Komandno - komunikacioni uređaji


Komandno - komunikacioni uređaji

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7196

Napisano: 28 Dec 2012 0:38

V-TVR - Vehicular Tactical Video Receiver

V-TVR Vehicular Tactical Video Receiver specifično je dizajniran za korišćenje u mobilnim kopnenim jedinicama. Upakovan u kućištu standardnog vojnog vozilnog radio seta, kompletiran samomontirajućom osnovom, čini instalaciju V-TVR jednostavnom na bilo kojem vojnom vozilu (džipovi, oklopna vozila, tenkovi i slično). Uređaj se spaja na slobodni konektor komunikacionog bloka vozila.

Komandiri i trupe kao krajnji korisnici primaju real-time podatke za praćenje ciljeva, situational awareness - a, procjenu štete, "over-the-hill" izviđanja i praćenja, i sverakursnu podršku upravljanju bojnim poljem. V-TVR lako se integriše u Command and Control system radi dodavanja sposobnosti prikupljanja video podataka.

Efikasnost borbenih posada značajno je unapređena i proširena, preciznijim usmjeravanjem vatrene moći te jasnije situaciuone slike neprijateljskog rasporeda.

Zahvaljujući pristupu off-platform sensorima, komandno - kontrolnim ešalonima omogućeno je donošenja odluka velikog direktnog značaja.

V-TVR Concept of Operations

Dopuna: 28 Dec 2012 23:58

Tadiran Spectralink - StarLink Data Link System for Tactical UAVs

StarLink data link sistem obezbjeđuje komandire malih jedinica sposobnostima izviđanja i praćenja prostora iza brda, zgrada, i sličnih objekata kao i podršku za raspoređene jedinice, izviđače, i specijalne jedinice nivoa bataljona i ispod.

Tadiranov novi StarLink data link sistem moderan je koncept prikupljanja obavještajnih podataka, naročito dizajniran za komunikaciju i displej videa i drugih tipova informacija, prikupljenih sa mini-UAVa, u realnom vremenu i bliskim zonama od interesa. Sistem je otporan na ometanja sa mogućnošću provizornog šifriranja podataka. Kao mali potrošač energije sposoban je za dugotrajne misije uz mogućnost integracije sa raznim komandno - kontrolnim sistemima.

StarLink Concept of Operations

Low Weight & Power Consumption = Extended Range & Endurance

Tadiran Spectralink’s StarLink is a point-to-point full duplex digital data link system, specifically designed for use with midi and mini-Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). StarLink provides for simultaneous transmission of command and control signals, and reception of video and telemetry data, between the UAS and a Ground Control Station (GCS).

Immune to jamming and interference and with provision for encryption, StarLink securely delivers real-time video imagery captured by the UAS payload straight to the end users in the field and provides the best inner-link solution for interference, multi-path, and coexistence. Added to its low weight, StarLink’s remarkably low power consumption allows for extended mission range and endurance.

StarLink employs a Time Division Duplexing (TDD) method that can operate at Single Frequency (SF) or Frequency Hopping (FH) mode, to achieve very high spectral efficiency (4 MHz per channel); uplink and downlink traffic can share the same frequency while using only the part of the bandwidth required by each type of traffic.

StarLink´s very compact Air Data Terminal (ADT) consists of a couple of Circuit Card Assemblies (CCAs) housed in a light metal case. In the C-Band version, the ADT also includes an equally compact RF Head module.

Flexible configurations for a variety of tactical applications

The StarLink is available in S, L, and C-band versions, allowing for use in all types of midi and mini-UAS applications, at tactical ranges from 0 and up to 100 kilometers. Starlink’s compact and easily transportable Ground Data Terminal (GDT) is mounted on a rotating tracking system, which affords it single or dual-axis tracking capability and further extends its impressive effectiveness.

Another advantage offered by StarLink is the ability to deliver real-time, broadcast quality imagery and telemetry directly to deployed tactical forces, thus creating a common visual language amongst all forces in the battlespace. Using the Remote Video Terminal (RVT) link, combined with Tadiran Spectralink’s tactical video dissemination systems, the StarLink Digital Data Link System enables field commanders and dismounted troops to be on the receiving end of real-time data for target tracking, situational awareness, damage assessment, “over-the-hill” reconnaissance and surveillance, and all-round support for battlefield management.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7196

Satellite Communications Systems

Telemetry, Tracking, Ranging & Control (TTR&C)

Spectralink´s SpaceTech line of Tracking, Telemetry, Ranging and Control (TTR&C) systems combines mature, in-service know-how with field-proven, advanced data link technologies for use with small Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites and other space platforms.

