Oružane snage islamske republike Iran


Oružane snage islamske republike Iran

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 09 Sep 2012 14:29

Farzadi je govoreći o modifikacijama na sistemu s-200 rekao kako če biti uvedene dvje nove vrste projektila za ovaj sistem takoje u izvještaju koji sam spominjao on govori kako če u svaki sistem biti integrisana po tri Matla-ol-Fajr, po jedan Thamen/Samen i Shahab radar.
E sad prvi radar smo več komentarisali,drugi je nedavno uveden i objavljeno je par vjesti bez nekih detalja vezano za ovaj radar ,za treči sam čuo ali nigdje nisam mogao nači detaljnije informacije.
Ovaj članak je objavila medijska kuča Masregh News na Farsi pa su članovi IMF-a preveli na Engleski,a ovaj ispod je google prevod a u članku se govori o proizvodnji Thamen/Samen radaru i nadam se da če vrabac moči izvući korisne informacije iz članka koji je objavljen prije otprilike 1 g kada je radar ušao u proizvodnju.

Radargryz zrakoplovi su otkrili, nalazimo se bez

Vijesti Šifra: 16536
Datum: 06 Perzijski datum Azar 1389 - 10:39
Prema Ministarstvu obrane i sigurnosti, istočno, pukovnika Farzad Esmaili u intervjuu ISNA, navodeći da trenutna protuzračna obrana baze Khatamolanbia (p) vojni razvojni projekti do 80 posto, ako možemo otkriti stealth zrakoplova, bez Čak otkriće nas samih, mi je navedeno u našim stazama, posebice neradnik zrakoplova za otkrivanje prijetnju Hsas · hhayy korištenje.
On je nastavio: Hsas · hhay smo receptori koji primaju signale poput glasa i druge znakove, napadaju zrakoplovi su identificirani. Mi smo također bili dio lanca radara Aktivne VHF radari imaju sposobnost da se nosi sa nadirućim zrakoplova.

* Proizvodnja povijest radara u svijetu, a njegov ulazak u

Ovaj termin se odnosi na otkrivanje i mapiranje između radija.Lanac radara u Drugom svjetskom ratu u Engleskoj, otišao na posao. Od tog vremena tijek napretka raznih radara za meteorološkim radarima imaju više prometa zraku upozorenje zrakoplova, zračnih presreću, i drugi imaging površina je dizajniran.
Provjerite povijest Ismaili radara, on je ušao u 1336 ciklusa radara protuzračne obrane u zemlji. U tom trenutku smo vidjeli školu obrazovanja i vrsta radara u Velikoj Britaniji su poslani na zaposlenike. Nakon toga, Tip 13 i Tip 14 radari napravljene za odlazak u Englesku u 1341 i nastanio se u Dvshantph Hydra britanskih radara su instalirani u Tabriz Babolsar 70 nezavisne protuzračne obrane brigade formirana. Marconi u 1345 u Mashhad britanskom radaru je instaliran i južno od Engleske biti pod sovjetskim radari postavljeni su na sjeveru Irana.
On je rekao: Amerikanci su stigli na sceni od 1346, a prvi FPS-100 radar je bio angažiran u Dehloran i Hamadan. U 1348 Marconi Shhrabad britanski radar je bio angažiran u posljednjem radar je engleski. Zbog brdovitog prirode radarskih pokrivenost slijepe pjege u 1350, animirani radar i GPS-11 taktički zračni poklopac za ulazak Iran. U toj godini, FPS-100 radara na Jask, vjeru, Bushehr i Bandar Abbas i protuzračne obrane radari sa ADSR u Karaj, bio instaliran GNU PA.

* 77 treptanje u nacionalnom radara je projektiran i proizveden

Središnji dio protuzračna obrana zapovjednik istakao da je "u 1350 nakon dolaska britanskih i američkih radara na Iran Air Defense brigade 70. Samostalne PZO zapovjedništva bio zamijenjen," rekao je on od rata do kraja u 1350, drugi Red JY-14 radarski učinio u 1373 Kineski radar bio u potpunosti digitalni, za potpuni zapovijedanja i kontrole Shahid Sattari novi uvid u zemlji. Od tada, stručnjaci iz misli da mora biti izrađena u digitalnom radara.
i radarski sustavi trenutno instaliran u UHF spektra, što je rezultat digitalni radarski sustav kako bi nam dati povratnu informaciju.klima je ubrizgana.

* Kako su vrste radara i

On je napomenuo kako radarska: radar, elektromagnetski valovi, rezultat valova električnih i magnetskih radova. Radar odašiljači s posebne tehničke i procesne tehnologije, elektromagnetski valovi po anteni u zraku. Jednom ti valovi pogodio objekt kreće ili miruje, oni su podijeljeni u kojem se ogleda. Ti valovi su, naravno, slabi i stoga primio radarskog prijemnika i pojačala, a pojačalo prikazani su u emisiji ili radarske opsegu.
Zapovjednik središta protuzračne obrane u odgovoru na pitanje: "Kako se kreće otkrivanje ciljne radar ciljeva su fiksne?" Rekao je: Ovdje imamo proces tehnički poznat kao MTI.Sustav je u stvari stalno kreće cilj indikator filtera.
Esmaeili također je, aludirajući na vrste radara u modernim radarima, frekvencijama HF, VHF, UHF, L Band, S Band, C, X, K i milimetara bendovi koriste. Niska frekvencija radar koji se koristi za otkrivanje prikladnu rezoluciju će biti prilično dobro.Međutim, na niskim frekvencijama, postoji nedostatak rezolucije, ali našli smo dobar visoke frekvencije i vrlo visoku rezoluciju - obje kutne rezolucije i prostorne rezolucije - tamo.

se koriste. Druga vrsta, pulsirajuće ili pulsno doppler radari koji se mogu koristiti za istraživanje i traženje svrhe.je pulsirajuće ili CW.

