Poslao: 19 Dec 2012 02:19
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7201
Napisano: 18 Dec 2012 17:20
M4 Command and Control Vehicle (C2V)
C2V je gusjenično, oklopno vozilo dizajnirano za obezbjeđenje taktičkog komandnog mjesta za mobilne oklopne operacije. Na nivoima korpusa i divizija, C2V vrši zadatke taktičkog komandnog mjesta - tactical command post (TAC), dok na nivou brigade i bataljona vrši zadatke taktičkog operativnog centra - tactical operations center (TOC).
C2V platforma dizajnirana je za obezbjeđenje informacione superiornosti direktno podržavajući dominantne manevarske snage.
C2V obezbjeđuje štab manevarskog bataljona sa istim stepenom brzine i mobilnosti u odnosu na tenkove Abrams i BVP Bredli. Štab smješten u vozilu u mogućnosti je da izvršava svoje dužnosti dok je vozilo u pokretu ili zastanku tokom izvođenja visokomobilnih operacija. C2V "udomljava" Army Battle Command System (ABCS) Common Hardware and Software (CHS), i njihove odobrene i validne komunikacione komplete, i druge odobrene elektronske divajse poput poziciono - navigacione opreme. C2V kapitalizuje iskustva i tehnološki razvoj dostignut na M1068 Standard Integrated Command Post System (varijacija od M577).
C2V standardno se koristi za kontrolu pokreta i vatre tenkova Abrams, BVPija Bredli i ostalih struktura. Dopunjuje se i snadbjeva istim tehnikama kao i druga borbena gusjenična vozila. C2V koristi oklopno pogonske tehnologije i integrisane komunikacione i automatizovane sisteme koji su već u upotrebi. Procedura održavanja i popravke usaglašena je sa procedurama OMJ. Mehaničke, kompjuterske i komunikacione komponente zajedničkog su porijekla kao kod sadejstvujućih vozila.
Sa kapacitetom od 4 ATCCS radne stanice i kapacitetom da prima i šalje podatke za Battle Command Vehicle, te mogućnošću povezivanja sa Army Tactical Command & Control System (ATCCS), C2V obezbjeđuje sposobnost podrške komandnim i kontrolnim funkcijama tokom mobilnih operacija sa performansama i potencijalom za full-the-move operacione sposobnosti. Obezbjeđuje mobilnost, napajanje, intra-inter vehicular data connectivity, kontrolu električnog napajanja i distribucije sa unutrašnjih primarnih izvora i dodatno montirane opreme. Interkom sistem obezbjeđuje svaku radnu stanicu sa mogućnošću prenosa i primanja glasovnih i data fajlova ka drugim radnim stanicama sopstvenog C2V i radnim stanicama u drugim C2V u istom komandnom mjestu u sledećim režimima: point to point, group, and communications. Interkom sistem obezbjeđuje sposobnost povezivanja sa Army standard vehicular intercom system korištenim u drugim tipovima štabnih vozila kroz LAN.
C2V zamjenjuje trenutno oklopno komandno mjesto M577A2. Montiran na modifikovanoj M993 Multiple Rocket Launcher System (MLRS) šasiji, pogoni ga pogonski blok od 600 Ks koji se već koristi na Bredliju. Predviđeno je da C2V preživljava ABH prijetnje i elektromagnetne efekte. Zahtjeva se i zaštita od 7.62mm municije na 200 metara, i detonacija visokoeksplozivne 155mm municije na 30 metara.
M 4 C2V poslužio je i kao intergrator novije i buduće opreme - Joint Systems Integration Command's (JSIC) - Command and Control on the Move (C2OTM). Instaliran je jedan mobilni terminal veličine aktovke sa radnom jedinicom u zadnjem odeljku M 4 C2V vozila. Sistem obezbjeđuje:
Internet protocol-based system that uses an auto-tracking satellite dish and spread-spectrum modem technology to allow broadband, mobile reach back to operational information across three different networks, including the common operational picture provided by the Global Command and Control System.
It allows the use of collaborative tools, two-way video teleconferencing, secure telephone calls, and email. It also provides secure wireless access to classified systems for dismounted users, further extending the flexibility and capability it provides.
“The vehicle can be on the move, stop at the command post, and in under two minutes all the computer equipment in the command post can be connected through the vehicle,” he said. “The vehicle is always connected, whether it's on the move or stationary.
JSIC, a U. S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) subordinate command, focuses on near-term transformation of joint force command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) capabilities through prototype development, interoperability testing, and assessing new technologies.
Razvoj sistema trajao je od 1992 do 1996. sa planom narudžbe od 439 jedinica. No masovna proizvodnja M4 Command and Control Vehicle (C2V) otkazana je 1999. Oko 25 vozila proizvedeno je za potrebe Armije SAD.
Od 2002, 15 sistema je raspoređeno u US Fifth Corps (three M4s), Third Infantry Division (three M4s); First Cavalry Division (four M4s), Third Armored Cavalry Regiment (two M4s) and the First Armored Division (three M4s).
Neke od ovih jedinica raspoređene su na Bliskom Istoku i učestvovale su u invaziji na Irak. Preostalih 10 vozila koristiće se za rezervne djelove. Posadu čine 9 članova, a težina sistema je 30 tona.
Dopuna: 19 Dec 2012 2:19
Command and Control on the Move (C2OTM) - Network-Centric Operations Go on the Road (2005)
Comprising a hub controller suite and antenna and mobile terminal equipment and an antenna for the vehicle, the C2OTM system operates in the Ku band rather than Inmarsat’s L band like other on-the-move communications designs. As a result, it provides an order of magnitude increase over other systems in transmission rates.
C2OTM uses an Advanced Encryption Standard encrypted virtual private network, information security is assured. All data originating on the secret Internet protocol router network (SIPRNET) and Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System (CENTRIXS) networks is first encrypted using an AltaSec KG-250 encryptor.
A voice over Internet protocol gateway and session controller manages up to 25 telephone calls simultaneously. Any foreign exchange subscriber equipment can be used for voice communications, including secure telephone equipment, the Secure Telephone Unit III or a standard telephone system handset.
Users also can communicate securely when away from the vehicle. The C2OTM features a SecNet-11 wireless bridge developed by the Harris Corporation that provides an 802.11b-based Type 1 secure wireless link to handheld devices such as a tablet PC.
The number of networks available to users is another feature that distinguishes the C2OTM. It provides access to the SIPRNET, nonsecure Internet protocol router network and CENTRIXS while traveling at 45 miles per hour with data rates that are similar to those available in a headquarters, office or home.
After installation, the JSIC team tested the equipment and trained personnel. For a predeployment exercise, the rate for data transmission to the vehicle was 2 megabits per second, and the return data rate from the vehicle was 512 kilobits per second. For deployment, the commander notes that the JSIC team expects that data will flow to the vehicle at 10 megabits per second.
Sistem je predviđen i za ugradnju na MRAP vozila, naročito Kajman 6x6.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 19 Dec 2012 15:46
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7201
M1068A3 Standard Integrated Command Post System (SICPS) Carrier
M1068A3 Standard Integrated Command Post System (SICPS) Carrier je RISE pogonjena verzija od M1068 i poslednji je derivat od M577 Tracked Command Post Carrier. Varijanta M577A3 sa modifikacijama za ugradnju sledeće generacije automatizovane komande i kontrole kroz Army Tactical Command and Control System (ATCCS).
