Poslao: 08 Maj 2015 00:47
- voja64
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
- Poruke: 25785
Odličan Članak..
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 08 Maj 2015 12:28
- lažni đoko
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 774
bojank ::
Е сад ко је послије њих самостално дошао до брављења ротацијом или нагињањем затварача, а ко по узору на њих, тешко је утврдити.
Bas tako, tehnoloski princip ako je poznat ce svaki inzenjer probati. A posto su svi ljudi, cak i ako im nesto nije poznato cesto ce nezavisno doci do istog resenja.
Ево једног примјера судског поступка око патентних права на пумпарицу:
Текст је из часописа Метак бр.9 (октобар 1990.) чије скенове је окачио Пушкомитраљезац.
Чуду ми да и амерички произвођачи револвера нису на сличан начин оспорили С&В патент на револвер на сједињени метак (потпуно избушене коморе у добошу).
Poslao: 08 Maj 2015 13:25
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 20163
lažni đoko ::...
Чуду ми да и амерички произвођачи револвера нису на сличан начин оспорили С&В патент на револвер на сједињени метак (потпуно избушене коморе у добошу).
Ta tuzba je dosla nakon celokupne reforme patentnog sistema 1870neke, opet pokrenutog od strane predsednika Granta posle S&W bahacenja.
Ethan Alan (kada ga je Vajt tuzio za krsenje patenta) je pokusao da ospori validnost patenta Rolina Vajta, ukljucujuci i to da je koristio Lefoseov patent kao dokaz. Izgubio je, jer je Vajt uspeo da dokaze da Lefoseov patent nije za skroz probusen dobos vec za metak sa iglom (sto je formalno tacno, ali nema veze sto je isti trazio skroz probusen dobos). Kao sto rekoh, mito i korupcija.
Kolt je tako drzao patent za rotaciju revolverskog dobosa zapinjanjem oroza, iako su takvi patenti (a i oruzje) postojali i pre njega kako u SAD tako i u Evropi. Pa zbog toga ima par krajnje cudnih revolvera, poput Whitney Two Trigger i Whitney Walking Beam. Kod prvog, pritisak na spoljni obarac je odbravljivao dobos, koji je onda rucno rotiran. Kod drugog, pomeranje obaraca u napred je rotiralo dobos preko mehanizma sa leve strane dobosa.
Poslao: 28 Dec 2015 10:29
- aramis s
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
- Poruke: 28772
- Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda
Šta se u stvari dešava sa kumulativnim levkom. Šteta što ne postoji i neki GIF
Poslao: 21 Mar 2016 23:52
- kuntalo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 08 Feb 2006
- Poruke: 2912
Sjajan intervju sa Džejmsom Salivenom u 1, 2, 3 dela - pregršt jako zanimljivih informacija (meni najinteresantnija priča o Royal Ordnance-u s kraja drugog dela), mnoštvo tehničkih pojašnjenja za nas neznalice - velika preporuka.
PS: Evo pomenutog dela o njegovoj poseti Notingemu:
+ klikI went over to Royal Ordnance, Nottingham; just short-term stuff. Looked at the British SA-80 program. It was at the time they were shutting down RSAF and Enfield. They had already switched all the manufacturing to Nottingham. There wasn't all that much to my involvement. They asked me to go over there and take a look at it, I did and I told them my views on the gun, and they got angry and that was the end of it.
From what I saw, everything about it was wrong. For instance, they were using an M16 type bolt and not making it right. In manufacturing it, first you drill a hole for the firing pin. Once that hole is there, everything centers on that hole. You turn the outside, you cut the slots and everything else. They didn't do that. They cut all the outside first, then tried to drill the hole for the firing pin in the center. It wasn't "true." Then they found out you can't drill a hole that way, holes go off this way and that way and aren't centered. To solve that, what they did was mess with the firing pin tip. The firing pin has a nice, respectable diameter for most of its length until the front. Instead of a tapered firing pin so that it's good and strong, they just narrowed it down, and they had the thing about a half-inch long, and just a sixteenth inch in diameter.
Another thing was the magazine well. It's a sheet metal receiver, and the magazine well is sheet metal, but it has to be welded on. That's fine. But the sheet metal stamping for the magazine well, they stamp the slot, the little hole, the slot for the magazine latch, they stamped it in there, and then they weld it on. I mean, sure, you save an operation because you can stamp the hole instead of machining it, but no two latch positions on any guns are precisely the same. Their magazines on some of the guns were jammed up and the bolt couldn't move 'cause the magazines were stuck in there on some guns. On other guns it was too low, wasn't feeding properly. They didn't fix this stuff, it just went on and on like that.
They'd hold plus or minus one-thousandth, completely unrealistic tolerances, which nobody could make the parts to. The firing on that trip when I went over there was still done at the only range they had, which was still at RSAF Enfield. One of the things you do to test is you load up a mag, put it up in the rifle, you fire a shot and let the thing cycle and chamber the next round, and then instead of firing that next round, you hand extract it and look for scratches on it. When I did this test, it was just scratched all to hell. They weren't up on that. The back end of the lugs, you've got to carefully smooth off that corner. These were just raw. It was just cutting the cartridges. I don't know why they weren't getting split cases from that. Maybe they were.
Poslao: 02 Jun 2016 15:37
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 36022
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Princip rada prigušivača
Poslao: 08 Jun 2016 17:55
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 36022
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
How a revolver works
Poslao: 08 Jun 2016 20:44
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 20163
Smith & Wesson, sa svojim mehanizmom sa tri opruge... Moze i sa jednom, kao kod Colt-a.