Novi tipovi ruskog preciznog oružja


Novi tipovi ruskog preciznog oružja

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101350


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  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4962

X-38 će u stvari zameniti stare 25-ice.

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 172
  • Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna

Citat:Serial production of the new anti-radar missiles launched in Russia

Corporation "Tactical Missiles" has launched mass production of the latest generation of anti-radar missiles X-31PD, told reporters on Friday at the "Gidroaviasalon 2012" CEO Boris Obnosov.

"It has increased range, surpassing its predecessor. Instead of three breeding heads that were on the X-31P, this one-range missile that can combat all radar stations," - said Obnosov.

In addition, he said, is ready for production and supersonic anti-ship missiles with extended range. "Anti-ship missiles X31-BP is ready", - the head of the corporation.

Antiship missile X31-AD differs from the previous generation missile warhead increased power, and almost twice the range. Carrying new Kh-31 are the Su-30 of various modifications of the Su-25, MiG-29, MiG-35 and others.

  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 14

Da li je negde javno isprobana X-38? Izgleda da je to ono što je do sada nedostajalo ratnom vazduhoplovstvu RF. Kada li će postati operativna i masovno uvedena u RV RF? Možda neko ima neki link?

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 172
  • Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna

Citat:The new cruise missile X-101 is undergoing flight tests

In early 2013, for service far the Russian Air Force will adopt a new cruise missile X-101, told "Izvestia" a source in the Russian Air Force. According to him, it is now undergoing flight tests. According to the test firings, the radius of the target missile deviation does not exceed 10 meters with 10 thousand miles. In this case, the predecessor X-101 - X-555 missiles - a deviation of 25-30 M. Thus, X-101 actually will be the first high-precision non-nuclear missile in the arsenal of long-range aircraft.

- U.S. Air Force adopted the first high-precision cruise missiles, air-launched back in 1980. We're still counting, mainly to the destructive power of a nuclear explosion, when the plus-minus 50-100 m large irrelevant. Now the problem has changed - you need to have a precision weapon to destroy the object of jewelry - told "Izvestia" a source in the Russian Air Force, the main command.

According to him, the presence of such a missile will inflict long-range aircraft as high-precision strikes on terrorist bases, and on strategic targets behind enemy lines without risking the lives of pilots.

X-101 - is a subsonic cruise missile long range. Leads to the target missile navigation system based on GLONASS. In contrast to the X-555 is the new missile can destroy as small size (from 2-3 m) and mobile objects, including driving a car, told "Izvestia", the representative of the military-industrial complex.

In case of radio-electronic jamming and disabling satellite navigation systems are equipped with self-contained missile inertial positioning.

Due to a new electronic database guidance system was less than in the Soviet missiles. Vacated seat took fuel and warhead. If the X-555 was flying two thousand miles with a 200-kilogram warhead, the X-101 is a 10 th with a 400 kg warhead. There is also a version of the new nuclear missiles, received index X-102.

However, the X-101 still got a heavy X-555 is about three or four times. Therefore, it can only carry the strategic missile Tu-160 and Tu-95. Tu-22 it will not lift. That's why "Bekfayr" yet remain with the old X-555 - explained "Izvestia".

According to the president of the Institute for Strategic Assessments Alexander Konovalov, long-range cruise missiles are now vital to the Russian Air Force.

- Due to the lack of Russian military bases abroad Russian fighters will not be able to cover the bombers during transcontinental flights. It is therefore very important that the Tu-95 and Tu-160 missiles able to release without getting in range of enemy air defenses - said Konovalov.

The closest analogue X-101 - American long-range cruise missile, AGM-129. It is also equipped with a satellite navigation system (GPS), and inertial. Range of American missile is just over 3 thousand miles. Run the AGM-129 is possible only with a heavy bomber B-52.

  • Pridružio: 27 Jul 2006
  • Poruke: 2084

Citat:Већ током ове године руски војни пилоти ће добити нова моћна средства за борбу против непријатељских бродова: нову авионску верзију ракете Х-31АД, модернизовану противрадарску ракету Х-31ПД и обновљену верзију подводне противбродске ракете „Шквал“.

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 172
  • Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna

Citat:Submarine "Severodvinsk" has successfully completed shooting the latest cruise missile

Nuclear submarine (APL) "Severodvinsk" during state testing in the White Sea has successfully completed the latest fire cruise missiles at sea target, said on Wednesday a source in the military-industrial complex of Russia.

