Ruske podmornice


Ruske podmornice

  • Pridružio: 01 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 2467

O komandi PF se radilo a Sovjeti kazu da su im servirali podatke jer su ih navodno provalili drugi put kad su ovi usli u Ohotsko more pa su narednih 7-8 god pustali pripremljene razgovore kroz taj tel kabl a USA tvrdi da su provaljeni tek pred kraj zahvaljujuci najpoznatijem spijunu u USA mornarici Dzonu Volkeru ( bas je neki dan umro u zatvoru ) . Cinjenica je da su Sovjeti izvadili prislusne uredjaje dok je on bio aktivan i par godina pre njegovog hapsenja ali on je spijunirao 10-15 god pa mogu pravdati sve u tom periodu " spijun javio neprijatelju " a on nije osudjen za provaljivanje akcije ivy bells iako su se toliko okomili na njega da je osudjen za par stotina dela ukljucujuci i neke gluposti tipa "pijan tuko zenu" i slicno .
Podvodne zurke USA vs SSSR/RF su se nastavile i nakon hladnog rata pa je titanijumska Sijera penizonisala jednu podmornicu L.A. klase kad se zabila u nju na granici teritorijalnih voda u Barencovom moru , druga Sijera je izronila kod Floride dok je u toku bila vezba USA mornarice , Akule se svako malo prividjaju Amerima u Mex zalivu i Kaliforniji ...

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Dostanic09 ::Poznata mi je ona prica da su Ameri prisluskivali Sovjetski podvodni komunikacioni kabal Pacificke flote. Poznate su odredjene operacije Severne flote, a malo je poznato Pacificke flote. Uopste Sovjeti, odnosno Rusi su dosta toga zadrzali kao tajne i nisu otvorili slucajeve.
Jel ima koj kakvih prica a koje ne znam ili nisam naleteo. Znam za slucajeve svih potonuca podmornica, zatim lansiranje seta ICBM-a, ove u vezi k-324, vadjenje podmornice u Pacifiku od strane Amera, izranjanje sovjetske podmornice kod Kube u blizini NA, sudar podmornica u blizini Norveske i u Pacifiku kod Kamactke. Jel ima jos sta?

Bilo je jos situacija

Citat:The Submarine Incident off Kildin Island was a collision between the US Navy nuclear submarine USS Baton Rouge and the Russian Navy nuclear submarine B-276 Kostroma near the Russian naval base of Severomorsk, on 11 February 1992. The incident took place when the US unit was engaged in a covert mission, apparently aimed at intercepting Russian military communications. Although a majority of sources claim that the American submarine was trailing her Russian counterpart, some authors believe that neither the Kostroma nor the Baton Rouge were able to locate each other before the collision.

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Battle of the Submarines: Akula versus Virginia

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Sad imamo i `trio`

Chinese Submarines vs Soviet Submarines vs US Submarines

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i jos nesto

November 1993
The Last Front of the Cold War

Citat:You think the Cold War is over? Think again. Russian and American forces are still challenging each other in the Arctic

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  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Dostanic09 ::Sve teorije donekle mogu da se ispitaju, ali one pod vodom su veoma nepristupacne i skupe za istrazivanje. Tako da se one mogu da se svode na rekla kazala.
Meni teorija Torpeda zvuci malo nerealno. Ako se kojim slucajem aktivirao torpedo i on je ispalje pravo i podmornica bezi od torpeda, kako je torpedo ,,zahvatio,, radarom nju. Dokazi su kretanje podmornice koje ustanovljeno pomocu SOSUS-a, i to mi deluje nerealno da oni mogu toliko precizno, pogotovu na toj lokaciji.

Evo nesto u vezi toga

Citat: Did the U.S. and Soviet Union have a submarine battle in 1968?

