Komandno - komunikacioni uređaji


Komandno - komunikacioni uređaji

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7184

Napisano: 11 Dec 2012 13:08

The First High-Frequency Tactical Radio with Wideband Data Capabilities
High Frequency Tactical Radio

Novi Falcon III® RF-7800H - širokopojasni manpack kompanije Harris Corporation napredak je u high-frequency taktičkim komunikacijama. Radi se o prvom svjetskom širokopojasnom HF taktičkom radiju, sa uvećanim data sposobnostima u dugodometnom, beyond-line-of-sight okruženju.

Radio transformiše bojište dozvoljavajući boračkom sastavu da šalje i prima video klipove, slike, mape i druge velike data fajlove — kao dodatak glasovnoj aplikaciji — na razdaljinama koje se protežu na nekoliko hiljada kilometara. Novi Falcon III HF radio je za 20 procenata manji i lakši nego prethodni HF manpacks i funkcioniše na jednoj bateriji. Prenos podataka je deset puta veći od trenutnih HF radija.

Ključni benefiti:
• Smaller and lighter
• Wideband data
• Dual band coverage
• RF power for every mission
• Fully interoperable with Harris Falcon II HF radios
• Dual encryption
• Situational awareness
• Small form factor
• Software Communications Architecture (SCA)—upgradeable to new standards and emerging requirements.

Dopuna: 11 Dec 2012 21:24

Multiband Networking Radio (MBNR)

RF-7800M-MP Multiband Networking Radio omogućuje "poplavu" high-speed u real-time bojišnih situational awareness informacija preko sigurnosne taktičke wireless mreže, omogućujući kritične veze između formacije nivoa voda i viših ešelona komandno - kontrolnih platformi. Rezultat toga je da raspoređene jedinice "barataju" sa informacijama visoke vrijednosti uključujući obavještajne podatke, logistiku, sanitet sa superiornom brzinom i preciznosti. Uvećavaju poplavu pravovremenih informacija i obavještajnih podataka sa bojišta, omogućujući komandirima da donose brže odluke potkrijepljene kvalitetnijim informacijama, raspoređuju resurse brže i preciznije, komandujući sa boljom "situational clarity" radi prevencije blue-on-blue događaja.

- True wideband connectivity – Data at up to 5 Mbps enables real-time communication of data intensive situational awareness and intelligence including email and streaming video.
- Mobile ad-hoc networking technology – Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2) enables self-forming, self-healing, high-speed information networks among RF-7800M-MP radios with no reliance on additional infrastructure.
- Optimal balance of power and size - Provides 20 watts of transmit power and covering 30 MHz to 2 GHz with a compact man-portable design that operates off a single standard battery.
- SCA-Compliant, Software-Defined Platform - Enables loading future or sovereign waveforms and encryption, adhering to current SCA standards while supporting evolving international SCA-based standards in Europe and other regions.
- Highly Secure – Embedded AES 256-bit encryption provides high-grade security for all transmissions.

Vehicle Amplifier Adapter

The single (V150) and dual (V250) VAAs are designed for use with the AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) wideband or RF-7800M-MP manpack radios. The RF-7800M-V150 is a 50-watt VAA for use with a single radio. Designed for long-range applications and increased communications reliability, it provides 50 watts from 30 to 450 MHz, supporting both narrowband and wideband waveforms up to 5 MHz bandwidth. In addition, the amplifier provides between 20 and 50 watts output power from 450 to 512 MHz. At frequencies above 512 MHz, the system outputs 20 watts PEP. The RF-7800M-V250 is a dual-configuration, 50-watt vehicular amplifier adapter (VAA) for use with two radios. The RF-7800M-V250 comes equipped with two power amplifiers (PAs) that are identical to the one provides with the V150, a SINCGARS Interface Module (SIM), a standard MT-6352 SINCGARS dual mount, and locking hardware.


International Handheld Radio

Novi Falcon III® RF-7800M-HH ručni radio je prvi internacionalni set koji nudi mission-critical širokopojasnu komunikaciju i networking zajedno sa u borbi dokazanim i naslijeđenim talasnim oblicima.


Lightweight and easily portable
Leverages the Harris Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2) to extend the high-speed tactical network down to the soldier level
Provides narrowband waveforms to ensure full interoperability with existing combat radio systems
Based on the Software Communications Architecture (SCA) for upgradeabiity
Provides up to 5 watts of output power and an extended frequency range of 30 to 512MHz

High Capacity Line-of-Sight (HCLOS) Radio

The RF-7800W High Capacity Line-of-Sight (HCLOS) radio provides quick-to-deploy, point-to-point or point-to-multipoint wireless IP infrastructure, enabling high-bandwidth data communication between mobile or fixed operations centers. Leveraging proven OFDM technology to deliver high-speed Ethernet throughput over wireless links, the RF-7800W HCLOS radio enables bandwidth-intensive applications such as group situational awareness, real-time streaming video, VoIP (voice over Internet protocol) and video conferencing. When integrated into a tactical communications network, the RF-7800W HCLOS radio provides a critical link for high-volume, high-quality and real-time operational data sharing. As a result, commanders are enabled to make faster, more informed decisions while deployed forces have on-demand access to robust up-echelon information for increased mission effectiveness.

High-speed wireless IP communication – Robust connectivity at Ethernet data rates greater than 80 Mbps and at distances beyond 50 km under clear line-of-sight conditions. Operates over the 4.4–5.0 GHz NATO Band IV.
Versatility for a variety of connectivity scenarios – Provides the capability for point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and repeater functions for wideband connectivity when and where it’s needed.
Military-grade technology – Designed for reliable use the harshest outdoor conditions.
Easy to deploy – lightweight design, and intuitive web-based configuration tool enables effective use in fixed or at-the-halt applications.
Security to meet the mission – Transmissions can be secured via embedded encryption capability or with external Ethernet Inline Network Encryption (INE) devices.
Part of a Harris tactical wideband system – Interoperable with Harris’ leading suite of tactical wideband communication products to enable high-speed, networked information exchange.

