Billions for Political Gratitude - „polish(ed)” Patriot
Citat:“During the process of creating the air defence system, the political criterion was taken into account – namely it was the criterion of security for Poland within the Alliance” - this is the key declaration made by Minister of Defence, Tomasz Siemoniak, refferring to the “Wisła” tender. This statement also has the key value in understanding the selection of the Patriot system, and the upcoming negotiations with the Americans. Today we may indicate that Poland would select, should the Patriot missiles be the selected system, a strategic air defence solution which is the oldest, without official modernization plans. This does not give us full independence in the future, and moreover – that solution does not meet the Polish requirements.
Plakanje već poćelo.
Citat:The most important deficiency of the Rayethon’s system is simple – it simply does not exist. Should Poland still be willing to acquire the Patriot POL batteries, it would be significantly expensive. The US have no official plans to base their air-defence system on the basis of this system. What is more, there are no indications that such plans would ever will be created.
Kako to kod Amera ide, Poljaci će da plate razvoj??
Citat:Nobody notes the fact that while the price of the system offered by the Eurosam company – SAMP/T – is relatively stable, the Patriot costs have gone up, throughout the last year, with a 25% increase of the price. We should remember though that even if the EUR/USD exchange rate was shaped at the level of USD 1.387 per EUR 1, on 11th April, cost of one Euro was as little as USD 1.057. That means, in essence, that the US currency gained 23.8% in its value.
The currency exchange rate in the other direction is even worse. One dollar, a year ago, was an equivalent of EUR 0.721. Currently the value has gone up to EUR 0.946, which constitutes a 31.3% increase.
U tekstu dalje o raketama, radaru....
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