Brazilske oružane snage


Brazilske oružane snage

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102105

Pazare dva Airbus A330-200 koja ce konvertovati u MRTT
Azul wins the bid to supply two Airbus A330-200s to the Brazilian Air Force

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102105

Organizuju aukciju za razne vazduhoplove/ostatke/delove
Citat:The Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB, Brazilian Air Force) regularly auctions off aircraft and aircraft parts. But every now and then this constitutes a whole bunch, like this month.

Among the aircraft on sale now are no less than thirteen A-1 AMX ground-attack aircraft, most of which were not reported for quite a while. Nex to the AMX, also two C-130M Hercules, two P-3AM Orion, an AT-26 Xavante, a T-25 Neiva Universal and a C-97 Brasilia are on the auction list.

The viewing days are 17 and 18 July 2022 at various locations.
The auction itself is to be held on 20 July, starting 13:00 hrs LT through João Emilio Leilões online.


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102105

Turci zabranili prolaza za NA SAO PAULO,koji je posao na secenje
Sold as scrap, ‘São Paulo’ aircraft carrier is banned from entering Turkey

Citat:Brazil's decommissioned aircraft carrier SAO PAULO, ex-French FOCH, is being prohibited from entering Turkish waters to be scrapped as Brazil hasn't reported the toxic substances in the ship, which dates from the early 1960s

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102105

^^Promenili marsutu

Citat:The Ex-Brazilian Navy Aircraft Carrier São Paulo (ex-French Navy carrier Foch), is currently near Canary Islands.
The ship was supposed to be going to Turkey for scrapping, but permission was denied so it has turned around. New declared destination = Brazil

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102105

Pazarili radare
Embraer delivers new generation of Saber M60 radars to the Brazilian Army

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102105

Citat:In the budget distribution of the Ministry of Defence of Brazil for 2023 the investments are listed in descending order of the amounts contained, and naval construction and continuity in the investments allocated to the Brazilian Navy lead the total sum of resources

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102105

Opremaju se sa dronovima

Citat:The Command and Control Battalion of the Amphibious Division of the BR Marine Fleet Force is now equipped with two InstantEye Mk-3 GEN4-ISR tactical unmanned aerial vehicles to conduct persistent Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance missions.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102105

Otpustio 80 vojnika, a sad i vrhovnog komandanta: Lula da Silva češlja vojsku Brazila
Citat:Predsednik Brazila Luiz Ignasio Lula da Silva otpustio je vrhovnog komandanta vojske Brazila, generala Hulija Cezara de Arudu, javlja Rojters pozivajući se na dobro obaveštene izvore.
Njega će na mestu vrhovnog komandanta zameniti general Tomas Migel Ribeiro Paiva, koji je komandovao brazilskom vojskom na jugoistoku zemlje, rekao je izvor Rojtersa.
Vest o otpuštanju Arude, koji je za vrhovnog komandanta postavljen 28. decembra, ranije su u subotu objavili pojedini brazilski mediji, navodi Rojters.
Britanski Gardijan piše da je Aruda smenjen zbog navodnih pokušaja da zaštiti desničarske demonstrante koji su 8. januara upali u predsedničku palatu, zgrade Kongresa i Vlade u Braziliji.


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102105

Modernizovali radare
Indra Completed Brazilian Air Force Contract to Modernize Air Traffic Radars
Citat:Indra, a leading global technology engineering company for the aerospace, defence and mobility sectors, has successfully Completed the modernisation project for two IRS 20-MP/S secondary transportable radars for the Brazilian Air Force, also supplied by the company, which help control movements in the country’s airspace and have the capacity to replace air surveillance radars in the event of long interruptions in their operation and keep the overall availability of the surveillance service for General Air Traffic high. The modernisation is aimed to equip the radar systems with the most advanced digital features, which increase the accuracy and quality of the data collected and expand their coverage. To achieve this, an ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast) signal reception and treatment system has been implemented, which will detect aircraft concomitantly with the radar system, thus improving the quality of the signals received and increasing the probability of aircraft detection, besides the advantages of lower maintenance costs.

  • Pridružio: 24 Jun 2015
  • Poruke: 754

Brazilska vlada razmatra ideju da stari nosač aviona potopi, pošto je inspekcija broda po dolasku u brazilske vode utvrdila da je stanje plovila gore nego što se očekivalo: smatra se da nije bezbedno tegliti ga više. Ideja je čini se potekla od mornarice, a novoizabrani predsednik Lula ne želi da se previše zamera vojsci iako se ne slažu svi u vladi sa tom idejom.
Ostaje da se vidi hoće li brod, čija služba u Brazilu je praćena brojnim problemima, zbog kojih je mnogo duže bio u doku nego na moru, biti miniran, ili će ga potopiti raketiranjem ( torpediranjem ).

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