Dopuna: 12 Dec 2012 13:41

VHF Combat Net Radio (CNR)

RF-7800V VHF Combat Net Radio obezbjeđuje kontinuirano pokrivanje u 30 do 108 MHz frequency band i isporučuje performanse i fleksibilnost veću nego ijedan drugi dostupni VHF borbeni mrežni radio - ručni ili manpack - na platformi koja je veoma portabilna i jednostavna za upotrebu.
Izgrađen na softverski definisanoj platformi, sledeća je generacija VHF CNR, obezbjeđujući napredne sposobnosti koje dozvoljavaju operacije kroz "network-centric battlefield" bez napora.

192 kbps data - The first tactical VHF radio built for battlefield data networking - 192 kbps makes the RF-7800V the fastest VHF Combat Net Radio available, enabling streaming video and high-resolution file sharing.
10W output power - Talk farther with more relability - offering up to 10 Watts output power. Longer-range communications are achieved and link reliability is assured in close combat.
Battle Management Systems Ready - The RF-7800V is the platform best suited for time critical BMS reports. An integrated GPS receiver and Harris' new BMS waveform architecture to support time-critical data with up to 64 users on a single channel.
Lightweight, Easy to Use - At just 1.1kg, the RF-7800V VHF handheld radio also provides a direct Ethernet, USB connection and embedded data applications that eliminate the need for a bulky PC or PDA with an easy to use interface.
Secure - Embedded Harris Citadel® II provides military-grade and AES encryption for both voice and data transmissions; customer-unique encryption options are also available.
Mission Flexibility - Simultaneous voice and data capabilities, true dual-net communications through intuitive dual push-to-talk capability and Free Channel Search, which offers frequency agility in high-noise or radio jamming environments.
Interoperability - The RF-7800V interoperates in secure voice and data modes with the Falcon II® family, allowing seamless legacy radio communications.

Vehicular Base VHF Radio System

RF-7800V-V51x kombinuje performanse i fleksibilnost, kvalitenije u odnosu na druge VHF dostupne mrežne borbene radio setove, u low-profile varijantama za montažu u vozila ili objekte baziranja sa karakteristikama jednostavnosti upotrebe i instalacije.
With the new Falcon III® RF-7800V-V51x, your forces get a solution that gives them the ability to communicate more information, with greater speed and reliability - all crucial to achieving information superiority on the battlefield. Meanwhile, commanders get access to advanced real-time situational information that enables them to make faster, more informed decisions.

The 7800V-V51x provides continuous coverage in the 30 to 108 MHz frequency band at 50 watts of power while sending data up to 192 kbps, making it the fastest VHF combat net radio available. With built-in TDMA-based waveform, the RF-7800V-V51x is designed to support Battle Management System applications, guaranteeing network access to time ciritical information. The radio is fully interoperable with the RF-7800V Handheld radio and includes advanced ECCM, simultaneous voice and data capabilities all while using the embedded Citadel® II cryptographic technology, which provides 256-bit military grade and AES encryption for voice and data transmissions.

RF-7800B BGAN Terminals

Visokoperformansna satelitska solucija obezbjeđuje pouzdanu i širokopojasnu data konektivnost za "beyond line-of-sight", SATCOM-on-the-move i SATCOM-at-the-quick-halt aplikacije. RF-7800B sistemi ispunjavaju kritične potrebe za komunikacijama većeg propusnog opsega koje su dostupne danas i integrisane su u MIL-rugged sisteme sposobne za održavanje bešavne mrežne konektivnosti mobilnih taktičkih korisnika preko razvučene vojišnice.
The commercially available BGAN SATCOM spectrum (L-Band) utilizes the Inmarsat-4 constellation, providing wideband data throughput (up to 492 kbps).
Sa potpuno integrisanim RF-7800B i Harris Falcon III® Multiband Radio čvorišnim sistemom, RF-7800B BGAN terminali uvećavaju već visokointegrisane taktiče radio networking sposobnosti.

Land Portable BGAN Terminal

Small, Class 2 BGAN terminal for SATCOM-on-the-Quick-Halt (SOQH) at the dismount level, or fixed-site applications
Optional audible setting provides steering tones/signal strength
Data rates up to 432 kpbs
Meets MIL-STD-810F for rugged environmental requirements
Ability to extend Falcon III® wideband encrypted data BLOS

Land Mobile BGAN Terminal

Class 10 SOTM BGAN terminal for vehicular SOTM applications
Provides continuous satellite tracking and connectivity
Data rates up to 492 kbps
Meets MIL-STD-810F for rugged environmental requirements
Ability to extend Falcon III® wideband encrypted data BLOS

Dopuna: 12 Dec 2012 21:04


RF-7800S-TR personalni radio specifično je dizajniran radi ispunjavanja jedinstvenih zahtjeva obezbjeđenja sigurne i pouzdane glasovne, data i "situational awareness" komunikacije na nivou vojnika. Optimalizovan za maksimalne performanse kroz različita okruženja kroz koja vojnik prolazi, sa omogućavanjem povećanja dometa na produženim mrežama, RF-7800S-TR sigurni personalni radio obezbjeđuje kontinuirano pokrivanje u 350 do 450 MHz frekvencijskom opsegu i omogućava pouzdanu povezanost između pripadnika odeljenja i obavještajnog nivoa komandovanja.
RF-7800S-TR sigurni personalni radio već je prihvaćen kao standardizovana personalna radio platforma za više različitih programa modernizacije u svijetu.

Specialized frequency range and networking waveform deliver maximum range and voice quality even in dense urban areas.
High-speed USB connectivity to other C4 devices, integrated GPS and simultaneous wideband voice and data.
Slim profile and weighing only 300 grams, the RF-7800S-TR is easily body-worn or used in-hand without overburdening the operator.
Two watts of output power while still achieving 8 or more hours of battery life in standard operation.
AES or Citadel™ 256-bit encryption protects command and situational information.
Meets MIL-STD-810E requirements and protected for up to 2 meter immersion in water.

RF-7800S-LR SPR™
Leader Radio

RF-7800S-LR SPR™ Leader Radio je modularno unapređenje za RF-7800S-TR SPR™ Team Radio, kombinujući sposobnosti team radija i kompjutera u jedinstvenu višenamjensku platformu koja je fleksibilna za podršku mnogim raznim misijama sa prednošću i u smanjenu opreme nošene od strane vojnika.

The RF-7800S-LR SPR™ Leader Radio provides additional input/output facilities for various soldier-based sensors and technologies and mobile application environment for embedded user applications. An optional VGA display connects via a standard link, providing a simple user interface. The mobile operating system provides a standard platform for rapid application development.

