Iz vojarne “Knez Trpimir” iz Divulja u operaciju potpore miru NATO-a u Republici Kosovo KFOR (Kosovo Force) upućena je 14. studenog 2023. godine 40. A zračna sastavnica hrvatskog kontingenta (HRVCON).
Vjerujem kako će svaki pripadnik 40. HRVCON-a nastaviti doprinositi izgradnji naše Hrvatske vojske znajući kako na Kosovu ne predstavlja sebe, već najdražu, hrvatsku zastavu, poručio je Anušić
Citat:Today, the Commander of the #NATO-led #KFOR Regional Command West, Colonel Rocco Mundo, presided over the ceremony marking the completion of deployment of a platoon of the Albanian contingent. The ceremony was held at camp "Villaggio Italia,” in Peja/Pec.
Colonel Mundo expressed his appreciation to the outgoing Albanian personnel, for the dedication and professionalism demonstrated during their deployment. They were honoured with the NATO Non-Article 5 medal, in recognition of their excellent services.
Citat:Today, personnel from the Multinational Specialized Unit and the Regional Command West of the #NATO-led #KFOR mission conducted a joint exercise to test their skills and procedures in crowd riot control.
These regular training activities are key to safeguard KFOR’s highest operational standards and readiness to tackle all possible security scenarios.
Citat:Latvian soldiers assigned to Regional Command East of the #NATO-led #KFOR conducted a routine patrol within the municipality of Zubin Potok.
Patrols are one of several activities that KFOR conducts on a daily basis, in support to lasting security across Kosovo.
Citat:U.S. soldiers assigned to Regional Command East of the #NATO-led #KFOR mission conducted a patrol within the municipality of Leposaviq/ Leposavic.
These efforts are part of KFOR's daily mission to guarantee a safe and secure environment for all communities living in Kosovo.
Citat:Armenian soldiers assigned to the #NATO-led #KFOR mission conducted an exercise with other KFOR personnel at Slatina Air Base, in Prishtinë/Priština.
These regular training activities are key to safeguard KFOR’s highest operational standards and test its personnel’ readiness to tackle all possible security scenarios.
Citat:UK personnel from the Royal Yorkshire Regiment assigned to NATO reserve forces in support to the #NATO-led #KFOR mission have been temporarily deployed to Kosovo, for a routine Operational Rehearsal Training exercise with other KFOR troops.
Citat:A German soldier operates a counter-drone tool during a Kosovo Force training exercise at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center, Hohenfels, Germany, Oct. 6, 2024. Kosovo Force, also known as KFOR
Citat:🇹🇷🇷🇸 Турске трупе распоређене у оквиру Кфора, замениле италијанске јединице на КиМ
🪖 Турске трупе из оперативних резервних снага Кфора распоређене су у оквиру војне мисије на Косову и Метохији, коју предводи НАТО, а замењују италијанске јединице које одлазе из покрајине, саопштио је Кфор.
🛡 Око 350 припадника турске 65. механизоване пешадијске бригаде ће заједно са трупама Кфора спроводити низ активности и биће ангажовани за реаговање у евентуалном нарушавању безбедносне ситуације, стоји у саопштењу. https://t.me/sputniksrbija/98798