Helmet mounted display - HMD


Helmet mounted display - HMD

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31339


Citat:FORT WORTH, TEXAS – AUGUST 3, 2020 – JHMCS II, the newest member of the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System family of products, is being flight tested aboard the Lockheed Martin F-16V aircraft in the United States. This follows the completion of JHMCS II safety qualification testing, including windblast, tower and sled tests.

These flight tests are part of the U.S. Air Force’s Military Flight Release (MFR) for the F-16V launch customer, a critical milestone that signifies the aircraft and its subsystems have met specification performance, safety, reliability, and maintainability criteria. The JHMCS II is the only Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) integrated and tested on the F-16V.

JHMCS II incorporates key new technological advancements while drawing on the strong legacy of the JHMCS family of HMDs. It features visor-projected symbology, an optical/inertial tracker and up-look reticles that fully exploit high off-boresight visual cueing and targeting for advanced weaponry, avionics and sensors. A day display module and a night module enabling modified -4949 Aviator Night Vision Goggles provide symbology in all flight conditions with one-handed in-flight switching capability.

“JHMCS II is designed to increase lethality, mission effectiveness and pilot safety,” said Raanan Horowitz, President and CEO of Elbit Systems of America. “The helmet mounted display’s improved center of gravity reduces neck strain which increases pilot safety and comfort.”


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