The SPR™ Leader Radio is the perfect platform for your advanced Soldier System requirements.

Tactical Video Processor

RF-7400E-VP je na tijelu nošeni taktički videoprocesor koji omogućava vojnicima na nivoima voda ili čete protok i snimanje u realnom vremenu video zapisa do taktičkih komandnih centara ili borbenih vozila usklađenim sa Falcon III Radio interoperabilnošću.

Za razliku od drugih video procesora i video rekordera, TVP kombinuje ove dvije sposobnosti u jedinstveno ojačano pakovanje dozvoljavajući vojnicima raspoređivanje na bojnom polju sa punim povjerenjem. Korisnici imaju potpunu kontrolu nad video postavkama (frame rate, resolution) i što je važnije, korisnici imaju mogućnost da prate protok videa preko radio veze korišćenjem Falcon III radio setova.

Ključni benefiti:
• Lightweight, tactical, body-worn device makes it ideal for the squad and platoon level teams in surveillance and reconnaissance operations.
• Interoperable with all Falcon III radios and all NTSC/PAL cameras.
• Easy programming - no additional software is required to configure TVP settings. All programming is performed from browser while the TVP is connected through an USB port.
• Advanced encoding and compression standards - the TVP encodes and compresses to the H.264 standard. This allows for 50% less bandwidth than MPEG-4 and offers higher image quality.
• Video re-syncs automatically to handle RF fade conditions.
• Automatically record the video at the highest quality available when RF conditions fade or when out of range.
• The C2View software applications allows real time viewing of the TVP feeds and also a simplified solution for forwarding the video feed to higher echelons.

Vehicular Intercom System

The RF-7800I Vehicular Intercom System je sveobuhvatno rešenje za za glasovne i data komunikacije unutar vozila, taktičku mrežnu konektivnost i interoperabilnost upravljačkog sistema na bojnom polju. RF-7800I obezbjeđuje glasovnu i data konektivnost između članova posade vozila dok kreiraju mrežu za integraciju komunikacionih sistema vozila. Sa modularnom, konfigurabilnom platformom, the RF-7800I je jednostavan za upotrebu, lak i energetski efikasan.

Centralna jedinica.
The intercom system’s main component, the Central Unit, performs voice channel switching and digital data packet routing between 8 crew stations and 4 combat net radios. The Central Unit also has 4 general purpose serial ports, a Speaker Unit port, and 2 Ethernet ports for full network integration. A “light” version is available for voice-only applications with support for 4 crew stations and 2 radio transceivers.

Komponente za posadu.

Crew Stations allow operators to monitor selected channels, conference with selected intercom users, monitor and transmit via radio transceivers, and access external connections such as telephone lines. Each crew station comes in two variants: dual headset or a single headset and a data port to support a PC or other network device.

Dopuna: 13 Dec 2012 2:51

Mobile Computing Platform (MCP)

The Harris Mobile Computing Platform (MCP) dozvoljava transfer podataka sa različitih mreža, up-echelon and down-echelon, obezbjeđujući kompletnu mrežu i video menadžment za usmjeravanje videa od nivoa vojnika, vozila, komandnog centra kroz cijeli sistem. Sa svojim Linux-based operativnim sistemom, MCP je dovoljno fleksibilan za integraciju sa različitim izborom mrežne opreme, Vetronics sistemima, i multimedia aplikacijama. Obezbjeđuje svu ovu funkcionalnost sa vučenjem minimalnih količina energije sa platformi i dizajniran je za zauzimanje minimuma prostora.

Snažni, ojačani server dizajniran je za kritične vojne misije i javne bezbjedonosne komunikacije te multimedia aplikacije. MIL-STD-810 dizajn podržava instalaciju u točkaškim i gusjeničnim vozilima, i operacijama u izazovnim EMI/RFI okruženjima, garantovanim MIL-STD-461 dizajnom. Za razliku od drugih ojačanih serverskih platformi, MCP donosi jedinstvenu kombinaciju Ethernet switch, USB host and mulitpurpose serial ports, video encoder and GigE interfaces - sve na jednoj platformi.


Laki, multiband RF-7800T Situational Awareness Video Receiver (SAVR) omogućuje ISR video "hranjenje" direktno do trupa na zemlji, omogućujući im da vide šta avion ili Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) vidi u realnom vremenu. Dizajniran za istureni borački sastav kao i za fiksne te varijante za vozila, veličina i dostupnost RF-7800T dozvoljava da kritično ISR "hranjenje" bude vidljivo spolja TOC i u pokretu.

As a member of the battle-proven family of Falcon III® tactical radios, the RF-7800T leverages Falcon III SCA architecture, allowing the product to remain on the cusp of emerging Digital Data Link (DDL) standards through software upgrades. A rich roadmap of future features – to be phased in over time through software-only upgrades – assures that the RF-7800T is truly a future-proof investment. These planned features include digital waveforms, streaming MPEG-4/H.264 over RNDIS USB Video, metadata output in CoT format and other useful visual augmentation of video feeds.

RF-7800T Situational Awareness Video Receiver podržava mrežne sposobnosti za široku diseminaciju ISR videa kroz korišćenje bilo kojeg taktičkog IP-based radija, uključujući AN/PRC-117G.

Analog and ROVER digital capable
Portable, lightweight, compact and rugged
Software-defined Falcon III SCA Architecture
Network-enabled streaming video source
Common Harris user interface
Powered by widely fielded batteries

Fusion Networking System

Provjereni kapaciteti AN/PRC-117G radija, doveli su do proširivanja mreže sa svim dostupnim mobilnim sistemima.
Designed for on-the-move operations, the Fusion™ networking system delivers assured wireless network connectivity, content and services to mobile and dismounted soldiers. With our extensive battlefield experience, Harris uniquely offers a comprehensive, integrated and cost effective networking platform including the AN/PRC-117G backhaul, rugged Network Communications Server and the 4G LTE Tactical Cellular transceiver, all compatible with intuitive edge devices. The system enables reliable, persistent distribution of vital information between higher headquarters, through command vehicles, to the squad.

Some of the benefits include:

— Delivering Applications from Commander to Soldier
— Long-range mobile connectivity; compact, versatile system configurations
— Move voice, data, video and images fast and efficiently across the battlefield
— Standards-based open architecture
— Multiple transports paths for networked voice, data, video communications
— 4G LTE technology on the battlefield
— Supports up to 30 simultaneous users; voice, SMS/MMS data and video capability.


