Oružane snage islamske republike Iran


Oružane snage islamske republike Iran

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

nelsa ::I to su F-5-ce nabavljene za vrjeme šaha,samo iz drugog ugla.
Pogledaj drugu sliku odozgo. F-5 iz vremena šaha u poniranju ima potpuno tanak i ravan nos odozdo. Ovi za koje sam pitao šta su imaju "trbuh" koji se proteže od krila do vrha nosa. To stari F-5 nemaju. Idi na IMF; Air force ; IRIAF F-5 ; Reply 43-48 tamo se spominje Azarakhsh imaju i fotke. Možda mi se čini, ne bi bilo prvi puta, ali nešto je drugačije ....

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 307

nelsa da li znas kako je bespilotna letjelica uocena, radarom ili opticki da je neko primjetio sa zemlje???
ovdje na snimci se kaze kako neprijatelj nije mogao radarom da je uoci vec opticki...

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 835

Zna li se koji model bespilotne letjelice su koristili? Model na kompjuterskoj animaciji sličan je modelu koji je prikazan za vrijeme poslednje parade u Iranu.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

U klipu komentator kaže da je naziv letjelice AYYOUB, izgled i tip neznam jer je grafički prikaz bez stvarni fotki a ni detaljni podataka nema,u klipu se takodje kaže da je dizajn letjelice Iranski ali tvrde da su oni proizveli i sastavili letjelicu uz pomoč Libanski kadrova iz Hezbolaha,po mom mišljenju oni su vjerovatno samo sklopili letjelicu vjerovatno uz pomoč instruktora iz Irana jer nevjerujem da imaju proizvodne kapacitete za to ali ko zna činjenica je da je Hezbolah postao mala profesionalna Armija i oni za one koji to neznaju djeluju isključivo na teritoriji Libana i aktiviraju se onda kada Izrelska vojska predje granicu Libana,takodje uzvračaju i na napade artiljerijom ili iz zraka.
Djeluju i ratuju isključivo protiv vojske i vojni ciljeva a raketne napade izvode kao odmazdu i odgovor na Izraelsko granatiranje ili napade iz zraka,takodje vrše upade na punktove i napade na patrole u pograničnoj tampon zoni koju drži Izrael ali su mete isključivo vojne.
Ne koriste auto bombe i tome slično, organizovani su kao i bilo koja druga vojska i svi su uniformisani sa kompletnom opremom(uniforma,šljem,oružije...) i ponavljam po doktrini djeluju samo na teritoriji Libana kao vojna formacija koja izvodi klasične vojne operacije.

Parada Hezbolaha

Promotivni klip Hezbolaha

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Dokumentarac Iranske Pres TV o Hezbolahu (prve 2.5 minute traju uvodni inserti)

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 835

Napisano: 14 Okt 2012 11:27

Citat:Hezbollah drone scanned Israel missile sites, main airfields: Report

"Info sent by Hezbollah drone unknown"
"Hezbollah drone opens new chapter"

The drone Hezbollah recently sent into the Israeli airspace has photographed secret military bases inside the occupied territories, a report says.

According to the UK newspaper Sunday Times, “The drone, which was airborne for three hours before being intercepted by an F-16 jet, is believed to have transmitted pictures of preparations for Israel’s biggest joint military exercise with the US army, which began last week, as well as ballistic missile sites, main airfields and, possibly, its nuclear reactor in Dimona.”

The report also stated that the interception of the unmanned aerial vehicle was “botched” when the first missile fired by the Israeli warplane missed.

On October 12, Lebanese television Al Manar broadcast footage simulating how the resistance movement sent the drone deep into the Israeli airspace, evading radar systems.

Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah confirmed the flight.

The operation, code-named Hussein Ayub (the ex-commander of Hezbollah air force who was martyred in 1996), saw Hezbollah’s drone fly hundreds of kilometers into the Israeli airspace and get very close to Dimona without being detected by advanced Israeli and US radars, Nasrallah said during a televised speech on October 11.