* Nacionalni Radar proizvesti niz visoke kutne rezolucije i vrlo dobrom udaljenosti

Posljednji radar bio stacioniran u Iranu prije revolucije bio najkompletniji radar i protuzračna obrana radar, ADS-4 je uzeti u obzir.Istraživanja u području stvaranja UHF radara.
Naši stručnjaci su trenutno pokušava preuzeti udaljenost u čvrstom stanju. Stari radari korišteni su lampe moraju emitiraju zračenje u svemiru su vrlo visoka, a većina od žarulje je oštećen radar. Naši stručnjaci će otići na stranu umjesto žarulja ide u čvrstom stanju ili elektroničkih ploča prerano za to.

* Glavna prednost nacionalnog radara.

On je rekao glavna prednost nacionalnog radara: Glavna prednost je nacionalni radara, tehnička ekipa je ugodno jer rješavanje problema radarski brzina i ispravljanje pogrešaka su ista brzina. Još jedna prednost, udobnost, operativne timove i to je jasno i naše snage Askvphay radar mete iz stacionarnih ciljeva lako pronalazi. Još jedna prednost radar, je automatizacija tako lako mehanizirani i integrirani klima mreža obrana će povezati zemlju. Ograničenja, naročito ograničenja osnovan nacionalni radar, radar koji imamo manje.
Radar za rano upozoravanje i zraka presjeka radarskog sustava za koji se nadamo svi naši stručnjaci su u mogućnosti da ih predstaviti s nacionalnim radara. U Iranu, također, navlažiti zemlja je dobra za naše VHF valova i planine. Također smo pokušali radara u pustinji i tamo je manje kriv od drugih radara.
Javna na radaru reprezentacije, rekao je: Osamdeset posto tijela dizajnerskom timu je integriran sferu ili trenutni Ghadir. U protuzračne obrane stručnjaci su učinili. Tu je i niz usko grlo problema koje smo koristili ove mišljenja i konzultacija, tehnički sveučilišni profesori.

* Oprema, tako da možemo nositi s prijetnjama

žrtvovati sigurnost učiniti redu.Budući da postoje prijetnje oko nas, naša oprema, tako da možemo nositi s tom prijetnjom.

* Kasta je tri puta nacionalni radarski domet

Središnji dio protuzračna obrana zapovjednik, koji se odnosi na veličinu nacionalnog radara u usporedbi s nekim stranim radara napomenuti Kasta veći od nacionalnog radara. Naravno, ova vrsta usporedbe nije točna. Ovisi što želiš od radara. Kasta je taktički radar.Raspon.Ova misija je u skladu s nacionalnom radar volumena i kreću se od Kasta je tri puta nacionalni radara.

* Aktivni i pasivni radari i radar, VHF i UHF razlika

Ismaili također objasniti razliku, tako da su radari Aktivne s pasivnim radarom: radar, aktivni radar ili aktivni sustavi su pustili u zračnim valovima, a valovi se reflektiraju od cilja, su primili i analiziraju.
VHF i UHF radari On je također objasnio razliku: opći pogled na folk band VHF radara na niskim frekvencijama, Fvqalah, dobra rezolucija i otporni su na ECM i radarske UHF frekvencijskog bend, dobar , vrlo visoke rezolucije i otporan na neprijateljske ECM - primjenom različitih uvjeta - uživati.

* Mi smo uvijek spremni odlučno djelovati

Središnja protuzračna obrana zapovjednik u regiji nastavila dijalog s nekim od prijetnje cionističkog režima i rekao cionistički režim je neželjeni igra.Oni

Vjest iz vremena kada je uvodjen Thamen/Samen radar
Tehran, Iran - Iran’s SAMEN RADAR SYSTEM NET BECOMES OPERATIONAL IN LESS 10 DAYS, according to a FAS news report. Do they pose a threat to US stealth aircraft?

Iran will start using a brand new sophisticated very low Radar Cross Section (RCS) radar system in coming days, a senior Iranian commander announced on Monday.

“It will significantly enhance Iran’s radar detection capabilities against US Stealth aircraft”, says one radar specialist in Charlotte, N.C. who wished not to be named in this report. Despite these drawbacks, ultra low band radars still provide a valuable early warning capability, and enable cueing of other sensors and platforms. Some newer radars, based on Russian designs such as the Nebo SVU , Gamma DE and Protivnik GE are accurate enough to direct a missile shot, for example using the engagement radar primarily as a midcourse command/datalink channel to the missile”, our source indicated.

"Samen Radar System will come online in the next ten days," Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli told FNA.

"We are now deploying it," the commander said, adding that Samen's range is "good" and is able to detect and identify targets with very low Radar Cross Section (RCS).

Iran has recently renewed and upgraded the weapons and defense systems of its air defense units.

Also in February, Iran's air defense units assessed the performance and capabilities of different types of mobile and fixed radar systems during Sarallah military drills in Southern Iran. “Lesson learned will be put into use to detect US spy planes, drones…”, said one Iranian commander.