Harris RF-5410FC FalconCommand dozvoljava "liderima" podijelu za bojno polje vitalno važnih obavještajnih podataka sa svojim vojnicima tokom planiranja misija i u realnom vremena tokom izvođenja operacija. Opremanje svakog vojnika sa up-to-date intelligence, plans, and situational awareness, komandni sastav pojačava informacionu superiornost nad neprijateljem, značajno uvećavajući šanse za uspjeh misije.

With its intuitive user interface, FalconCommand is easy to use and yet sophisticated enough to provide a synchronized data sharing system which prevents any single point of data failure in time critical missions. With the latest software release, FalconCommand is now available with 3D mapping capabilities, allowing soldiers to better understand the battlefield landscape and terrain while preparing for or executing missions. And it can run on today’s computing platforms, including mobile devices such as the RF-7800S Secure Personal Radio, the SPR Leader Radio and other displays, making the FalconCommand next-generation command and control software an integral piece of any C4ISR system.

Ruggedized Tablet

• Automatically connect to a wideband network at the tactical edge
• Access, share, and use high-bandwidth data in real time
• Operate the sunlight-readable 7-inch touchscreen with a stylus, pen, or even gloved finger
• Leverage current and future apps built on the familiar and flexible Android platform.

Border Security Systems

Integrisani sistem koji obezbjeđuje korisnika sa operacionom slikom i automatskim raspoređivanjem patrola za brže i boljim informacijama potkrijepljene odluke.


Vojne operacije širom svijeta oslanjaju se na Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (C4ISR) sisteme radi pružanja mogućnosti prikupljanja i analiziranja podataka o neprijatelju i njihovom koordinisanom širenju. Ovo omogućava jedinici da djeluje momentalno i precizno.

Solucije za C4ISR misije omogućavaju trupama prikupljanje audio, vizuelnih i fizičkih obaveštenja, podržani sistemima za komuniciranje i upravljanje tim podacima.
Ovi sistemi pomažu efikasnoj zaštiti nacionalnih granica, regionalnih granica, privremenih instalacija i objekata.

• Fusion Networking System: Synchronize, store and share...in the middle of nowhere.
• Ruggedized Tablet: High performance application and computing capability at the tactical edge.
• FalconCommand: World-class command and control solutions.
• RF-7800T-HH: Delivering ISR video feeds directly to the soldier on the ground and on the move.
• Border Security Systems: Common operational picture and automatic patrol dispatch for quicker more informed decisions.

Dopuna: 13 Dec 2012 13:13

Type-1 Suite B Handheld Multiband Radio

Revolutionary Secret and below interoperability for U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), NATO and coalition forces.

Prvi i jedini Suite B-compatible taktički vojni ručni radio je Type-1 non-CCI varijanta od NSA-certified Type-1 AN/PRC-152(C) ručnog radija. RF-310M-HH Multiband Radio idealan je za unutrašnju bezbjednost, podržavajući sigurnosne komunikacije koje premošćavaju jaz između U.S. DoD agencija, dispečara hitnih službi, državnih i lokalnih agencija te njihovog personala. Najprije za taktički radio, NATO klijenti mogu ga koristiti za potrebe koalicione interoperabilnosti i nacionalne, sopstvene potrebe kroz lokalno generisan, nezavisni suvereni ključ.

RF-310M-HH Multiband Radio ima istu JTRS Software Communications Architecture (SCA) i operiše u okruženju za AN/PRC-152(C), osiguran sa Suite B-compatible cryptography and key management techniques incorporating the Harris Sierra™ IIB programmable encryption. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and keying standards are used to handle voice and data traffic at the U.S. Secret level and below.

Covers 30-512 MHz
High Band option extending frequency range coverage to 30-520 MHz and 762-870 MHz
VHF/UHF AM and FM (Type-1 AES) waveforms
Integrated speaker and microphone
Alphanumeric keypad and LCD display
Common accessories with the AN/PRC-152(C)

Multiband Tactical Handheld Radio

The RF-5800M-HH multiband handheld radio enables secure, reliable communications in a multitude of missions.

RF-5800M-HH multiband ručni radio omogućava sigurnu, pouzdanu komunikaciju na zadacima od standardnog nivoa odeljenja do specijalizovanih isturenih avio - kontrolora i specijalnih snaga. Pokrivajući 30 do 512 MHz frekvencijskog opsega, RF-5800M-HH nudi potpuno opremanje sa ECCM sposobnostima, uključujući TALON®* talasne oblike za sigurnu ground-to-air komunikaciju.

A proven, intuitive user interface simplifies operation with push-to-talk voice communications available through the built-in speaker/microphone or the standard headset connector.

External data interface enables connection to fielded PCs or other network data devices and integrated GPS provides simultaneous automated position reporting.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28760
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Mora ovde da se preseče poruka. Odličan prikaz Kljifte.

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16142
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Harris baš radi komponente skoro kako bi ja želeo. Doduše ja bih još pojednostavio i smanjio broj potrebnih komponeti od centrale (generalštab)>brigade>bataljuna>čete>voda

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7184

HF Manpack Radio

RF-5800H-MP je najnapredniji HF manpack radio dostupan danas, sa novim standardima pouzdanosti, dugodometne High-Frequency (HF) komunikacije na bojnom polju. Dizajniran je za obezbjeđenja vojnika sa sigurnosnim i data komunikacijama i u najtežim uslovima. RF-5800H-MP obezbjeđuje kontinuirano pokrivanje u 1.6 do 60 MHz frekvencijama i omogućava korisniku da ostane konektovan za pristup kritično važnim informacijama tokom operacija gdje line of sight komunikacije nisu opcija.

