Citao sam pre neki dan , da su pre nekoliko meseci Amerikanci savetovali Saudijce (koji kupuju americko oruzje) da im je najbolja zastita od neprijateljskih dronova Eurofighterov top (lovca evropske proizvodnje kojeg saudijci imaju u naoruzanju) , ne znam da li je mauzer ili rheinmetal od 27mm , i da je posle njihovog savetovanja jedan sudijski pilot u jednom danu njih 6 skinuo sa tim istim topom.
Saudijci kupuju dodatne AMRAME za F-15 jer su ih dosada toliko lansirali protiv dronova da su se istrosili.
Ne mozes sa topom da ih skidas jer si suvise brz a trebas da vidis sitnu metu. Skidaju ih raketama. Saudijci ih zapravi skidaju cime stignu ali da koriste i lovce dosta tako da ih Tajfuni i F-15 imaju do sada desetine na dusi.
Citat:#Saudi Air Force @Eurofighter
Typhoon have seen more involvement lately in countering IED-drones launched over the southern sector. Last week, #RSAF Typhoon pilots shot down 6 IED-drones in a single day.
Citat:• Eurofighter Typhoon of the Royal Saudi Air Force 🇸🇦 has become combat-proven, especially against small and low-flying targets. This video shows Typhoon intercepting an IED-Drone launched by the Houthis Militia against civilians in Saudi Arabia. Citat:
VIDEO: #Saudi Air Force F-15 Eagle shoots down an #Iranian made IED-drone, Qasef-2K, over #Yemen. It’s worth mentioning that RSAF F-15s have intercepted & destroyed around 20 drones over the last 12 months.