Custom-built and with the flexibility to meet the requirements of any TTR&C application, Spectralink SpaceTech systems are integrated Ground Station and Space Platform solutions for both military and commercial satellite applications.

Earth Receiving Stations

The main elements of these earth stations are 13.1 and 9-meter Ku-band dish antennas, which together with flyaway stations and mobile stations installed on HMMWV vehicles, will furnish equipment and facilities for the global communications backbone for all branches of the IDF Ground Forces. The system provides for transmission of various types of information (telephony, video, and data) at high rates and different bandwidths.

The company also produces and supplies compact earth stations for customers abroad, which use Spectralink´s exclusive communications protocols. Spectralink´s part in these programs includes link budget calculations, detailed characterization of the various parts of the system, selection of equipment manufacturers, integration at the factory and at Customer premises, connection via the satellite without interfering with other users, and training of Customer´s technical teams.

Data Links for Guided Weapons

Lock-On After Launch Vision Adds Additional Critical Capabilities For Guided Weapons

Tadiran Spectralink´s Lock-On & Guidance After Launch (LO&GAL) System is a highly compact data link for transmitting real-time video and telemetry data from guided weapons to a wide variety of receiving systems, such as airborne, ground and naval platforms.

Supplementing Fire and Forget capabilities, LO&GAL adds a human into the automated loop, enabling real-time adjustment to target data while the guided weapon is in-flight. The result is better target selection, pinpoint reacquisition, higher first round hit probability. LO&GAL makes the annihilation of mobile targets faster, more effective and more reliable.

Now the weapon operator can adjust the target´s “lock on”, abort in instances of friendly forces, deal with visual interferences and reduce collateral damage by increasing accuracy. The LO&GAL Data Link enables delivery of the full potential of guided weapons by providing visual and data communications in-flight and damage assessment at the mission termination point.

Tadiran Spectralink´s LO&GAL Data Link also increases survivability by supporting stand-off weapon launch, outside the anti-aircraft envelope.

  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 521
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Nacuo sam da i Apple nesto pokusava oko vojnih komunikacionih uredjaja, toboze razvijaju neke dugotrajne baterije koje bi koristili njihovi satelitski telefoni, pre svega za vojne potrebe ?? Zna li neko nesta vise posto sam samo tako nacuo Very Happy

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7196

Napisano: 05 Jan 2013 18:04

Tadiran SDR-7200 HH (hand held) software defined radio

Tadiran SDR-7200 HH (hand held) je najnoviji član Elbit Systems’ Tadiran SDR-7200 Software Defined Radio family (SDR), kao kompaktni, laki SDR opremljen sa integralnim, high resolution 2.8” color displejem sposobnim za prikazivanjem live video streaming - a. Novi radio specifično je dizajniran za dismounted operacije, omogućavajući i glasovne i data komunikacije sa command and control (C2) aplikacijama, bešavnim konektovanjem sa različitim senzorima.

Novi radio obezbjeđuje real-time situational awareness on-the-move, multi hop ad-hoc networking and advanced routing podržavajući na stotine korisnika na mreži. SDR-7200 je dizajniran u cilju podrške komandirima na nivou voda, radi komunikacije preko narrowband (NBWF) and wideband (WBWF) waveforms. The system supports data connectivity over a broad VHF/UHF spectrum, carrying up to 115 Kbps in 25 kHz channels over V/UHF bands and up to 1 Mbps over wider channels in the UHF bands).

The system also features integral counter-countermeasures (ECCM) and communication security (COMSEC) supporting operational networks and Special Forces operating ad-hoc networks. Its distinctive automatic routing and relay capability dramatically extends its reach even over harsh field conditions, while mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET) provides continuous IP networking connectivity throughout any mission.

The versatile Tadiran SDR-7200HH combines voice capability with advanced video streaming on the same network channel simultaneously. The radio also has an integral video camera to support video conferencing over tactical networks. Built-in digital video recorder (DVR) offers recording and playback of video streams, enabling users to study video feeds, maps, reports and targeting information on demand.

PNR-1000A Personal Network radio

A new hand-held Personal Network Radio (PNR) from Tadiran. The new PNR-1000A radio provides high-quality intra-team voice, data video communications extending squad level radio communications with advanced C4I capabilities.

