Sistemi S-300 i S-400 "Triumf"


Sistemi S-300 i S-400 "Triumf"

  • Pridružio: 14 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 6594

mareCar ::Ko kaze da ne proizvode? Sta vi pricate ljudi? U zadnje 2,3 odine su isporucili dosta sistema S-300.
A u buduce 2,3?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 18 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 634
  • Gde živiš: Split

Napisano: 31 Avg 2013 20:29

king maci ::a zasto rusi vise ne proizveduju s 300 makar i za izvoz po mene je velika steta bar finansiska po njima

S-300 se proizvodi za izvoz al se ne proizvodi za domaće snage.

Dopuna: 31 Avg 2013 20:33

CheefCoach ::mareCar ::Ko kaze da ne proizvode? Sta vi pricate ljudi? U zadnje 2,3 odine su isporucili dosta sistema S-300.
A u buduce 2,3?

S-300 je trenutno ponuđen Indiji, na natječaju je u Turskoj, radi se za Alžir i Venecuelu a spominje se i Irak i sve redom.

CheefCoach mislim da si krivo razumia medijske natpise. Proizvodnja S-300 se zaustavlja samo za domaće potribe i tu idu samo na modernizacije S-300PM na Favorit standard dok svi novi sustavi uključuju S-300V4, S-300 i ubrzo S-350.

Šta se izvoza tiče imaš standardno šta si ima i prije S-300VM, S-300PMU2 i ubrzo nadam se S-350E te silu ostalog.

Dakle S-300 se i dalje proizvodi za export.

  • Pridružio: 14 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 6594

Ma ako im platis sklopice ti nesto. Makar okrnjeni S 400. Alzir je vec dobio S 300PMU2, a i Venecuela je dobila Antejev model. Za Indiju moguce ( [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] ), a mozda se i Brazil nadje na spisku. Mada da sam ja oni, trazio bih S 400 . Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Сирија можда буде прва земља где ће отићи С400,како је Асаду обећано да ће му Руси послати и С400 тако да Кинези могу да маштају да ће бити први који ће га добити,од тога изгледа нема ништа.
Ово је инфо са Фб не знам колико је тачна.

  • Pridružio: 18 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 634
  • Gde živiš: Split

CheefCoach ::Ma ako im platis sklopice ti nesto. Makar okrnjeni S 400. Alzir je vec dobio S 300PMU2, a i Venecuela je dobila Antejev model. Za Indiju moguce ( [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] ), a mozda se i Brazil nadje na spisku. Mada da sam ja oni, trazio bih S 400 . Mr. Green

Ni Venecuela ni Alžir nisu još dobili SVE.
Pogledaj Azerbejđan kojem se uredno isporučuje S-300PMU2.
Na natječaju za Tursku S-300, Indiji ponuđen itd .... za ekspor S-300 i dalje ide ali za Rusku vojsku ne.
Tu ide samo S-400 i to je i logično.

  • Pridružio: 01 Maj 2013
  • Poruke: 105

a koja je verzija na s-300 najslabija po performansu

  • Pridružio: 18 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 634
  • Gde živiš: Split

Interview with former Chief of Staf Viktor Esin.

1. Prvi ugovor za isporuku S-350 u 2014 sa isporukama 2016-e
2. 6-a i 7-a regimenta S-400 će bit isporučena ove godine
3. Isporučuje se modernizirana verzija S-400 u odnosu na ranije verzije
4. Trenutno aktivno 5 regimenti
5. Godišnja produkcija/isporuka = 2 regimente S-400 po godini
6. Nakon završetka 2 Almaz-Antejove tvornice = isporuka će bit više od 10 baterija S-400
7. S-300VM 4 puta efikasniji od prethodnika
8. 40N6 je završena i dolazi sa novim moderniziranim verzijama S-400
9. 40N6 je fundamentalno drugačija raketa od raketa za S-300

"Opportunities to grow substantially"

Russia is actively pursuing modernization of its air defense

"By 2020, we will reach a solid defense, we say, not the country, and regions, and the most important sites," - said the newspaper "The View," the former Chief of Staff of the Strategic Missile Force Viktor Esin. He was commenting on statements concerning the re-Russian aircraft to the new air defense systems.

On Thursday, the International Air Show MAKS-2013, which takes place in Moscow, the head of Concern PVO "Almaz-Antey" Vladislav Menshikov said that the first contracts for the supply of the troops advanced air defense systems S-350E will be signed in 2014, and their serial Production will begin in late 2015 - early 2016.

He also said that the new air defense missile systems "almost all standalone preliminary tests passed."

In addition, concern PVO "Almaz-Antey" to the end of the year to supply the Russian Defense Ministry regimental two sets of modern anti-aircraft missile system S-400 "Triumph", according to the radio "Voice of Russia".

"As for the S-400 system, this year we are renting the sixth and seventh shelves. They will be delivered to the troops, "- said Menshikov.

He also said that with the development of technology in the armed forces at the S-400 were carried out certain improvements, "Those chetyrehsotke who now give up, they are quite different from the first complexes that have been in 2007."

As an example, he cited the S-300, on which the refinement to a level which is now, when the complex has become a reliable and easy to use, it took a few years.