“Low range RCS radar poses a serious threat to US stealth aircraft”, says one source in Charlotte, N.C. Specifically “Stealth bombers pilots “, during that “window when they open up the bomb bay doors to unload ordinance on civilians and military targets…”, our source said

During the air defense war games, different fixed and mobile radar systems manufactured and upgraded by Iranian experts and under the control of Iran's integrated air defense network were used. “The Iranians seemed to have been working out the bugs in the system for use against low flying aircraft, spy planes, dones as well larger US stealth bombers in anticipation of an unprovoked American attack”, said one radar expert in Charlotte. “If this is the case it could increase the risk of detection” he said.

Kasta and NEBO radars as well as the Iran-made Kashef (Discoverer) and Matla ol-Fajr (The Start of Dawn) radars were used to detect and identify aerial threats. Extensive tests were conducted to “enhance” their capabilities…

“The US Air Force is expected to use the F-22A Raptor armed with the glide wing equipped GBU-39/B SDB to destroy a defender's low band systems in the opening minutes of an pre-emptive military strike”, said one defense expert in Charlotte. “The notion that Russian low band radars are artifacts of the Cold War with little combat value is foolish, as current production models are typically 'digitized' through most of the signal and data processing, and display components, and many now use solid state transmitters. At least two designs are AESAs (active phased array). Russian manufacturers have thus followed much the same trend as Western manufacturers, enhancing Cold War era systems designs with digital processing. More than often modern Digital Moving Target Indicator (DMTI) or digital pulse Doppler techniques are employed, some types also using Space Time Adaptive Processing (STAP), exploiting the high performance of COTS computing technology, readily available in the open market and easy to ruggedize for a semi-mobile application of this kind. Russian industry is very actively marketing digital upgrades to the P-18 Spoon Rest, and new production digital 55Zh6 Nebo UE / Tall Rack and Nebo SVU VHF radars, specifically as a "Counter-Stealth" capability. We suspect this is what Iran has accomplished in this case”, they opine.


Po zvaničnim spec. radi se o VHF radaru, matla ol fajr 1 je dometa 300 km podaljini i 20 km po visini dok podaci za M.ol Fajr 2 kažu 480 km po daljini i 32 km po visini.

Matla ol Fajr2

Matla ol Fajr 1

Dopuna: 09 Sep 2012 14:35

Post iznad pod userom Endi Kapetanovic je moj,nemam pojma kako sam se ulogovao pod tim userom vjerovatno preko Facebook profila od žene,uglavnom nije namjerno pa da ne bi imao problema oko duplog profila da se zna.

Dopuna: 09 Sep 2012 15:11

Još jedan članak iz istog izvora,prevod je mnogo bolji kad se ide sa Farsi na Engleski.

The fighter project "Aurora" after the command of the Supreme Leader's of self-sufficiency by the Ministry of Defense and armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran to invest and to the efforts of University of Ashtar was designed on the design features of the aircraft very radargrizi about it because the body designers of radar absorbent material, the Aurora made the ability to create waves of RCS of less than a square meters to the fighter.
To report security-defense, reporters Club "Aurora" is the first native plane stealth aircraft that is making the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2007 as the country's air force fleet.

The Islamic Republic of Iran to arrange after France, the United States and China is the fourth country that is stealth fighter and "Aurora" powerful radar camouflage 92% the third fighter in the world in terms of Anti-radar camouflage.
Shafaq was designed initially for training the pilots, but after some human decisions on this basis was that the type of fighter that was also produced.

This fighter training in three kinds of double, double and single Fighter fighter design.

Project Aurora after the Decree of the Supreme Leader's of self-sufficiency by the Ministry of Defense and armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran to invest and to the efforts of the academic complex (Aviation University Complex) that follows a series of Ashtar University, was designed.

Testing the project in cooperation with the expert group and the designer of Iran and the Russian Federation (20 Sukhoi design expert and Mikoyan plants) database entirely as a series of remote air force of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

First introduced in 2002 and in the fighter Aurora Aviation industries of Iran exhibition occurred in which the exhibition is an example of this aircraft in the dimensions of the actual display.

In 2004, as well as the Islamic Republic of Iran and the House of a typical real dimensions of this aircraft. In this example the changes relative to the ac-130 was seen as likely to reach supersonic speed for the plane posed.

According to some statements that lights the next sample design involves a lot of reforms in the wings, Jet engine and radar systems as well as more advanced in years, to the fleet of the air delivered to the country.

Radargrizi features in the design of the aircraft is highly regarded designers of it has been because of radar absorbent materials, Aurora body waves (radar absorbing materials) are made when the ability to make RCS of less than a square meters to the fighter.

This is a stealth fighter with a wingspan and length of 10.48 height 4.26 m 10.45 and of vehicle body design is a bit similar to tipik f/a-22 Raptor fighter.

Empty weight and its maximum takeoff weight Aurora 4.361 4.900 kg and the maximum speed is Mach 2.5 fighter (2,300 km/h) which is due to the speed of the scrolling of a maki (1,150 km/h) and much of its high speed capability and 16750 highs (110 m/s), the fighter of its kind to become partly humanitarian jangandhai in NATO classification experts from among the hundreds of fighters in the world, ranking V.

The design of much more of the Aurora area of the root ball is the tip of the wings (the wings of the qifi figure) that this would cause to the fighter in dogfight (DOG FIGHT) their angle of attack speed towards goal, as well as to the reason for its ability to design a special body-wrap, ghltsh and manurpziri lights are greatly increased.

Aurora has seven different positions to carry weapons, and the type of structure used in it is a good idea to allow the carrying of an Iranian bomb, and also to the ground and the air hoabahhwa kinds of bombs with laser navigation to these aircraft.

Aurora has a 3 position carry weapons fighter under each wing and one position below the fuselage and the cockpit is also the triple LCD screens of digital system and ionic HOTAS and enjoys the ability to cause the HUD use less than analog monitors.

