Iračko-iranski Rat 1980-1988.


Iračko-iranski Rat 1980-1988.

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31434

In 1980, Friendly Fire Was One of the Biggest Killers of Iranian Fighter Pilots

Citat:Fratricide was the biggest killer of Iranian air force pilots in the early stages of the air war that began on Sept. 20, 1980 when Iraqi air force fighter-bombers struck a dozen Iranian military bases by surprise.

The next day, the Iranians launched the largest strike package in its history, dubbed “Kaman-99.” The force of some 140 warplanes hit Iraqi air bases and army garrisons with no losses to enemy fire. But on their return leg, many fell victim to friendly fire due to a lack of coordination, shoddy command-and-control and a deep panic that had gripped Iranian forces on the ground.

The friendly-fire incident took its worst toll on Iranian F-4D/E and F-5E fighters and their pilots flying close-air-support missions over the crowded front line. On Sept. 21, 1980, Iranian forces shot down at least four friendly F-5Es.

Most of the time, Iranian pilots were unable to reach safer high altitudes due to Iraqi threats — and had to return to base while zooming just 100 or 200 feet above the ground. That exposed them to jumpy Iranian gunners who would destroy a plane … and then keep shooting at the pilot as he ejected.

Records indicate the Iranian air force lost 67 of its combat pilots in course of around 1,000 close-air-support sorties between Sept. 22 and Oct. 23 of the first year of the war.

Of these, 39 were F-4D/E crews and 28 were F-5E pilots. Thirty went down over highly-contested territory in southwestern Iran — many after being struck by Iranian fire.

The irony is that Iranian air force’s fighter-bomber pilots were actually safer during their sorties deep inside Iraqi air space. An estimated 44 Iranian pilots were killed or captured while performing “special mission” strikes inside Iraq in the same period.

The main contributor to blue-on-blue incidents was the lack of effective command and control. Add to this deadly mix the panic that had afflicted Islamic revolutionary guardsmen who, having received very little training, would shoot at anything that flew over their heads. Friend or foe.

The lack of coordination among different units responsible for management of Iranian air space eventually claimed the deputy commander of the Iranian air force Col. Abbas Babaei. He was shot down and killed by a guard-corps anti-aircraft-artillery unit while flying a routine forward-air-control sortie in the back seat of an F-5F in August 1987.

In many occasions, Iranian fighter aircraft were vectored to intercept friendly aircraft. “More often than not, delayed communications between our military transport aircraft involved in medevac sorties and ground control radar stations meant that our airborne or [quick-reaction-alert] fighters had to be vectored to intercept these ‘unknown’ bogeys,” Iranian F-14 pilot and double ace Col. “Ferry” Mazandarani recounts.

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  • kljift 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 7241

Toni ::In 1980, Friendly Fire Was One of the Biggest Killers of Iranian Fighter Pilots

Citat:Fratricide was the biggest killer of Iranian air force pilots in the early stages of the air war that began on Sept. 20, 1980 when Iraqi air force fighter-bombers struck a dozen Iranian military bases by surprise.

The next day, the Iranians launched the largest strike package in its history, dubbed “Kaman-99.” The force of some 140 warplanes hit Iraqi air bases and army garrisons with no losses to enemy fire. But on their return leg, many fell victim to friendly fire due to a lack of coordination, shoddy command-and-control and a deep panic that had gripped Iranian forces on the ground.

The friendly-fire incident took its worst toll on Iranian F-4D/E and F-5E fighters and their pilots flying close-air-support missions over the crowded front line. On Sept. 21, 1980, Iranian forces shot down at least four friendly F-5Es.

Most of the time, Iranian pilots were unable to reach safer high altitudes due to Iraqi threats — and had to return to base while zooming just 100 or 200 feet above the ground. That exposed them to jumpy Iranian gunners who would destroy a plane … and then keep shooting at the pilot as he ejected.

Records indicate the Iranian air force lost 67 of its combat pilots in course of around 1,000 close-air-support sorties between Sept. 22 and Oct. 23 of the first year of the war.

Of these, 39 were F-4D/E crews and 28 were F-5E pilots. Thirty went down over highly-contested territory in southwestern Iran — many after being struck by Iranian fire.

