AASM - francuska precizna vođena bomba


AASM - francuska precizna vođena bomba

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Citat:Sagem: infrared version of AASM Hammer SBU-64 guided air-to-ground
modular weapon enters service with French armed forces

Paris, October 13, 2011
In July, the French air force and Naval aviation began operational deployment of the
infrared terminal guidance version (SBU-64) of the Hammer IR AASM modular airto-
ground weapon.
Developed and produced by Sagem (Safran group), with French defense
procurement agency DGA acting as program manager, the Hammer AASM is a
family of air-to-ground weapons, comprising a guidance kit and range augmentation
kit fitted to standard bombs. This makes the AASM a high-precision guided weapon
with a range exceeding 60 kilometers.
The AASM IR version features a guidance kit with an infrared imager in the nose
cone, along with the standard hybrid GPS / inertial guidance systems.
Following the initial deployment of the Hammer AASM, the French air force and
navy carried out the first firing tests of this version of the AASM under combat
conditions, all successful.
Adding infrared terminal guidance to the standard hybrid GPS/inertial version of the
AASM, the Hammer IR proved to be particularly well suited to precision strikes
against targets with uncertain coordinates, offering impact accuracy to within a few
meters, even when GPS signals were unavailable. Missions are planned using
Sagem's own SLPRM mission planning and restitution system, already in service
with the French air force and Navy.
The AASM has already been deployed in foreign theaters of operation,
demonstrating its reliability and accuracy, including for long-range missions. Actual
operations have shown that it limits collateral damage, and is able to handle highvalue
targets, previously reserved to cruise missiles, while also neutralizing enemy
air defenses from safe standoff distance.
The GPS / inertial version of the AASM guided weapon, with 250 kg bombs, has
been in service with the French air force since 2008, and with the French naval
aviation since 2010.
A new version with laser terminal guidance, capable of engaging moving targets, is
now completing development. Following qualification by the DGA, it will be delivered
to French armed forces in 2012.

Sagem Press Release

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Citat:AASM for F-16? Les Echoes reports that the French DGA may approve Safran Group’s request to integrate its AASM with the F-16, and sell it to F-16 operators around the world.

Dassault is reportedly opposed, fearing that it would hurt Rafale sales
. On the other hand, Safran can do the math, and understands how much bigger its market could get if global F-16 fleets become potential customers. Les Echoes cites interest from Denmark and Jordan, and the other obvious launch customer is Morocco, who is the AASM’s only current buyer besides France. Morocco bought AASMs for their upgraded Mirage F1s, but that country is in the process of receiving new F-16C/Ds from the USA, and a common smart bomb would make a lot of sense for them.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Napisano: 20 Dec 2012 21:20

Laser guided Hammer air-to-ground weapon system qualified against moving targets at sea, on land
Citat:On December 12, 2012, French defense procurement agency DGA successfully carried out the last qualification firing test of the AASM modular air-to-ground missile developed and produced by Sagem (Safran), in its laser terminal guidance version (NATO designation: SBU-54 Hammer). This third and final test qualifies the laser guided version of AASM weapon system and provides the French Navy and Air Force with a new stand off anti-ship capability.
Citat:The December 12th test took place on the DGA missile tests site of Biscarrosse. The target was an all-terrain vehicle. Remotely piloted, it was illuminated by the aircraft's Damocles pod during the final seconds of the AASM's flight. The vehicle was traveling at different speed, reaching 50 km/h at the time of impact, when it was more than 15 km from the Rafale. The weapon was launched from the aircraft at an extreme off-axis angle of 90° and hit the target at an oblique angle.

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Dopuna: 13 Apr 2013 15:50

Citat:AASM laser for Mali
News from Air & Cosmos : Operation Serval, in Mali, demonstrated the need for a weapon capable of engaging a fast moving target.

This is the reason why a crash program was launched, and as a result, the AASM laser (capable of hitting a target moving at 80kmph) is going to be declared operational on Rafale in a few days, months earlier than initially planned.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
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AASM in debut firing from F-16

Citat:Sagem's Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM) Hammer SBU-38 precision guided munition (PGM) has been successfully launched from a Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon, the first launch of the PGM from a non-French made aircraft.

The firing test was carried out by the US Air Force's (USAF's) 40th Flight Test Squadron, operating out of the test centre in Eglin, Florida, on 30 May, sources told IHS Jane's .

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  • Marko Ivankovic
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I jedna zanimljivost iz Libije vezana za AASM, posle vrlo uspesnih i jako jako preciznih pogodaka probana je i jedna improvizacija / eksperiment. GSN je montiran na telo vezbovne (betonske bombe) od 250 funti, a tenk koji je pogodjen pametnom betonjerkom je unisten cistom kinetickom energijom i pogotkom odozgo....

Ovo je podstaklo ozbiljnu diskusiju o potrebi i velicinama punjenja u pametnom bombarderskom naoruzanju.


  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
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  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

MarkoFTE ::I jedna zanimljivost iz Libije vezana za AASM, posle vrlo uspesnih i jako jako preciznih pogodaka probana je i jedna improvizacija / eksperiment. GSN je montiran na telo vezbovne (betonske bombe) od 250 funti, a tenk koji je pogodjen pametnom betonjerkom je unisten cistom kinetickom energijom i pogotkom odozgo....

Ovo je podstaklo ozbiljnu diskusiju o potrebi i velicinama punjenja u pametnom bombarderskom naoruzanju.


Isto kao što sam nedavno gledao da li na Diskaveriju ili Eksploreru kada su testirali "probojnost" povrća ispaljenog iz "potato gun-a" tj. improvizovane cevi koja pod pritiskom izbacuje krompir određenog "kalibra", a gađali su neku dasku udaljenu desetak metara od "topa"
Pa su tako izabrali krompir, jabuku, avokado, paradajz....

I šta mislite šta je imalo najveću probojnost, tj. šta se pokazalo kao veoma smrtonosna i opasna stvar ?
Da ne poverujete, ali paradajz je probio dasku - samo iz razloga što ima veliku koncentraciju vode koju drži kompaktno.

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