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- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 634
- Gde živiš: Split
Napisano: 11 Jul 2012 12:48
@vrabac - fala na iscrpnom obavještavanju.
Izgleda da je Venezuela uzela 1 diviziona S-300VM i 3 Diviziona BUK-M2
Bjelorusi će in konstruirat integriranu PVO - jel moš pojasnit koliko su oni efikasni u tome u odnosu na
Ruse. Kad pogledaš uzeli su Kineske EW radare, Ruske PVO sustave i Bjeloruse da in sve to integriraju. Zanimljivo.
Sad na drugu stranu sami sustavi S-300V su namjenjeni obrani oklopnih armija. Kako je priča konstantno u smijeru PVO obrane Venezuele mislim da bi se tu mogli pojavit i tipa Favorit sustavi.
July 11 2012 .
BelaPAN, July 9. Belarus is the coordinator of the project to create a unified air defense system of Venezuela, which promises to Minsk considerable financial and economic benefits.
In the coming years, Belarus and Venezuela plan to implement joint projects worth about $ 5 billion. On this, commenting on the results of his visit to Venezuela, Alexander Lukashenko said on June 28 in Caracas, first vice-premier Vladimir Semashko. He listed a number of areas of cooperation, but on cooperation in the field of defense was not told anything.
Meanwhile, these issues were among the major in international relations from the time of signing by the heads of Belarus and Venezuela memorandum of understanding between the two countries. The document was signed on September 16, 2006 in Havana during the next summit of the Non-Aligned Movement.
Hot on the heels of the Security Council then Secretary of State (and current assistant to Alexander Lukashenko on the interaction with Venezuela) Viktor Sheiman said that the implementation of the plans of the Belarusian-Venezuelan military cooperation will provide economic benefits in excess of $ 1 billion. Sheiman also said that it will provide orders of dozens of enterprises of the Belarusian defense industry for many years to come.
According to experts, meant primarily the acquisition of Belarusian Venezuela automated control systems for air defense and air forces, means of radar and electronic warfare. A few months before the signing of the memorandum referred to President Hugo Chavez has publicly stated that his country needs modern air defense systems to cover the overhead lines on the Caribbean coast to the border with Brazil.
According to information from various sources, the representatives of Venezuela's air defenses are actively interested in all levels of man-portable air defense systems and small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery to the long-range air defense missile system. However, before the Venezuelan military was a question to ensure an integrated, coordinated management of all these weapons. And as Hugo Chavez did not want to deal with the Western countries, the choice fell on Belarus.
The result was an agreement on cooperation in creating a unified air defense system in Venezuela. It was signed in Caracas on December 8, 2007 during the visit of Alexander Lukashenko. Agreement has been provided that Belarus would have Venezuela and assistance in creating a unified air defense system and a national system of electronic warfare on the basis of a research project carried out joint Belarusian-Venezuelan commission.
And in January 2008, going on a visit to Minsk, Chavez said that one of the main goals of his trip is to agree on the specific details of the contract for the acquisition of an integrated air defense system. It had to enter "early warning radars and missiles appropriate range." Matching was successful, and April 9, 2008 the House of Representatives in closed session (as requested by Chavez) has ratified an agreement on cooperation in creating a unified air defense system in Venezuela.
This document contained an agreement that the organization of the Venezuelan sign contracts with the organizations of Belarus and other countries to purchase goods and services in accordance with the project of air defenses and electronic warfare, prepared by Belarusian specialists. According to independent experts, subcontractors, along with the defense industry enterprises of Belarus were to speak Russian, Chinese and Iranian companies.
Agreement is also governed by the participation of Belarusian specialists in creating a unified air defense system and electronic warfare system of the armed forces of Venezuela. According to the document, Venezuela has assumed the costs of the advisers and their families. It was agreed that members of the family counselor can not perform in the territory of the host country paid work and to participate in hostilities. Agreement defined the security measures of military experts, the conditions of their stay, providing medical care, insurance in case of death, injury or illness, an accident, the loss of or damage to property.
The agreement was concluded for five years and will be automatically renewed for each subsequent five-year period, until one of the parties for one year prior to the expiration of the period did not send, through diplomatic channels, written notice to the other party of its intention not to renew the agreement. However, by agreement between the parties to the agreement may be terminated at any time.