This monitors which form series and put together, because the control page contains features designed to intercept the suspected radar, management of the weapons available in electronic control systems for Defense, fighter for use in battles and also guidance system of missiles and firing control and a variety of American radar or laser-guided to this fighter.

In terms of aerodynamic tabs in the twilight of a fighter and for the performance of any sharp refused, what better than a conventional teknolozihai has also been used as LERX. For the initial two models based on the Aurora engine, turbofan, J-85 was considered but later plans were, of course, still a engined on the changes of the two engines were Aurora kloof Rd-33 or J-79 that ultimately the engine J-79 due to problems in the hamsazi with the body of the program is removed.

In the system of emergency exit seats inbound also K36-D Russian ammunition used and the valve instead of the lights coming down, the fighter up and inside is a fighter rather than a lack of this feature, causing it to become apparent when firing or bombardment and camouflage more Aurora.

Because the speed of the missile in this fighter is just 0.0001 seconds shown on the radar rocket plane and the percentage of successful missions the fighter because the accuracy of the most radarhai in the world on the rocket jet set, is very high.

This type of radar AN\AWG-9 fighter and is also capable of firing missiles, Sparrow, and also the b-side vander Iranian series R Russian including R-73 and an Iranian KH-29, along with rocket tlvizioni Maverick, a valuable ability to this versatile fighter in battles.

Aurora has a stellar system of missile 22 Lin, Tai-19

V-V projektili FATTER 1 i 2 Iranske proizvodnje na Fantomu

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 307

Iran to unveil Meshkat medium-range cruise missile

Iran's deputy defense minister has announced the country plans to unveil a homegrown medium-range cruise missile in the near future.

“Meshkat cruise missile, which God willing will be unveiled soon, has a range of more than 2,000 kilometers. It will be the upper hand of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Brigadier General Mehdi Farahi, who is also the director of Defense Ministry’s Aerospace Organization, said on Sunday.

“Meshkat cruise missile will have submarine-, ground- and air-launched properties and could also be fired from a warplane,” the general said.

Farahi said the Iranian Defense Ministry has already produced five cruise missiles, namely, Zafar, Nasr, Nour, Qaser and Ghadir, adding that the development of nine more cruise missiles is under study.

He went on to say that Iran is upgrading the “precision, radar-invasiveness, tactical aspects and durability” of its missiles.

The general, however, noted that the development of cluster warheads does not lie within Iran’s defense strategies, stressing that the country has done a lot in tweaking missile warheads, which is an important factor in upgrading ballistic missiles.

Farahi played down the US deployment of missile defense systems in the region, saying they could never overpower Iranian missiles. “We hope that nothing would happen. But if any confrontation is to take place, they will see how their claims will turn out to be groundless.”

In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in the defense sector and gained self-sufficiency in essential military hardware and defense systems.

Iran has repeatedly assured other nations, especially regional neighbors, that its military might poses no threat to other countries, insisting that its defense doctrine is merely based on deterrence.


nova igracka sa dometom od preko 2000 km...

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4961

Dakle ono fotkama su FADŽR(ZORA) radari metraši jedan skoro isti kao P-18 po spoljnoj formi anatena i drugi kao dva antenska asemblija na jednom stubu. O.K.
Što se tiče ostalih radara samo postavi fotografiju antene, iz tekstova se slabo snalazim.
Nisma siguran da usavršavanje S-200 na samohodnom vozilu za Iran nije dobro. Naime, kakvu god raketu da prave po ugledu na S-300 ili kakvu god su malu partiju S-300 dobili tosui verovatno tipovi koji dosežu do 150 km a mnogoverovatnije do 100 km daljine. I u tom smislu su ekstremno opasni jer se na tim daljinama odnosno ispod njih borbe i vode odnosno naveći i najvažniji deo.
Međutim radi pokrivanja velikih udaljenosti radi zaštite od dronova i izviđača i velikovisinskih udarnih grupa ikao pretnja ometačima i AWACSD-ima, S-200 U ONAKVOJ POKRETNOJ izvedbi je strašan a imao bi domet od svih 300 km jer se sasvim sigurno zasniva na Dubni (sama fotografija samohodne modela Dubne je ruskog porekla i već sam je viđao). Kod Rusa je bio problem što niko više nije hteo Dubnu u svetlu razvoja S-300-400 jednko kako je propao i Volhov-M5. Rusiji bi bilo vrlo isplativo da je, ili će, Ianu prodati tehnlogiju Dubne a pogonitelji na Dubni su takvi da sa takvom tehnlogijom Iran odavno vlada. Najveći problem je taj novi samohodni radar za koji verujem da u ruskim programima usavršavanje nije isterano do kraja ali verovatno jeste u glavnom pravcu a Iran upravo sada raspolaže kapcitetima da se možda odluči na takav radar, osim toga takav radar bi bio onaj isti koji bi u nekoj podverziji kasnije vodio nove rakete. Kako bilo to bi imalo smisla (S-200 samohodan) ako je Iran blizu završetka takvog nišanskog radara jer bi to poboljšalo inače kritičnu komponentu za velike visine. Inače u toj zamisli uvođenje i raketa manjego dometa je upravo ono pravo što treba dodati uz modernizovan sistem S-200.
Ovakvim raketama mnogi osmatrački i akvizicioni radari mogu biti pridodani ne samo ZORA-1 i ZORA-2
ili je možda bolje reći SVITANJE? Zora je beše Vall Fadžr, ovo Malta Fadžr? Ko zna Farsi?

