Ruske podmornice


Ruske podmornice

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 172
  • Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna

In Russia super subs

New-generation submarines in the CDB for Marine Engineering "Rubin". This is not nuclear multipurpose submarines airindependent power plant. Told "RG" the general director of "Ruby" Igor Villeneuve.

Submarine building is shown in naval show "Euronaval 2012" very broadly. Almost all developers of NNS ensure potential customers airindependent installation of power plants. The problem is that they are very expensive to manufacture and operate, but also exist in single copies. So buyers prefer conventional submarines "dizelyuhi."

Meanwhile, the idea airindependent very attractive. It involves the use of non-rechargeable batteries, and some technologies to produce electricity in the process of underwater movement without including diesels. For example, are actively working to generate power through the synthesis of hydrogen and oxygen in special reactors. This is a complex process, for which we must still carry a significant reserves of hydrogen and pure oxygen.

The "Ruby" went the other way. It developed a completely unique technology for producing hydrogen directly from diesel by the so-called reformers. This not build special hydrogen storage in the place of conventional submarines, and to use the infrastructure and the fuel reserves, which are used in diesel-electric submarines of the classic units. The process of developing the current is completely silent, which increases stealth submarines underwater course. Also increases the length of stay in the water. Generating capacity of our plant - 400 kW. Best foreign analogues produce up to 180 kW. The new power plant was airindependent layout tests that confirmed loyalty chosen solution.

The distinguishing feature of "Rubinovskii" submarine - organic synthesis of classical and revolutionary know-how. Apart airindependent power plant on it is usual diesel generator and a number of batteries. That is, the submarine can go under the diesels on batteries and energy from airindependent installation.

If all goes and will be a normal state order, the Russian submarines with non-nuclear power plant came close in its combat and operational characteristics of the underwater nuclear-powered ships, but they will simply be incomparably cheaper.

Of course, as a non-nuclear strategic missile submarine to use a new generation of even problematic. But they will be a great multi-purpose hunters and protectors of sea areas of the country that will take them on board.

At the salon "Euronaval 2012" shows a submarine project "Amur". On request, these boats can run in pure form and in the torpedo missile torpedo.

Anti-ship missiles and rockets capable of hitting ground targets, placed in vertical shafts. The boat has its own air defense system. It is available in a diesel-electric version, and can be equipped with airindependent power plant. On specifications and criteria of cost-price counterparts in "Cupid" no. This best-in-class non-nuclear boats in the world.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646

Okt 2012

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 700

Izgleda da ce Boreji ipak ove godine uci u sastav.

"We have completed construction and state trials of the sub. The Navy has no claims over the trials. Now the submarine is presented to the orderer for further commission", said the head of Rubin bureau.

"The second Borei-class submarine, Alexander Nevsky is currently completing state trials. The sub will be ready for delivery this year", he added.

  • Pridružio: 14 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 1366


U nedavnim artičkim istraživanjima uspešno je učestvovala specijalna podmornica "Лошарик" za koju se veruje da može da dostigne dubine od više hiljada metara.

Još info o podmornici na ruskom

Za to vreme ponovo se najavljuje da Oskar klasa ide na moderznizaciju koja će zameniti Granite sa Oniks raketama.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646

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  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
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  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Napisano: 01 Nov 2012 20:39 Malo se kasni sa rokovima zbog kašnjenja investicija u prvom delu gradnje.

Dopuna: 03 Nov 2012 22:39 posle 25 godina uspešnog rada sada je nadogradjena unajnoviju generaciju, najinteresantnije je ovo,,posle stotina hiljada milja,,

  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2007
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  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska,Banja Luka

Управо на Националној Географији емисија о резању Тајфуна.

  • Mačak
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  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
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  • Gde živiš: Čačak Svaka im čast jesu majstori za ove podmornice.

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 172
  • Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna

Citat:Submarine "Severodvinsk" has successfully completed shooting the latest cruise missile

Nuclear submarine (APL) "Severodvinsk" during state testing in the White Sea has successfully completed the latest fire cruise missiles at sea target, said on Wednesday a source in the military-industrial complex of Russia.

Headache multipurpose nuclear submarine "Severodvinsk" in the state testing of submerged marine implemented starting supersonic cruise missiles at targets in the marine waters of the White Sea. Target was successfully hit. The submarine fired a cruise missile missile system "Calibre".

Another source in the Russian defense industry said the fourth-generation nuclear submarine "Severodvinsk" Project 885 class "Ash" in the tests in the current year at the end of October held at sea for more than 100 days. In 2011, she was in the sea trials of about 120 days.

Complex "Caliber"

Missile system "Club-S" or "Calibre-PLE" using rocket ZM-54E "Caliber" is designed for installation on subsea media, the main purpose - the defeat of enemy surface ships of all types with a strong fire and electronic protivodeystvii.Golovka homing "seeker- 54 "is made with high protection from interference continues with a 6-point rampage morya.Raketa consists of major parts - the booster, sustainer stage subsonic, supersonic penetration BCh.Raketa 3M-54E1 can also be used in underwater media. Different from the ZM-54E, a smaller length (620 cm), greater weight warhead twice and increased range of applications. 3M-54E1 has detachable battle chasti.Vpervye of rocket "Caliber" talked about in 1999, after an exhibition in Singapore.

Key Features: - Length missiles 8.22/6.2 m - off weight 2300/1800 kg - penetrating warhead bomb 200/400 kg - a destructive force of 220/300 km - speed missiles: 0.8m march, the purpose of the order of 3M - altitude of 10-150 meters - range of up to 65 kilometers - Management INS + RLGSN; What does applying missiles: - can be used in a volley of missiles - all-season and all-weather use - practically invisible due to low-level flights.

According to the newspaper VIEW, August 17, Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov said that tests submarine "Severodvinsk" will be completed by year-end.

"Severodvinsk" - single-shaft twin-submarine with a reduced level of the acoustic field. Deck has a sleek oval shape, robust housing is divided into 10 sections.

First time in the Russian shipbuilding torpedo tubes are not in front of the ship, and a compartment of the control room, which allowed to place in the forward end of the antenna of the new sonar system.

For missile used eight vertical launchers. A powerful set of weapons includes supersonic cruise missiles and versatile deep homing torpedoes. The ship also received the latest communication and navigation systems, equipped with a fundamentally new nuclear power plant.

The introduction of the latest developments of the Russian military-industrial complex must ensure that NPS leadership among foreign counterparts in quiet and stealth.

The submarine has a displacement of 8.6 / 13.8 thousand tons. Dimensions - 119h13, 5h9, 4 meters. Maximum depth - 600 meters. Speed ​​- 16/31 knots. Crew - 90 people (32 officers).

October 30, it became known that the leading strategic nuclear submarine "Yury Dolgoruky" Project 955 (code "Borey") state tests and presented the fleet to take on board.

Shortly before, the former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said that the introduction of a new missile postponed again - this time on the spring of 2013.

In May, the Ministry of Defence and defense companies have signed three contracts to modernize strategic missile submarines of the new project - 955A class "Borey" with increased nuclear missiles, each of the five such submarines will carry 20 ICBM "Bulava". With CDB Marine Engineering "Rubin" signed the contract for the design of head modernized "Boreas", while wearing a conditional name "St. Nicholas," now "Sevmash" - for its construction, with the United Shipbuilding Corporation - to build four serial modernized "Bor".

It is assumed that the state program of armaments to 2020 will be transferred to eight missile strategic submarine cruisers - three Project 955 (code "Borey") and five - Project 955A (code "Borey-A").

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646

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