The irony is that Iranian air force’s fighter-bomber pilots were actually safer during their sorties deep inside Iraqi air space. An estimated 44 Iranian pilots were killed or captured while performing “special mission” strikes inside Iraq in the same period.

The main contributor to blue-on-blue incidents was the lack of effective command and control. Add to this deadly mix the panic that had afflicted Islamic revolutionary guardsmen who, having received very little training, would shoot at anything that flew over their heads. Friend or foe.

The lack of coordination among different units responsible for management of Iranian air space eventually claimed the deputy commander of the Iranian air force Col. Abbas Babaei. He was shot down and killed by a guard-corps anti-aircraft-artillery unit while flying a routine forward-air-control sortie in the back seat of an F-5F in August 1987.

In many occasions, Iranian fighter aircraft were vectored to intercept friendly aircraft. “More often than not, delayed communications between our military transport aircraft involved in medevac sorties and ground control radar stations meant that our airborne or [quick-reaction-alert] fighters had to be vectored to intercept these ‘unknown’ bogeys,” Iranian F-14 pilot and double ace Col. “Ferry” Mazandarani recounts.

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Pa ovo nije moguće. Ko ih lude primi u vojsku.

  • Pridružio: 14 Apr 2017
  • Poruke: 70

  • Artesh 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 25 Feb 2018
  • Poruke: 18

Napisano: 25 Feb 2018 23:42

sasans23 ::Занимљива табела губитака ваздухоплова.

Very interesting!!!

I've detected some familiar names! and also some "errors".
is 6th line "Morad-Ali Jahanshahloo"?

Dopuna: 26 Feb 2018 0:29

Dylan Dog ::Borbeni helikopter oborio borbeni avion; Mi-24(25) vs F-4 Phantom II
Mi-24 Hind attack helicopter had shot down an Iranian F-4 Phantom
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Molim clanove da proanaliziraju ovo, a sve dodatne informacije su dobrodosle Ziveli
Ovo je jedinstven slucaj u istoriji avijacije!
Citat:Mi-25 vs. F-4
Iraq’s overlaims for the numbers of Iranian aircraft shot down in air combats and by air defences was characteristic for this war; many Iranian reports were not much better. But, the most controversial of all the Iraqi claims ever was published on 27 October by the Iraqi magazine “Baghdad Observer,” a publication controlled by the Iraqi regime and targeting Western reporters. In the report with the title “The Day of the Helicopter Gunship” an air battle was briefly described that supposedly developed several days earlier, and in which one Mi-24 Hind attack helicopter had shot down an Iranian F-4 Phantom. According to the “Baghdad Observer,” the engagement happened “north of the Eyn-e Khosh area” and the Phantom was destroyed by a “next generation, long-range, AT-6 Sprial ATGM,” fired by a Mi-24 helicopter specially prepared and brought to Iraq by the Soviets in order to test the AT-6 missile in the air-to-air mode.

Dopuna: 27 Sep 2009 14:30

Ako je ovo istina, a ja se iskreno nadam da jeste, o ovom slucaju treba otvoriti zasebnu temu, gde bi se diskutovalo samo o tome.
Slucaj je svakako za anale.

This is not accepted by Iran's AF (IRIAF).

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18822

  • povjesničar, pedagog
  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 2290
  • Gde živiš: Rijeka

kaže knjiga

The Iran- Iraq war / Pierre Razoux ;

  • Pridružio: 08 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2210
  • Gde živiš: Novi Travnik - ex Pucarevo

Minobacač 160mm isporučen od Jugoslavije?
Otkud nam to?

  • Insan 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 12 Okt 2015
  • Poruke: 1760

Poslat ću ti snimak čim ga pronadjem, ima na you tube, kada VRS gadja sa istim.

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Ova je neka budževina, na platformi top haubice NORA, MB 160 mm, vjerovatno cijevka iskopana iz nekakvog magacina. Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 20306

VRS je neku malu kolicinu izraelskih 160mm. Mozda i neke sovjetske, ali za njih nemam 100%, tako da posalji i meni link da vidim koji je... Smile

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