Slobodnopadajuće bombe,rakete i torpeda na helikopterima


Slobodnopadajuće bombe,rakete i torpeda na helikopterima

  • stug 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2018
  • Poruke: 2311

^ Nije svaki Hind oboren dok je bacao Fab čini mi se. Niti bih mogućnost bacanja Fab - ovki nužno svrstao u samoubilačke misije.

@bojank: šta je sve dobilo taj Ruski sistem preciznog gađanja glupim bombama?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 20323

Napisano: 22 Dec 2021 19:16

babaroga ::...Naravno da je bila manja jer mu nije valjao nisan....

Nema veze sa nisanom.

Dopuna: 22 Dec 2021 19:24

Inace povodom efikasnosti, iz Cecenije ovog puta, sa Su-25, ali NRZ 122mm u naoruzanju i Mi-24.
- Efikasnost protiv zive sile u gradjevinama je na strani NRZ-122
- NRZ 122mm prave manje rusevina koje otezavaju napredovanje pesadije
- Preciznost je drasticno bolja
- Profil leta omogucava manju izlozenost aviona dejstvu sa zemlje

Ali, kao sto rekoh, to obozavanje FAB-250 protiv svega i svacega je na nivau "j*** pusku koja ne trza muski".

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 9416
  • Gde živiš: pecina stroga

bojank ::

Ali, kao sto rekoh, to obozavanje FAB-250 protiv svega i svacega je na nivau "j*** pusku koja ne trza muski".

Pa dobro. Sta je alternativa FAB 250 po vatrenoj moci i ucinku na cilju, a da je u naoruzanju VS i da mu ne treba avion za isporuku na cilj?

  • Pridružio: 21 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 605

@Bolje neki sistem lansiranja fabovke sa zemlje tipa košava.
Mada opet što smo se uhvatili fabovke od 250 kao pijan plota, koji je to cilj potrebno uništiti isključivo fabovkim, a ne atriljerijskom granatom/raketom , povr, ubojnim sredstvom sa bpl?
Ako pričamo o pomenutom brdu koje se mora osvojiti, onda nema armiranih bunkera, već su to neki bunkeri poljskog tipa, rupa u zemljiu pokrivka preko , ojačanje od vreća peska i slično, a za to je dovoljno gore pomenuto.
A što je spomenuo i kolega, utvrdjeno brdo/naselje se može i zaobići kao što je to radjeno u NGK. Svest o opkoljavanja je često veći faktor straha nego gubitak iz svoje jedinice.
I kako smo od S70 došli do fabovke sa helikoptera?

  • Pridružio: 13 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 2479
  • Gde živiš: South of Heaven

stug ::šta je sve dobilo taj Ruski sistem preciznog gađanja glupim bombama?
Modernizovani Su-24M2,Su-25SM3,Su-33 i Tu-22M3,koliko ja znam (SVP-24)...

  • Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 3903

Zar nisu bili u planu i Tu-95 i Tu-142? Ili se odustalo od toga?

  • Pridružio: 13 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 2479
  • Gde živiš: South of Heaven

Sasvim moguće da kroz modernizacije i oni dobijaju SVP-24,jer i na njih se računa da gadjaju ciljeve na zemlji/površini mora... Može li se koristiti uspešno taj dualan sistem na Ohotniku, sigurno da, ali na helikopterima, mislim da nema smisla, čak i da je neka nužda u pitanju...

  • stug 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2018
  • Poruke: 2311

milos.cbr ::@Bolje neki sistem lansiranja fabovke sa zemlje tipa košava.
Mada opet što smo se uhvatili fabovke od 250 kao pijan plota, koji je to cilj potrebno uništiti isključivo fabovkim, a ne atriljerijskom granatom/raketom , povr, ubojnim sredstvom sa bpl?
Ako pričamo o pomenutom brdu koje se mora osvojiti, onda nema armiranih bunkera, već su to neki bunkeri poljskog tipa, rupa u zemljiu pokrivka preko , ojačanje od vreća peska i slično, a za to je dovoljno gore pomenuto.
A što je spomenuo i kolega, utvrdjeno brdo/naselje se može i zaobići kao što je to radjeno u NGK. Svest o opkoljavanja je često veći faktor straha nego gubitak iz svoje jedinice.
I kako smo od S70 došli do fabovke sa helikoptera?

Šta ćeš sa ovim precizno da pogodiš (30 metara i manje)? Zrak?

  • goxin 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 7809
  • Gde živiš: Srpsko Sarajevo

Ubacena je u svjetlarnik TV Sarajevo .

  • Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 3903

I Libanci su koristili svoje Huey kao bombardere u operaciji u u kampu Nahr el bared. Isto koristeci GPS ali bez proracuna ostalih parametara letelice koje se proracunavaju u SPV, znaci samo dolazak na zacrtano ,mesto. Koristili su bombe od 100-400 kg. Dosta tih bombi su bile njihove budzevine. Preko 100 misija bombardovanja utrdjenih betonskih bunkera u kampu. Generalno kako kazu iz Libasnkih izvora nuzda je zakon menjala i helikopteri su u nedostatku aviona odradile posao, ali iskustvo im je pokazalo da im je neophodan avion za takve misije u buducnosti.