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New evidence suggests Soviets may have sunk the sub Scorpion 40 years ago

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  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Dostanic09 :: Koliko me secanje sluzi ovaj dokumentarac govori o Sovjetskoj podmornici koja je isplovila na par kilometara od americkog NA u doba vrhunca Kubanske krize.

Evo jedne price o tom dogadjaju tj. kubanskoj ( raketnoj) krizi i aktivnostima sovjetskih podmornica

"Большая охота" в Саргассовом море или советские подводные лодки против US Navy

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  • Pridružio: 01 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 2467

Na zalost tek po koji Viktor 3 moze da ispaljuje raketu granit jer su do pred kraj SSSR-a imali problem sa SUV-om a pre toga i sa navigacijom medvedica pa samo par najnovijih koji su produzeni za metar imaju mogucnost gadjanja granitom. I zbog toga je granit uveden u podmornicko naoruzanje tek pred sam kraj SSSR-a. Od 25 proizvedenih je samo Tambov ili Danil Moskovski imao gadjanje granitom

Ali su zato upakovali helikopter da ga ispuste kroz 533mm i da jedan dirvezant moze da se preveze 100-tinak km :

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Dostanic09 :: Jel ima jos sta?

Evo i ovo Wink

Как советская подводная лодка таранила американский авианосец

Citat:21 марта 1984 года в 22:10 американские моряки, находившиеся на авианосце Kitty Hawk, почувствовали сильный удар. Спустя некоторое время они увидели в воде удаляющийся темный силуэт. Это была советская подводная лодка К-314.

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Citat:On 21 March 1984, K-314 collided with the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) in the Sea of Japan. Neither ship was significantly damaged.

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  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Slobodarko ::Na zalost tek po koji Viktor 3 moze da ispaljuje raketu granit jer su do pred kraj SSSR-a imali problem sa SUV-om a pre toga i sa navigacijom medvedica pa samo par najnovijih koji su produzeni za metar imaju mogucnost gadjanja granitom. I zbog toga je granit uveden u podmornicko naoruzanje tek pred sam kraj SSSR-a. Od 25 proizvedenih je samo Tambov ili Danil Moskovski imao gadjanje granitom

Moguce ,no svakako je upotreba te rakete ( samo da pomenem tj. ispravim nije u pitanju raketa `Granit` P-700 da ne bi bilo zabune ,vec raketa sa nazivom `Granat` dakle S-10 /RK-55 ) bila ogranicena ovim sporazumom .

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  • Pridružio: 01 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 2467

Da za sisteme nadzemnog bazirovanja dok za rakete morskog bazirovanja taj sporazum ne vazi pa i sa druge strane zapadne podmornice koriste tomahavk koji je tim sporazumom zabranjen u ground-launched verziji BGM-109G . Imali su sovjeti ogromnih problema sa Viktorom-3 i tom raketom pa je cak i kod Sijera -1 taj problem potrajao jer je SUV ( bius ) bio isti kao i na Viktorima -3 dok su Sijere-2 i novije Akule opremljene granatom

Ima na sturmu glubine opisano o tim problemima u vezi viktora -3 : [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2013
  • Poruke: 1708

Napisano: 29 Sep 2014 13:56

Krenuo sam redom da citam slucajeve i svaka cast za linkove. Hvala svima.
Sto se tice USS Scorpion, imam jednu dilemu. Koliko je realno da torpedo MARK 37 bude ispaljen na slepo, i da opet zahvati svoju podmornicu koja je promenila smer i dubinu? Onda je to zaista neverovatan torpedo.

Dopuna: 29 Sep 2014 13:57

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Ray, jel imas mozda engleski prevod?

