Zastavine puske u Palestinstinskim rukama


Zastavine puske u Palestinstinskim rukama

  • Kibo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Okt 2007
  • Poruke: 7498
  • Gde živiš: gde i mnogi Srbi pre mene

Moram da vas podsetim da smo mi i izvozili dosta Zastavinih M. 70 AB 2 u Irak, i naravno moguce je da su ameri dosli do nekog magacina koji je bio cuvan. Moguce je da je to naoruzanje bilo (samo pretpostavka) u arsenalu Sadamove garde ili ljudi bliski njemu, tako da nije doslo do upotrebe u ratu (objasnjava da su te puske ocuvane kao nove).

Ako su ameri naisli na takav jedan magacin onda su naravno uzeli ono sto im treba a ovo sada prodaju, odnosno naoruzavaju Fatah koji je liberalniji za razliku od Hamasa i time naravno odmah mezimce SAD.

Opet to ne znaci da i Zastava nije umesana u taj posao, sto znaci da je ona prodala to oruzje, sve je moguce ali ipak moja pretpostavka iz prvog posta je meni licno najverovatnija.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • zoro+ 
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Feb 2006
  • Poruke: 912

Zastava nema nikakve veze sa tom prodajom,vec agencije koje se time bave.Isto kao u Zairu

  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 240
  • Gde živiš: tri koraka na sever, skrenes levo, kod starog hrasta deset koraka na zapad ...

zoro+ ::Zastava nema nikakve veze sa tom prodajom,vec agencije koje se time bave.Isto kao u Zairu
sa kojom prodajom?
jel ti znas nesto sto mi ne ili pricas generalno o prodaji oruzija preko?

To je tacno da Zastava ne prodaje direktno nego sve ide preko Yugoimporta ili manjih, kako se popularno zovu po filmovima i romanima, "arms dealers"

Hvala Bogu kod nas ih koliko hoces Smile

Ako znas nesto vise o ovom konkretnom dilu, pricaj koliko mozes Wink


  • kNikS 
  • Moderator u penziji
  • Pridružio: 31 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 4640

Krazy Kat ::
Mi smo jedini koji su iskoristili tezi RPK receiver i osim tri otvora za ventilaciju i nisana za tromblone to je sledeci detalj koji gledas da bi utvrdio odakle je AK.

I pistoljski rukohvat, cini mi se. Inace, ne bih rekao da je novost da Palestinci imaju Zastavine puske - ako se dobro secam, bilo je clanaka u Kalibru, a secam se da je i Milenkovic svojevremeno pravio emisiju na BK o Izraelu i Palestini gde se to pominje.

  • zoro+ 
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Feb 2006
  • Poruke: 912

Mislim da nije bas pametno da pricam o tome.A za Zair,pa njima su pre isporucene Crna Strela,nego sto je iko u Srbiji cuo da ta puska uopste i postoji...

  • Pridružio: 05 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 80

zoro+ ::A za Zair,pa njima su pre isporucene Crna Strela,nego sto je iko u Srbiji cuo da ta puska uopste i postoji...

Tu, s obzirom na njene karakteristike i kvalitet bolje da je nikad nismo ni videli.

E evo jos jedne. Ne vidi se bas najbolje al mislim da je to...

  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 240
  • Gde živiš: tri koraka na sever, skrenes levo, kod starog hrasta deset koraka na zapad ...

zoro+ ::Mislim da nije bas pametno da pricam o tome.

vazi vazi bre, zato sam i rekao ako mozes/smes Wink


  • Pridružio: 21 Mar 2007
  • Poruke: 261
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

Imam ja jednu ideju odakle ove puske, iz Bosne i Hercegovine, nemojte me drzati za rijec ali bivsi ministar Radovanovic je dosta tog oruzja "poklonio" preko tv, cini mi se bas pusaka, nadam se da na forumu ima neko ko radi u Oruzanim snagama BIH i ko zna sta se desilo sa oruzjem bivse Vojske Republike Srpske...

  • marat 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Mar 2007
  • Poruke: 595

da vidis znam da je RS donirala nesto i u Avganistan.

  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2005
  • Poruke: 5743

Па што се Израелаца тиче продали смо им прошле године оружје за 8,5 милиона $ а најављује се пар заједничких пројеката.