Leading HF technology - Harris sets the standard for reliable long-haul HF communication for tactical requirements
The RF-5800H-MP features Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) and high performance Third Generation ALE (3G) to provide superior linking and error-free data performance
Advanced frequency hopping – ensures consistent, secure communications even in the presence of jamming
Assured high-quality voice and data – combination of MELP technology and serial tone modem ensure maximum quality and range even over poor quality channels
Software-Defined Platform - Enables upgrading to future waveforms, feature enhancements, or unique customer encryption algorithms
Highly-Secure - Citadel® ASIC provides digital voice and data encryption using either a Harris-standard or a customer-unique algorithm
AES Encryption provides the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) adopted by the U.S. Government
Military-grade durability - Field-proven design meets MIL-STD-810G requirements


RF-6705 Tactical Chat IP
RF-6750W Wireless Gateway
RF-6760 Wireless Email
RF-6910 FALCON II® C2PC-CNR Integrated Tactical Command & Control System
RF-6920 FALCON II® C2CE-CNR Situational Awareness Application

HF Antenna
RF-1912 HF Fan Dipole Antenna
RF-1930CHD HF Shipboard Whip Antenna
RF-1936 (AS-2259/GR)/RF-1938 Portable Crossed Dipole Antenna
RF-1937 HF Transportable Ground Stake Antenna
RF-1941/RF-1940 Series HF Manpack, Portable Dipole Antenna
RF-1944 Series Broadband Inverted VEE HF Antenna
RF-1944-AT020 20 Watt Manpack
RF-1950-AT001 1-KW Inverted VEE Dipole Antenna
RF-1980F-AT001/RF-1980-AT001 Tilt-Whip Adapters
RF-3134-AT003/5 OTM Vehicular Loop Antenna
SB-V16/SB-V35 Vertical HF Whip Antennas
adapteri za vozila, antene, napajanja i
Pacer Bounce Replacement System
RF-3700H Harris Universal Image Transmission Software (HUITS)
RF-5845H-PP101 Digital Pre/Postselector

Type-1 HF Radio

Falcon II® AN/PRC-150(C) je najnapredniji vojni Type-1 HF radio dostupan danas, sa novim standardima pouzdanosti za dugodometne High-Frequency (HF) komunikacije na bojnom polju. Dizajniran je za obezbjeđenje sigurnih glasovnih i data komunikacija, čak i u najtežim uslovima, hiljade AN/PRC-150(C) vojnih HF radija obezbjeđuje kontinuirano pokrivanje 1.6 do 60 MHz frekvencijskih opsega i raspoređen je u oružanim snagama SAD i njima koalicionih vojski omogućavajući im da ostanu konektovani za prijem kritično važnih informacija tokom operacija gdje line of sight communications nisu opcija.

Leading HF technology - Harris sets the standard for reliable long-haul HF communication for tactical requirements
Software-defined platform – enables adaptability to changing mission requirements through software upgrades
Security to meet the mission - Type-1 and coalition COMSEC enable the highest security possible while maintaining critical interoperability
Assured high-quality voice and data – combination of MELP technology and serial tone modem ensure maximum quality and range even over poor quality channels
The AN/PRC-150(C) features Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) and high performance Third Generation ALE (3G) to provide superior linking and error-free data performance
Advanced frequency hopping – ensures consistent, secure communications even in the presence of jamming
Military-grade durability – Field-proven design meets MIL-STD-810G requirements

Dodatna oprema
HF Antenna
RF-1930CHD HF Shipboard Whip Antenna
RF-1936 (AS-2259/GR)/RF-1938 Portable Crossed Dipole Antenna
RF-1941/RF-1940 Series HF Manpack, Portable Dipole Antenna
RF-1944 Series Broadband Inverted VEE HF Antenna
RF-1950-AT001 1-KW Inverted VEE Dipole Antenna
RF-1980F-AT001/RF-1980-AT001 Tilt-Whip Adapters
RF-3134-AT003/5 OTM Vehicular Loop Antenna
SB-V16/SB-V35 Vertical HF Whip Antennas


RF-6705 Tactical Chat IP
RF-6750W Wireless Gateway
RF-6760 Wireless Email
RF-6910 FALCON II® C2PC-CNR Integrated Tactical Command & Control System
RF-6920 FALCON II® C2CE-CNR Situational Awareness Application
adapteri za vozila, antene, napajanja i
RF-3700H Harris Universal Image Transmission Software (HUITS).

Tactical Network Access Hub

RF-6010 Tactical Network Access Hub obezbjeđuje Falcon II radio korisnike sa easy-to-use pristupom do drugih glasovnih i data komunikacionih sistema. RF-6010 konvertuje komercijalne standarde glasovnih i data formata u industry-leading RF talasne oblike integrisane u Harris Falcon II radija. Zavisno od operativnih potreba, RF-6010 može raditi samostalno, four-subscriber switch ili zajedno sa komercijalnim ili taktičkim telefonskim svičevima.
Integracija IP data transfera, telefonskih poziva, i normalnih digitalnih glasovnih operacija obavlja se automatski i bešavno sa RF-6010. Radio korisnici mogu unijeti telefonski broj direktno na tastaturu svojih radija i doći do bilo kojih telefona konektovanih na RF-6010, kao i telefona konektovanih na telefonsku centralu, ako je prisutna. Sistem omogućava korisnicima telefona koji nisu upoznati sa taktičkim radio operacijama da dobiju pristup mobilnim ili fiksnim taktičkim radio mrežama.

Supports one to four Falcon II radio networks
Ethernet network interface to outside networks and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) interface to Falcon II radios
Four Local Operator Connections and eight External Phone Line Connections (switch-based PABX/PBX)
Supports North American and International Telephony Standards with direct connection to CD 115E digital switch and ET-10 digital phone
Supports transparent voice or IP Data Service through Falcon II radios

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7184

Tactical Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Systems

This proven, off-the-shelf, solution provides reliable imagery over tactical radio links, and interfaces to all cameras, including specialized military camera systems.

Sistem sadrži ojačane video enkodere i standardnu štabnu opremu konfigurisanu sa video serverima i displejima.


FalconFighter Modular Soldier Systems

With its modular design, the Harris FalconFighter Soldier System allows for quick integration and adaptation of readily available products and technologies into a scalable soldier system.

Dizajnirani oko Harris sigurnosnog personalnog radija i battle management softvera, Harris Soldier System sadrži proizvode i tehnologije u četiri modula:
• Sensors (Visual and Physical)
• Power Modules and Management
• Personal Area Network
• C4 (Command, Control, Communication & Computation)

Integrated Vehicle Systems

Integrisani sistem u vozilu obezbjeđuje multikanalne komunikacione spososbnosti koje su potpuno automatske i dozvoljavaju komunikaciju sa višim i nižim ešelonima.