Dopuna: 29 Sep 2014 14:01

Momci, nateracete me da pocnem da ucim ruski.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Pa ako vec nemas GT opciju evo ondak na engl . Smile


This autumn 2002 will be entitled to humanity to celebrate his next birth, or rather, the 40th anniversary of the end of the Cuban missile crisis. It began in April 1962, when the United States deployed its strategic missiles aimed at the Soviet Union, on the territory of Turkey. According to eyewitnesses, the Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, a man of very expansive, learning about it, immediately demanded to retaliate. Already on May 20 at the highest level - the Central Committee had decided to place Soviet missiles in Cuba and the General Staff began to accelerating the development of secret operation codenamed "Anadyr" on covert transfer of Soviet missiles in Cuba, other weapons and equipment, as well as troops - a total of about 60 thousand. persons (personnel missile division, two divisions of defense, motorized infantry division, consisting of four regiments, those of support, the Air Force, as well as parts of the Soviet Navy).

The plan should also be sent to Liberty Island squadron composed of 2 cruisers project 68-bis (flagship "Mikhail Kutuzov"), 4 destroyers, including 2 rocket ( pr.57 bis ), a division of missile submarine boats (7 ships pr.629) Brigade attack submarines (4 ships, etc.. 641 ), 2 mother ships, 12 missile boats pr.183R and detachment of supply vessels (2 tankers, 2 cargo ship and floating workshop). Cuba had to throw and part of coastal defense (missile regiment and mine-torpedo air regiment (33th IL-28 ).

Massive movement of troops and military equipment began on the night of 7 to 8 July 1962, when the moorings from Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Leningrad, Nikolaev and Severomorsk otnoshli first transports. Taking into account the importance of the operation and the strictest secrecy in which it was carried out at all stages of the performers in the field know only what they are supposed to know at any given moment. Even the ship captains and commanders of military units to the exit in neutral waters did not know why and where they were going.

Until the second half of September to Cuba were delivered smoothly most of the weapons and ammunition for future groups, including nuclear. It turned out, the Americans just did not attach any importance intensification of maritime traffic between the Soviet Union and Cuba. But in the second half of September, Americans shopped and become more attentive to what was going on with them, that is, on a farmstead near. American Air Force began to follow the regular overflights of Cuba Soviet transports at low altitude, and the ships VMS- interested destination and the nature of the shipment. Meanwhile in Cuba were already deployed air defense, coastal defense and air force, as well as collected the first 6 naval aircraft. Each of them could carry a 12-kiloton nuclear bomb or conventional weapons as bombs or torpedoes. Began construction of the starting positions for ballistic missiles. The island has also been delivered and deployed three battalions of missile boats (this is after they have been transferred to the Cubans, and in those days aboard boats were Soviet crews ready for the first order, together with their missiles to attack aircraft approached the shore of Cuba fleet aggressor. Boats were based on ports of Mariel (2 divisions) and Banes (one division). missile battalion covered desantoopasnye direction, moreover, they were fitted with nuclear ammunition. For its part, the United States concentrated in the Atlantic 8 three aircraft carriers and anti-submarine aircraft carrier groups, intended to implement the embargo against Cuba, as well as the concentration of troops and began preparing for the landing, what was formally advised of the Soviet side. voltage increases with each passing day, and by October 27, the world has practically stood on the brink of nuclear war. Eventually, a political compromise that provided for mutual withdrawal of Soviet ballistic missiles from Cuba, and American from Turkey, has been made. In addition, the United States made a commitment not to invade Cuba. October 29 began the removal of Soviet missiles ...

But even on September 25, given the dramatic complication position of the USA, established a de facto blockade of Cuba, Moscow decided to refuse the parcel to Cuba the Soviet squadron. However, the decision on relocation to Cuba submarines (Operation "Kama"), the only torpedo, remained in force. This, I think, has done of the number of political considerations, since actual 4 single submarine could hardly resist the entire American fleet ... except perhaps as a deterrent factor.

Northern "Foxtrot" take the stage

Cuba had to go 4 new boats Project 641 Northern Fleet: B-130 (commander Captain 2nd rank N.Shumkov), B36 (V.Dubivko), B-59 (A.Savitsky) and B-4 (P .NET). Before going to sea, they took on board combat torpedoes (only 22 torpedoes, including one - with a nuclear warhead). On the B-4 went to sea brigade commander Agafonov.