Oko dvije trećine U.S. M577A2 flote biće konvertovano u M1068A3 ili M1068 (Basic) konfiguracije. Proces konvertovanja započet je 1990, a sistem je korišten tokom Pustinjske Oluje 1991.
M1068A3 ima četvoročlanu posadu: komandir; vozač; dva operatora komandnog mjesta. Pored montažnih dodataka za ugradnju ATCCS hardvera za dvije radne stanice, modifikacije na vozilu uključuju unaprijeđenu 5 KW Tactically Quiet Diesel Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), power/data distribucioni sistem i antenski jarbol dužine 10 metara. Tu je još i produženi komunikacioni sistem, dual - fuel rezervoari, grijač, te opciono tenda - šator koji može biti zakačen pozadi sa namjenom komandnog mjesta na bojnom polju tokom zastanka.
Vozilo je opremljeno M 13 ABH sistemom sa ventilacionim izvorom za svakog člana posade ili opciono sa nadpritiskom.
Maksimalna težina vozila je 14,061 kg sa brzinom na zemljanoj podlozi od 66 km/h. Brzina plovljenja sa pogonom na gusjenicama je 5.8 km/h. Pogoni ga Detroit Diesel 6V53T sa 275Ks.
Komunikacioni sistemi:
Army Tactical Command and Control System / Common
Hardware Systems ATCCS/CHS dedicated carrier
Fiber optic capability
Local Area Network (LAN) connection
Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE)
DSVT and DNVT telephones
Modular extension tent
Oprema za vozača:
Image Intensifying AN/VVS-2
Thermal AN/VAS-5
Dodatne opcije:
Swim kit
Firing ports
Com/Nav packages
Poslao: 20 Dec 2012 21:28
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7201
M1200 Armored Knight
M1200 Armored Knight je američko vojno vozilo sa sistemom za precizno navođenje. Armored Knight je nastao iz zahtjeva da se uvećava zaštita vojnika koji obavljaju zadatke navođenja u direktnom borbenom okruženju. Radi se o poslednjoj aplikaciji Knight paketa za navođenje montiranoj na oklopnoj i versatilnoj platformi. Sistem je nastao 2008 i uglavnom je korišten u Iraku.
Knight sistem za precizno navođenje sadrži:
laser designator/rangefinder, day/night electro-optic sensor, digital command and control, blended inertial/global positioning system navigation and targeting, and a self-defense weapon.
Njegov zadatak je da obezbjedi preciznu lokaciju udaljenog cilja te lasersko označavanje cilja podjednako za artiljeriju i avijaciju odnosno air-delivered general purpose and precision-guided munitions.
Knight sistem posjeduje navodilačku preciznost u skladu sa zahtjevima današnje precizne - vođene “smart” municije, poput Joint Direct Attack Munition i Excalibur.
• solucija za precizno navođenje
• potpuna oklopna zaštita
• platforma i senzori u samostalnom pakovanju
Paket Knight opreme za navođenje obično se instalira na sledeće platforme:
– Bradley Fire Support Vehicle Mission Equipment Package (M7 BFIST)
– M707 Knight
– Stryker Fire Support Vehicle
Knight je danas jedini sistem u serijskoj proizvodnji sa preciznošću navođenja ekvivalentnoj preciznosti današnje precizne - vođene municije, poput Joint Direct Attack Munition i Excalibur. Podaci dobijeni od senzora automatski se formatiraju sa taktičkim data sistemom za vatrenu podršku i momentalno se digitalno prenose kao call-for-fire ili neka druga poruka. Pozicioni i nišanski podaci mogu biti prisajedinjeni i drugim borbenim komandno - kontrolnim sistemima.
Knight poziciono/navigacioni podsistem kombinuje inpute sa laser rangefinder, inertial navigation unit, global positioning system (GPS) receiver and a vehicle motion sensor to provide precise self-location, navigation, and far-target location data. This data is then automatically formatted within the fire support tactical data system for immediate digital transmission as a call-for-fire or other message. Position and targeting data can also be incorporated into other battlefield command and control systems as necessary.
Target Location Accuracy - 1 metar.
FS3 (Fire Support Sensor System) Mounted Sensor
Targeting Station Control Panel
Mission Processor Unit
Inertial Navigation Unit
Global Positioning System Receiver
Power Distribution Unit
Stand Alone Computer Unit
Za samoodbranu predviđeni su po jedan mitraljez M240B ili M2 Browning. Standardnu posadu čine tri operatera. Težina vozila - sistema iznosi oko 15 tona sa maksimalnom brzinom od 90km/h i radijusom od 700 kilometara. Jedna od karakteristika vozila je i veliki ekplotacioni resurs.
"The M1200 contains a laser designator, a laser range finder and GPS, plus radios and computers that take target position data and transmit it to distant artillery units, or bombers overhead, and get the firepower on the target within minutes. Previously, all this gear was mounted on an unarmored hummer."
Poslao: 24 Dec 2012 02:31
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7201
Napisano: 23 Dec 2012 21:59
ELBIT TIGER® (Elbit Systems' Tactical Intranet Geographic dissEmination in Real Time (TIGER).
Real-time, sveobuhvatni, C4I sistem za kontinuiranu isporuku informacija jedinicima na kopnu, moru, vazduhu na svim lokacijama, omogućavajući brze i tačne taktičke odluke.
Kao odgovor, ELBIT TIGER® - cutting-edge, taktički, komunikacioni sistem, razvijen je na bazi velikog znanja aktuelnih terenskih uslova akumuliranih tokom godina intezivnog borbenog iskustva. Integrisanje svih komunikacionih medija, uključujući naslijeđene narrow-band kanale, i iskorištavanje čitave infrastrukture, ELBIT TIGER® kreira end-to-end, unifikovani, fleksibilni, i kontinuirano unapređujući intranet. Kroz routing, messaging, i širenje, snažna informaciona mreža momentalno isporučuje relevantne podatke do komandnog nivoa kao i do samostalnih platformi sa optimalnim protokom tokom "poplave poruka" i garancijom za isporuku istih.
ELBIT TIGER®’s sposobnosti uključuju:
Automatic learning of system topology
Adaptive routing
Optimal channel selection
The network layer assures that all routing information is up-to-date even in the most dynamic connectivity environments and enables low system overhead for all networks including tactical VHF.
U susret sa izazovima netcentric warfare (NCW) i rekapitulaciji benefita istinske battlespace digitization, kompanija Elbit nudi field-proven Land & C4I Solutions.
All-in-One Command and Control
Jedan sistem za sve ešelone
Field Proven
Velika operativna primjena u izraelskim oružanim snagama
Built for the Real World
Potpuna podrška bešavnim integracijama sa postojećim sistemima, komunikacionom infrastrukturom, i senzorima.
