Citat:Given the state of territorial conflicts in East Asia, defence analysts and planners are looking at how island archipelagos may be defended on an ongoing basis. Here is one possible model.
Ulozice veliki novac u sistem koji mozda moze da funkcionise jedino pod uslovima da protivnik odradi sve prema njihovome planu. Ako PVO iskljuci radare i ukljuci poveliki broj mamaca, mnogi njihovi ,,jeftini krstareci projektili" ce zavrsiti bombardovanjem livada.
Vezano je za ovu temu( sa skorasnje vezbe gde su radili zajedno F-22, Tajfuni i Rafali), po njima postoji 10 integrisanih PVO sistema u svetu a za 10 godina bi ih po njima moglo biti 25
Citat:More specifically General Frank Gorenc, Commander USAFE noted, “the exercise is focused on utilizing the capabilities of the aircraft to penetrate Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2AD) environments, places where potential adversaries have taken what are very complex, very capable surface to air missile systems putting them together in a way that they are layered. This provides a redundancy in the same air space with the express purpose of making sure that whatever area we are talking about cannot be attacked from the air.”
Some of the most effective and sophisticated systems that support A2AD are the Russian S-300 and S-400 air defense systems. These systems (and like) are proliferating around the globe at an alarming rate. While not being specific in naming the systems or potential theaters, General Mark Welsh noted that while there may be “10 integrated Air Defense systems in the world today, they anticipate that there will be 25 such systems deployed globally in 10 years.” The Air Force must be able to “dismantle them, create lanes – until then, the military cannot can’t perform effective land and sea operations.”
Da dodamo na ona dva videa od gore i Gremline, mada dosta lice na one krilate krstarece/BPL iz drugog videa. 2020 ce biti odredjeno ko dobija ugovor, a rade ga Lokid, Dynetics, CEA i General Atomics
DARPA Wants To Swarm Enemy Skies With Small Reusable Drone Armies Called 'Gremlins'
Citat:The new drones are expected to cost around $700,000 each according to WIRED, and DARPA has requested a three hour flight time and 20-mission operational lifespan. The drones are to be developed using existing technologies, and will be launched from existing aircraft. The retrieval of the reusable drones has been left up to the four development teams to sort, but will go a long way in making the program far more efficient than existing drone capabilities.
The drones will be able to communicate information between each other in the swarm, and transmit intelligence to field operators on the ground or teams back on base. It’s this swarm system that should more effectively penetrate hostile airspace, with a far larger allowance for the possibility of losing aircraft. Another member of the swarm should be there to fill the gap.
Citat:CODE’s main objective is to develop and demonstrate the value of collaborative autonomy, in which UASs could perform sophisticated tasks both individually and in teams under the supervision of a single human mission commander. CODE-equipped UASs would perform their mission by sharing data, negotiating assignments, and synchronizing actions and communications among team members and with the commander. CODE’s modular open software architecture on board the UASs would enable multiple CODE-equipped unmanned aircraft to navigate to their destinations and find, track, identify, and engage targets under established rules of engagement. The UASs could also recruit other CODE-equipped UASs from nearby friendly forces to augment their own capabilities and adapt to dynamic situations such as attrition of friendly forces or the emergence of unanticipated threats.
“During Phase 1, we successfully demonstrated, in simulation, the potential value of collaborative autonomy among UASs at the tactical edge, and worked with our performers to draft transition plans for possible future operational systems,” said Jean-Charles Ledé, DARPA program manager. “Between the two teams, we have selected about 20 autonomous behaviors that would greatly increase the mission capabilities of our legacy UASs and enable them to perform complex missions in denied or contested environments in which communications, navigation, and other critical elements of the targeting chain are compromised. We have also made excellent progress in the human-system interface and open-architecture framework.”
CODE’s prototype human-system interface (HSI) is designed to allow a single person to visualize, supervise, and command a team of unmanned systems in an intuitive manner. Mission commanders can know their team’s status and tactical situation, see pre-planned and alternative courses of action, and alter the UASs’ activities in real time.
For example, the mission commander could pick certain individual UASs from a team, circle them on the command station display, say “This is Group 1,” circle another part of the map, and say “Group 1 search this area.” The software then creates a sub-team with the circled UASs, divides up the search task among those assets, and redistributes the original tasks assigned to Group 1 assets to the remaining UASs. This capability significantly simplifies the command and control of large groups of UASs. Other parts of the HSI research focused on how to display the new plan, including potential impact on other mission objectives, and—depending on pre-set mission rules—either directly executes the plan or waits for the commander’s approval to act.
Citat:During Phase 2, DARPA plans to implement an initial subset of the behaviors within each of the two open architectures and use those architectures to conduct live flight tests with one or two live UASs augmented with several virtual aircraft. If those tests are successful, DARPA could move to Phase 3, in which one team would test the capabilities using up to six live vehicles cooperating among themselves and with additional simulated vehicles. A single person would command the UAS team to perform a complex mission involving target search, identification, and engagement against an active, unpredictable adversary.