Komponente sistema:
• State-of-the-art Harris Tactical Radio Products
• Battlefield Management Sub-System (BMS)
• Vehicular Intercoms
• C4ISR Platform Servers
• Vehicular Electronic Warfare (EW) Sub-System

Wide-Area Networks

Combines multiple tactical radio links into a seamless IP area coverage network or nation-wide repeater network for wide area communications.

Komponente sistema:
· Combat Net Radios (HF/VHF/UHF)

· High Capacity Line-of-Sight (HCLOS)

· Wideband Tactical (UHF)

· Tactical Radio Links

· Satellite Links

· Tactical Edge Network Equipment

· IP Enabled Devices for:
o Voice

o C4ISR Data

o Dispatch Management

o Video and Video Management

o Radio control.

C4ISR Systems

An open, scalable, composable architecture of decision aiding and decision support components for rapid creation of customized BMS applications for the Warfighter.

Komponente sistema:
• Digital Mapping / Geographic Information System (GIS)
• Situational Awareness Sub-System
• Collaboration and Planning Tools
• Terrain & Mobility Analysis Software
• Joint Network Centric Fires and Effects Applications
• Management tools for the exploitation and dissemination of national intelligence.
• Tactical Intelligence and Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems.

Border Security Systems

This integrated system provides users with a common operational picture and automatic patrol dispatch for quicker more informed decisions.

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4962

Da nisu američki svi bi ih poželeli...Stvarno skvaka ćast Amerima, kad su radioveze u pitanju...alalalaiiiii.
Kljifte, prestani malo sa Harisom, NE MOGU DA GLEDAM...:-(

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7184

Highband Network Radio (HNR)

HNR obezbjeđuje IP-based mrežu, sa vezama sposobnim za prenos podataka brzinama >25 Mbps, za VoIP, video, i C4I servise. Radio funkcioniše jednako dobro i u mobilnoj i u stacionarnoj varijanti. Vojnik pritiskom na jedan prekidač aktivira sistem i HNR se automatski povezuje sa drugim lokacijama u line-of-sight. Koristeći se direkcionom beam antenom, HNR automatski kreira čitavu mrežu koristeći samo jednu frekvenciju.

A directive beam also permits simultaneous use of the same frequency between nodes not in each other’s RF path. The antenna operates in the 4.5–4.99 GHz band and mounts directly to a mast or vehicle. HNR uses the Highband Networking Waveform (HNW). Software features in the HNW enable an HNR to establish communications in seconds without human intervention. As the nodes move, temporary blocks to line-of-sight links are automatically routed around the MESH network (self healing). When line-of-sight is obtained, connectivity is reestablished (self forming) and the “orphan” HNR automatically rejoins the network. The radios autonomously negotiate among themselves the allocated time and data rates to use to pass traffic. HNRs can discover and establish direct wireless links with over ten neighbor nodes within view. Further, it will associate with its neighbors’ neighbors and keep track of their locations, facilitating connectivity among nodes where LOS may not exist.

HNR ključne karakteristike:

Single frequency operation: single switch setup, no antenna alignment;
Automatic management of data rates and times of transmission with its neighbors;
Automatic, in-band neighbor discovery and control;
Directive beam antennas provide long-range connectivity and simultaneous frequency reuse;
Radios communicate with one another at-the-halt or on-the-move with no operator intervention;
Full hemispherical antenna coverage enables multipoint-to multipoint links among radios, thereby creating an unusually robust network GUI-based radio manager allows network tailoring and optimization in real time from any node;
AES Transmission Security (TRANSEC) for all RF transmissions;
Supports IPv4/v6 protocols;

High Capacity Wireless Networking

The Highband Networking Radio (HNR) and the Multi-band Networking Radio (MBNR) provide two immediately available ad hoc mesh networking radios for the warfighter. Each system can operate as a separate network, or they can be combined to pass traffic from one radio to another via a router. Together, these systems provide solutions for a wide variety of terrestrial, maritime and air communication system deployments. The Company Command Post Node provides an integrated solution combining radios and routers to provide SIPR and NIPR services to company level within a single fly-away transit case.

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7184

Highband Networking Radio™ Company Command Post Node

Jedna od tri primarne varijante "Company Command Post Node" kao dio Network Integration Evaluation 12.1. Na slici Kajman, mine-resistant, ambush-protected, or MRAP, tent-based CoCP. Ta varijanta obezbjeđuje "Soldiers mission-critical command capabilities onboard the MRAP vehicle". Kada zadaci postanu više stacionarnog karaktera, vojnici mogu rasklopiti sistemski šator radi maksimizovanja CoCP kapaciteta.

Dizajniran za brzo taktičko raspoređivanje u Forward Operating Bases (FOBs), Joint Security Station/Combat Outpost (JSS/COP), - Company Command Post Node kombinuje Highband Networking Radio™ (HNR) sa Type 1 encrypted routing and switching u jedinstveno, integrisano, samostalno, visoko - transportabilno pakovanje.
Company Command Post Node obezbjeđuje SIPRNET i NIPRNET servise za brigade, bataljon, i niže ešelone.

After having received Initial Authority To Operate (IATO) by U.S. Central Command, the Company Command Post Node is currently in use by the U.S. Army in tactical environments. Deploying the Company Command Post Node across the battlefield creates a high bandwidth ad hoc terrestrial mesh backbone network, minimizing reliance on SATCOM (and associated recurring SATCOM transponder lease costs) as the primary means for brigade and below communications. The Company Command Post Node has been successfully tested for interoperability with the Joint Network Node (JNN) and therefore provides a reliable high bandwidth extension of the JNN SIPRNET and NIPRNET voice and data services to brigade, battalion, and below battalion levels. When used as a JNN extension, the Company Command Post Node increases data throughput by orders of magnitude over SATCOM solutions and without the long latencies associated with the SATCOM solutions. Furthermore, the Company Command Post Node interfaces directly with the Joint Network Node (JNN) and allows autonomous operations.