Јично типујем на АЛАС ПО ракету.

Dopuna: 13 Jan 2008 21:12

greenmachine ::sto je najgore,SFRJ je pomagala Izraelu u njegovom nastanku,dozvoljavajuci prelet,sletanje i dopunu gopriva u bivsoj SFRJ izraelskih spitfajera kupljenih u je bila tada jedna od vecih tajni.

New info on IAF birth now declassified

Прекјуче објавио Јерузалем пост

A remote airfield encircled by Montenegro's snowcapped mountains and overrun by grazing sheep once helped ensure the survival of Israel, recently declassified documents in both Israel and Serbia reveal.

The airstrip played a part in a cloak and dagger operation in 1948 to provide warplanes for Israel's nascent air force in the Independence War.

"Without this help in armaments, we probably could not have won the (1948-49) war and maybe the state of Israel would never have survived," said Meir Pail, a prominent Israeli military historian who fought in the conflict. "So from our point of view, it was a blessing."

Two new publications - "The IAF in the War of Independence" by Cpt. Avi Cohen of the Israel Air Force's historical department and "The Yugoslav Air Force, 1942-92" by Belgrade historian Bojan Dimitrijevic, dating from 2006 and 2007 respectively - provide new details on the clandestine, three-month long operation to supply Israel with Spitfires via Niksic.

Built in the 1930s to repel an expected Italian attack from across the Adriatic, the airfield earned a footnote in history as the site from which Yugoslavia's last king and his government fled abroad in April 1941 to escape the Nazi onslaught.

By an odd coincidence, the government-in-exile ended up in Jerusalem, the capital of British-held Palestine.

Then in 1948, Jewish agents secretly arranged with representatives of Yugoslavia's postwar Communist leader Josip Broz Tito to use Niksic as a waystation for a batch of 60 Spitfire fighters purchased from Czechoslovakia.

Tito gave his approval for the operation, which was codenamed Velvetta. He was persuaded to lend assistance to the new nation by members of Yugoslavia's small Jewish community, who included several top officials in his government and army.

"There was very strong sentiment to begin with, because (Tito's) partisans helped the Jews during WWII, and some Jews from Palestine had been air-dropped into Yugoslavia to work as radio operators for the guerrillas," said Alon Kadish, a historian at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Fortunately, Yugoslavia also operated several squadrons of Spitfires in the late 1940s, so the Israeli flights provoked no undue suspicion, said Cedomir Janjic of the Yugoslav Air Force Museum in Belgrade.

"The operation was treated as super-secret because it was opposed by the British and Soviets," he said. "The Israelis were allowed to repair and run the base while bringing in the Spitfires and transport planes and modifying and repainting them with Yugoslav insignia for the ferry flights to Israel."

At the time, the Yugoslavs feared that Britain and the Soviet Union would try to interfere with the operation because Tito was sharply at odds with both nations.

London blamed Belgrade for the near-sinking two Royal Navy destroyers that had struck Yugoslav mines in the Adriatic Sea, while Soviet leader Joseph Stalin regarded Tito as a renegade after he refused to submit to Soviet control.

The Israeli Spitfires were fitted out with additional fuel tanks, and their machine guns were removed to save on weight. These were flown to Israel in transports that accompanied the fighters on their trek across the Mediterranean.

To protect secrecy, the newcomers were forbidden from fraternizing with the locals or with Yugoslav guards stationed outside the base.

"We knew something strange was going on because nobody was allowed to get near the field," said Rade Banovic, who as a boy used to shepherd his family's goats and cows in the hills overlooking the site. "Later we heard rumors that 'Israelis' were around, but at that time nobody knew what Israelis were."

By the end of 1948 all of the Czechoslovak planes had been transferred to Israel, and Operation Velvetta slipped silently into intelligence archives.

Today Niksic airfield is owned by the Montenegrin defense ministry, but is operated by a civilian flying club. There isn't much traffic anymore, allowing local farmers to use the grass runway as a grazing ground.

Members of the flying club are worried about its future, because developers are eying the field as the site for a shopping mall and residential homes. "We are trying to preserve this airport but the military wants to sell it," said Miodrag Mrvaljevic, the head of Montenegro's light aviation association.

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