Ovo kao stvoreno za nase prilike...ne verujem da bi kostalo bas mnogo
Citat:kак отметили в концерне, модернизированная ракета имеет три режима работы головки самонаведения:
инфракрасный и
ЗУР "9М333" позволяет вести огонь по принципу "выстрелил-забыл". Предназначена для поражения низколетящих самолетов и вертолетов в условиях применения оптических помех, а также беспилотников и крылатых ракет.
Missile operates on Fire & Forget principle. It's homing head features 3 types of guidance: photo-contrast, IR & home on jam.
Kako dupli domet? Ne vidim da igde to pominju.
Za 9M333 je max. 5000m/3500m.
Mislim da se ovde ipak radi o celom kompleksu Strela-10M4 sa 9M333 i testiranju u nocnim uslovima i uslovima ogranicene vidljivosti.
Taso ::Ovo kao stvoreno za nase prilike...ne verujem da bi kostalo bas mnogo
Ovo bi bilo kao stvoreno za Srbiju kad bi bilo nabavljeno u ozbiljnim kolicinama (bar 4-5 diviziona) i modernizacija postojecih. Ako bi bilo nabavljeno 4-6 komada kao sto je trend u vojnim nabavkama bilo bi.........
Pa bilo bi ono "Dzaba ste krecili"
Citat:Nema povećanja dometa, ali je povećana otpornost na ometanje i daljina otkrivanja
Da, ne pominje se povecanje dometa...
Evo jos nesto na engleskom
Citat:The new 9m333 SAM, compared to the 9m37m missile, has a slightly modified engine and container, as well as a new seeker with three receivers in different spectral ranges: photo-contrast, infrared (thermal) and interference with logical target selection against optical interference by spectral and trajectory characteristics, which significantly increased the noise immunity of the complex.
The new autopilot provided more stable operation of the seeker and the missile defense control loop as a whole in various rocket launch and flight modes, depending on the interference (background) situation.
The length of the rocket was increased to 2.23 m.
The new non-contact explosive device of the SAM was made on the basis of four pulsed laser emitters, an optical circuit forming an eight-beam radiation pattern, and a receiver of signals reflected from the target. The number of beams doubled in comparison with the 9m37 SAM increasing the effectiveness of hitting small-sized targets.
The 9m333 SAM warhead had an increased mass (5 kg instead of 3 kg in the 9m37 SAM) and was equipped with rod-shaped striking elements of larger cross-section and longer length. Due to the increase in the explosive charge, the speed of fragmentation of fragments was increased. The contact fuse consisted of a safety-detonating device, a self-destruct mechanism trigger, a contact target sensor and a transfer charge.