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Iran's deputy defense minister has announced the country plans to unveil a homegrown medium-range cruise missile in the near future.

“Meshkat cruise missile, which God willing will be unveiled soon, has a range of more than 2,000 kilometers. It will be the upper hand of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Brigadier General Mehdi Farahi, who is also the director of Defense Ministry’s Aerospace Organization, said on Sunday.

“Meshkat cruise missile will have submarine-, ground- and air-launched properties and could also be fired from a warplane,” the general said.

Farahi said the Iranian Defense Ministry has already produced five cruise missiles, namely, Zafar, Nasr, Nour, Qaser and Ghadir, adding that the development of nine more cruise missiles is under study.

He went on to say that Iran is upgrading the “precision, radar-invasiveness, tactical aspects and durability” of its missiles.

The general, however, noted that the development of cluster warheads does not lie within Iran’s defense strategies, stressing that the country has done a lot in tweaking missile warheads, which is an important factor in upgrading ballistic missiles.

Farahi played down the US deployment of missile defense systems in the region, saying they could never overpower Iranian missiles. “We hope that nothing would happen. But if any confrontation is to take place,
they will see how their claims will turn out to be groundless.”

Skoro sam siguran da je ovaj projektil razvijen iz KH-55 koje Iranci posjeduju,jest ih imaju malo ali sasvim dovoljno za razvoj vlastitog,mada postoji mogučnost da je i Kineskog porjekla s obzirom da je več par puta objavljivano da Iranci razvijaju ovakav projektil uz pomoć kineza ali s obzirom da je več na raznim ceremonijama prikazan par puta kr.projektil sličan KH-55(ima mislim i okačene dvije fotke na ovoj temi) + imaju ga u posjedu,logičan sljed dogadjaja je upravo ovo,mada je moguče s obzirom na porjeklo drugi Iranski kr.projektila i da su Kinezi dali tehnologiju i pomogli u razvoju projektila sličnog cj-10.

Odličan dokumentarac o raketnoj tehnologiji Irana,prikazano je dosta kvalitetni snimaka u liniji proizvodnje bal.projektila.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Na 1:14 i opet na 4:10 se vide ogromne eksplozije u pustinji. Nikada nisam vidio ništa slično. Da li bi to mogao biti MIRV? Također, na 2:26 - 2:30 prikazuju izradu digitalnih mapa. Vidio sam to na nekom videu u dužoj verziji, ali se ne mogu sjetiti na kojem.

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4961

MIRV podrazumeva mnogo veća odstojanja pojedinačno odbačenih glava koja se mere najmanje u desetinama kilometara

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

vrabac ::MIRV podrazumeva mnogo veća odstojanja pojedinačno odbačenih glava koja se mere najmanje u desetinama kilometara
Da, obično se radi o nuklearnim. Mislio sam nešto po uzoru na Dong Feng 21 izbačeni sa manje visine i koncentrisane na manji prostor. Ne znam da li se i to smatra MIRV-om ali sam mislio na nešto sa ovakvim efektom

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4961

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  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
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Napisano: 14 Sep 2012 11:12

Lista naouružanja za Iransko vazduhoplovstvo,radi se o listi u verziji V-V i V-Z,ovo je dosad najkompletniji uradak koji je uradio član jednog drugog foruma i radi se o korisnim informacijama,pogotovo za članove koji nemaju vremena za vlastita istraživanja i kopanja po NET-u.
Naoružanje koje je nezvanično nabavljeno ili se radi o domačim proizvodima koji su u finalnoj fazi je tako i naznačeno.


R-27 Vympel Alamo AA-10

R-27 Alamo A , SAR-Homing SB-SA APU-470 ( this pylon is fitted on Iranian F-14s )
R-27T Alamo B , IR-Homing , SB-IR
R-27ER Alamo C , SAR-Homing , LB-SA ( MiG-29S Upgrade package )
R-27TE Alamo D IR-Homing , LB-IR ( MiG-29S Upgrade package )

Warhead blast/fragmentation, or continuous rod
Engine High performance Solid-fuel rocket motor
Operational range 80 (R/T) - 130 (ER/AE) - 170 km (EM)
Speed Mach 4.5
Guidance system SARH

AIM-54 A Phoenix ( 454)

Warhead 61 kg HE -frag
Engine Solid propellant rocket motor
Operational range 190 km
Speed Mach 5
Guidance system SAR & AR-Homing

AIM-7 Sparrow III (470)

Warhead HE-fragmentation 40 kg
Operational range AIM-7E/E2: 45 km AIM-7F/M: 50 km
Speed Mach 4
Guidance system SARH

R-73 Vympel Archer AA-11
R-73M1( off-boresight HMS version ) & R-73E , APU-73 1D pylon

Warhead 7.4 kilograms
Engine solid-fuel rocket engine
Operational range 35- 40km
Speed Mach 3
Guidance system IR- homing

R-60 Vympel Aphid AA-8

R-60T - IR-Homing with AR fuze , APU-60-I & II launcher
R-60M - IR-Homing with O fuze APU-60-I & II launcher
R-60MK - IR-Homing (EO + AR fuze) - APU-60-1DB1 launcher ( off-bore sight HMS version )

Warhead 3 kg
Engine solid-fuel rocket engine
Operational range 8 km
Speed Mach 2.7
Guidance system IR homing

AIM-9L/P/M/X Sidewinder(1370)

Warhead annular blast-frag
Operational range 35 km
Speed Mach 2.5
Guidance system IR homing

Fatar ( Domestic production )

Operational range 40km
Guidance system IR-Homing
Based upon Aim-9P

Fatter missile uses AIM-9P Sidewinder clone body and Iranian avionics. In 2008 the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force test launched an IR-guided missile that was identified as the Fatter. The missile had a range of 40 kilometers.