Još jedan novi taktički radio iz Tadirana - Personal Network Radio (Tadiran PNR-1000A), minijaturizovani, ručni radio koji nastavlja Tadiranovu liniju dokazanih PNR-500 personalnih radija. Novi set obezbjeđuje high-quality intra-team voice, data video komunikacije proširujući radio komunikacije na nivou voda sa naprednim C4I sposobnostima. Po Tadiranu, novi radio posjeduje komunikacione tehnologije koje održavaju komunikacije neprekinutim i neometenim i u urbanim uslovima.

PNR-1000A features full duplex voice communication, dynamic network architecture, priority mode communication and interconnectivity to long-range radio networks. Utilizing a proven, proprietary self-synchronizing technology which has already been implemented in previous PNR models, PNR-1000A’s dynamic network architecture eliminates the need for a central control unit or master station with no point of failure. This unique technology maximizes communication dependability while minimizing the network’s vulnerability. The radio can also connect directly to a vehicle intercom system, enabling personnel to dismount from a vehicle and to move freely while maintaining full connectivity while interconnecting with long range VHF/HF/UHF networks, via the vehicle’s mounted tactical radios. In the intra-team wireless conferencing mode the system shares up to six speakers.

PNR-1000A is designed as a scalable and upgradable system, the system uses an intuitive man machine interface with audible indication, enabling hands-free and blind operation supporting infantrymen and Special Forces operatives.

Dopuna: 08 Jan 2013 1:03

Tadiran SDR-7200 Software Defined Tactical Radio

The new radio SDR-7200 can transfer voice and data simultaneously on a single tactical channel of (25 Kbps) therefore maintaining backward compatibility with current combat net radios, while addressing the diverse needs of both tactical and strategic echelons. The new radio employs TDMA technology for more efficient use of communications channels, utilizing this method, SDR-7200supports data transfer rates up to 115.2 kbps, facilitating live video transmission over the tactical net, when required.

For higher bandwidth requirements the SDR-7200 supports data communication of several Mbps, utiizing multiple bands, supported by strong error correction algorithms and self-healing ad hoc networking. Additionally the algorithm ensures no single point of failure across the network. Additionally a single radio is capable of working on more than one network simultaneously, thus reducing the number of radios required in vehicles and enabling reduction in both weight and volumetric space. Remote IP interface means the radio can be optimally located inside the vehicle, aircraft or surface vessel, as it only needs to be accessible for routine maintenance.

The radio station is protected against unauthorized access (firewalls), capable of transmitting data over secure networks and optimize available occupied bandwidth. Tadiran SDR-7200 is encoded by the frequency hopping radio station with high performance proven compatibility.

7200 provides the best set of features for combat systems C4I, using a number of unique features. This is really a radio station with programmable parameters, which allows soldiers and commanders effectively and with fewer simpler radios provide the necessary link for combat.
Compatible with the principles of SCA (Software Communications Architecture) 2.2 and has the ability to use both existing and future signals, Tadiran SDR-7200 has all the benefits of a truly software-defined radio, which provides a high degree of compatibility and interoperability with communications of various arms and units, making their signals available to work together in combat operations.


Tadiran 7200AR (airborne platforms)

Elbit Systems Ltd. announced the launch of its latest software-defined radio, the airborne Tadiran SDR-7200AR. Specifically designed for airborne platforms, this innovative radio system harnesses the power of its distinctive automatic routing and relay capabilities to offer extended range, while offering video, voice and data simultaneously at an exceptionally high data rate.

Embedded in the radio system are fundamental avionics applications for enhanced situational awareness, including video and safety enhancement features. These applications enable on-the-move commands and real-time intelligence updates that are automatically updated on the C4I system at an exceptionally high rate, contributing significantly to mission success.

The Tadiran SDR-7200AR's versatility is integral in enabling direct support of air-to-air, air-to-sea and air-to-ground communications, providing operators with a significant tactical edge in battle. The product is fully compliant with the Software Communications Architecture SCA version 2.2.2.

Part of the SDR family of products developed by Elbit Systems, a world leader in field-proven military communication solutions, the Tadiran SDR-7200AR supports multiple frequency bands, including VHF, UHF, L-Band, S-Band and SATCOM (optional). In addition, the product's high data rate easily handles live video required for success in today's complex operations.

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4961

Ko beše pitao za TDMA ?
Evo ova gore je izgleda kao jedna od najboljih inače...

