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This South Korean Manufacturer Builds Its Own AKMs Citat:The world’s most produced assault rifle still enjoys robust demand 70 years since it was issued to the Soviet Red Army. In circumstances best described as utterly ironic, faithful reproductions of the AKM–the stamped receiver variant of the original AK-47–are now made in factories above and below the 38th parallel. South Korea’s Dasan Machineries Co. Ltd. is a privately owned enterprise specializing in automotive parts. Since 1996 Dasan has slowly built a portfolio of licensed firearms for police use. Then there’s the DAK47.
Mislim da su samo uzeli V0 od RPK-a.
Ali 4.2kg za plehnati AK, zajebali su i Zastavu... Plus totalno bespotrebno podizanje (formalne) brzine gadjanja...
Ovaj tip sklapajućeg kundaka nije ni malo lagan, još obrazina.
Samo, ja ne bih rekao da su uzeli Vo od RPK, jer su naznačili dužinu cevi 420mm. 4mm duža od standardne. Sve mi se čini da je u pitanju poligonalno bušenje cevi+API municija.