MIM 23 Sejjil Sky I-Hawk (Domestic production as Shahin & Shalamche )

Its an aerial launched version of I-hawk used by iran on Its F-14A . I-Hawk requires Bi-static Doppler CW illumination from MPQ-series HPIR just like Aim-7 uses from an aerial source ( excluding Sparrow-R which uses IR ) . The AWG-9 has 2 x TWT (Traveling Wave Tube) transmitters . The first TWT responsible for SAR-homing has a range of 60-75 km for illumination which works perfect for an aerial launched I-Hawk , although it was designed for Sparrow . each F-14A can carry 2 of such missiles .

Engine Solid propellant rocket engine
Operational range upto 60 km for aerial launch
Speed (Shalamche) Mach 3
Guidance system SARH


Warhead 6kg blast-frag
Engine Solid-fuel rocket
Operational range 18km
Speed Mach 2.5
Guidance system IR homing

PL-2 (540)

Warhead 12 kg HE
Propellant solid fuel
Operational range 10 km
Speed Mach 2.5
Guidance system IR-Homing

Pl-7 (360)

Warhead - 12.5 kg
Speed - Mach 2.5
Range - 7 km
Guidance - IR

Possible Possession

R-77 Vympel AA-12 Adder :

Possible possession for use on few upgraded Mig-29S . Procurement sources include Syria , North Korea and China .Highly possible procurement in future direct from Russia for integration on domestic fighters like Saeghe or Shafagh .

Warhead 22 kg HE fragmenting
Engine Solid fuel rocket motor , air-breathing ramjet
Operational range 100-160 km
Speed Mach 4.5
Guidance system INS mid course + ARH terminal

SM-1 A2A

Janes reported that Iran has modified some F-4D/E to launch SM-1 as a long range weapon against enemy airborne radar when it failed to procure R-33 from Russia .

Warhead blast fragmentation warhead
Engine dual thrust, solid fuel rocket
Operational range 150 + km
Speed Mach 3.5

R-40 Vympel AA-6 Acrid ( Few Captured on Iraqi Mig-25 )

Warhead weight 70 kg
Engine solid-propellant rocket motor
Operational range 60 km
Speed Mach 4.5
Guidance system SARH & IR

R-23 Vympel AA-7 Apex ( Few Captured on Iraqi Mig-23 )

Speed: Mach 3
Range: 35-50 km
Guidance: SARH E/R; IR-homing T


Warhead 165 kg HE
Engine turbojet engine
Operational range 200 km
Flight altitude 3-5 m (attacking); 5-7 m (cruising)
Speed Mach 0.9
Guidance system INS + terminal AR-homing

Engine Toloue-4 turbojet engine
Operational range 180 km max
Flight altitude Sea-skimming
Guidance INS and Terminal AR (DM-3B MMW)
Speed 0.9 Mach

Kh-58 U/E Variants
Warhead 150 Kg HE
Engine Solid rocket
Operational range Kh-58 : 160 km Kh-58U : 250 km , Kh-58E :200 km
Speed Mach 3.6
Guidance system INS + Anti radiation

Warhead 145 Kg HE shaped charge
Engine turbofan
Operational range 130 km
Speed Mach 0.8
Guidance system INS + ARH

Warhead 200 KT Nuclear
Operational range 3000 Km
Speed Mach 0.85
Guidance system inertial with Doppler radar/terrain comparision
Accuracy < 8 m

Warhead 130 kg HE warhead
Engine Solid rocket motor
Propellant solid fuel
Operational range 75 km
Flight altitude 12 meter cruising
Speed Mach 0.95
Guidance system ARH / ImIR IR / TV
Kill probability: > 96 %

Warhead Weight 165 kg HE
Propulsion one solid rocket engine, one solid booster
Maximum Speed Mach 0.95
Maximum effective range 42 km
Guidance mode INS + terminal AR-homing
Single-shot hit probability 85%

Warhead 30 kg HE frag
Engine Solid rocket motor
Operational range 35 km
Flight altitude 12 meter cruising
Speed ≈ Mach 0.9
Guidance system ARH / ImIR IR / TV
Kill probability: 0.85

Warhead 30 kg HE frag
Engine Solid rocket motor
Operational range 20 km
Speed Mach 0.9
Guidance system INS/ ARH / ImIR IR / TV
Kill probability: 0.85

Warhead 30 kg HE
Engine Solid rocket engine
Operational range 15-20 km
Flight altitude 15-20 m (flight)
Speed Mach 0.85
Guidance system TV-homing, Infra-red, millimeter radar
Kill probability: > 95%

Kh-25 ML/MP/MR
Warhead HE shell-forming
Warhead weight Kh-25MP 90 Kg , Kh-25MR :140 kg
Operational range Kh-25ML :11 km Kh-25MP/MR :60 km
Speed 2000-2,410 km/h
Guidance system Laser (ML) , Anti Radiation (MP) , Radio Command (MR)

Kh-29 L/T (Probable TE version as well)
Warhead 320 kg HE Armour-piercing
Engine Fixed thrust solid fuel rocket
Operational range Kh-29L :10 km , Kh-29T :12 km , Kh-29TE :30 km
Speed 1,470 km/h
Guidance system Kh-29L : semi-active laser guided , Kh-29T/TE : passive TV guided