TORC²H, je akronim za InTegrated OpeRational Command Control Headquarters Systems. Radi se o taktičkom battle management sistemu sa integrisanim senzorskim podacima i komandno - kontrolnim "alatima". Poznat je i kao Massu'ah na hebrejskom. 2001. IDF (Israel Defense Force) predstavili su C2 sistem za IDF's Central Command kao brza solucija za korištenje u Low Intensity Conflict (LIC) na Zapadnoj Obali. Poznat kao TORC2H 20, verzija koja će kasnije biti uvedena i u drugim IDF komandama. 2002. IDF je predstavio Digital Army Programme (Tsayad (Hunter)) plan, koji predviđa potpuni mrežni digitalni sistem sa zajedničkom arhitekturom i infrastrukturom za korištenje na nivou čete i platformi. Tsayad/DAPodobren je krajem 2004; Sistemom TORC2H 100 opremljena je Južna Komanda. Do 2007 verzijom TORC2H 200 opremljena je Sjeverna Komanda. Oba sistema konfigurisana su za LIC - sukobe niskog inteziteta. Sledeća verzija (TORC2H 400) proširena je za potrebe manevarske fukcionalnosti, a najskoriji TORC2H 600 uključuje logističke funkcionalnosti.
Sistem obezbjeđuje kontinuirano apdejtovanu sliku prijateljskih snaga i obavještavanje o sopstvenoj poziciji, zajedno sa two-way target identification reporting (sensor to fielded units and fielded units to sensors and headquarters). Širenje informacija se vrši na geografskoj kao i na ORBAT osnovi (updating information to forces based on their geographical location as well as their unit hierarchy). Direct sensor interface for immediate target location and description is possible.The system operates across staff disciplines and levels of command.There is 3-D digital map-based information presentation and navigation with a virtual reality presentation of other forces' point of view, using Elbit's MapCore software application. Command and control is supported by graphical commands and sketches dissemination, together with an e-mail capability. There are embedded, predefined (operator programmable) commands for various emergency scenarios. An offline operational debriefing capability is provided.TORC2H is usually integrated with the Elbit Systems' Tactical Intranet Geographic dissEmination in Real Time (TIGER).
Dopuna: 24 Dec 2012 2:31
Weapon Integrated Battle Management System - WINBMS
Precizna taktička koordinacija između bataljona, čete i vodova te raspoređenih snaga i sistema krucijalni su za uspjeh operacija. Integracija cjelokupnog sensor-to-shooter loop, WINBMS - a (Weapon-Integrated Battle Management System) omogućava real-time koordinaciju između borbenih vozila promovišući univerzalni situational awareness, koordinaciju po vertikali prilikom planiranja zadataka i upravljanja te zajedničku operativnu sliku.
Data processing and communication system interfacing with on-board weapons, sensor, and other systems;
Advanced C2 software tailored for all joint combat team members;
Advanced navigation based on GPS or inertial measurement unit;
Communication package enabling safe and encrypted simultaneous transmission of voice and data;
Weapon Integrated Battle Management System (WINBMS) dizajniran je za zajedničku bataljonsku borbenu grupu, u cilju ubrazanja operativnog planiranja, uspostavljajući zajednički i jasan jezik kroz sve borbene elemente, distribuira i primjenjuje oblasti odgovornosti, razdvaja linije, uspostavlja granice sigurnosti. Automatski apdejtuje i distribuira obavještajne informacije, informacije o ciljevima i vrši uzbunjivanje kroz borbenu grupu omogućavajući fleksibilnost planiranja i operacija.
Integrated with on-board networked BMS computers, every platform becomes a networked sensor and a shooter. Weapons can be slaved by remote users, to remote sensors, therefore empowering the system with more flexibility, faster op-tempo, effective closed–hatches combat and employment of distributed and dispersed firepower without risking fratricide. WINBMS integrates built-in navigation, communications functions, fully integrated with the platform, on-board sensors and weapons.
WINBMS systems are embedded with simulation and debriefing capabilities as part of Elbit's Battlefield Enhanced Smart Training (BEST) architecture. At the WINBMS level BEST supports each of the combat systems, integrated at company level. This approach enables combined training of live, simulated and virtual forces, at multiple locations and different levels (battalion, brigade and other units). The IDF plans to deploy the first trainer for battalion combat team in November 2005. An on-board trainer for the Merkava Mk4 main battle tank is already operational, providing full simulation environment for commander and gunner, supporting training from the individual team up to the company level.
Poslao: 25 Dec 2012 01:50
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7201
Napisano: 24 Dec 2012 15:25
PRC-710 Elbit Systems
Poslednja generacija PRC-710 radija dizajnirana je i razvijena kao direktan odgovor na hitne borbene zahtjeve. RT-710 teži manje od 27 unci što ga čini najlakšim radiom u svojoj klasi na tržištu. Napredni, snažni radio set potpuno je kompatibilan sa frequency-hopping CNR-900 i CNR-9000 radio sistemima. PRC-710 kompletira CNR-9000 porodicu manpack, mobilnih, i fiksnih radio stanica sa bešavnom interoperabilnošću.
5W of adjustable transmission power; 20 watts with the add-on amplifier
Advanced and automatic frequency-hopping synchronization; no master-station required
Synchronous and asynchronous data transmission
Powerful error correction coding
Automatic data rate adaptation
Menu-driven, user-friendly, man-machine-interface
Extensive and effective built-in test capability
Built-in microphone and speaker
Complies with MIL-STD-810E and NATO environmental requirements
Complies with MIL-STD-461D, EMI/EMC requirements
Elbit Systems of America® PRC-710MB efikasna je solucija za napredne glasovne i data komunikacije. Sa izuzetnom spectral purity, ovaj frequency hopping radio garantuje superiorne taktičke komunikacije za opasne zadatke u nepovoljnim vremenskim uslovima i gustom elektromagnetskom i operativnom okruženju. Obezbjeđuje kontinuirano pokrivanje AM i FM frekvencija kroz čitavi 30 MHz – 512 MHz opseg radi olakšavanja komunikacija između jedinica na kopnu, moru i vazduhu.
30 to 512 MHz frequency range
Voice and data capability in the clear and frequency-hopping modes
.25 to 5W power output
Integral speaker and microphone
Compatible with PRC-77 audio accessories and antennas
1M for two hours underwater
Unique ECCM and COMSEC capability
Weighs less than 2 lbs.
Personal Net Radio PNR-500
Elbit Systems of America®'s Personal Network Radio (PNR) obezbjeđuje self-synchronized, wireless, conferencing communications kao i interkonektivnost sa long-range VHF/HF mrežama. PNR je specifično dizajniran radi unaprijeđenja koordinacije i operativne efikasnosti snaga na kopnu, moru i vazduhu koje operišu u zahtjevnom operativnom okruženju poput borbe u urbanim uslovima, zasjednim dejstvima, borbenim brodovima, gdje svaki djelić informacije pravi razliku između uspjeha i neuspjeha operacije. Upakovane snažne glasovne i data komunikacione sposobnosti u kompaktnu personalnu jednicu čine PNR osnovnim building block - om za bilo koje programe modernizacije kod oružanih snaga ili unutrašnje bezbjednosti.
Sa težinom manjom od 370 grama, koja uključuje dopunjive baterije koje obezbjeđuju 12 sati neprekidnog rada bez dopune, PNR-500 obezbjeđuje komunikacioni domet na daljinama od 1500 metara, sa namjenom intra-team komunikacije u manevarskim borbenim jedinicama.