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7196

Napisano: 08 Jan 2013 17:27

THF-8000 multimode HF radio communication systems

The THF-8000 is a military, tactical HF radio covering the 1.5 to 30 MHz frequency range. It supports a 'triple play' repertoire of voice, data and video over HF, along with Internet connectivity, e-mail and message routeing (per STANAG 5066 PC application). The radio provides data transfer rates of up to 19.2 kbits/s (per MIL-STD-188-110B and STANAG 4539), even when in use as a manpack radio. It also offers 2G and 3G Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) per MIL-STD-188-141B and STANAG 4538. ECCM & COMSEC features include digital encryption, scrambling and FH per STANAG 4444.Other features of the THF-8000 include an LCD and menu-driven HMI and multi-rate MELP vocoder.A number of THF-8000 variants are available. One is a 20 W manpack with optional GPS (PRC-8020). A second is a 125 W vehicular/ship radio with Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) antenna solutions to overcome the 'skip zone' shortcomings typical of traditional HF equipment (VRC-8200); the NVIS solutions are also applicable to fixed station configurations. Other versions of the THF-8000 function as high power 4,00 W or 1 kW static installations. According to the contractor the equipment provides continuous coverage from zero up to thousands of kilometres.


According to Elbit, the THF-8000 was in its final stage of development in mid-2008, with production starting at the end of 2008. Through its German subsidiary Telefunken, Elbit is able to implement NATO standards and classified protocols for the THF-8000, and was aiming among other things to achieve 3G (STANAG 4538) ALE certification in 2009.The VRC-8200 was reportedly part of a USD280 million Israeli Defence Force (IDF) supply and maintenance deal announced in early 2012.Included in the contractor's website inventory in 2010.

Dopuna: 08 Jan 2013 22:32

Tadiran CNR 9000 VHF/FM 25KHz COMSEC/ECCM radio system

The CNR-9000 radio is Tadiran Communications' response to present and emerging combat requirements for VHF/FM tactical networks. The latest and most modern tactical system on the market, the CNR-9000 is a miniature version of the CNR-900 radio system. Small and compact, it contains additional features and capabilities driven by real world combat experience.

Extended VHF/FM band 30-108 MHz (optional)
Powerful Encryption & ECCM (Frequency Hopping)
Synchronous orthogonal frequency hopping mode
Powerful, high speed data transmission (up to 32Kbps)
Powerful error detection/correction codes; automatic data rate and type adaptation
Powerful Flash and Burst data transmission
Selective calling/Selective barring
Lightweight radio system
State-of-the-art, innovative menu-driven MMI
Built-in-mini terminal
100 pre-set channels
Programmable hardware and updated software loading capability for additional features
Variety of manpack and vehicular/fixed station configurations
Advanced Built-In-Test (BIT)
Built-in Vocoder (optional)
Built-in GPS receiver (optional)
Communication Controller utilizing MIL-STD-188-220 protocol (optional)
Fully compatible with CNR-900 radio system

Operational Flexibility of Configuration Variety to Suit Every Operational Scenario

Manpack High-Power
Vehicular, Low-Power
Vehicular, High-Power
Vehicular, High-Power, Dual-Radio, with an internal power amplifier automatically allocated to the first transmitting radio
Vehicular, High-Power, Dual-Radio, with two power amplifiers


Compatible with old generation radios - e.g. AN/VRC-12
Compatible with CNR-900 and PRC-710 radio systems in all modes of operation
Compatible with old generation and new generation vehicular intercom systems - e.g. AN/VIC-1.VIS
Interfaces with a wide range of peripherals

Retransmit capability (with optional cable CX-5230)

Manpack and Vehicular
Voice and data retransmission
High-Power, Dual-Radio configuration forms a self-contained retransmit station
No external retransmit boxes required for manpack or vehicular retransmit stations
Automatic communication type adaptation (voice/data, syn/async, data rate)
Operation modes: CLEAR, COMSEC, ECCM
Protected against security breach

D a t a C o m m u n i c a t i o n

Powerful data rate adapter
Error correction
High probability of error free data transfer under severe communication conditions

Built-In Information Security And Immunity Encryption (COMSEC)

Very high level of voice and data security (digital encryption)
Two sets of ten cipher kits each protected against unauthorized access
No error propagation

Anti-Jamming (ECCM)