Kh-31P Likely in possession
Warhead 87 Kg HE shaped charge
Engine Solid fuel rocket in initial stage, ramjet for rest of trajectory
Operational range 110 km Mach 3.5
Guidance system INS + Anti Radiation / ARH ( simple variant )

Kh-59ME Probable Possession
Warhead 320 kg Cluster or shaped-charge fragmentation
Engine two-stage rocket or with Turbofan
Operational range 115-200 km
Speed Mach 0.88
Guidance system inertial (then TV-guided)

AGM-65 Maverick A/B
Warhead 125-300 lb
Engine Solid propellant rocket motor
Operational range 22 km
Speed 1,150 km/h)
Guidance system Electro-optical & IR depending upon variants

ARM-45 Shrike
Warhead 150 lb blast-fragmentation
Speed Mach 1.5
Guidance system Anti Radiation

AGM-78 Standard
Warhead weight 215 lb blast-fragmentation
Engine dual-thrust solid-fueled rocket
Operational range 90 km
Speed Mach 1.8
Guidance system Anti Radiation

AM39 Exocet (Came along Mirage F1EQ)
Warhead 165 kilograms
Engine solid propellant engine
Operational range 70-80 km
Flight altitude Sea-skimming
Speed Mach 1
Guidance system INS + ARH

AS-30L (Came along Mirage F1EQ)
Warhead 240 kg Semi-Armor-Piercing High-Explosive
Engine two-stage solid propellant rocket motors
Operational range 11 km
Flight ceiling 10 km
Speed 1,700 km/h
Guidance system SALH

Ultra light anti vessel missile designed for naval version of Shahed 285 , Resembles Israeli Spike system

Guidance : Laser (Semi Active or Command Guidance )
Range : 10 km
Launch platform : Helicopter 4 x 4

AGM-379 Zoobin
Zoobin is an Iranian TV-guided air to surface missile. It is a solid rocket powered missile quipped with a TV-seeker . The TV seeker used on zoobin is also used on Qadr . It has been given a US-style 'AGM' designation, though its designers say that this has no greater significance beyond inventory management and parts stocks

Warhead 750 lb HE M 117 class
Engine Solid rocket engine
Operational range 20 + km
Guidance system TV-homing

Sattar -1 / Asre-67
The Sattar-1 is a laser-guided , solid fuel air to surface missile developed in Iran . It distantly resembles Aim-54 Phoenix .

Propulsion : Solid rocket engine
Warhead: 60 kg HE
Range: 20 km
Guidance : laser semi-active homing

Sattar 2/3
The system includes TLS-99 laser-targeting pod that resembles French ATLIS-II . It has considerable physical difference from Sattar-1 . It features a gimbaled gyro stabilized SALH seeker .

Range: 30 km
Propulsion : Solid rocket engine
Warhead: 60 kg HE
Guidance : laser semi-active homing

Kh-23M in possession (Iraq)
Warhead weight 111 kg
Engine Solid fuel rocket
Operational range 10 km
Speed 2,700 km/h
Guidance system Radio command, TV

Kh-28 in possession (Iraq)
Warhead 160 Kg Blast fragmentation
Engine Two-stage liquid-fuel rocket
Operational range 110 km
Speed Mach 3.0
Guidance system INS + Anti radiation

Kite Standoff Dispenser Weapon
Kite is a sub-munitions dispenser system resembling DWS-39 / Bombkapsel 90 and in some ways to AGM-154 JSOW .

Propulsion : Solid rocket
Guidance : INS and possibly some terminal guidance
Range: 15 km
Warhead: Around 200 Combined Effects AP/AT/CW Bomblets

Domestically produced Guided Bombs

GBU-67/9A Qadr
The GBU-67/9A Qadr is Electro-Optically guided Bomb , built around a 2,000 lb Mk 84 class bomb. Both the Qadr and the Zoobin have been designed around standard US-pattern general-purpose bomb shapes. The Qadr uses the same guidance payload as the Zoobin. Both weapons have also been given US-style `GBU' and `AGM' designations

Weight 2000 lb
Max Range: 40-60 km
Guidance: TV

GBU-78 Qased-1
Qased is a 2000-pound (900 kg) Iranian developed 2000 lb PGM with EO guidance . It resembles GBU-15 .

Guidance: TV
Weight: 2,000-pound
Range 50 km

Qased is a 2000-pound (900 kg) Iranian developed 2000 lb PGM with EO guidance . Qassed-2 has a range about 100 km.

Guidance: TV
Weight: 2,000-pound
Range 100 km

The Qassed-3 as of yet is the final member of the Qased Series . It features addition of solid rocket booster to extend the overall range of the weapon. It resembles AGM-130 which itself is a rocket boosted version of GBU-15 . Like Qased 1 & 2 it uses TV Guidance but like AGM-130 it also might include INS for hot zone entry . It can be retargeted in flight by simply steering it to a new target

Guidance: TV
Weight: 2,000-pound
Range 100 + km with booster

Under development / Future

ALCM Ghader Under development/Likely in Future
Operational range +/- 250 km
Flight altitude Sea-skimming
Warhead 170-180 kg
Engine Turbojet engine
Operational range >255 km (air-launched)
Flight altitude 3- 5 m
Speed Terminal supersonic
Guidance system INS + ARH ( Unconfirmed )

SALSCM Likely in Future as Domestic Production variant
Warhead: 300 kg
Maximum launching speed: 1.5 Mach
Cruise altitude: 10 to 20 km
Range: 400 km max
Mid course guidance: combined inertial navigation + satellite navigation
Terminal guidance: Combined active millimeter wave radar + imaging infrared


Dopuna: 15 Sep 2012 10:28

Fotke nastale prilikom prezentacije vazduhoplovni remontni kapaciteta i PVO sistema vojnoj delegaciji Omana

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2012 17:17

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps started mass-production of a highly advanced air-defense system named, Ra'd (Thunder), IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari announced on Sunday.

