Poslao: 11 Maj 2015 18:58
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102096
Rumunija i Tajland pazarili....
Thailand, Romania Select Lockheed Martin's Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod for F-16 Fleets
Citat:The Romanian Air Force (RoAF) and Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) recently selected Lockheed Martin's (LMT) Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) for their F-16 fleets, becoming the 18th and 19th international customers to receive this advanced sensor capability.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 02 Jun 2015 23:50
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31335
Nortropov Open Pod
“OpenPod IRST combines state-of-the-art IRST sensor system technology from our partner Selex ES with the latest advances in target identification, clutter rejection and tracking from Northrop Grumman’s F-35 distributed aperture system, fire control radar, and infrared countermeasures products,” Mocarski said at the June 2 unveiling in Washington DC. “It’s our intended entry into an upcoming air force competition for infrared search and track.”
Citat:Northrop says OpenPod could host new targeting pod capabilities through the company’s long-standing relationship with Israel’s Rafael on the development and sale Litening G4. Rafael’s latest Litening design is due to become operational next year.
“The OpenPod is an upgrade path we have for Litening,” Mocarski says. “We remain committed to Litening as a product, we remain committed to our partnership with Rafael. It’s been a long-lasting relationship and we see this as the next step in Lightning development. It offers a lot of opportunities to continue to evolve and improve that product with even better capability and higher-performance sensors.”
OpenPod weighs 500lb and is designed to Northrop’s open architect standards. Host platforms could include bombers, unmanned aerial vehicles or even cargo aircraft like the Lockheed C-130 and Boeing C-17.
Poslao: 15 Jun 2015 16:42
- Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
- Poruke: 2259
Izraelski RAFAEL je na Paris Air Show 2015 predstavio 2 noviteta:
1) nisanski pod LITENING 5, sa senzorima visoke rezolucije (HD slika).
Pored poboljsanja senzora, po prvi put je uveden mod vazduh-vazduh.
2) izvidjacki pod RecceLite XR. Novi model izvidjackog pod-a moze da skenira sirokopojasno, vrsi linijsko skeniranje, mapiranje, ali i 3D modelovanje terena (!). Radi automatizovano, ili sa pilotom-operaterom u petlji. Podatke moze slati u realnom vremenu zemaljskom centru ili nekoj drugoj letelici putem sirokopojasnog data-linka.
Poslao: 18 Jun 2015 19:33
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102096
Egyptian Air Force becomes the first export customer of Talios next generation targeting pod
Citat:Air Recognition learned during the Paris Air Show 2015 currently held in Le Bourget that the Egyptian Air Force is the first export customer for Thales' new generation target pod: The Talios. Egypt signed a contract with France for 24 Rafale back in Februaryl this year. This information was shown on sign on display next to a Talios scale model on the Thales stand: "Procured by French Air Force and Navy, Egyptian Air Force".