Poslao: 27 Feb 2023 23:04
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31296
Izgleda da suhoputni prestaju da postoje kao samostalni i izdvajaju se iz KOV-a, i potcinjuju pod jedinstvenu komandu PVO VKS. To je vec pokusavano i nije uspelo.
Sources reported on the reassignment of the military air defense of the Ground Forces of the Russian Aerospace Forces
Citat:Its formations and units were previously both part of the Ground Forces and the Air Defense Forces of the Aerospace Forces.
MOSCOW, 27 February. /TASS/. Military air defense (air defense) was withdrawn from the subordination of the Ground Forces and reassigned to the main command of the Aerospace Forces (VKS) of Russia. This was reported to TASS by two sources close to the Russian military department.
"Yes, that's right. It's already a fait accompli," one of them said, answering the question of TASS, whether there was a reassignment of the military air defense of the Ground Forces to the main command of the Russian Aerospace Forces. The second interlocutor of the agency also confirmed this information.
TASS does not have official confirmation of this information.
Original https://tass.ru/armiya-i-opk/17146639
Pojasnjenje zasto se to radi.
Citat:“The transfer of military air defense to the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces will allow creating a single radar and information field, as well as integrating all the necessary forces and means. Accordingly, all the air defense forces available in the country will go to the implementation of the goals and tasks set. This is how we will be able to overcome the existing discord,” said Aitech Bizhev, Lieutenant General, ex-Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force for the Joint Air Defense System of the CIS member states.
“A unified system will also simplify the goal-setting process. The military will have a complete picture of the battles, which means that our actions will become more understandable and streamlined. In such a situation, the risks of “not noticing” an important object “will be seriously reduced,” the interlocutor continues.
“In addition, the transfer of air defense under the command of the VKS will make life easier for aviation. It will be extremely clear how and in what direction to support our aircraft. This discrepancy must be eliminated. In addition, we have such experience,” the expert notes.
“Efforts to centralize air defense activities have been made in Russia more than once. So, from 1978 to 1987, Air Marshal Alexander Ivanovich Koldunov held the post of Air Defense Commander-in-Chief. However, after Matthias Rust landed on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge, Koludnov was dismissed,” recalls Bizhev.
“We returned to the issue of a unified command in 1991. Then, at the Alabino training ground, unified exercises were held, which were attended by Air Defense Commander Viktor Prudnikov and Ground Forces Commander Vladimir Semyonov. And the first department showed a total advantage in all respects,” the expert emphasized.
“However, a unified command did not work out. The fact is that air defense has become an important part of the Ground Forces. Its withdrawal was perceived as damaging the status of the entire department. However, the expert community still believes that a centralized air defense command is necessary,” the source points out.
Summing up, Bizhev noted: “if the decision to reassign the air defense system is really made, this will be a qualitative change in the structure of the Russian Armed Forces, which in the future will lead to a more accurate fulfillment of the assigned tasks.”
Original https://vz.ru/news/2023/2/27/1200972.html
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 28 Feb 2023 00:10
- Pridružio: 20 Jun 2018
- Poruke: 2114
Могућност командовања расте као и брзине и количине преноса информација. У тим пољима не може да се пореди са 1987 и 1991. Друга ствар, фронт мирује мјесецима, а вјероватно ће мировати и даље.
Poslao: 10 Mar 2023 08:04
- Vlada78
- Moderator foruma
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
- Poruke: 12328
- Gde živiš: Srbija
Ovde, koliki ja primetim, Tor nije u radu...
Ali bez obzira, opuštenost uvek ima cenu, pa i ovde.
Poslao: 10 Mar 2023 11:57
- Kubovac
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 12 Jul 2016
- Poruke: 5848
Milos1977 ::Znači j ednostavno ih ne vidi Tor, ali ni radari S300VM sistema.
Ovaj radar ga ni ne može "videti", jer je u pitanju predajni radar, koji formira i šalje komande upravljanja na raketu i vrši osvetljavanje cilja na završnom delu. Ipak, njegovo navođenje vrši radar za praćenje ciljeva 9S32 (ili ekvivalent koji je prilagođen, ili pak preko KIS PORI, kada OAR i Komandna stanica navode radare/iluminatore na lanserima).
Ipak, pored ostalog, moguće je da je ovaj lanser (i baterija u celini) razmeštena previše blizu linije fronta. Napominje se da su Ukri koristili dron Switchblade. Verzija 300 ima domet svega 10 km, a verzija 600 do 40 km.
Divizion S-300V se, načelno, raspoređuje tako da jedna od dve (ili tri) baterije bude do 40 km od prednje linije fronta sopstvenih snaga, a "najudaljenija" do 70 km. Komandno mesto je negde između ovih baterija.
Iz toga izvlačim moguć zaključak da su bili preblizu i da se dron iznenada pojavio i nije bilo vremena za reakciju. A moguće je i da su dron koristile izviđačke grupe koje su se "prišunjale" bateriji.
Što se tiče Tora, vidimo da se vozi u marševskom položaju, antene se ne vrte. Opušteno.
Poslao: 10 Mar 2023 16:01
- Milos1977
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 31 Mar 2017
- Poruke: 1849
Hvala na obrazlozenju. Ipak su raketni sistemi PVO jedini nacin obaranja tih dronova pa mi ne ide u glavo zasto tako izolovan Tor koji brani S300VM nema zamenu dezurstva. Ne verujem da je samo jedan Tor pa kad je pauza onda pomoz Bog.