Medium hopping rate
Wideband (or narrowband) frequency hopping over the entire frequency band
Synchronous, orthogonal frequency hopping minimizes friendly collocation interference
PTT oriented, self-distributed synchronization eliminates need for master stations (vulnerable) and provides immediate readiness for operation
Very high probability of synchronization and resynchronization under severe jamming conditions
Spoofing resistant

Special Features

Use of radio system as mini terminal for message transmissions
Built-in GPS for system's location and for location report to higher level (optional)
Built-in Vocoder for high voice quality reception even under poor level channels (optional)
Communication Controller for vehicular configurations of tactical data transmission with Local Area Network (LAN) using MIL-STD-188-220 (Optional)
Hailing from fixed frequency to frequency hopping and vice versa

Frequency Range: 30.000-87.975 MHz

Memory Channels: 2320 (3120 optional) at 25 kHz spacing

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7196

Napisano: 09 Jan 2013 17:59

Mobile stations
3R Ruggedized MicomRanger

The MicomRanger is an advanced, ruggedized, front-mount, HF-SSB, DSP-controlled radio with embedded ALE. ALE JITC certified, it is fully compliant with FED-STD 1045 and MIL STD 188/141B and meets the MIL 810 STD (dust, shock, vibration, rain, salt and fog.) Meeting or exceeding NTIA specifications and FCC parts 15, 80, and 90, the radio supports voice, data, email, and fax applications. The radio is designed to operate under tough environmental and physical conditions.


ALE JITC certified
125W power output PEP/average
Variable bandwidth
Built-in test equipment
Front panel control and programming
Military type audio connectors
Selectable power output
Operates on all 1.6 to 30 MHz frequency range
Built-in digital noise blanking and clarifier
Multi-lingual full dot matrix display with enhanced keyboard
Security access codes for radio programming
Remote control via PC
Multi-net ALE per MIL-STD 188-141B
GPS interface (for adding internal or external GPS receiver)
Accessory port for multiple point-to-point communication
Interface for high speed data modem (9600 bps or higher)
Optional USB communications port for external keyboard (keyboard not included.) (Option G419)


The Micom3F is a desktop, front panel, HF-SSB, DSP-controlled radio with embedded ALE. It is ALE JITC certified, fully compliant with FED-STD 1045 and MIL STD 188/141B, and meets the MIL 810 STD (dust, shock, vibration, rain, salt and fog.) The radio meets or exceeds NTIA specifications and FCC parts 15, 80, and 90 and supports voice, data, email, and fax applications. Lightweight and compact, saving valuable cabin space, the radio is designed to operate under tough environmental and physical conditions.


125W power output PEP/average
Variable bandwidth
Built-in test equipment
Front panel control and programming
Selectable power output
Operates on all 1.6 to 30 MHz frequency range
Built-in digital noise blanking and clarifier
Multi-lingual full dot matrix display with enhanced keyboard
Security access codes for radio programming
Multi-net ALE per MIL-STD 188-141B
GPS interface (for adding internal or external GPS receiver)
Accessory port for multiple point-to-point communication
Interface for high speed data modem (9600 bps or higher)
Optional USB communications port for external keyboard (keyboard not included.) (Option G419)
Remote control via PC
ALE JITC certified


The Micom3T is a trunk mount, HF-SSB, DSP-controlled radio with embedded ALE. JITC certified, it is fully compliant with FED-STD 1045 and MIL STD 188/141B and meets the MIL 810 STD (dust, shock, vibration, rain, salt and fog.) Meeting or exceeding NTIA specifications and FCC parts 15, 80, and 90, the radio supports voice, data, email, and fax applications. Lightweight and compact, saving valuable cabin space, the radio is designed to operate under tough environmental and physical conditions.


ALE JITC certified
125W power output PEP/average
Variable bandwidth
Built-in test equipment
Front panel control and programming
Control head with installation kit and 17 ft control cable
Selectable power output
Operates on all 1.6 to 30 MHz frequency range
Built-in digital noise blanking and clarifier
Multi-lingual full dot matrix display with enhanced keyboard
Security access codes for radio programming
Remote control via PC
Multi-net ALE per MIL-STD 188-141B
GPS interface (for adding internal or external GPS receiver)
Accessory port for multiple point-to-point communication
Interface for high speed data modem (9600 bps or higher)
Optional USB communications port for external keyboard (keyboard not included.) (Option G419)

Portable Stations

Micom 3 Pathfinder HF SSB

The Micom Pathfinder HF SSB transceiver provides reliable, long-range radio communications in a rugged and durable manpack configuration built to withstand severe shock, vibration and extreme weather conditions. The unit meets US MIL-STD-810, is JITC certified with approved ALE per MIL-STD-188-141B, and meets or exceeds NTIA specifications and FCC parts 15, 80, and 90.