DPL Ave. 641
A few words about what constituted submarines Project 641: Displacement overwater -1950, scuba-2550 tons, main dimensions - 91,3h7,5h5,1 m, full speed, respectively, 16.4 / 16 knots, diesel power plant electric, three-shaft, consisting of three diesel plants with total capacity of 6000 hp and three electric motors 5400 hp, cruising range of 30,000 miles (8.1 hub course for diesel); arms-10 torpedo tubes of 533 mm (6 bow and 4 stern), the crew of 70 people, including 12 officers. According to the accepted practice in NATO, Project 641 boats were codenamed "Foxtrot", without any connection to the music. It's just in the international Code of Signals marked with the letter "F". All four "foxtrot" of the 69th Brigade were new, they were put into operation in the 1959-61 biennium. and were quite modern ocean-going ships, representing in the hands of experienced crews very formidable force. Another thing is that at that time the boats had to act effectively on their own without any cover ... Why were not sent nuclear submarines? The fleet they already were. Moreover, the summer of 1962 one of them, K-3, better known as "Leninsky Komsomol", made a voyage to the Arctic subglacial and surfacing at the North Pole. This is a question yet to be studied. Apparently, the answer must be sought in the imperfection of the first Soviet nuclear-powered ships ...

But whatever it was, and on the night of October 1, designated camping submarines came in a storm in the Barents Sea. From that moment they moved into submission directly to the Central Control Center in Moscow. Already in the sea boats sank and commanders, revealing the secret envelopes, first reliably learned route of the motion and the end point of transition, stealth action and order the use of conventional and nuclear weapons. In particular, the crossing of the ocean was to perform at an average cruising speed of 9 knots in the daytime under the RDP, and at night, on the surface, and the position at a distance of 20-30 miles apart. Communicate with each other during the transition period was not provided.

Already in the Norwegian Sea, most of the boats received various injuries. Thus, B-130 storm tore stanchions, and B36-VIPS cover in the rear compartment, limiting the depth of the dive 70 meters. At the B-59 is out of order outer flapper diesel. All four boats due to the busy mode always had problems with the main engine. Eyewitnesses recall that on top of that, due to strong vibration burst pipes, the failure of that one, the other support mechanisms. In extreme conditions, working almost all the mechanisms. Boats had to break through the self-consistently all 4 turn anti-NATO.

The first of these, the Faeroe-Iceland, crossed the run, then it was the turn of the second stretching between Greenland, Iceland and the British Isles. Here, despite the activity of anti-NATO aircraft, boats succeeded in disguising among the many fishing vessels to move even on the surface and successfully evade detection. After another day, the boat reached the line of Newfoundland, the Azores, the main anti-submarine barriers NATO in the Atlantic. The storm continued, but despite this, launched at the turn of a network of hydrophones "Caesar" is still allowed Americans to obtain information about the presence in the area of ​​suspicious noises. However, the technical possibilities of "Caesar" is not possible to determine the coordinates of all four boats and submarines continued to move in the Sargasso Sea, with its high temperatures and transparent waters.

Behind the flags

It is possible that American intelligence had information about the exit to Cuba of Soviet submarines. At the very least, know of one CIA report to President John F. Kennedy that follow cover for Cuba transports allocated about 6 submarines. Probably in this number the Americans have made and others are at this time in the sea Soviet boats. But as we now know, in Moscow, the CIA had its agents, for example, GRU Colonel General Staff O.Penkovsky ... It can be assumed that the Americans give them any information about the operation "Anadyr", and perhaps an operation "Kama" although the evidence for this has not yet been found.

