Poslao: 18 Apr 2017 13:10
- Recce
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 18 Apr 2011
- Poruke: 6261
Konkretno, kolimator Aimpoint Nano je ekskluzivni model za B&T i ne moze se nabaviti na drugaciji nacin (a bilo je reci o B&T). U odnosu na ostale komercijalno dostupne nisane, to ga cini donekle posebnim zar ne? Po karakteristikama, izdvaja ga mala masa i dimenzije koje ne prelaze sirinu navlake oruzja a pouzdanost i vek baterije su bolji nego kod konkurentskih modela.
Nisam sigran da shvatam smisao pitanja u cemu je posebno takvo resenje. Upotreba refleksnih nisana je sve prisutnija kod kratkocevnog oruzja pa je usavrsavanje tih uredjaja prirodan proces (kao sto je to svojevremeno bilo sa "combat" i/ili "kow light" mehanickim nisanima). Posebno ili ne, svakako je zanimljivo.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 07 Nov 2017 00:32
- Viktor Petrenko
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Dec 2014
- Poruke: 27
Crnogorska fabrika oružja. Tara Aerospace predstaviće na sajmu Milpol u Parizu nove modele streljačkog naoružanja : automat TM9, pištolj TM9 compact i pušku TM10 u kalibru 7.62 NATO.
Poslao: 03 Dec 2017 17:09
- sremac983
- Legendarni građanin
- Neimar i savremeni farmer.
- Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 11677
- Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...
Уфффф....ово тако боли када се види шта други раде, а наша застава стагнира....имал ко паметан у овој држави да пресече и да коначно модернизује ту заставу са машинама и ИНЖЕЊЕРИМА, који ће направити нешто ново, како код кратких цеви, тако и код дугих...
Poslao: 01 Feb 2018 08:57
- Pridružio: 12 Nov 2011
- Poruke: 307
Napisano: 09 Dec 2017 22:53
Milipol Paris 2017: Montenegro’s TARA Group unveils new weapons
24th November 2017 - 10:11 GMT | by Erwan de Cherisey in Paris
TARA Perfection, a division of the TARA Group, unveiled its new TM-10 7.62x51mm assault rifle and TM-9 SMG 9x19mm sub machine gun (SMG), at Milipol in Paris.
The company also revealed a new variant of its TM-M4A1 chamber for .300 Blackout (BLK) round and the TM-9C, a compact version of its TM-9 9x19 mm pistol.
The TM-10 is a derivative of Tara’s TM-M4A1. The new rifle was developed in answer to existing customer requirements for a weapon chambered in the 7.62 NATO caliber, Boris Kljajevic, commercial director at TARA Aerospace and Defence Products, detailed to Shephard.
Development work began in 2016 and the new rifle is expected to enter series production in 2018, he added.The TM-10 is available with a barrel length of 999mm or 1050mm with an empty weight of 4.05kg or 4.35kg respectively.
It features a retractable stock and is fully ambidextrous. It is fitted with a full length Picatinny rail on top of the receiver and three shorter rails on each side of the handguard and below.
The TM-10 can receive ten or 20 rounds magazines and has a rate of fire of 700rpm.The TM-9 SMG was developed in answer to an outstanding requirement from an undisclosed SF unit, Kljajevic explained.The SMG has an overall length of 700mm and a barrel length of 190.5mm. It has an empty weight of 2.3kg and features a retractable stock.
The upper received features a full length Picatinny rail and other rails can be mounted on each side and below the handguard.The TM-9 SMG mechanism of operation is a blowback system, which gives the weapon a maximum rate of fire of 800rpm. The TM-9 SMG feeds from 15, 17 or 30 round magazines and is also expected to enter full production in 2018.
The TM-M4A1 in .300 BLK is identical to the 5.56 mm version except for the calibre change and a slower maximum rate of fire of 899 rounds per minutes instead of 950.The rifle has an overall length of 795 or 870mm, depending on its barrel length which can either be 292.1 or 368.3mm. The rifle works with direct gas impingement system and is fully ambidextrous.It can fire either subsonic rounds with a speed of 300 metres per second or supersonic rounds travelling at 730 metres per second.
It was developed to answer potential future requirements for .300 BLK assault rifles, according to Kljajevic.
The TM-9C is a compact variant of the TM-9 pistol. It has a length of 173mm compared to the TM-9’s 187mm, a barrel length of 101mm against 113mm for the TM-9, and an empty weight of 0.75kg instead of the TM-9’s 0.8kg. It feeds from 15 rounds magazines while the TM-9 has a 17 rounds capacity.
Poslao: 01 Feb 2018 08:58
- Pridružio: 12 Nov 2011
- Poruke: 307
Premino je radnik fabrike u Mojkovcu koji je povriđen u eksploziji,drugi je u kritičnom stanju.
Tara-aerospace je zatvorena do daljnjeg,jer se očigledno krše bezbjednosni protokoli.
Tara-perfection, i Tara-precision rade i dalje.