni i koje može biti instalirano na različite platforme na zemlji ili moru – iako bi osnovna funkcija trebala da bude odbrana od dronova, nije isključena upotreba i protiv različitih projektila.

Direktor navedene kompanije za sisteme budućnosti doktor Markus Martinšteter za časopis Džejns je otkrio da je sistem u razvoju od 2007. godine.

„Ideja da se laseri koriste u vojne svrhe prilično je stara, ali se uglavnom kretala oko hemijskih lasera koji su preveliki i neefikasni. Oko 2007. godine smo shvatili da novi laseri daju interesantne nivoe snage između dva i pet kilovata koju možemo koristiti“, istakao je Martinšteter.

Osim snage podjednako je važna i postojanost laserskih zraka koji će u završnici presuditi može li laser postati učinkovito oružje.

Taj novi sistem koristi optiku ogledala kako bi skupio veće nivoe snage i usmerio laser u vazduhu koji će poremetiti elektro-optički sistem drona ili ga uništiti na mestu.

Novi sistem bi metu trebalo da locira, identifikuje, da prati i na kraju uništi. Domet sistema bio bi između tri i pet kilometara.

Za razliku od prikazanog modela, kompanija u svom sedištu na jugu Nemačke trenutno testira prototip jačine 40 kilovata.

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  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16166
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Ranxerox ::Ja koliko sam obavešten Amerikanci su napravili Free electron Laser weapon, i on je instaliran za testiranje na jednom od Američkih Razarača, A u suštini to bi bilo teslino oružije.Postavio sam ja to pitanje pre mesec dana na , temi Brodsko Naoružanje i još negde, ali niko ništa nije odgovarao.
Tesla nije radio nikakve eksperimente slične laserskoj tehnologiji, znači sa manipulacijom fotona odnosno kvantne tehnike. Njegovi eksperimenti su svi bili sa bazičnim radiotalasima.

  • boksi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 7837

A high-energy laser beam system, dubbed “Iron Beam,” was put into operation in early 2016 to complement the “Iron Dome” defense system. It is funded by the U.S. and the Israeli Ministry of Defense.

The laser system produced by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, of Haifa, Israel, has proven capable of destroying short-range rockets, artillery and mortars too small for the Iron Dome system to effectively intercept.

The system successfully has targeted mortar and artillery shells in more than 100 tests and engaged and destroyed small unmanned aerial vehicles.

Iron Beam uses a high-energy fiber optic laser to destroy airborne objects within four to five seconds of firing.
Current power levels are tens of kilowatts and are expected to be increased to hundreds of kilowatts with far greater destructive capability.

An Iron Beam battery is mobile and composed of an air defense radar, a command and control unit and two high-energy laser systems.

Boeing, a U.S. leader in the work on such systems, successfully shot down 150 drones, rockets and other mock enemy targets in a series of recent tests. According to Boeing, these tests prove the laser weapon is reliable and capable of consistently “acquiring, tracking and engaging a variety of targets in different environments.”

These aren’t the only contractors working to develop high-powered laser weapons. Raytheon recently was awarded an $11 million contract to build a vehicle-mounted laser device capable of shooting down low-flying enemy targets.

At a time when North Korea, Iran and other less than friendly nations seem bent on developing weapons of mass destruction, laser beam defense technology may provide needed protection for the United States and its allies, particularly because laser systems with far greater energy are on the drawing board.
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