“This is only part of our capabilities,” he said, adding that the Israelis have admitted to their security failure despite being provided with the latest technologies by Western powers.

The Hezbollah secretary general also stated that the drones are made in Iran but assembled by the resistance movement.

Hezbollah plans to send more drones over Israel in the future, he said, adding that the operation shows the resistance movement is ready to defend Lebanon.

Security analysts say the incident indicates that the Israeli military is incapable of handling a surprise attack despite the numerous military maneuvers regularly conducted by the regime.

Intelligence experts contend that the interloper should have been intercepted from the Mediterranean as it entered the skies of the Gaza Strip, before it was shot down over the Yatir Forest south of the city of al-Khalil.

Dopuna: 14 Okt 2012 21:57

Citat:Iran builds new bomber drone Hazem

Iranian bomber drone Karrar (file photo)

A senior Iranian commander says the country’s experts have built a new unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with bombing abilities.

Commander of Iran’s Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili broke the news on Sunday saying the new drone, named Hazem, is a long range aircraft which can be used in air defense operations.

Esmaili noted that the drone will be used in targeting and identification operations, and for carrying cargo whenever needed.

The Iranian commander added that Hazem is not designed for carrying missiles, but we can mount explosives on them.

In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems.

Karrar, Iran’s first indigenous long-range drone unveiled in August 2010, is capable of carrying a military payload of rockets to carry out bombing missions against ground targets, flying long distances at a very high speed, and gathering information.

The country’s indigenous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Shahed 129, unveiled in September, 2012, can carry out combat and reconnaissance missions with its 24-hour nonstop flight capability.

Tehran has repeatedly assured other nations that its military might poses no threat to other countries, insisting that the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102325

Za sada po jos nepotrvdjenim informacija o tipu aviona,srusio se iranski
F-4Phantom ili F-14Tomcat,dva clana posade su poginula.

Arrow http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4291863,00.html

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 16 Okt 2012 18:49

Dopuna: 18 Okt 2012 22:37

U.S. Navy, Allies Find Less Than Half the Sea Mines Planted in Key Exercise

Below the flight deck of the USS Enterprise, one of the aircraft carriers that participated in the mine hunting exercise in September. Photo by Dan Sagalyn

A major international naval exercise last month in and around the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea, led by the U.S. Navy with more than 30 other nations participating, located fewer than half of the practice mines laid at sea.

This outcome of the highly publicized military drills — not publicly known until now — underscores how difficult it may be for the United States and its partners to detect and incapacitate waterborne explosive devices that Iran has threatened to plant if its nuclear facilities come under attack.

Out of the 29 simulated mines that were dropped in the water, “I don’t think a great many were found,” retired Navy Capt. Robert O’Donnell, a former mine warfare director for his service, told the NewsHour. “It was probably around half or less.”

Navy officials, though, said the drill was constructive and asserted that focusing on the number of mines detected alone would paint an incomplete picture.

“We enjoyed great success,” said Cdr. Jason Salata, the top public affairs officer for the 5th Fleet. “Every platform that was sent to find a shape found a shape. We stand by that.” Salata asserted that “there were no missed mines, each platform that had an opportunity to find the mine did so.”

The drill, dubbed International Mine Countermeasures Exercise 2012 or IMCMEX, brought together countries from all over the world at a time when tensions with Iran have been heating up. Tehran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world’s most important choke points through which 20 percent of the world’s oil flows.

The surprising mine-detection result came in what one senior Navy official told the NewsHour was “one of the most significant and strategically important exercises of the year.” It was also the largest exercise of its kind ever held in the region.

Being able to find and destroy sea mines is critical to maintaining stable world oil prices and global economic growth.

“The Strait [of Hormuz] remains a vital sea lane of communications to us and our partners,” Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said earlier this year. “We are determined to preserve freedom of transit there in the face of Iranian threats to impose a blockade.”