PNR-500 - personal network radio kao full-duplex tactical conference communications system omogućava povezivanje sa taktičkim radio setovima i drugim PNR 500 omogućavajući inter-network komunikacije. U skladu s tim moguće je donositi brže odluke u skladu sa prilivom real-time informacija što naročito pomaže u sprečavanju fatalnih grešaka poput "prijateljske vatre".
Full duplex/three simultaneous speakers/unlimited receivers
Immediate, more effective operational communications
Encryption available
Soft-controlled radio (SCR)
No single point of failure
Communication range: 800M open area, 300M urban and dense vegetation areas
Whisper function for covert operations
15 network channels
Voice activated messages and alerts
Sophisticated data communication protocols
Full compliance with MIL-STD requirements
Wireless PTT
Size: 4.3”H x 2.6”W x 1.6”D
Weight: <1 lb.
Dopuna: 24 Dec 2012 19:18
Tadiran CNR 9000 VHF/FM 25KHz Family
30-108 MHz (optional) manpack radio set
Powerful encryption and ECCM (frequency hopping)
High speed data, up to 32Kbps
Powerful error detection/correction codes
Lightweight radio system
100 preset channels
.25, 5, and 20W power out
Built-in GPS (optional)
Secure AJ, GPS, vocoder
30-108 MHz (optional) vehicular radio set
Powerful encryption and ECCM (frequency hopping)
High-speed data, up to 32Kbps
Powerful error detection/correction codes
Lightweight radio system
100 preset channels
.25 to 5W power out
Built-in GPS (optional)
30-108 MHz (optional) high power airborne radio set
Powerful encryption and ECCM (frequency hopping)
High-speed data, up to 32Kbps
Powerful error detection/correction codes
Lightweight radio system
100 preset channels
.25, 5, and 20W power outs
Built-in GPS (optional)
30-108 MHz (optional) high power vehicular radio
Powerful encryption and ECCM (frequency hopping)
High-speed data, up to 32Kbps
Powerful error detection/correction codes
Lightweight radio system
100 preset channels
.25, 5, and 50W power outs
Built-in GPS (optional)
Dual 50W VHF/FM Vehicular Fixed Station
30-108 MHz (optional) dual vehicular radio set
Powerful encryption and ECCM (frequency hopping)
High-speed data, up to 32Kbps
Powerful error detection/correction codes
Lightweight radio system
100 preset channels
.25, 5, and 50W power outs
Built-in HPA
Retrans RA sets, secure AJ, GPS, vocoder
30-108 MHz (optional) dual vehicular radio set
Powerful encryption and ECCM (frequency hopping)
High-speed data, up to 32Kbps
Powerful error detection/correction codes
Lightweight radio system
100 preset channels
.25, 5, and 50W power outs
Built-in HPA
HF-6000 Family
Napredni, multi-adaptive, COMSEC/ECCM HF radio sistem za pouzdanu glasovnu i data komunikaciju.
HF-6000 posjeduje jedinstven set funkcija i bavi se tradicionalnim problemima koji opterećuju HF komunikacije na terenu. Uključuje nove sposobnosti u RT-6001, kompaktnoj i lakoj receiver/transmitter jedinici sa težinom manjom od 4 kg., sa kojom HF-6000 dostiže svoje konfiguracije. Jedinica naslijeđuje field-proven HF-2000 sa kojim je u potpunosti kompatibilan. Pionir i lider u svojoj kategoriji, HF-6000 pokriva 1.5 do 30 MHz band sa 285,000 kanala (2,850,000 channels, 10 Hz spaced - optional.)
The lightest system on the market.
Digital squelch eliminates false alarms and misdetections.
Selective calling - addressing transmission to any individual or group network members.
Operator-selectable AutoCall and optional ALE as per MIL-STD-188-141B.
Optional COMSEC, VOCODER (digital voice), ECCM, Adaptable High Rate Data Transmission, Dual Frequency, FLASH, Adaptive Power Control and GPS.
State-of-the-art innovative MMI.
Compatible with HF-2000 system.
Automatic Link Establishment (ALE)
Real-time Frequency management ALE ensures reliable communications under rapidly changing propagation conditions by continuously evaluating the frequency set. The optimal requency is selected automatically, and the link is quickly established. The HF-6000 family provides both MIL-STD-188-141B ALE (optional) for interoperability with other MIL-STD-188-141B stations, as well as AutoCall (standard),a Tadiran Communicationsdeveloped function delivering faster and more reliable link establishment. AutoCall is recommended when greater tactical efficiency, responsiveness and operational ease are critical.
Digital Squelch
The digital Active Squelch mutes the annoying noise traditionally associated with HF communications. As a result, the HF-6000 family not only eliminates false alarms and misdetections, but also supports connection to vehicular intercom systems and to HF-VHF relay stations.
Selective Calling
This feature allows the operator to address a message to selected members of the network. The message can be addressed to an individual member, a group, or the entire network. Selective Calling is applicable in CLEAR, Frequency Hopping, COMSEC and Frequency Management modes.
Data Communications (optional)
A built-in high rate modem supports flexible and reliable data transmissions. A high probability of error-free data transfer, even under harsh communication conditions, is assured by modem optimization and the use of power error detection techniques and correction codes. The modem utilizes several wave forms, including: Single tone, 39 tone and Programmable FSK, compatible with MIL-STD-188-110A, STANAG-4285 and MFSK. The modem operates at a data rate from 50 b/s to 4800 b/s. The received message is displayed on the radio front panel (mini terminal).
COMSEC - Communication Security (optional)
The built-in COMSEC ensures Secure Voice, Data and Burst communications. Voice communications are scrambled in the frequency, time and phase domains, eliminating residual intelligibility or digital encryption when the radio includes high rate Modem and Vocoder. Data and Burst communications are digitally encrypted via the internal MFSK Modem, achieving a very high level of security.
ECCM - Frequency Hopping (optional)
The advanced circuitry featured by the HF-6000 family enables frequency hopping over the entire frequency band, supporting full selection of suitable propagating frequencies (adaptive frequency hopping) and more reliable and successful operations in densely jammed environments. The HF-6000 employs automatic synchronization to eliminate the need for vulnerable master stations. It delivers immediate operational readiness without any cumbersome, time-consuming synchronization processes. The HF-6000 ensures a very high probability of synchronization even under severe jamming conditions. HF-6000 ECCM is applicable with the system’s Voice, Data and Burst communications.
Vocoder (optional)
The Vocoder is based on the Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction (MELP) coder, which is the new 2400 bps US Federal Standard for DOD. The Vocoder operates at two rates: 1200 and 2400 b/s. Featuring speech compression methods tailored to the HF channel conditions, Forward Error Correction (FEC) and Frame Synchronization, the built-in Vocoder provides improved Intelligibility, Voice Quality, Reconizability and Communicability in comparison with traditional LPC-10 Vocoders.
Dual Frequency (optional)
The Dual Frequency capability supports reception and transmission on different frequencies. Reliable communications can be established when the same channel frequency cannot be used by stations because of poor link quality.
FLASH - Burst (optional)
Pre-programmed FLASH messages are easily edited via the radio keyboard. After editing, the messages are rapidly transmitted via the internal modem to the designated net station. FLASH Messages are transmitted at below voice intelligibility conditions, supported by a power error correction code. An acknowledge signal is returned upon successful message reception. A built-in data terminal capability enables the display of messages on the radio’s front panel display.