Etc.. 641: Slitting hostile waters. Picture taken from NATO patrol aircraft
On the twentieth day sailing boats in the Sargasso Sea conditions were the toughest conditions. Here, four submarines alone resisted almost all numerous American Navy, including 8 aircraft carriers and helicopter plus escort ships and shore-based aircraft, which had the task of detection and enforcement of Soviet submarines to surface. In turn, the diesel-electric submarines of the time needed to periodically surfacing to recharge batteries. And the situation is just not allowed to do so even under RDP. In addition, the high temperature in the compartments, up to 60 degrees, complicating the watchkeeping personnel and in some cases led to thermal shocks. Designed for use in a northern environment equipment in tropical conditions often fail. Especially dangerous is the output of the system, even for brief periods, receivers, provides information on the work of the radar patrol aircraft the United States. Forced podvsplyvat every 4 hours for communication sessions with Moscow, boats ventured unmask themselves. Moreover, being a long time under water and not knowing the situation, divers only by the absence of a real bombing find out whether the Soviet Union and the United States is at war or not yet. We should not forget that "foxtrot" maneuvered with combat torpedoes, so the slightest mistake or a nervous breakdown one commander could lead to irreparable consequences ... Imagine the impact of a torpedo attack at least one of the ships. Nevertheless, the crew continued the task.

October 23 south of Bermuda Americans with a new, only newly created system SOSUS established the presence of the first to follow Cuba Soviet boats. It was a B-130. Then it had imposed anti-aircraft "Neptune" and the ships headed by the aircraft carrier "Essex". Boat chased by all the rules, dropping her grenades and fire(zabranjeno)ers, leading to surface. After a long hunting B-130, which broke down to a paste all three major diesel engine, fully discharge the batteries, and were wedged bow hydroplanes, was forced to surface. This happened on October 26th. Surfaced B-130 was in the ring of destroyers, the commander immediately tried to contact the city, and that was only on the 17th attempt. After some time, it was possible to put into operation one of the diesels and the boat slowly, three-site course escorted by American ships headed for the north-east, where in the region of the Azores it is already awaited rescue ship SS-20. Taking emergency boat in tow, the SS-20 led her through the stormy Atlantic in the Kola Bay. Meanwhile, three other boats crews continued to attempt to break.

B36 had contact with the forces of the PLO after the passage of the Bermuda abroad. Forced to stay on the move because of the urgent need to appendicitis operation of one of the crew members, Shumkov to make up the timetable, decided to float and follow on on the surface. Interestingly, while deviations from the boat encountered in the transition of American destroyers Acoustic B36 found that the local hydrology allows sonar to detect targets far beyond the ordinary. Commander of the boat immediately began to actively use it and successfully evade his pursuers. It lasted as long as Moscow not received an order to take the position of the selected boat and start patrolling. 36 hours straight Dubivko succeeded. One night, caught unawares on the surface, the boat even shied away, as it seemed to acoustics, released from destroyer torpedo attack (!). Every time you try podvsplyt American anti aircraft dropped at the rate of the boat grenades or fire(zabranjeno)ers. In the end, batteries B36 completely exhausted and the boat was forced to surface almost at the side of the destroyer "Charles B.Sesil." According to the memoirs of the commander, the Americans for a long time did not allow him to establish radio contact with Moscow (radiogram managed to convey to the forty-eighth attempt!). Using the ascent to vent compartments repair damaged cover VIPS and fully charge the batteries, the commander of American ships suddenly made ​​an emergency dive and ducked under one of the destroyers, has made ​​the gap between the classic anti-submarine forces to care for two hundred meter deep. The boat continued patrolling on said her earlier position. After November 7th out of order just two of the three main engines, the B-36 up to the receipt of the order for the return of the service carried under one remaining diesel, accompanying the distance vertolnetonosets "Tethys Bay."
B-59 arrived in the area of action of the forces PLO 25 October and two days of continued movement, remaining undetected or ships or aircraft USA. 27 But the boat still found patrol aircraft "Neptune" and brought her anti-submarine ships. Almost a day boat trying to break away from his pursuers, but discharge the battery is not left no choice but to emerge. Early in the morning on October 28 B-59 emerged at a distance from the line of sight of an aircraft carrier "Randolph." While in the air a few stormtroopers type "Trekker", alternately, flying over the boat include spotlights and fired from guns at the rate of B-59. Then the boat approached the destroyer "Barry", who made ​​the request for the name and nationality of the boat, and then demanded to lock the door. The following day on October 28 Americans kept the boat at gunpoint Savitsky their guns, thrown into close proximity depth bombs and fire(zabranjeno)ers, numerous helicopters hovered over her and photographed. By the evening of that day, the boat finished charging the battery to make the necessary repairs, unexpected for American ships pulled away from them by immersing in 250-meter depth with simultaneous application of simulation rounds. B-59 remained in his position for nearly a month, has not yet received an order from Moscow to return to base.

