Ameri uvode picu kao MRE. Resili problem trajnosti, dodali su ruzmarin u recept
Citat:The Pentagon has tried for years to field a pizza MRE, which comes with some challenges. While supremely popular among Americans, pizza is not exactly the most nutritious food. It’s also heavily cheese-based, which is a problem when the Army wants an MRE to be shelf-stable for a minimum of three years at 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
In 2017, the Combat Feeding Directorate (yes, there is such as thing) at Natick Labs thought it had gotten the pizza right, only to have it fail during shelf-life testing. According to Army Times, food scientists placed the pizza MRE in a 100-degree box for six months to complete some accelerated testing. Exposure to air in the MRE pouch turned the red pizza sauce an unappealing brown.
The problem has been fixed by adding one simple ingredient: rosemary extract. Pizza MREs will start entering the Pentagon’s labyrinthine logistics system in March and troops should start seeing them by the end of the year.
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Koliko je meni poznato, SDO je deljen svim vidovima i rodovima u JNA. Razlika je bila samo u eventualnim dodacima za pojedine VES kao sokovi, slatkisi, suhomesnati proizvodi. Plovila (pa i podmornice) imaju poprilicno slobode u izboru namirnica i komponovanju obroka...