Adaptive Capabilities
Adaptive high rate modem (optional)
This feature uses adaptive methods for matching the data transmission rate and modem type to the quality of the HF link. This results in a considerable increase in the effective data throughput for a typical HF link.
Adaptive Power Control (optional)
Adaptive Power Control (APC) enables output power to be automatically adapted to communication conditions, assuring the lowest transmit power level and the lowest power consumption for the most reliable communication. The APC operates at PRC- 6020 in Autocall Voice Communication.
Frequency Range: 1.5000 to 29.9999 MHz
Memory Channels: 2,850,000 at 10 Hz spacing
HF-6000 Family:
PRC-6020 – 20W HF/SSB manpack with secure AJ, Autocall, and HS modem
VRC-6100 – 100W HF/SSB vehicular radio set
VRC-6020 – 20W HF/SSB fixed station with secure AJ, Autocall, and HS modem
VRC-6200 – 100W HF/SSB vehicular with secure AJ, Autocall, and HS modem
GRC-6400 – 400W base station
GRC-6600 – 1000W base station
Dopuna: 24 Dec 2012 22:08
Kompaktni, laki, inteligentni, ECCM-capable vojni radio sistem je digitalni oslonac za 21 vijek i solucija za širokopojasne prenosne veze u širokom spektru mreža.
GRC-408 operiše u NATO extended Band III (1350-2690 MHz) obezbjeđujući EUROCOM i TRITAC interfejs i brzinu protoka saobraćaja.
Kao naslijednik ranijih modela, GRC-408 obezbjeđuje karakteristike i sposobnosti koje su se pokazale esencijalnim pod ozbiljnim borbenim uslovima sa dodatkom karakteristika i sposobnosti esencijalnim za moderno bojište.
Standard and extended Band III
ECCM-capable for simultaneous, interference-free communications
Built-in reliable error correction for high-quality communications
Cost-effective, multi-media capable broadband beyond eight MBps communications with options for 16 and 34 MBps
User-friendly interface for operations under harsh combat conditions
Compact, single-enclosure case measuring 444 x 265 x 393 mm
Weighs less than 33 kg
Napredni, multi-adaptive, taktički, HF, SSB/2-ISB radio sistem sa cutting-edge tehnologijom pomjera tradicionalne granice HF komunikacija zadržavajući jednostavnost operacija. Sistem je dostupan u više konfiguracija.
20W tactical manpack
Less than 9 lbs.
125W vehicular transceiver
Detachable front panel for easy installation
400W/1kw frequency hopping systems
VHF/FM Fixed Frequency Vehicular Radio Set
30 to 88 MHz frequency range
Voice and data capability
Adjustable .25 to 35W power output
Secure voice and synchronous data optional
Vehicle or fixed
2320 channels over the extended VHF band (30-88 MHz)
Built-in COMSEC (S suffixed series) (option).
Built-in GPS receiver (option).
Built-in enhanced data communications capabilities (option).
VRC-120 – VRC-12 and VRC-46 replacement
VRC-121 – VRC-12 and VRC-47 replacement
VRC-122 – VRC-44 and VRC-48 replacement
TADIRAN VRC-120 linija je dostupnih, VHF/FM fixed-frequency radio setova za vozila. Visoki troškovi održavanja starijih fixed frequency VHF/FM radija (resulting from poor MTBF and outdated component technologies) stvorili su zahtjeve za novom generacijom dostupnih i pouzdanih radio setova sa redukcijom cijene održavanja i povećanim performansama.
Incorporating new features and capabilities, such as extended band coverage and various built-in options (COMSEC, data modem, GPS receiver) assuring exceedingly high operational reliability and availability, the TADIRAN VRC-120 has become the cost effective solution for VHF/FM vehicular radios. The TADIRAN VRC-120 series is built around the RT-120 common receiver-transmitter (RT-120S when equipped with COMSEC module) and comprises three configurations: Basic VRC-120 (VRC-120S) radio set; VRC-121 (VRC-121S) Single Auxiliary Top-Hat Receiver Radio Set; and VRC-122 (VRC-122S) Dual Top-Hat Auxiliary Receiver Radio Set.
Dopuna: 25 Dec 2012 1:26
MOBIQUITI® obezbjeđuje mobilne, ad hoc, sveprisutne komunikacije fza postojeće i radije u razvoju. Sistem je kreiran za podršku visoko dinamičnim mrežama bez intervencije korisnika. MOBIQUITI® kreira mrežu u situacijama kada infrastruktura nije osigurana, i održava komunikacije kod korisnika u nestabilnom okruženju gdje je mreža u stalnom kretanju.
First responders
Unmanned systems
Sensor networks
Multiple autonomous vehicles
Military networks
Personnel mobile tracking networks
IDM Technology®
IDM Technology® is the core technology solution set that provides users in severe environments with a means of routing and processing data over internet protocol (IP) based or point-to-point networks using existing (and primarily voice-grade) radios.
Elbit Systems of America® Land & C4I Solutions makes the technology available for delivery in a number of physical forms ranging from extremely rugged to standard industrial or commercial specifications. Virtually all known major forms are built, sold, and supported worldwide and more are being developed on a continuing basis. IDM Technology® is configurable to support highly esoteric defense communications protocols as well as the most current consumer-oriented protocols. Its key ingredient is our unique solution for reliably utilizing internet protocol in volatile, mobile data communications scenarios under conditions not normally experienced in common office environments.
Benefits of IDM Technology®:
All IDM Technology® products are interoperable;
Passes real-time data information over highly reliable networks designed for the specific mission, not the platform;
Used over existing radios, we integrate the technology into your existing communications systems resulting in a much lower incremental cost for implementing your solution;
Useable for both point-to point and fully networked internet protocol data communications;
Developed using an open architecture allowing for integration of additional protocols with minimal effort;
Evolutionary technology path – refer to our various product pages to see how IDM Technology® continues to grow;
Long service life;
Our unique military IDM Technology® offerings include the only product line on the market today that will provide common access to multiple data communications networks simultaneously;
IDM V304
The IDM V304 is a rugged, lightweight, data communications terminal created for use in harsh aviation environments that provides digital data connectivity among airborne and ground platforms. The unit features exceptional routing capabilities and employs internet technology as a tool in battlespace management. This multi-purpose, six-channel, network-centric, service-oriented, communications tool supports mobile internet protocol (IP) based networks over both voice radios and wired and wireless data communication buses. It also supports legacy and software defined radios.
Interconnects major military networks in:
Maneuver and fire support
Embedded applications
Situational awareness
The IDMSIM® is a simulator that allows IDM operators to gain the experience necessary in executing real world missions. This first-rate training tool runs the full IDM operational flight program (OFP) for high fidelity simulations on aircraft simulators.
Apache Longbow
Tactical Router
The tactical router acts as a stand-alone IDM and supports the full MIL-STD-188-220 stack and host applications. It features multiple protocol support for the VMF, XML, and MIL-STD-188-220. When coupled with a radio, the tactical router sends digital data information to a variety of military assets.