As for the B-4, the Americans do it failed to raise to the surface. However, it also found intermittently, the benefit of supersaturation "polygon" anti-submarine forces sometimes allowed the Americans to do it. But each time, using a maneuver at the rate and depth, low noise mode of movement and going under the thermocline layer, the commander of the B-4 managed to break away from persecution. At night the boat floated under the RDP and charges ukkumulyatornuyu battery. After the cancellation, due to the changed political situation, a breakthrough boat to Cuba, B-4 a month, as well as two other boats brigade remained assigned to her fighting stance, and then received orders to return to the Kola Bay.

Returning to the base was also not simple. Firstly, in storm conditions had reversed again to overcome the boundaries of anti-NATO. Second, the ships came to an end all the stocks. A refill them not to let the storm ocean. It is known, for example, that the B-36 was part of the Arctic is already under electric motors ...

The American side, as it became known much later, extended appreciation to the Soviet submariners, their tactical training and competent actions of an unknown at the time the theater in terms of the overwhelming superiority of US Navy. In the USA, a lot has been written about the Great hunting in the Sargasso Sea and flattering for Soviet submariners and not. However, experts acknowledged that the success of the anti-submarine forces and the American side was also a relative, even in light of the fact that they were able, albeit with great difficulty, the "raise" three out of four erupts in Cuba of Soviet submarines. The Americans acted in an almost ideal, from their own shores and the overwhelming superiority. Recall that then, in the midst of the Cuban missile crisis, in a relatively small area, listening to the same in all directions SOSUS system were concentrated unprecedented dense ASW forces the United States Navy, backed up by the large anti-submarine aircraft shore-based, aircraft and helicopters, which can hardly be expected in combat conditions. In addition, in the latter case to find enough low noise Soviet "foxtrot", the more threatened by the possibility of application of its torpedoes, would have been a risky enterprise for themselves American antisubmarine. Who knows, maybe a total of more hunting in the Sargasso Sea in October 1962 would have been quite different, whether on-site "foxtrot" at least a couple more noisy multipurpose nuclear submarines of the first generation of project 627A ...

As a result, four Soviet submarines breakthrough in Cuba was not to take place. On the other hand, the mutual recognition of representatives of opposing parties, the likely opponents were able to gain valuable practical experience, on the one hand, of the anti-submarine operations with real objects the opposing side, and on the other - evasion of anti-submarine forces, and have made them practical conclusions. Subsequently, those and others have developed appropriate practical techniques, bringing them to perfection. Then there were the years of "cold war", which took place in the underwater world. Anything remotely resembling a large hunting times in 1962 took place almost in the same waters, and with the same players, but on the sunset of the Soviet Union, when it involving nuclear submarines of the Northern Fleet were conducted operations "Sic" (1985) and "Katrin" (1987) which had the aim of opening missile patrol areas and multi-purpose submarines of NATO, as well as identifying tactics ASW forces. However, this is a topic for another conversation.
(Used in the preparation of materials exposed Soviet, Russian and foreign periodicals).

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