And that the Russian military was easier to learn a complicated new technology, the country's defense minister has already decided to give the first S-400 production in 2007 in the training centers.

Currently in the sun, there are five regiments of the AAMS.

Finally, Vladislav Menshikov said that Russia dismantled designed to Iran S-300.

"Techniques that targeted Iran anymore. We dismantled it completely. Partially individual elements that can be used, they were used. Partly carried recycling. It is absolutely reliable information, "- he said.

The contract to supply Iran with S-300 was signed in late 2007, but in 2010 Russia refused to supply in connection with the adoption of UN Security Council sanctions against Iran, Tehran prohibiting the transfer of sophisticated weaponry.

Comment on the statements made on Thursday at the MAKS-2013, the newspaper VIEW asked a military expert and former Chief of Staff of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel-General Viktor Esin retired.

Viktor Ivanovich, today at the MAKS-2013 was made a few statements about the future of the Russian air defense system. What can you say about this? How to re-evaluate, which is carried out in this area?

Viktor Esin: Unfortunately, in the press about this can only speak in general terms. But, in principle, the policy of empowering the industry for the production of anti-aircraft missile systems capable of providing missile and air defense, of course, correct. It's no secret that being built two new plants. When they are ready, the production capacity will increase dramatically. It is expected that these plants come on line in 2015, maybe at the beginning of 2016. They will produce, including, and new complexes to be set up - I mean the C-500. And if all planned in this direction will be realized, the possibility of Russia to build a missile defense does increase significantly.

Tell us a little more about how to change the system of air defense.

VE: Growth will be both qualitative and quantitative. If now in the year the Ministry of Defense is adopted to four new divisions anti-aircraft missiles, further provides that the armed forces will receive up to 10 divisions of a year, maybe more. You can also say that they will be of a higher quality, better able. For example, the "Antey-2500" capabilities are four times higher than that of its predecessor.

On Thursday it was announced that Russia dispose of C-300, intended to Iran. Probably because it had lost a huge force and the means?

VE: It must be borne in mind that the delivery to Iran of the envisaged sets of weapons. That is, it was not about the complexes of the new production and older, who are currently withdrawn from service the Defense Ministry. As for Iran, under international sanctions those supplies that were meant to this country almost impossible. It was therefore decided these missile systems do not contain and dispose of. I emphasize again that this is not the new systems, and those that were produced ten or more years ago.

But other ways of using them, other than disposal, is not it?

VE: Dispose - it does not mean to undermine everything destroyed. This means that the technique will disassemble, and what is suitable, go for spare parts, but that is not suitable, will have to be melted down.

Rightly been said that every contract made for a specific customer and can not be redirected by another. In international practice, practice our Rosvooruzheniye, which trades on the foreign market, do so.

Also on Thursday announced the delivery of two battalions of S-400 by the end of this year. In addition, the head of "Almaz-Antey" mentioned that they have undergone significant modernization. What do you know about that?

VE: Indeed, two C-400 have already put two and put the rest of the year. And under the modernization meant the changes in broad terms. And the base has become a different and more reliable. And most importantly - had a problem with a long-range missile, which was armed with the S-400 than he is, in fact, fundamentally differs from the C-300. And then, finally, a missile test completed, and now comes in a new set of equipment.

It was also said that the C-400 received by the army five years ago, he went to the Ministry of Defence training centers.

VE: It is very good. It is understood that the first release complexes were not as perfect. Nevertheless, their design is not fundamentally different. And if before in training centers studied, we will say so on the posters, but now they see a "live", the real technique. This should have been done long ago.

In general, if re-evaluated, and the prospects for our air defense systems, tell me, can they protect our country, we will achieve in this field parity with the U.S. and NATO?

VE: Of course, we do not create a missile defense system, which is created by the United States. In any case, in the short term. By 2020, we will reach a solid defense, we say, not the country, and regions, and the most important sites. The Americans are building a missile defense system throughout the country, for that they throw their complexes and to the east, and Europe. We can not. Therefore, we will place emphasis on regional missile defense systems and object. However, this is enough to provide an acceptable level of security. Capabilities in Russia to be enough.

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  • Oscar  Male
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Maj 2010
  • Poruke: 808

irkutsk ::nema radara na 9A82 telaru
Mora biti da je u pitanju transloader/launcher, a sto su njega stavili pored TELAR-a za 9A83, ko ce ga znati.

Odlicni 3D modeli svih vozila iz familije SA-12/SA-23

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Русија је привремено стопирала испоруку ракета С-300 Сирији, изјавио је председник Владимир Путин у интервјуу који је дао за Први канал и Associated Press уочи самита Групе двадесет.

„Постоји уговор са Сиријиом за испоруку С-300. Одређене компоненте смо већ предали, али испорука није завршена, привремено смо је стопирали“, - потврдио је руски председник.

„Ако видимо да се предузимају неки кораци који крше међународно право, размислићемо како ћемо да поступимо убудуће са испорукама таквог оружја у неке регионе света“.
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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Citat:September 6, 2013. TV Zvezda. Russia, Astrakhan region, firing ground Ashuluk. "Combat Commonwealth 2013" air defence exercise.

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