Replaces legacy IDM V302 and ATHS
Creates data communications in existing platforms
Integrated Radio Communication System
From command posts to front-line soldiers, Elbit Systems of America®’s Integrated Radio Communication Systems (IRCS) is an advanced military communication system that enables military personnel to directly communicate with one another across one network. With IRCS, you will have reliable operational coordination, command and control, and an overall complete picture of the operations and events. The IRCS gives you control of the operation.
Maximum communication adaptability and flexibility across various networks
Interoperable with current and older-model radios
Integrated, single system fitted to the needs of today's armed forces
May be combined with other operation networks including public safety agencies, state and local emergency services, and government institutions
Each communication hub serves as a backup for every other hub within in the IRCS thus maximizing the overall reliability and durability of the military communications network
Eliminates the need for multiple communication systems
Enables easy usage of voice and data services by employing automatic priorities, routing capabilities, and sophisticated network management systems
Dopuna: 25 Dec 2012 1:50
Manpack tactical multimedia router - jedinstveno portabl rešenje za routing multimedia (zvuk, data i video) prenosa
U net-centric operacijama, koordinacija i podjela informacija između borbenih grupa i njihovih komandnih centara ometeni su mobilnošću i dometima radija. Elbit Systems of America®'s mTMR specifično je dizajniran da premosti te izazove obezbjeđujući jedinstvenu portabl soluciju za routing multimedia (voice, data and video) streams.
Poslao: 25 Dec 2012 17:24
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7201
Napisano: 25 Dec 2012 15:11
Za vojni personal, terenske agente i hitne službe, pouzdane i sigurne komunikacije su esencijalne. SnaPTT je komunikaciona solucija za rapidno raspoređivanje i korištenje postojeće infrastrukture. Sposobnost za komunikaciju sa velikim grupama, kombinovana sa lakoćom raspoređivanja čini Push-to-Talk (PTT) - technology of choice. Uz sve pogodnosti postoji i opasnost od izlaganja vrijednih informacija, prisluškivanja i krađe. Pored toga, standardni PTT terminali ne mogu da izdrže ekstremne uslove tipične za spasilačke i taktičke operacije. Radi popune tih praznina, Elbit Systems of America® razvio je SnaPTT.
SnaPTT karakteristike:
Dirt and dust resistant with nonporous casing
High-level encryption supporting unique session keys (FIPS 140-2 Level 2)
Withstands shock-drops to three meters
IP-54 certified to withstand unidirectional water
User-defined authentication and access control capabilities
Operating range between -20°C and +60°C
Call logging and CDRs
Scratch-resistant, protective-coated screen
Full user management capability
Key management
Elbit Systems of America® predstavlja tanki i ekstremno snažni tablet kompjuter za vozila sa karakteristikom brze montaže/demontaže. TACTER®-31D je sledeće generacija TACTER® porodice vojnih kompjutera, u varijanti tablet - konfiguracije.
TACTER® obezbjeđuje snažne kompjuting sposobnosti, visoko - performansni 10.4” XGA sun-readable displej sa LED backlight, smart power management algorithm, a Smart Li-lon battery for long stand-alone operation time, hot-swap (secondary battery) for uninterrupted operation during main battery hot-swap, optional military or commercial embedded GPS and much more.
TACTER®-31D - izvanredna versatilnost i sposobnosti čine ga odličnim kandidatom za "službu" u borbenim ešelonima brzo razvijajućih modernih digitalnih bojnih polja.
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo L7400 1.5 GHz U7500 1.06 GHz processors or better
Memory: up to 4GB DDR2 DRAM
Operating systems: Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Linux
Disk: 80GB 2.5” SATA hard disk or 64GB 2.5” SATA solid state disk
Display: 10.4” XGA (1024×768) sunlight readable, LED backlight >700 NITs
PC card slots: 1 type I/II CardBus PCMCIA slot
SD card slots: 1 SDIO or memory stick slot PCMCIA slot
LAN: 1 – 10/100/1000 Mbps 1 – 10/100 Mbps
USB 2.0: five ports
COM ports: three RS232 serial ports
Audio: line in (mono); line out (stereo)
GPS: commercial high sensitivity 16-channel GPS receiver (option) or military SAASM – (option)
Fizičke dimenzije:
Dimensions: 8.8“ W × 12.5“ H × 2.0“ D
Weight: <8.5 lbs. (without battery and accessories)
Operating temperature: -22°F / -30°C to +130°F / +55ºC
Storage temperature: -40°F/-40°C to +158ºF/+70ºC
Operational altitude: 15,000 feet
Leakage: immersion (0.6 m of water)
Shock and vibration: MIL-STD-810F ground mobile (wheeled and tracked vehicles)
EMI: as per MIL-STD-461E
TACTER®-31M RHC (Rugged Handheld Computer) je višenamjenski ojačani mobilni kompjuter dizajniran da služi boračkom sastavu. Na modernom bojnom polju, TACTER®-31M ugrađene komunikacije koriste današnje protokole, čineći terminal kritično važnim za bilo koji C4I sistem.
TACTER®-31M podržava simultanu konektivnost sa dvije nezavisne taktičke radio mreže, LAN, i druge mreže. Takođe uključuje opcioni GPS-receiver, nudeći vojniku esencijalne navigacione i kartografske sposobnosti.
Intel® Pentium M (Dothan) 1.8GHz CPU
400 MHz processor system bus
Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Linux
1GB DDR SDRAM growth to 1.5GB
30 GB to 80 GB removable HDD
Optional L-band satellite transceiver
Internal GPS receiver
Programmable buttons and rapid zeroize
Internal stereo sound system
SCSI-2, Ethernet LAN, USB, SD
Display: 16-bit color, VGA 640×480 (6.4” diagonal) or XGA 1024×768 (10.4” diagonal)
Daylight readable, wide viewing angles
Folding keyboard + mouse pointer
PCMCIA slots: 2 Type II or 1 Type III
High-performance power management
Smart rechargeable battery with LED “power level” indicator
Removable backup battery
Embedded dual channel, DSP- based tactical communications modem
MIL-STD-188-220 (ICI-IDM and Raytheon Taclink 3000)
Side panel options
Standard Configuration
CH1 & CH2 – tactical modem
FastIO sealed door with commercial LAN and 2 USB 2.0 host/slave
MMIO – rugged connector with LAN, USB, firewire (optional), audio in/out, COM2
COM1 – standard DB9 serial port
VGA – standard external display connector
Optional – military only connectors
Similar to above – FastIO does not support commercial
Optional – docking connections
Personality module – defined by customer
Altitude operating to 15,000 feet
-30° to +55°C (operating temperature)
-40° to +65°C (storage temperature)
Leakage: 1m of water for 30 min per MIL-STD-810F
Dopuna: 25 Dec 2012 17:24
Baziran na Marvell 520 MHz PXA-270 procesoru, RPDA-57 odgovara na pozive za situational awareness aplikacije. Izdašna 128 MB RAM and 64 or 128 MB flash memory provide ample room to run and house many applications in nonvolatile memory providing protection against data loss due to battery drainage. Available in both wireless and non-wireless configurations.