"The Ra'd air-defense system, which is more advanced than the Buk system has recently been developed and is now being mass-produced," Jafari told reporters in a press conference here in Tehran today.

"In ranges up to 50km and in altitudes from 25 to 27km (70,000 feet), Ra'd is ranked as a mid-range radar system," added the General.

"The air-defense system will boost the Islamic Republic's ability to counter aerial threats," he continued.

In May 2012, Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Commander Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said Iran is mass-producing Ghadir Radar systems in great numbers, adding that the radar system covers areas over 1,000km in distance.

"This radar system can cover areas around 1,100 in range and its designing and production project ended early last (Iranian) year and is now being mass-produced," Hajizadeh told FNA at the time.

In June 2011, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps put into operation the new home-made long-range Ghadir radar system that enables its forces to monitor low-altitude satellites.

The Ghadir radar system which covers areas (maximum) 1,100km in distance and 300km in altitude has been designed and built to identify aerial targets, radar-evading aircrafts, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles as well as low-altitude satellites.

Last December, senior Iranian military commanders announced that the country has equipped its air defense units with advanced radars capable of detecting Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

Commander of Khatom ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli said now Iran can trace and shoot down small UAVs over its airspace.

Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli also said that air defense units are closely monitoring overflights of foreign aircraft and are fully prepared to detect and shoot down unauthorized UAVs.

Iran has locally made radar systems with different ranges up to some 1,850 miles (3,000 kilometers).

Dopuna: 17 Sep 2012 15:27

Iran’s IRGC produces new 24-hour airborne drone: Cmdr.

Source: http://presstv.com/detail/2012/09/17/262029/iran-p.....rne-drone/

Commander of Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says Iran has produced an indigenous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with 24-hour nonstop flight capability.

“Shahed 129, which can carry out combat and reconnaissance missions with its 24-hour nonstop flight capability, is IRGC’s latest achievement in this field [producing drones],” IRGC Chief Major General Mohammad-Ali Ja’fari said on Sunday.

Armed with “Sadid” missiles, which are also designed by the IRGC, the pilotless aircraft can target long-distance targets, Ja'fari added.

In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems.

Iran unveiled its first indigenous long-range drone, named Karrar, in August 2010. The aircraft is capable of carrying a military payload of rockets to carry out bombing missions against ground targets, flying long distances at a very high speed, and gathering information.

The IRGC employed Karrar drones during the Great Prophet Seven military drills in July 2012 to bomb mock enemy bases in the southeastern Lut Desert.

Referring to the US RQ-170 drone that was captured by the Iranian forces in late 2011, Ja'fari said the extracted information from the aircraft reveals that it had been spying on specific targets in Iran.

The US RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft was downed, with minimal damage, by the Iranian Army's electronic warfare unit on December 4, 2011, while flying over the Iranian city of Kashmar, some 140 miles (225 km) from the Afghan border.

The RQ-170 is an unmanned stealth aircraft designed and developed by the Lockheed Martin Company.

IRGC Announces Production of Drone with Missile Capability
TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari announced that his forces have built a new type of military drone with missile capability.

Speaking at a press conference here in Tehran on Sunday, Jafari pointed to Iran's latest achievements in area of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) production, and stated, "Shahed 129 drone presents the IRGC's latest advancement in this field. With its 24-hour-long non-stop flight capability, the drone can accomplish good missions in reconnaissance and combat fields."

The commander added that Shahed 129 can hit and destroy targets from a far distance with its Sadid (Iron-Strong) missiles.

Earlier this month, a senior Iranian defense official announced that Iran plans to equip its military drones with missile capabilities.

"We observed the operation of Iran's combat Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs) in the recent wargames conducted by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and we plan to mount missile systems onto these drones," Deputy Defense Minister for Industrial and Research Mohammad Eslami told FNA at the time.

Early in July, the IRGC Aerospace Force conducted three days of massive missile drills, codenamed Payambar-e Azam 7 (The Great Prophet 7).

In March 2012, Iranian experts managed to produce a new type of drone which is capable of carrying out military and border patrol missions.

The new remote-controlled aircraft, called Shaparak (Butterfly), has a maximum operational radius of 50 kilometers (31 miles), and a maximum flight ceiling of 15,000 feet (4,572 meters), Reza Danandeh Hakamabad, the aeronautics engineer in charge of the project, said at the time.

The aircraft is capable of three and half hours of non-stop flying, and can carry an 8-kilogram (17-pound) payload.

Iran successfully tested a home-made radar-evading UAV with bombing capabilities in June 2009.

In February 2011, Iran inaugurated the production line of two home-made UAVs with bombing and reconnaissance capabilities.

The two hi-tech drones named 'Ra'd' (Thunder) and 'Nazir' (Harbinger) are capable of conducting long-range reconnaissance, patrolling, assault and bombing missions with high precision.

Ra'd which is a UAV of choice for assault and bombing missions has the capability to destroy the specified targets with high pinpoint precision.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in August 2010 unveiled the country's first home-made combat Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).

The combat drone, named Karrar, was unveiled in a special ceremony in Tehran marking the national 'Day of Defense Industry'.

The Karrar UAV is capable of carrying a military payload to carry out bombing missions against ground targets. It is also capable of flying long distances at a very high speed.

SADID projektil

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 307


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