Citat:War at Nahr al-Bared

“In 2007 we were involved in a big battle with Fatah al-Islam, an Islamist militant organization in a Palestinian camp in the north of Lebanon which was called Nahr al-Bared.“ The Air Force was flying mostly medical and casualty evacuation as well as performing aerial photography missions. The need arose to design a platform able to deliver the 500 pound Mk82 and 1,000 pound Mk83 bombs with an acceptable accuracy. “The dimension of the camp was not that large but at the same time we were surrounding them with friendly forces. So the big challenge was not to hit any friendly forces by throwing these hundreds of pounds of bombs. Being resourceful, we modified the UH-1H’s in our inventory, which basically are made for transport, into bombers.” This step proved very important because it was the main reason for terminating the battle with the Fatah al-Islam terrorist group who were often hiding in fortified positions. Since then the Lebanese Armed Forces started to plan for air capability since they realized the importance of air power in these situations.

During this conflict, the Gazelles armed with missiles were utilized to strike radical fortifications amid the short conflict. The helicopter assault force was expanded by getting three of the first batch of Gazelles into operational capacity, expanding the fleet to 12. All Gazelles were modified to be able to fire French made HOT anti-tank missiles.

In 2008 Lebanon received a single Agusta Westland 139 helicopter for use as a VIP and presidential transport from Qatar. The Air Force has also obtained its very own fire-fighting helicopters. Three Sikorsky S-61Ns were bought from Bristow Helicopters in the UK and were delivered in 2009.

War with Daesh (So-called Islamic State)

When the war in Syria started back in 2011, Lebanon knew that the war would affect them somehow. The armed forces started to get ready in case the conflict would come to the Lebanese side of the border. General Haykal: “The war with Daesh (IS) and the Al-Nusra terrorists started in Lebanon in 2013 on the northern and northeastern border of Lebanon. We were also able to use the SA/IAR 330 Puma and the SA342 Gazelle to fill the need for aerial support.” With reconnaissance by newly acquired Raven UAV platforms the LAF knew exactly where ammunition storage was on each position, what kind of weapons it contained, how much personnel there was in each position, and the access routes the terrorists were using.

The general recalls how it went: “We did hit several targets accurately and we obliged them to change their techniques and positions. First, we were able to reinforce the army position and then we changed to an attack position. We started to bomb Daesh positions deep inside the area where they had control. In the final operation, called Dawn of the Outskirts (Arabic: Fajr Al Jouroud) we bombed all the defense targets for a week and we actually almost cleaned the entire ground for the army Lebanese special forces so they were able to enter the area. We finished the battle in a matter of one week.”

Puma warfare capabilities

When the war started in Syria in 2013 the LAF initiated a study to install two ADEN 30mm cannons and two Matra SNEB 68mm rocket pods from the decommissioned Hawker Hunters on the SA/IAR 330 Puma.

General Haykal was working in Hamat as an intelligence officer when it was developed. He has an appropriate proverb: “Necessity is the mother of invention.” The testing process took 13 months and started with ground tests before moving on to air testing. “It is not only the testing, but you are also putting a Hunter weapon on a Puma, it is entirely different. Installing the 30mm gun, rockets, and bomb controls within the Puma electrical system with an Alouette III visor is not an easy challenge. The 30mm gun has its own data information and requirements The rockets at the same time have their own procedures and the bombing also has their own performance. These are three very different weapon systems to install. All the ballistics, trajectories and deviations had to be calculated correctly. Besides all this, you have to put procedures for the maintainers to safely perform their task. The system itself was meant to be removed from the aircraft and be fitted in another aircraft in a matter of just a few hours to be able to use another aircraft in case of a malfunction. We do have incredible teamwork.”

The arrival of the Super Tucano will not make the Puma obsolete. Its main role will change back to transport, but the capability to carry rockets will remain. The general clarifies:” According to the threat, according to the mission, according to the type of target you are going to hit, you will be using whatever is a convenient platform or weapon you have. If we are going to bomb 1300 kilos of ordinance at the same time, we don’t have any platform that can carry this load except the Puma.”


The Lebanese Air Force is still on its way up. The general explains us the plans for the future: “We will request an additional six Super Tucano aircraft. In 2021, we are expecting to receive six McDonnell Douglas MD-530G multi-role light helicopter. This version will also be able to fire laser-guided rockets. Five years from now we hope to have 12 Super Tucano’s and 12 MD-530G’s. Our priority is to increase the Close Air Support capability. The MD 530 basically is requested because they are going to replace the Gazelle at a certain time, maybe in 10 years. The Puma’s main role will change back to transport helicopter because we need the transport capability in the Air Force. We are planning to upgrade all the existing UH-1 Hueys to UH-1H-II Super Huey. We are already in the process of getting the AB-212 operational again after more than 25 years grounded. All the new platforms will be a support from the US government, we are trying to negotiate and convince the US authorities that this is the minimum that the Lebanese Air Force needs. We need to continue the border security and stand strong in our fight against terrorist groups.”

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