Poslao: 15 Feb 2011 04:31
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 3714
The NORINCO Type 64 is a pistol produced solely in silenced form. It may be used either as a manually operated single-shot arm or as a self-loader.
When the maximum silencing effect is required, the selector bar is pushed to the left and the lugs of the rotating bolt in the slide engage in recesses in the receiver and the weapon fires from a locked breech. After the round has been fired the slide is hand-operated to unlock the bolt, retract the slide and extract the fired case. When the selector bar is pushed to the right, the locking lugs do not engage in the recesses in the receiver and the pistol functions as a blowback-operated semi-automatic. This results in a more noisy method of operation as the slide reciprocates and the empty case is ejected. The cartridge is 7.65 × 17 mm. It is rimless and unique to this pistol; no other round can be used.
The silencing effect is obtained by placing a large bulbous attachment on the front of the receiver extending well forward of the muzzle. The gases leave the muzzle and expand into a wire mesh cylinder surrounded by an expanded metal sleeve. The bullet passes through a series of rubber discs which trap the gases. Used as a single-shot manually
operated pistol it is extremely quiet but its reduced muzzle velocity greatly affects its powers of penetration.
The Type 67 is an improved model; in essentials it is the same as the Type 64 above but the silencer has been reshaped, making the weapon easier to carry in a holster. There are some small changes in the assembly of the silencer but the principle of operation remains the same. It is chambered for the 7.62 mm Type 67 cartridge, a rimless, necked round of reduced velocity.
Data for Type 64; where Type 67 differs, shown in parentheses
Cartridge: 7.65 × 17 mm rimless (7.62 Type 67 rimless)
Operation: (a) manual, single shot or (b) blowback, semi-automatic
Locking: (a) rotating bolt or (b) nil
Feed: 9-round box magazine
Weight: empty, 1.81 kg (1.05 kg)
Length: 222 mm (226.2 mm)
Barrel: 95 mm (89 mm)
Rifling: both 4 grooves, rh
Sights: fore, blade; rear, notch
Muzzle velocity: 205 m/s (230-250 m/s)
Max effective range: 30 m
China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO)
12A Guang'anmen Nanjie, Beijing.
In production.
People's Liberation Army.
Poslao: 15 Feb 2011 13:52
- Beowulf
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 01 Sep 2009
- Poruke: 626
- Gde živiš: Makedonija
10x10 ::Vucko ne zavitlavaj. Prvo brzo pucanje podrazumeva "brzo" a ne neko rucno stelovanje burenceta,. Okrenes ga malo vise jer jako je tesko usijano burenece ( posto je bila brza paljba) okrenuti za tacno jednu sestinu. osim toga opet ce zagalaviti kod sledeceg metka jer je burence zaprljano. desavalo se da mi magnum blokira i nema sanse da se okrene burence , pa sam ga na silu izbijao napolje.
Kad krene da zaglavljuje nema spasa moras da prekines pucanje i ocistis ga. Najbrze je skines nozem naslage sa burenceta i sa cevi. Nije bas preporucljivo ali ce revolver najverovatnije produziti da "radi" posle te intervencije. Ako nema rukavice imaces ozbiljnih opekotina po prstima jer posle pedesetak magnum metaka pucanih brzo ceo revolver je usijan.
Ova od licno iskustvo sa pitona ili...?Znam da revolvere sa male tolerancije znaju da se "uguse" nakon intenzivno pucanje sa olovni zrna.Ja sam opisavao problem kada revolver je cist, bez garezi izmedju cevi i dobosa, i kada tajming zataje odnosno kada dobos se nadje u medju polozaj.E to je glavna mana kod kolt revolvere.
vazonja ::Mislim da si napravio pravo poredjenje sa onim autom i garazom pa neka colt ostane na pistoljima a Weson na revolverima i taman. Doduse, ako je do robusnosti ode mi ruka ka rugeru.
Ipak Colt je sinonim za revolvere bar kod 90% ljudi.A ovo o neznim skupim kolima.....bas me interesira kako ce biditi istretirani ti i 10x10 kada navratite na neki forum za automobile i pocnite da pljujete po skupim luksuznim automobilima.
Dopuna: 15 Feb 2011 13:52
PS Ajde malo na pistoljima.
Konverzija za 1911 u 7.62x25.Ali samo za one 1911 u 9x19 i 38 super.
Poslao: 15 Feb 2011 15:27
- vazonja

- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 04 Maj 2010
- Poruke: 594
pa, eto, ti znas za dve stvari koje mogu da naprave aritmiju coltu. Ozbiljna fabrika to brzo ispravlja ili menja poslovnu filozofiju a najgore ako sve to potraje, onda negativna etiketa ostaje generacijama.
To za automobile... pa i tamo bih "ispljuvao" rolsa ako je prica o brdskom reliju. A rols je onako bas auto....