Frequency range 1.6 - 30 MHz
ALE per MIL-STD-188-141B
ISB (Independent Side Band) available
JITC Certified provides full interoperability with other manufacturers radios that comply with MIL-STD-188-141B standards
Voice that is loud and clear
25 Watt transmitter and high receive sensitivity of 0.3 microvolts
Voice operated digital squelch
MultiNet integration of parallel HF radio networks into one seamless network, allowing coordination different operational networks
Upgradeable to future technologies by installing new software into the transceivers DSP unit

Major Accessories Available

Internal Vocoder
AC battery Charger
Internal MIL-STD-188-110A/B modem
Hand-Crank Generator
Flexible steel blade antenna
Collapsible whip antenna
Fast deployment wideband antenna
Tactical long wire antenna
Internal GPS
Integrated antenna tuner
Embedded digital voice with AES encryption

Frequency Range: 1.6-30 MHz

Memory Channels: 200

Rapid Deployment Package

Micom RDP-3-DHS

The Micom RDP-3-DHS rapid deployment package is a portable, hand-carried, case-mounted, Micom 3-RDP radio containing AC power supply, antenna tuner, and a long wire antenna. It complies with FED STD 1045 and MIL STD 188/141B and meets MIL 810 STD (dust, shock, vibration, rain, salt and fog.) Meeting or exceeding NTIA specifications and FCC part 15, 80, and 90, the radio supports voice, data, email, and fax applications. It is designed for rapid deployment and is lightweight and compact enough to take on an airplane. It operates within minutes providing voice and secure voice operation in rigorous environmental conditions.

The Micom RDP-3-DHS above is shown in its ready to travel mode. The convenient travel handle is a component of the hard shell cover allowing for use as carry-on luggage that is storable in overhead compartments or under seat on commercial airlines.


DSP-based platform
125W power output PEP/average
Front panel control and programming
Selectable power output
Operates on all 1.6 to 30 MHz frequency range
Multi-language display
Security access codes for radio programming
Auto-sensing AC power supply, AC/DC changeover
Detachable antenna tuner
Detachable control head panel
Supports VP116 encryption and messenger email application
Optional multi-net Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) per MIL-STD 188-141B
JITC certified

Dopuna: 09 Jan 2013 18:53


PCIDM® V3 is a 32-bit, two-channel, PC card that allows users to incorporate IDM Technology® functionality into a personal computer.


Supports digital radios
Sends interoperable digital data information to a variety of military assets, when coupled with a radio
Enables sharing of accurate and timely information
Extends PC-based applications capability


MIL-STD-6017 (VMF)

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7196

TACMAX (Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd.)

Tactical Broadband Network for Ground Forces

TacMAX Family of base and mobile stations deliver high quality broadband video, data & voice services. TacMAX is based on the most advanced network technology that exists today cellular 4G technology guaranteeing QoS mechanisms.

The TacMAX unique design leverages all the benefits of cellular 4G technologies while fully adapting it to battlefield requirements & threats.
In addition, it offers seamless integration with IP networks and backhaul systems. Signal C2 software is used as a planning software tool for all deployments.
TacMAX supports fast system deployment, extended range, mesh capabilities, EW and more. TacMAX serves a wide variety of mobile station subscribers – military vehicles, portable or fixed/deployable sites.

Main features:
· Broadband, field wireless system
· Up to 45 Mbps data rates per sector
· Network immunity & redundancy
· Independency in the BS level
· Fast deployment
· Range: above 12 km in NLOS conditions
· Configurable DL:UL ratio
· OFDM modulation ensures reliable communication in dense urban &
Rural areas

TacMax utilizes the latest commercial off the shelf (COTS) 4G WiMAX technology, redesigned and packaged for military use, supporting mesh capabilities, advanced security and electronic-defense (ECCM) capabilities. The system is designed for rapid deployment and agility, using mobile station subscribers mounted on military vehicles, portable, fixed or deployable sites.

The system comprises base stations, relay stations, mobile stations or ship borne units. TacMax can support high data transfer rate of up to 45 Mbps per sector, delivering high quality broadband video, data and voice services on-the-move. The end units are designed for military standards, capable of integration in tactical, armored vehicles.