The Company Command Post Node provides “drop-and-deploy” capabilities at static sites, including FOBs, JCC, and JCOPs, by simply placing the radio antenna on a tripod, on rooftops, or if greater height is required, on a standard MSE 15-meter HCLOS mast. All features such as: SIPRNET routing with Power Over Ethernet (POE) enabled; NIPR routing with POE enabled; call management; firewall protection; COMSEC and TRANSSEC; and DAGR GPS positioning are preconfigured and already integrated into the transit case solution. All system cabling is internal to the Company Command Post Node Transit Case and allows for easy setup and operation by non-Signal Corp personnel as shown in the interconnect diagram. The Company Command Post Node Transit Case is preconfigured to accept laptops, servers, IP phones, and a multitude of other IP appliances via either SIPR or NIPR Ethernet patch panels. The Company Command Post Node is also “mobile ready” and can be utilized on mobile platforms such as MRAPs, HMMWVs, or aircraft, with the addition of an optional inertial navigation unit.

Highband Networking Waveform (HNW)

Designed for the military, the HNW was created to provide high bandwidth, long range line-of-site connectivity between users of widely dispersed Local Area Networks (LAN). The HNW is an ad hoc (i.e., self-forming, self-healing) implementation of an IP based wideband wireless network protocol using Directive Network Technology (DNT). DNT uses directive beam antennas to extend range and improve throughput. Directive antennas also provide inherent low probability of intercept and low probability of detection (LPI/LPD) capability.

Highband Networking Waveform Characteristics:

Ease of use
High throughput, long range OTM and ATH
Secure, HAIPE ready with AES TRANSEC covers
Standard network applications
Seamless sensor support
Interoperable with existing IPv4 networks
Also adheres to IPv6 open standards interface


The HNW can be considered a wireless Wide Area Networking (WAN) waveform that connects LANs and their users together. Envisioned to satisfy the WAN needs of all DoD, this waveform, which operates with equal effectiveness at the halt or OTM (on-the-move),has been designed to work in both air and ground tiers of a battlespace to provide seamless, self-forming connectivity between all users. Although the waveform has primary applicability to the wide area scenario, it can be used to provide high data rate user access in localized areas where operational command centers are numerous and data concentration is high.

Open Architecture

HNW will be an SCA compliant waveform in the JPEO/JTEL library and certification plans are underway. From an architecture perspective, the HNW is formed at layers 1 and 2 in the OSI stack. Layer 2 for HNW is called the U-MAC (Universal Media Access Control) because it has been designed to universally link various routing (layer 3) and physical (layer 1) layers together. Currently, HNW interfaces with two open architecture layer 3 routing protocols: a) OLSR and b) OSPF with MANET extensions. HNW has two physical layers available:a) ASIC based OFDM modem and b) SCA compliant VHDL based single carrier modem.

Performance History

The HNW has been implemented on two different COTS hardware platforms. These readily available components were used to define, develop, and demonstrate the capability of HNW. To date, the HNW has been demonstrated over five times with up to 15 nodes, ranges of up to 24 km, and data rates of up to 23 Mbps. Militarized components with higher overall performance are in design to provide greater throughputs and ranges than achieved with the current HNW implementation. Designs indicate performance with ranges exceeding 40 km and 100 Mbps for ground-to-ground applications.

Open Interfaces to NetOps

The HNW is designed to reduce crew sizes and training requirements by operating with a policy driven control interface. The waveform is designed to boot from an initial startup configuration defined by the user. Once booted, an external controller (NetOps) can redefine the operational states of the waveform within the radio. For example, NetOps can restrict (or permit) the spectral bandwidth, modulation type, power level, data rates, number of permissible links, or other controllable parameters given the current battlefield scenario. Control is achieved via an SCA compliant interface to an external Radio Manager function. The HNW then operates autonomously within these policy constraints.

Function - Capability
Radio chassis type JTRS like vehicle adaptor
HNW bands C- and Ku-band
Available tiers Ground/air capable
Layer 2 (MAC) Mobile, ad hoc, Directive Networking Technology
with OLSR and PPPoE OSPF interfaces
ARQ and power control
Fixed time slots
Layer 1 (PHY) Single carrier PHY
Software radio capability Programmable MAC
Programmable PHY
SCA compliant
NetOps Interface SCA Framework 2.2.1 through Radio Manager
Modulations O-QPSK, 16 QAM with 2 coding rates each
Data rate adaptation 20 rates between 2 and 110 Mbps using fractional
bandwidths from 3.125 to 50 MHz
NetOps Configurable 50 MHz, 25 MHz, 12.5 MHz, 6.25 MHz, 3.125 MHz
Fractional Bandwidths

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7184

Highband RF Unit (HRFU)

Dizajniran za vojsku, Highband RF Unit (HRFU), zajedno sa radio setom, obezbjeđuje borački sastav sa automatskim komunikacionim pristupom za više Highband Networking Waveform (HNW) korisnika simultano.
The HRFU allows the HNW to create self-forming, self-healing, and ad hoc links across the battlespace using Directive Network Technology (DNT). The HRFU’s narrow antenna beams are automatically steered by the HNW to provide extended range and improved throughput capability. High directivity and low antenna sidelobes also provide inherent low probability of intercept and low probability of detection (LPI/LPD) capability.

Operationally, the HRFU is the antenna subsystem for the Highband Networking Waveform (HNW). The HRFU provides full hemispheric coverage to allow HNW nodes to affiliate and transmit data over 360 degrees in azimuth. As air nodes are added to the battlespace, the HRFU will steer its antenna beam in elevation to close the air-ground links formed.


Modular, rugged package
Optimized size, weight, and power
Full hemispherical coverage (OTM and ATH)
Multiple mounting configurations
Supports HNW (Highband Networking Waveform) operation
Coverage for terrestrial and aeromobile links
Electronically steered directive antenna beams
Low antenna sidelobe levels
Dual or single band configurations (C and/or Ku)

Modular Architecture

Mechanically, the HRFU's modular design enables integration on multiple platforms and node types providing both OTM and ATH operation. Where long distance strategic coverage is desired, the HRFU may be mounted to the top of a fixed tower. For tactical deployments, the HRFU is easily utilized on quick-erect masts to provide OTM operation (mast stowed) or ATH operation (mast deployed). For platforms requiring a lower-profile OTM solution, the HRFU may be configured into separable antenna and electronics assemblies.

Warfighter Information Network—Tactical (WIN-T)

Haris Korporacija dizajnirala je i testirala bežičnu transmisionu sistemsku arhitekturu za armijski - Warfighter Information Network—Tactical (WIN-T) program kao dio kombinovanog General Dynamics/Lockheed Martin tima. Haris konkuriše sa kompanijskim dokazanim tehnologijama bežične, on-the-move komunikacije uključujući phased arrays i SecNet-11™, revolucionarnom, Type 1 Secure Wireless Local Area Network (SWLAN) solucijom.