Shortly after the ratification of the document then-Deputy Chief of Staff Peter Tikhon of Belarus has promised that the system of air defense and electronic warfare in Venezuela, including the training of professionals and managers, will be created from scratch in six years. And this, among other things, will allow Belarus to enter the market of weapons in Latin America.
Elaborate air defense system of the project was more than a year. His general position September 14, 2009 Hugo Chavez announced. From his words implied that the country's air defense system will be integrated (Layered in range and height) and unite under a single control anti-aircraft missile systems S-300, "Buk-M2" and "Pechora-2M".
"We need to protect strategic sites, such as hydropower," Guri ", oil fields, major oil refineries, industrial complexes, of course, military installations and command centers, large cities such as Caracas, to feel more secure" - said the Venezuelan leader.
A few months later, on March 16, 2010, speaking at the National Assembly of Venezuela, the defense raised the topic and Alexander Lukashenko. He, in particular, promised his Venezuelan counterpart cooperate fully in the creation of a "system of national defense," which will not be afraid of anyone, even the most powerful enemy.
According to military experts, under the state defense system in Venezuela means the organization of an integrated defensive systems, including air defense, electronic warfare and counter precision-guided weapons. That involves the use of as its "brain" of the automated command and control systems such as automated "Bor", which is now the intellectual core of the air defense of Belarus.
An important element of the Venezuelan defense can become a mobile radar meter band "the East", able to detect the B-52 bombers and airborne early warning aircraft at a distance 255 km . The new radar several times raised the possibility of detecting not only targets, such as the F-16, but also aircraft, manufactured by technology "stealth".
If we talk about the means of electronic warfare, in this context often referred to Belarusian electronic intelligence systems 85V6 85V6-A and-B, designed for detection, recognition and support of up to 100 ground-based air and sea facilities for the emission of radio-electronic means. Air targets at altitudes 10 km they find a distance 400 km . To suppress the on-board electronics Venezuelan military combat aircraft may be proposed power station jamming SNP-SNP-2 and 4. From the latest developments - radio station P-934UM "Blow" and the R-378UM "Prick."
It is likely that Venezuela will be supplied with the latest means of combating high-precision weapons. Some of them have already arrived in the Belarusian army for trial operation. In particular, a set of jamming laser guidance systems "Sapphire" and the complex global system of radio navigation GPS «Shed Y".
As for anti-aircraft missile, then, according to some analysts, the companies of the Belarusian defense industry, in cooperation with the Russian Oboronprom, suppliers are able to speak here of modernized air defense systems short-range S-125 "Pechora".
For quite a long time in the public domain no details about the project to create a unified air defense system in Venezuela. Nevertheless, some information is available. For example, most recently in the media was given the statement by Minister of National Defence and the Chief Command of the Venezuelan strategic operations, Army General Henry Rangel Silva, the creation of "Pechora Databases" in the International Airport, Joseph Camejo Las Piedras (Paraguana Peninsula).
According to "Jane's Defence Weekly", the base was stationed the first battery of self-propelled air defense missile system "Pechora-2M" production of the Belarusian-Russian interstate financial-industrial groups, "Defense Systems". The main objective is to protect the battery in the country's largest refinery complex. Ten other similar databases are created on the territory of the country in the formation of the Joint Chiefs defense (CADAI - Comando Aereo de Defensa Aeroespacial Integral).According to some sources, the contract for the purchase of air defense missile system "Pechora-2M" Venezuela has entered into in September 2009. Deliveries began in May 2011 and be completed in the near future. Altogether, according to unofficial data, Caracas ordered 11 such complexes.
Purchase of mobile medium-range missile systems "Buk-M2E" (three divisions) and S-300VM-range (one division) and was approved in September 2009, but they still have not delivered. CADAI plans stipulate that they must be received before the end of 2012. As a result, procurement and deployment of all of the projected air-defense systems will be protected from attack by the entire territory of Venezuela. In addition, according to unconfirmed reports in the future Caracas can offer its neighbors - Guyana and Colombia - to create a unified air defense system. However, official confirmation of this information is not available.
Alexander Alesin
Dopuna: 11 Jul 2012 15:26
Također pojavia se iscrpan izvještaj o tome šta je Almaz-Antej radia kroz 2011-u
Izvještaj se tiče svih protuzračnih sustava za Rusiju i eksport.
Ako imaš vrimena bi li moga u kratkim crtama napisat najbitnije iz raporta