Testiraju podmornicu
Fifth Royal Navy Astute-class submarine completes first trim dive Citat:The Royal Navy’s fifth Astute-class submarine, future HMS Anson, achieved an important milestone on its path to the fleet by completing its first trim dive.
Under the control of its Royal Navy crew, Anson completed the dive in the Devonshire Dock, submerging completely beneath the surface of the water while crew tested on-board systems.
BAE Systems, the boat builder, says the successful exercise “proved the safety and stability of the 7,400-ton, 97 meter-long attack submarine.”
I ne mogu bez skandala
No Gentleman: British Royal Navy Rocked By Another Submarine Scandal Citat:A Royal Navy junior officer has shown himself to be no gentleman, and his actions could almost be enough to make the British tabloids forget about Prince Andrew for a day or two. According to multiple media reports, Sub Lieutenant Scott Ewing has been convicted of secretly filming himself having sex with an “attractive” female officer and then uploading the footage to Snapchat. The Royal Navy officer reportedly bragged to colleagues who claimed the woman in question was “out of his league.”
Citat:A fond farewell to the BAe 146 ZE700 as it departs on its final flight from RAF Northolt to the South Wales Aviation Museum, where it will remain.
A water salute ceremony has been used to mark milestone retirements as well as the first or last flight of an aircraft.
Srusio im se jos jedan dron Watchkeeper
Citat:Another British Watchkeeper drone crashes.
This time off coast of Cyprus during training flight .
Seven of the total fleet has now been lost to crashes
Opet skandal....
Britanskim padobrancima zabranjeno raspoređivanje na Balkan Citat:Glavnokomandujući britanske vojske general Sir Patrik Sanders kazao je da je britanskim padobrancima zabranjeno raspoređivanje na Balkan u okviru NATO, zbog snimka koji je nastao u kasarni u Kolčesteru, kao i zbog neprofesionalnog ponašanja britanskih vojnika tokom vežbe u Severnoj Makedoniji
Citat:Ispostavilo da je osam padobranaca iz 16. vazdušno-jurišne brigade stavljeno pod policijsku istragu nakon što su snimljeni kako imaju seksualne odnose sa ženom u kasarni Mervil u Kolčesteru.
Iako je vojna policija utvrdila da nije počinjen zločin, Sanders je rekao da se ta aktivnost mogla protumačiti kao "ocrnjivanje žena" i da je u suprotnosti sa vojnim vrednostima i standardima, izvestio je Tajms.
List navodi da se veruje da je žena prokrijumčarena u kasarnu čak 31 put za pet meseci. Navodi se da je incident usledio nakon niza drugih slučajeva lošeg ponašanja tokom vežbe u Severnoj Makedoniji u maju, kada su vojnici trećeg bataljona optuženi za "neprofesionalno ponašanje" tokom vežbe, zajedno sa vojnicima iz drugih bataljona.
Zbog velikih vrucina staju im vazduhoplovne baze...kazu topi se asfalt
Citat:Another British Air Force base went out of order due to abnormal heat, Sky News reports, citing sources in the army.
Flights from Britain's largest airbase, Norton, have been suspended as the runways began to melt due to high temperatures