Complex "Caliber"

Missile system "Club-S" or "Calibre-PLE" using rocket 3M-54E "Caliber" is designed for installation on subsea media, the main purpose - the defeat of enemy surface ships of all types with a strong fire and electronic protivodeystvii.Golovka homing "seeker- 54 "is made with high protection from interference continues with a 6-point rampage morya.Rocket consists of major parts - the booster, sustainer stage subsonic, supersonic penetration BCh.Rocket 3M-54E1 can also be used in underwater media. Different from the ZM-54E, a smaller length (620 cm), greater weight warhead twice and increased range of applications. 3M-54E1 has detachable battle chasti.First of rocket "Caliber" talked about in 1999, after an exhibition in Singapore.

Key Features: - Length missiles 8.22/6.2 m - off weight 2300/1800 kg - penetrating warhead bomb 200/400 kg - a destructive force of 220/300 km - speed missiles: 0.8m march, the purpose of the order of 3M - altitude of 10-150 meters - range of up to 65 kilometers - Management INS + RLGSN; What does applying missiles: - can be used in a volley of missiles - all-season and all-weather use - practically invisible due to low-level flights.

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4962

Кад руски новинар глупаво одради није чудо ни што преводилац омане.

Дакле ради се о ДВЕ ракете које имају исти лансирни ступањ ИЗ ПОДМОРНИЦЕ. И док противбродска има 220 до 300 км домета, при чему је терминални ступањ надзвучан
друга верзија, противподморничка има 65 км домета али два пута увећану бојеву главу.
ЈБГ атомици су тешки.

  • Pridružio: 14 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 3427

RJ ::Kh-38ME (Х-38МЭ) - dalja modernizacija već postojeće i operativne rakete Kh-35

Moram da ispravim, KH-38ME nema veze sa Kh-35. Kh-38ME je nova serija preciznog naoruzanja i zamena za Kh-25. Inace, po meni, je to najinteresantnije i najupotrebljivije novo precizno vazduhoplovno naoruzanje iz Rusije, i (po mom misljenju, opet) upotrebljivije i od nove AASM iz Francuske.


Zato sto naspram starijim raketama, ima ne samo veci domet, i bolje navodjenje, nego i dosta vecu bojevu glavu. Starije rakete (na primer Kh-25, ali i zapadne) te klase su nosile bojeve glave od nekih 50-80-110kg i to do nekih 11-22km, neke Kh-25 su imale veci domet od 40km, ali jos uvek sa malom bojevom glavom. Ova nova raketa nosi bojevu glavu od 250kg do 40km. Znaci u klasi manje bombe. Ima domet od 40km, sta je sasvim mnogo za tu tezinu BG. I ima sve vrste navodjenja, aktivno radarsko, satelitsko, lasersko i termovizijsko. Bez problema moze da udara po fiksnim ciljevima (na primer PVO kao sto je Neva cija pozicija je poznata, ili vojne objekte) bez da ulazi u domet vecine PVO sistema. A nosi dosta eksploziva da uradi dosta stete, naspram starijih slicnih raketa koje su nosile jedva dosta da ostete tenk ako ga ne pogode direktno ili blizu. Ja sam bio odusevljen AASM zato sto, pod optimalnim uslovima (brzina aviona, velika visina leta, vetar, i let posle odbacivanja), ima domet od nekih 40-55km, i da su sa bombama mogli da gadjaju PVO u Libiji. Na manjoj visini joj domet brzo otpadne na nekih 15km. Kh-38ME, zato sto je raketa, nema to ogranicenje uslova i moze po mnogo vecem broju letnih uslova da ostvari domet od 40km, sta je cini odlicnom taktickom raketom.

Sa ovom raketom su kompletirali odlican asortman preciznog naoruzanje protiv kopnenih ciljeva za novi Pak-Fa i sve druge avione koje poseduju i kupuju u narednih 10 godina.

Imaju Kh-58UShKE protivradarsku raketu sa dometom od 245km.
Kh-35UE protivbrodsku raketu sa dometom od 260km.
Familiju Kh-38ME sa dometom od 40km i BG od 250kg.

Sve ove mogu da se nose unutra.

  • Oscar  Male
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Maj 2010
  • Poruke: 807

^Zar im nije Kh-31A/P savremenija protivradarska raketa?

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