Citat:The Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Use of the German Armed Forces today signed a contract with Heckler & Koch, based in the Black Forest, for the manufacture and delivery of the new "System Assault Rifle" based on the HK416 A8.
Luksemburg pazari
Citat:The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg wants to modernize the small arms of its armed forces and has therefore commissioned Heckler & Koch to supply various assault rifles with a total value of around ten million euros. Citat:Luxembourg equips its military forces (939 active personnel) with HK 416 A7 as new standard rifle, replacing Steyr AUG. Total volume ca 10 million Euros, also includes undisclosed number of HK 417 and HK269 40 mm under-mounted grenade launchers.
Pošto je sat vremena, treba dodati da nema baš puno novih informacija. Zabavnog je karaktera. Priča o, "istoriji" M27 i proces usvajanja u jedinice. Ima deo gde pričaju zašto su menjali M249 za ovo. Ima delova oko M38 DMR verzije i u suštini HK416A5 (karabin).
Ali mislim da ako se pročitao neki (veći) tekst o ovoj puški, neće biti novih informacija.
The police in Schleswig-Holstein are getting new rifles. The previous MCX type weapons from the manufacturer Sig Sauer will be decommissioned due to defects and difficulties in procuring spare parts, among other reasons, as the state police office announced on Friday. The Schleswig-Holsteinische Zeitungsverlag (SHZ) had previously reported on this. The more than 500 rifles and older submachine guns still in use are to be replaced by Heckler & Koch HK437 weapons from the beginning of 2024. This is a medium-range weapon that reportedly combines the advantages of a rifle and submachine gun. The replacement will cost around 4.3 million euros.
Ovo nije prvi put da procitam da SIG USA pravi sranje. Posebno MCX.
Bio je skoro jedan video razmene vatre americke policije. Gde lik ima MCX, gde mu bas nije bio potreban zastoj. Što je najgore i drugom liku u videu se desio nekakav kvar, pa je promenio na pištolj.
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