Tacmax base station operating the rapid deployable WiMAX network in the field.

Rafael is designing the system to be rapidly deployable, supporting division and brigade level communications with broadband data networking, as well as providing broadband connectivity for coastal and border security networks. The system can also be used to enhance current mobile subscriber requiring ultra-high data rates.

The system was displayed earlier this year in India and created significant interest.

Broadband Highway for Israeli BMS (Elbit Systems)

Broadband data communications channel dubbed 'HighWay', supporting tactical battle management systems (BMS)

The IDF has begun integrating high capacity IP data networking in Merkava armored battalions operating Battle Management Systems (BMS) systems. Both systems were developed by Elbit Systems. The new wirelsess communications channel employs a low-power, ‘stand-alone’ encrypted radio operating in the S-band range defined as ‘Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM)’. The tactical radio is designed for short ranges communications. The new unit augments the tactical network radios operating in the tank, which remains the primary voice channel.

The new data channel supports the BMS with higher capacity data transfer, accelerating the transfer of commands, reports, and accelerating the refresh rate of situational updates from minutes to seconds. In the future, the IDF plans to introduce the new SDR-7200 Software Defined Radio which supports both broadband data and voice communications waveforms, along with other types of communications.

Elbit Systems’ WIN BMS is designed to support tactical units at battalion level and below, supporting all the operational tasks, including managing direct fire engagement & maneuver, management of indirect fire support, operational planning, intelligence and logistics. Elbit Systems was selected by the Israel Ministry of Defense to serve as prime contractor for the IDF program of Battle Management Systems for Battalion Combat Teams.

Elbit Systems has developed the HighWay S-band wireless broadband network to provide high speed data communications over short ranges, supporting tactical wireless data networks.

Weapon Integrated Battle Management System - WINBMS


  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7196

Napisano: 11 Jan 2013 16:09



Ground Forces Digitalization Program Israel Defense Forces (ZAYAD)
Elbit Systems

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) "Ground Forces Digitalization" Program (Hebrew acronym ZAYAD) aims at linking the "sensors" and "shooters" across all command levels, down to the single soldier. The program will improve inter-networking of task forces and units operating throughout the theater of operation, enable flexible formation of combined task forces and improve the coordination and situational awareness at all levels of operations. The program will integrate to existing systems, including the strategic command, and battle management systems, currently available below the brigade level. The program will also integrate with the IDF future infantry combat system, currently under development at Elbit.

Tactical Internet Implementation

An important requirement of the new network is the capability every authorized user to transmit, receive and view high resolution still format, as well as live video from any sensors (including ground observations, BMS sight views, UAVs etc). This capability requires an optimized distribution of data, and the economical utilization of available spectrum. One of the solutions considered for this requirement is the implementation of the Tactical Internet Geographic Dissemination concept (TIGER) developed by Elbit Systems. Subscribers to the TIGER system automatically receive, store and distribute information, based on various parameters, including their geographical location and hierarchical placement in the command system. TIGER automatically update the communications channels and C2 systems of units when they are moving into a new area, or as ad-hoc task force are formed. Furthermore, the redundancy and survivability of the system are improved, as every subscriber is also a node, there is no "single point of failure", and the entire system can continue to function even under degraded conditions (countermeasures, interference or attack).

Under the Program, the existing ground forces Command, Control and Communications systems of the ground forces will be integrated, combining systems and applications developed and matured by Elbit Systems, the prime contractor as well as other subcontractors, including Tadiran Systems and Rafael. The Program includes development, supply and support of software and hardware, such as command and control consoles and terminals as well as information and image processing and dissemination systems. The cost of the multi-year program is estimated at over $200 million. Additional funding is expected to be added in US Foreign Military Sales, for the procurement of hardware systems for the program. Elbit received the contract on December 2004 and is expected to deliver the full system within ten years.

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  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7196

Terrestrial Trunked Radio

Terrestrial Trunked Radio(TETRA) is a specialist professional mobile radio and two-way transceiver (colloquially known as a walkie talkie) specification. TETRA was specifically designed for use by government agencies, emergency services, (police forces, fire departments, ambulance), rail transportation staff, transport services and the military.

TETRA is an ETSI standard, first version published 1995. TETRA is endorsed by the European Radio Communications Committee (ERC) and mandated for use in Europe.




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