Poslao: 22 Jun 2014 23:11
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 103231
Francuzi vezbali sa SA-8 Gecko
Citat:Du 10 au 12 juin 2014, l'escadron de guerre électronique (EGE) 48.530 a déployé son système d’arme sol/air à courte porté SA8 "GECKO" sur la base aérienne 133 de Nancy pour sa dernière campagne.
Lors de ces deux jours d'entraînement, des équipages de Mirage 2000D et de Mirage 2000N ont pu se frotter à ce système d'arme d'origine soviétique mis en œuvre par le personnel qualifié de l'EGE 48.530. A cette occasion, les pilotes et les navigateurs ont pu bénéficier de présentations statiques et participer à des missions aux côtés des opérateurs depuis l'intérieur du SA8.
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Poslao: 03 Sep 2014 16:36
- Toni

- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31467
Poljaci, Amerikanci i Osa
Citat:PRWB modernization proposed by WZU S.A. involves the application of: target identification system running a Mark XII standard Mode 4 with the possibility of upgrading to the Mark XIIa standard Mode 5 and Mode S, passive optoelectronic target detection and tracking devices that allow radio-electronic masking by reducing radiolocation radiation to minimum (an optoelectronic head was used, developed by WZU S.A., composed of day-night video camera, 3rd generation infrared camera and precision laser range finder operating in the eye safe band), a new digital radar signal analysis system with improved radio-electronic noise immunity (digital modules of large-scale systems integration developed by WZU S.A. were used), circular observation digital indicator and guidance digital indicator displaying all the information gathered from primary radar, secondary radar and imaging the scenery in the visible thermal band (computer-controlled indicators developed by WZU S.A. were used), modern blocks and modules that are the most unreliable or the most significant for the operation of the systems (digital modules of large-scale systems integration or semiconductor systems developed by WZU S.A. were used) and a GPS-assisted inertial land navigation system allowing precise determination of PRWB position WZU S.A. is currently working on adapting PRWB to launch new generation of smart missiles.
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Poslao: 11 Sep 2014 23:19
- aramis s

- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
- Poruke: 28853
- Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda
Već nude novu raketu "Błyskawica" tj Munju
Citat:- max range: 1,5 - 20 km;
- atitiude: 15 m - 10 km;
- target Vmax: 0 - 1000 m/s;
- target max manevrous: up to 9 g;
- "Błyskawica" Vmax: 1 300 m/s.
Poslao: 26 Okt 2014 15:13
- Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 35524
a evo šta su naši stručnjaci uradili sa njom
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Poslao: 26 Okt 2014 18:42
- Toni

- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31467
Ma slika Ose sa neta... Uostalom samo jos jedna glupost u fazonu sta bi moglo kad bi bilo i da jeste... Inace bi morao da proizvodis tu raketu da bi mogao da je negde nudis. Prodavanje magle.
Poslao: 27 Okt 2014 09:36
- jazbar
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
- Poruke: 16172
- Gde živiš: Lublana
nenad81 ::sta ce im radari na lanseru ako su ugradili R-60...
Pa toliko da pronađu i identifikuju cilj. Možda zajedno da se upotrebljavaju sa OSA raketama. Što imaš nabaciš na lanser, osim toga možeš da isključiš radar i deluješ u pasivnom modu sa optronikom.