Komando Albania ::takvu informaciju nikada nije obkaveno samo je sopshtano da AL ima potrebe za novi 35 helekoptei ,za pilote i ifrastrukturu si rekao da nemamo samo se lazas znam da nasi neprijateli sta misle za nas ,pa i vasa avijacija je shkolska nikad nije bila borbena ni qe biti
Citat:According to the commander of the Albanian Air force, Brigadier General Astrit Jaupi this is all in the past and today we have a changed situation and must look forward in a new concept. Reforms are his mission. The Albanian Air Force, which is called the FORCAT Ajrore Shqiptare (Fash) has really no other options than to begin again. Off course, it is not possible to replace a complete fighter force with new examples without a gigantic fundraising. In today’s objectives, there is not a real need to establish such a force. Yugoslavia has been split up in several republics all with comparatively modest air arms. A position within the NATO family would secure the safety of the Albanian land and air space. Tasks are defined to the really needs and inflicts civilian related matters too. In the Albanian mountainous area’s it was always necessary to reach outposts by helicopters since pour infrastructure and rough climates like heavy snowfall could isolate whole districts. One of the major objectives is to create a helicopter force sufficient to conduct the SAR, medevac and surveillance/borderpatrol missions.
Nadam se da razumes Engleski. Dalje potpuno je tacno da nemate infrastrukturu i to je sasvim normalno sa obzirom da uopste nemate borbenu avijaciju, pa shodno tome nemate ni infrastrukturu koja bi takvu avijaciju pratila. Uz to nemate ni pilote, jer zadnji put se u Albaniji letilo na mlaznom borbenom avionu pre skoro 10 godina. Dosta aerodroma ste zatvorili i jedino aerodrom Kucove prolazi kroz modernizaciju uz pomoc Turske, i postoji mogucnost da ce tu biti u buducnosti stacionirana Turska eskadrila aviona, koja ce vam vrlo verovatno raditi i kontrolu VAP-a. Osim toga iluzorno je ocekivati u danasnje vreme da zemlja sa ukupnim GDP-om od nekih 25 milijardi ima modernu avijaciju sastavljenu od aviona 4+ generacije, ako se uzme u obzir da Srbija i Hrvatska koje imaju GDP od oko 80 milijardi na godisnjem nivou muku muce da odrze svoju lovacku avijaciju, i to uzimajuci u obzir da obe ove zemlje nisu imale desetogodisnji prekid u postojanju takve avijacije. Tj da imaju potrebnu infrastrukturu, pilote, mehanicare...
I nasa avijacija nije skolska osim ako ne mislis da su Mig 29, Mig 21, J22 Orao skolski avioni. Dalje G4 Super Galeb je vise borbeni avion od bilo cega sto je trenutno operativno u vasoj avijaciji. Takodje Srbija je odrzala i svoju transportnu avijaciju u vidu An 26, dok vi sa druge strane nemate cak ni skolsku avijaciju, kada govorimo o avionima.
Takodje da dodam jos jedan dokument:
Citat:The MOD’s decision in 2005 to dismantle the nation’s fighter capability and eliminate all of the fixed wing aircraft was appropriate and necessary as it reduced a strain on resources and eliminated an unnecessary and ineffective capability. Due to the change in Albania’s present security environment and the high costs of maintaining a Cold War-era fixed wing fleet, the AAF’s air superiority capability was no longer affordable. Justifying reintroduction of such a capability in the future will also prove difficult due to the enormous acquisition and life-cycle costs of maintaining a modern air superiority fighter force. In addition, it will be hard to justify this capability given the likely availability of NATO’s regional air superiority support and the lack of a modern air threat against Albania. The development of a helicopter fleet and an effective air mobility capability is appropriate for the AAF, given the country’s terrain and the requirement to support the Land Forces. Keeping the AN-2s, as currently planned, is advisable, as these aircraft are inexpensive to maintain and operate, while providing the AAF with minimal fixed wing training and transport capability.
Analiza napisana od strane njega:
By Colonel Nazmi Cahani Albanian Armed Forces
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