Marvell PXA-270 520 MHz processor
128 MB RAM, 64 or 128 MB flash
SD card slot
Touch-sensitive, transflective TFT LCD screen 65,536 colors (16 bit) QVGA
Serial port 115 Kb
Audio input/output
1400 mAh internal lithium polymer
Provides USB host and client
802.11b and 802.11g WiFi (optional)
Bluetooth® (optional)
The RPDA-57 has a unique modular design that consists of the core computer which has a SD Card slot, a serial port, audio in/out, and an internal 1400mAH Lithium-polymer battery. It can optionally be equipped with 802.11b WiFi, Bluetooth and USB host functionality via an adapter. The core "Type A" unit measures 6.1 x 3.6 inches and is about an inch thick.
A variety of "modular backs" add functionality. A "Type C1" unit adds two PC Card Type II slots and an additional 3600mAH internal Lithium-polymer battery. The footprint stays the same, and the C1 is 2,6 inches thick. Special GPS backs include embedded military or commercial GPS receivers as well as a harsh environment sealed dome with an powerful GPS antenna. They also include yet another 3,600mAH battery and may have a military GPS Fill connector. If even three batteries aren't enough, an external snap-on battery adapter ads no fewer than 10 standard AAs.
In June of 2007, Tallahassee Technologies (Tadiran Communications - Elbit Systems of America) received a $18.5 million purchase order from the US Marine Corps for the RPDA-57.
Elbit Systems of America predstavlja TACTER-31DVP, napredni vojni kompjuter za ugradnju u vozila. TACTER®-31DVP karakterišu snažne i zamjenjive kompjuterske sposobnosti sa mogućnošću odvojene ugradnje procesora od daylight-readable displeja i korisničkog interfejsa.
Kompjuterska jedinica:
Intel Core 2 Duo L7400 1.6 GHz
Intel Core 2 Duo U7500 1.06 GHz
Memory: up to 4GB for Intel Core 2 Duo U7500
Operating systems: Windows XP, LINUX (Red Hat)
Disk (SSD): replaceable 32GB or 64GB
PC card slots: 1 type I/II card bus
SD card slots: 1 SDIO or memory stick slot
1 - 10/100/1000 Mbps
1 - 10/100 Mbps
USB 2.0: five ports
COM ports: three RS232 serial ports
Audio: line in (mono); line out (stereo)
System options:
GPS: commercial high sensitivity 16 channels GPS receiver (option) or (military SAASM - option)
Embedded L-band satellite communications transceiver or communication controller or other custom module
Poslao: 25 Dec 2012 20:32
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7201
The ETC Mark IV is an Elbit Systems of America rugged space saving vehicle computer for use in demanding environmental conditions. Equipped with a 10.4” high-brightness display and combined with a waterproof, dual-core computer, built-in GPS and modem, the ETC Mark IV is the MIL customizable rugged solution of choice.
Ergonomic and slim design
Water-proof, dual-core computer
10.4” high brightness display
84 key keyboard and 10 function key
Built-in pointing device with two mouse keys
Built for operation and survivability in extreme conditions
Up to 2GB RAM
PCMCIA PC card slot
Solid state hard disk
Internal Li-lon battery
Built-in GPS
Built-in modem
Commercial and military USB connector
DOMINATOR (Integrated Infantry Combat System (IICS)
Asimetrično ratovanje, konflikti niskog inteziteta, i druge specijalne operacije redefinisale su moderno bojište za raspoređene vojnike. Kompleksni urbani i podzemni tereni, prijetnja "prijateljske vatre", te kratak "životni vijek" ciljeva zahtjevaju superioran nivo situational awareness - a.
Zahtjev za jasnim i preciznim sagledavanjem bojišta, zahtjeva od svih jedinica i sistema kontinuiranu povezanost. Poboljšani komandno - kontrolni proces i real-time odluke smanjuju vrijeme reakcije. Propisno selektovanje informacija uz pravilnu koordinaciju značajno unapređuju efikasnost i otpornost angažovanih snaga.
DOMINATOR je integrisani pešadijski borbeni sistem. Baziran na komponentama hardvera i C4I aplikacija razvijenih od strane Elbit porodice, DOMINATOR omogućava punu situational awareness od nivoa pešadijskog bataljona do individualnog vojnika. Sistem dramatično skraćuje sensor-to-shooter loop sa brzinom bez presedana uvećavajući borbenu efikasnost raspoređenog vojnika.
DOMINATOR obezbjeđuje pešadijsku jedinicu sa net-centric integrisanim informacionim solucijama omogućavajući:
pogled na zajedničku real-time operativnu sliku na personalnom displeju
slanje i primanje podataka o ciljevima i zadacima
prenosa slika i podataka o pozicijama do komandnog mjesta
efikasno zatvaranje sensor-to-shooter kola
upravljanje svim fazama borbe uključujući planiranje i debrifing
Dominator sistem integriše nekoliko Elbitovih naprednih solucija, uključujući RAPTOR ojačanu, tjelesnu, kompjutersku jedinicu, TORC2H –D C2 sistem za mrežno dijeljenje kritično važnih podataka i napredni PNR-1000A laki, personalni, mrežni radio, koji omogućava kontinuirane mrežne kontakte, naprednu navigaciju i C2 kapacitete. Dominator-LD kao modularan sistem dozvoljava malom broju komponenti konfigurisanje radi ispunjavanja raznih operativnih zahtjeva korisnika sa unapređenjem mobilnosti zahvaljući reduciranoj veličini i težini manjoj od 1 kilograma.
Druga opcija koja se može dodati sistemu je JS okularni sistem, ručni displej koji predstavlja opštu situacionu sliku kroz korišćenje napredne optike sa minimalnom distorzijom, širokim vidnim poljem i nulte emisije svjetlosti tokom noćnih operacija.
Poslao: 26 Dec 2012 21:41
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7201
Elbit Systems Digital Army Programme-1
Elbit Systems C4I softverska solucija za pešadiju, zajedno sa decenijskim iskustvom Tadiran Communications, nudi intezivne, battle-proven ekspertize za trenutno najčešće ratne scenarije. Sveobuhvatne komunikacije podešene i demonstrirane u specijalnoj demo room uključuju sledeće sisteme:
Tadiran SDR-7200 software-defined radio.
Tadiran SDR-7200 HH is a hand-held, lightweight software-defined radio for the dismounted soldier.
Tadiran PNR-1000A is a Personal Network Radio providing on-the-move situational awareness.
MIPR (Military IP Radio) is a tactical IP radio delivering high-speed broadband data communications to the battlefield.
MRS-R is a military satellite router, scalable in performance and capability, making it an optimal BLOS communication solution for all the levels of the command.
GRX-4000 is a latest generation dual-band high-capacity line-of-sight (HCLOS) broadband radio relay system.
Bro@dnet is the first fully-operational, battle-proven military wireless infrastructure solution that enables secure broadband communications, integrating all echelons of the military.
Elbit Systems Digital Army Programme-2
Elbit Systems Land i C4I je pionir u Combat Vehicle integracionim sistemima i snadbjevač sa više od 7,000 sistema i pod - sistema za glavne borbene tenkove, oklopna vozilai modernizacione programe širom svijeta.
- EoShield is a Vehicle IR Countermeasures system that provides soft protection against anti-tank ground missiles. The system provides 360-degree protection shield for a wide variety of ground platforms.
