Poslao: 05 Mar 2023 20:35
- zoran MKD
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
- Poruke: 3548
- Gde živiš: Makedonija
Napisano: 05 Mar 2023 20:34
Citat:Russia Anti Drone Technology
Russia, like many other countries, has been investing in anti-drone technology to counter security threats. . Since Russia has been engaged in war against Ukraine, Russian forces are using many anti drone technologies. We will explore the anti-drone technology developed by Russia.
1. Radio Frequency Jamming:
Radio frequency jamming is a commonly used anti-drone technology, and Russia has developed its own version of this technology. This technology works by disrupting the communication between the drone and its controller by emitting electromagnetic waves on the same frequency as the drone's communication signals. This disrupts the drone's control signals and causes the drone to lose control or return to its home base.
Russia has developed a range of radio frequency jamming systems that can be deployed on various platforms, such as ground-based, vehicle-mounted, and ship-mounted systems.
The 1RL257 or Krasukha-4 is a Russian-made mobile electronic warfare system designed and manufactured by the Company Bryansk Electromechanical Plant (KRET). The Krasukha-4 is intended to neutralize Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) spy satellites, ground-based radars, and airborne radars (AWACS) at ranges between 150 to 300 kilometers. The system is also able to cause damage to the enemy's EW (Electronic Warfare) systems and communications.
In addition to this, Russian company has developed REX-1 Anti-Drone Rifle System designed to combat drones. The drone gets out of contact with the control point and lands smoothly. Rex-1 is being used by many soldiers against small drones. REX-1 system is a ground-based system that can jam the communication signals of drones up to 15 kilometers away.
2. Laser Weapon Systems:
Laser weapon systems are another type of anti-drone technology that Russia has developed and deployed in Ukraine. These systems use high-energy lasers to disable or destroy drones. When a laser beam is directed at a drone, it heats up the drone's surface and causes damage to its electronic components. This can cause the drone to malfunction or crash.
Russia has developed several laser weapon systems for anti-drone purposes, such as the Peresvet laser system, which is a mobile system that can be deployed on vehicles or ships. The system can disable drones and other aerial targets at a range of up to 5 kilometers. Peresvet, unveiled in 2018, could incapacitate a satellite up to 1,500 kilometers (932 miles) above the Earth. powerful laser-based weapons, capable of physically destroying their targets, are being tested and deployed in the Ukraine war. Another laser weapon system Zadira is also being used by Russia. Zadira burned a drone more than five kilometers (three miles) away in seconds.
3. Anti-Drone Laser Guns:
Small arms fire is another method of disabling or destroying drones. Russia has developed a range of small arms weapons that are capable of shooting down drones. For example, the 9K333 Verba is a portable missile system that can be used to shoot down drones and other aerial targets at a range of up to 6 kilometers.
4. Net-based Systems:
Net-based systems are another type of anti-drone technology that involves using a net to capture drones. This technology is particularly useful when the drone is flying low and is not too fast. Russia has developed several net-based systems for anti-drone purposes, such as the Drone Killer system, which uses a net to capture drones at a range of up to 2 kilometers.
#drones #aerialvehicle #militarydrones #antidrone #lasergun
Dopuna: 05 Mar 2023 20:35
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Poslao: 17 Mar 2023 14:51
- mercedesamg
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 08 Avg 2019
- Poruke: 6182
Napisano: 11 Mar 2023 21:46
Detektori BPLova
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Dopuna: 16 Mar 2023 23:28
Citat:Холдинг Руселектроника, који је део корпорације Ростец, завршио је радове на систему против беспилотних летелица Серп-ВС5 способном да потисне контролу дронова на удаљености до 5 км.
Комплекс ради 360 ° на 5 фреквентних опсега - од 900 МХз до 5,8 ГХз и омогућава вам да "заглавите" неколико канала истовремено.
Захваљујући томе, уређај може заштитити територију од напада неколико беспилотних летелица одједном, укључујући оне који лете из различитих праваца.
Опрема потискује канал управљања дроном, прекида комуникацију са оператером, онемогућава навигациону опрему, дезоријентише летелицу у свемиру, ометајући мисију лета.
Систем потискује ГПС, ГЛОНАСС, Беидоу сигнале (у Л1, Л2, Л5 опсезима), а такође разбија контролу дроном над Ви-Фи.
„Срп” може да се користи за надгледање далековода или мреже цевовода, за заштиту индустријских објеката од шпијунских дронова, за сузбијање непријатељског извиђања помоћу дронова.
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Dopuna: 17 Mar 2023 14:51
LPD801 antidron puška
Citat:Ударни дрон ЛПД-801 из лабораторије ППШ.
Утисак је веома позитиван.
Прво, плоче су сопствене, направљене су компактно и леже на хладњаку који се хлади споља. После наркомана у ПАРС-у, ово већ изазива поштовање.
Главни део плоча је базиран на јефтином ФР4, завршетак на Рогерсу је логичан.
Друго, маса производа је осмишљена и смањена је што је више могуће. Чак и спиралне антене на полимерном филму и пунилу од пене. Програмери очигледно знају како је држати дронебои у рукама.
Треће, добро кућиште и држач ручке. Ергономија-с.
Не знам како је са упоредном ефикасношћу (пишу да су Кинези ипак ефикаснији), али по употребљивости је солидна 5.
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Poslao: 13 Apr 2023 22:24
- Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 35254
Mreža iznd BTR 82 zaustavilia ukro bombic ПТАБ-2,5КО bačenu iz BPL
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