WIN-T is the next generation of military tactical communications systems, featuring an integrated framework of standards and protocols that will optimize offensive military communications. Bringing enhanced mobile bandwidth and networking capability to the battlefield, WIN-T will provide modern networking technology to U.S. Army warfighters, enabling battlefield situational awareness on-the-move and giving commanders new capabilities to synchronize combat power. The system will provide a highly secure network backbone for high-speed communications for voice, data and video on the battlefield, and ensure interoperability with joint and coalition forces.

WIN-T Increment 2 adds warfighter mobility and provides a communication network down to the Company level. Increment 2 enables mobile battle command from Division to Company in a completely ad-hoc, self-forming network. The WIN-T Increment 2 addition of embedding communications gear in the Commander’s vehicles enables SIPR (Secure Internet Protocol Router) into the Warfighting platform. Commanders and select staff have the ability to maneuver anywhere on the battlefield and maintain connectivity to the network. Since the WIN-T Increment 2 network is self-forming and self-healing, it provides a new level of flexibility to support changing mission requirements. Not only does it add on-the-move communications capabilities down to the company level, but it will also allow combat net radio and data networks to be extended beyond-line-of-sight.

  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7184

Napisano: 17 Dec 2012 21:12

Communications Security & Encryption Products

Korporacija Haris je industrijski lider u low-cost, Size Weight and Power (SWaP)- fokusiranim Type 1 i ne - Type 1 sertifikovanim ugradnim šifrantskim proizvodima za National Security Agency (NSA), Harris i inostranim korisnicima. Razvijena je porodica kriptografskih ASICs i modula koji se realizuju i predlažu u širokom spektru proizvodnih apliakcija, uključujući SWaP-ograničene, baterijski "svjesne" platforme poput ručnih i malih radija, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), daljinskih senzora i projektilsko - telemetrijskih aplikacija. Poslednji proizvodi bazirani su na Sierra™ i Acropolis™ porodicama, a u upotrebi su u više od 40 instalacionih aplikacija.

Sierra ™ II – Protection Through To Top Secret/SCI Level

Sierra II je napredni, visokoperformansni Type-1 kriptografski divajs razvijen od strane Harisa kao programabilni, skalabilni, kriptografski modul koji čine naručeni System-on-a-Chip (SoC) ASIC sa podrškom hardvera i softvera. Digitalizovani glasovni i data saobraćaj šifruje se i dešifruje korištenjem jednog od Sierra II ugrađenog kriptografskog algoritma. Sierra II je sertifikovan za zaštitu podataka kroz TS/SCI klasifikacioni nivo. Sierra II ASIC, hardverski referentni dizajn i Core Software sertifikovani su od strane NSA septembra 2004 i do danas se ugrađuje u 32 proizvoda. Sierra II’s softverska programabilnost obezbjeđuje low-cost "stazu" za buduće modernizacije (HAIPE standards evolution) za ugradnju u komunikacionu opremu bez logističkih i troškova vezanih sa updejtovanjem naslijeđenog kriptografskog hardvera.

Citadel® – Encryption Approved for Export

Citadel kriptografski endžin obezbjeđuje military-grade šifriranje za non-Type 1 aplikacije za U.S. i internacionalne korisnike. Odobren je za izvoz sa konfigurabilnom dužinom ključeva i višestrukim algoritamskim opcijama, što ga čini idealnom šifrantskom solucijom za širok spektar savremenih komunikacionih proizvoda.

Citadel ima tri algoritamske opcije: a standard Citadel high-grade algorithm; a Harris-configured, customer-unique Citadel algorithm; and a customer-configurable unique Citadel algorithm.

All Citadel cryptographic algorithms are based on a mixed-mode, arithmetic block cipher and support both communications security and transmission security functions.

Acropolis™ – Security for Today and Tomorrow

Acropolis integralna kola su digitalni šifrantski "divajs" koji obezbjeđuje informacionu sigurnost visokog nivoa za sadašnje i buduće komunikacione sisteme. Acropolis device sadrži National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard (FIPS-197 certified) Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. Njegov algoritam odgovara zahtjevima šifriranja za vojne (američke i internacionalne korisnike), državne proizvode, unutrašnju bezbjednost, i komercijalne apliakcije, čuvajući visoko senzitivne informacije.

The AES algorithm is implemented with the relevant security features to allow Acropolis to support higher levels of FIPS 140-2 certified host embedments. Acropolis offers a small form factor, low-power, high-data-rate solution for your communications security requirements.

Dopuna: 18 Dec 2012 0:16

Small Tactical Terminals (STT) KOR 24 Link 16 UHF/VHF

The Harris-ViaSat Small Tactical Terminal (STT) KOR 24 brings real-time situational awareness, location and command and control to the Warfighter at the tactical network edge. In a single radio terminal, the edge user has access to both air and ground friendly and enemy situation data and can provide both target data to the network in a secure and robust manner.

This two channel radio can be used to bridge the gap in users' awareness between the air picture provided by TADIL-J/Link 16, and the ground picture provided on VMF and other VHF/UHF data links. STT features and capabilities dramatically reduce data latency and improve data integrity between the traditional network platform users and the edge users for both situational awareness and command and control. Link 16 built in identification means that STT terminals provide blue force reporting to reduce blue-on-blue engagements. With standardized TADIL messages and Ethernet interfaces, the STT can be used with multiple computers in a wide range of applications.

STT is a radio designed to meet the needs of users who have Space, Weight, and Power (SWaP) constraints but need to take advantage of the information available on tactical VHF/UHF and/or Link16 Networks. STT brings mobile network connectivity to dismounted warfighters and disadvantaged platforms such as ground vehicles, helicopters, UAVs and Network Enabled Weapons. STT is ruggedized to meet or exceed the demanding environmental requirements of those disadvantaged platforms. This two channel VHF/UHF and Link 16 radio is packaged in an industry leading compact form factor and is available at an affordable cost.

The STT is jointly developed between Harris Corporation and ViaSat Corporation. It uses same proven core processing and crypto hardware as the Harris Falcon III (PRC-152) radio. STT expands the Link 16 functionality through ViaSat Link-16 Core Software (LCS) features.

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