Poslao: 03 Avg 2020 21:51
- Pridružio: 29 Apr 2017
- Poruke: 644
Ovaj Kinez je nekako na nivou S-300PS. Ali kako je on kompatibilan sa Pantsirom, koji če ga najverovatnije braniti?
S-300 i S-400 nisu još ispalili rakete u ratu, tačno. Ali u Siriji on je borbeno djelovao kao IADS za podčinenje sustave i za sirsku PVO. Rusi nisu ispalili rakete S-400 zbog političkih razloga, jer bi to značilo, da je to rat na sasvim drugom nivou.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 03 Avg 2020 21:59
- babaroga
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
- Poruke: 9250
- Gde živiš: pecina stroga
Slazem se da ovo jeste velika macka u dzaku, bas zato sto kinezi nemaju reputaciju u PVO sistemima. Ali, valjda je tako moralo biti. Jedan divizion, pa ako bude valjao moze jos da se kupi. A ako ne valja onda natrag kod Rusa.
Poslao: 03 Avg 2020 22:21
- Pridružio: 30 Sep 2019
- Poruke: 282
Pljuju se Kinezi, a skoro smo videli kako je prosla rafinerija koju su cuvali high tech Patriot i ostalo
Nikad dobro
Poslao: 03 Avg 2020 22:34
- Apok
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Apr 2013
- Poruke: 2297
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Чему она "скејтерска рампа" иза кабине лансера? Компликује се израда а не видим шта се добија.
Poslao: 03 Avg 2020 22:39
- aramis s
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
- Poruke: 28786
- Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda
Imaš je i na samohodnoj Pečori-2M, a dobija se zaštita kabine pri lansiranju u azimutu bliskom 180º.
Poslao: 03 Avg 2020 23:19
- Pridružio: 07 Maj 2017
- Poruke: 32
Prošle godine:
'Vučić kaže da smo "mi razmišljali o tri baterije koje su sastavljene od po tri diviziona".'
Poslao: 03 Avg 2020 23:27
- Milos1977
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 31 Mar 2017
- Poruke: 1849
Meni se donekle svidja faktor mistike kod ovih pazara od Kineza. I za CH-92 sa FT-8C, i za FK3.
Jeftin, donekle nepoznat i ne proveren sistem sa ozbiljnim dometom moze da bude opasniji efekat od boljeg ali dobro poznatog.
Moguce je da ce tako probati i da zadrze osim naravno slika i objava kako smo konacno kupili malo jeftiniji "kineski S300"
Poslao: 04 Avg 2020 00:01
- shadower78
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 07 Apr 2012
- Poruke: 1483
- Gde živiš: Iznad zvijezda
Napisano: 03 Avg 2020 23:49
Evo još sa drugog sajta na kineskom.
The FK-3 air defense missile system is an all-weather, medium- long range. It can fight under complex electromagnetic environment conditions. The shooting range is 5-100 kilometers, and the shooting height is 50-27000 meters. It can intercept fixed-wing aircraft, cruise missiles, armed helicopters, and has the ability to intercept tactical air-to-surface bombs such as anti-radiation missiles. Using a highly maneuverable truck chassis, it can perform area, key and field air defense missions. Its own model Hongqi-22 has been equipped with air defense forces of the Chinese Air Force.
Dopuna: 03 Avg 2020 23:53
I još malo.
The FK-3's guidance system does not use popular active radar heads or Patriot 1/2 (PAC1/2), Russian S300 TVM guidance. TVM conductor system is now used in some models of Russia's S300 and even S400. TVM guidance is developed on the basis of semi-active radar guidance. The difference with semi-active radar guidance is that the seeker does not process the echo after receiving the target's radiation, but transmits it to the ground guidance station through downlink for calculation and processing, and sends the processing result back to the missile, and the missile directly uses the received result Take control. This method is mainly due to the limitation of the integrated circuit level in the 1970s, and the data processing capability of the chip on the bomb is weak. In order to reduce the complexity and cost of the missile, this compromise method was adopted. Disadvantages When the transmission link is interfered, the performance of the missile will be affected.
Dopuna: 03 Avg 2020 23:58
Performanse mogu da budu uspoređene sa s300 pmu1.
This missile does not use a vertical launcher. Although the tilt launcher is not as good as the S300 in omni-directional launch, its launch preparation is not affected. The air defense missile systems equipped by the United States are also inclined to launch. The performance of FK-3 can be compared with that of Russia's S300PMU1, and its ability to enter the traditional Russian weapons market like Serbia is precisely the performance of its strength.
Dopuna: 04 Avg 2020 0:01
I ako sam nešto propustio nenamjerno sajt;
Poslao: 04 Avg 2020 00:39
- shadower78
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 07 Apr 2012
- Poruke: 1483
- Gde živiš: Iznad zvijezda
Specifications (CASIC):
Operating band: C (G/X) band
Radar cross section: 2m2
Maximum detection range: ≥120km
Minimum detection range: 3km
Operational performance: Altitude: 0.05~27km
Slant range: 5~70km (120 km)
Maximum operational airspace: Azimuth: 0~360º (mechanical rotation range)
-30º~+30º (electrical scanning range)
Elevation: -1º~+70º (electrical scanning range)