Poslao: 28 Jan 2019 00:31
- piston79
- Građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Feb 2015
- Poruke: 110
Kubovac ::@piston79
Za vreme rata 99-te,, srušena su 3 Predatora, a Amerikanci priznaju 2 kao borbeni gubitak, a 1 kao neborbeni.....(№ 95-3017 - 18/04/99).....
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 28 Jan 2019 08:04
- jazbar
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
- Poruke: 16142
- Gde živiš: Lublana
Kubovac ::Dobre su te Strele.....Kod nas 99-te Strelom 1M je pičnut onaj Predator što je izložen u Muzeju Vazduhoplovstva. A postoje indicije da je bar 1 A-10 pogođen ili Strelom 10M ili Kubom (blizinski upaljač)......
Srednji i veliki klipni ili turboelisni UAV su toliko spori i lete predvidljivom rutom, da bi bila sramota ako ga uhvati radar da se ga ne skine ako postoji u blizini neka PVO.
Poslao: 28 Jan 2019 08:55
- Kubovac
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 12 Jul 2016
- Poruke: 5852
Oluj2.1 ::Kubovac el si siguran da je nad RS oboren Predator ili čini mi se GNAT mada mu ovaj dođe predak neakako.
Pisao je naš drugar Danko SVIK o tome:
Slike su nejasne, odnosno letelice su prilično uništene, za razliku od nekih kod nas kada su pale u prilično dobrom stanju.....
Nađoh još podataka iz "Aviation Week & Space Technology Articles", Aug 21, 1995, sa naslovom teksta na strani 24. : "Two Predators destroyed in Bosnia".
E sad...evo ga i taj broj, pa sa desne strane pronađite dole stranice 24 i 25 i tu piše!
Poslao: 28 Jan 2019 23:27
- piston79
- Građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Feb 2015
- Poruke: 110
Citat:According to Yugoslav sources, one American Hunter UAV was shot down on 04-07-99 near Pristina before midnight Pentagon officially confirmed the loss of this aircraft. Yugoslav state television brodcasted an interview with a solder who brought this Hunter UAV down. He was near the SAM-9 vehicle when UAV entered their range. There was another inexperienced man on the control place of SAM-9 vehicle He saw a chance to shot but he hesitate due to lack of experience. This two solders switch their places and Hunter became a history.
Poslao: 29 Jan 2019 00:01
- Kubovac
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 12 Jul 2016
- Poruke: 5852
@piston 79
Moguće...stvar je u tome što ne postoje objedinjeni podaci o dejstvima ARJ PVO Kopnene Vojske.
Za jedinice RV i PVO postoje brojne publikacije, a postoje dosta precizni podaci i za Ratnu Mornaricu.
Tako da je sasvim moguće da je i taj Hunter oboren raketom iz sistema 9K31 Strela 1M i to iz sastava ARJ PVO Kopnene Vojske....
Possible....the thing is that there is no unified information about firings of air defence units of the Army.
When it comes to firings of air defence units of the Air Force and Air Defence there are a lot of publications issued, and precise info exist even for the firings of Navy air defence units.
So, it is possible that particular UAV Hunter was downed also by a missile fired from 9K31 Strela 1M, by one of the air defence units of the Army.
Poslao: 31 Mar 2019 16:57
- Kubovac
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 12 Jul 2016
- Poruke: 5852
piston79 ::
Статистика США/НАТО:
Източник: UA V Employment in Kosovo - Defense Technical Information Center
Yes, I have stated down below in the quoted list, that 25 UAVs are lost by various reasons. The source is analysis made for US army : "UAV employments in Kosovo - Lessons for operational commander".
Poslao: 31 Mar 2019 17:06
- piston79
- Građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Feb 2015
- Poruke: 110
Kubovac ::piston79 ::
Статистика США/НАТО:
Източник: UA V Employment in Kosovo - Defense Technical Information Center
Yes, I have stated down below in the quoted list, that 25 UAVs are lost by various reasons. The source is analysis made for US army : "UAV employments in Kosovo - Lessons for operational commander".
Now I saw it... Sorry, hope it is not a problem to have it here too...
Poslao: 31 Mar 2019 17:09
- Kubovac
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 12 Jul 2016
- Poruke: 5852
piston79 ::
Now I saw it... Sorry, hope it is not a problem to have it here too...
I see no problem!