- Elbit System-Kinetics will showcase the following products and systems: Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), Life Support System (LSS) and Individual Crew Cooling System.
Poslao: 27 Dec 2012 10:01
- Pridružio: 06 Nov 2012
- Poruke: 732
pa trebao bi mycity da ima akreditaciju za dodelu magistarskog rada :-)
Poslao: 27 Dec 2012 17:15
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7201
Napisano: 27 Dec 2012 15:45
fin ::^
pa trebao bi mycity da ima akreditaciju za dodelu magistarskog rada :-)
Pa ima akreditaciju ali iz četnicizma i partizanštine.
Dopuna: 27 Dec 2012 17:15
Battlespace Information Dissemination Systems - Tadiran Spectralink
Tadiran Spectralink Battlespace VideoNet (BVN) sistem jedan je od najskorijih proizvoda. Brzo rastuća porodica taktičkih video sistema obezbjeđuje inovativne solucije za različite borbene scenarije, od konvencionalnog rata do konflikta niskog inteziteta, borbi u urbanim uslovima, specijalnih operacija, unutrašnje bezbjednosti i drugo.
BVN sistem može biti prilagođen gotovo svim operativnim zahtjevima, u skladu sa potrebama korisnika i njegovom infrastrukturom; frekvencijski opsezi, interfaces, tipovi antena, mehanička pakovanja i mnogi drugi parametri mogu biti lako usklađeni sa specifikacijama naručioca.
Generalni Koncept Operacija
"One Image Is Worth One Thousand Words"
Otkrivanjem krucijalno važnih podataka sa bojnog polja direktno za potrebe manevarskih snaga, ovakvi senzori radikalno skraćuju sensor-to-shooter petlju i omogućavaju komandirima jedinica da budu krajnji primaoci real-time podataka za potrebe praćenja ciljeva, situational awareness - a, procjene štete, "over-the-hill" izviđanja i praćenja, te cjelokupnog spektra podrške procesu upravljanja bojnim poljem.
Dovođenjem video i fotografskih podataka prikupljenih od strane UAV i drugih osmatračko - pratilačkih sistema do borbenih snaga, direktno i u realnom vremenu, Tadiran Spectralink´s BVN sistem kreira zajednički vizuelni jezik kroz sve snage na bojnom polju, koji značajno redukuje potrebu za glasovnim saobraćajem kroz zauzete radio mreže i pomaže zemaljskom personalu da odgovori na kritični razvoj situacije.
A Most Significant Force Multiplier
Tadiran Spectralink´s taktički video sistem značajno uvećava snagu borbenih jedinica, dramatično uvećavajući njihovu borbenu efikasnost dozvoljavajući im prijem, displej i širenje broadcast-quality video imagery, u realnom vremenu i dok je jedinica u pokretu, sa "utovarnih" kapaciteta svih pilotskih i bez - pilotskih vazduhoplovnih, zemaljskih i pomorskih platformi.
Unikatna prednost ovakvih video taktičkih sistema jeste što osiguravaju komandire i raspoređene jedinice sa primanjem preciznih, real-time podataka za praćenje ciljeva, situational awareness - a, procjenu štete, over-the-hill izviđanja i praćenja, prevenciju "prijateljske vatre", redukciju kolateralne štete, i podršku cjelokupnom spektru upravljanja bojnim poljem. Efektivnost borbenih posada takođe je uvećana preciznom isporukom paljbene snage i mogućnošću boljeg manevrisanja jedinica kroz neprijateljski borbeni raspored.
Još jedna prednost Tadiran Spectralink´s taktičkog video sistema je dostupna sposobnost integrisanja real-time video imagery sa komplementarnim data (telemetry) kod narućioca postojećeg C4I sistema, adding the powerful dimension of video imagery and telemetry data gathering functionalities to all echelon decision-making processes, providing them with images enhanced with critical information, such as geographical coordinates of the displayed target; identification of the video source; ground tracking data, and more – all continuously synchronized and displayed on the C4I system´s map.
The RAMBO Product Line
SL-RAMBO (StarLink Receiver And Monitor for Battlefield Operations) je digitalni video receiving sistem specijalno dizajnirana za raspoređene trupe. Kompaktan i lagan baterijski pogonjen risiver može biti lako nošen u rancu ili čak u borbenom prsluku. Konvencionalno na ručnom zglobu nošena displej jedinica omogućava komandirima i trupama na bojnom polju pogled u realnom vremenu slika prikupljenih sa modula montiranih na poslednjim mini-UAV sistemima.
SL-Rambo´s predecessor and still very much in demand is the analogue, ground-breaking V-Rambo Video Receiver and Monitor for Battlefield Operations, designed to download and display real time imagery and telemetry data transmitted by a variety of manned or unmanned aerial and elevated ground platforms. V-Rambo became immensely popular immediately after its advent, in 2005, and is now widely fielded by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the military of several other countries.
Benefiti sistema:
Radically shortens the sensor-to-shooter cycle, by revealing live video imagery in real time to combat forces
Live video receiver, rechargeable battery and foldable antenna packaged in a compact unit which can be carried in a pouch on user’s combat vest
Video and telemetry can be displayed on any PDA, goggles, or C4I system
Common visual language among all forces in the theatre of operations
Direct reception from mini-UAV to field commander – over 5 km range
AES encryption (optional)
Operation under severe jamming and interference conditions
Easy on bandwidth resources
Particularly suitable for SOF in LIC/MOUT operational scenarios
Ergonomic, low weight, low volume
Jedan od novijih i "napucanijih" sistema je i AN/ACQ-9 Tactical Video & Data Link (TVDL) – a new-generation video and data receiver/transmitter especially designed for installation on combat helicopters. This sophisticated yet very easy to operate system enables displaying real-time, broadcast-quality video imagery captured by UAV payloads or ground-based sensors directly in front of the aircrew, thus saving the need for lengthy and cumbersome radio dialogue with a Ground Control Station, dramatically shortening the sensor-to-shooter loop and enhancing situational awareness.
The TVDL provides helicopter pilots with live UAS video and targeting information combined with the ability to retransmit this video and/or onboard sensor video to other aircraft or and ground forces. As a true video relay, the system can transmit the received video and data, and concurrently deliver imagery captured by onboard payloads to tactical forces in the battlespace, for enhanced co-ordination and battle management.
Benefiti sistema:
The AN/ACQ-9 TVDL augments current systems by giving helicopter pilots video data from off-board sensors which reduce target identification times and improve precision targeting capability. This video link reduces the helicopter’s exposure to battlefield threats and increases stand-off distances from those threats as critical airborne attack tactics and engagement scenarios are formulated. The system also supports advance video display of Forward Arming and Refueling Points (FARPs). Thus, the video link enhances battlefield situational awareness, improves precision strike, and reduces operational risks associated with the attack helicopter mission.
Karakteristike i sposobnosti:
Receiving/transmitting video at L, S or C band from multiple sources (UAV, Litening Pod, other aircraft, ground-based sensors, etc.)
Received or on-board RS170 video (VCR or NTS) transmitted at L and S band to external assets such as other aircraft or ground-based systems
All functions are controlled via Control Panel selectors
Control Panel can be integrated into other onboard computers (future upgrade)