“I just felt that they should have done better,” said O’Donnell, clearly disappointed with the outcome of this key measure of performance. “That’s the point of the exercise, to do mine-countermine [operations] in an area, and to find the mines.”

Now a consultant, O’Donnell was invited by the Navy to observe the September exercise firsthand as it unfolded.

The Navy declined to provide data on how many practice mines were located during the two-week naval drill but did not dispute that less than half were found. However, a spokesman insisted that the figures do not tell the whole story and that the event was “‘not just about finding” the dummy mines.

“Numbers alone do not tell the story of IMCMEX’s effectiveness and success,” said Lt. Greg Raelson, a media officer with the 5th fleet, stationed in Bahrain. “We operated ships, helicopters, divers, and unmanned undersea vehicles with accuracy and effectiveness, confirming our ability to respond to maritime mine threats in the undersea environment. Because of this exercise, we were able to enhance partnerships and further hone the international community’s ability to ensure the safe and free flow of navigation.”

However, some analysts with extensive experience in evaluating Navy mine exercises say the rate of success in detecting practice mines is critically important.

“I would be surprised if the post-exercise analysis didn’t include some kind of a scoring mechanism of how well did we do against this set” of imitation mines, said Scott Savitz, a senior RAND engineer who, in a prior job, led Navy-contracted teams to analyze counter-mine exercises. The central point of a mine-hunting exercise is “to find them all, because in the real-world scenario you want to minimize the subsequent mine risk,” he said.

“You want to try to ascertain how well you are doing. You need a find a certain number of mines and a certain number of attempts to hunt or sweep them in order to get anything statistically meaningful,” Savitz said. “If we get zero or one or two, it doesn’t tell us much. It’s not granular enough.”

During the exercise, the military’s top commander of U.S. Naval forces in the Middle East stressed two key objectives for the drill: To practice working together with other countries, and to find simulated mines.

On board the USS Ponce, the command ship for mine hunting operations in the Persian Gulf, sailors practice using surveillance equipment. Watch this video to see the unmanned aerial vehicle called Scan Eagle land by snagging a cable with its wing. The camera in the aircraft feeds back video to sailors who watch for threatening boats.

“This exercise is about getting the mines of out the water, and making sure people can sail through the Strait of Hormuz,” Vice Adm. John Miller, the commander of the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, told reporters in Bahrain as the exercise was getting under way. “And what it’s really about is the opportunity to operate together in an international coalition and to make sure we can complete all the tasks that need to be completed.”

The top U.S. combatant commander for the region last month said the exercise was intended to realistically simulate possible military scenarios.

“We train as you do the real thing,” said Gen. James Mattis, the commander of U.S. military forces in the Middle East said while onboard a command-and-control vessel, USS Ponce, during the exercise. “You’ve got to train the same way that you operate every day at sea.”

One of the Navy spokesmen asserted last week that the military did not intend to go after all the mock mines laid for the exercise, much as an individual might focus a session at the gym on selected pieces of equipment but skip those that are unnecessary.

“My trainer builds me a workout,” said Salata. “Perhaps my trainer does not want me to work on some of the equipment. Maybe I don’t have enough time to get to all of the equipment. But based on my expectations, and the objectives of the session, I still may have an amazing workout and enjoy great success.”

Likewise, in terms of last month’s exercise, he said, “the number of shapes found vs. the number of shapes laid does not tell a clear story.”

Savitz, the RAND engineer, said a selective approach to testing counter-mine readiness might indeed have been appropriate for last month’s drill.

“If the goal is to do some of the monkey bars and then…we have something else that is in a slightly different environment and we are going to be testing your skills in that,” he said, the exercise approach might have given participating nations “a broad sampling of all of the parts of the decathlon” and “that may make sense.”

Navy spokesmen said that following the exercise, a key measure of achievement would be to see how many countries partake in the next drill.

“So how do we see success in this case? Well, the biggest tell will be the participation interest for next year’s exercise, which is already being planned,” Raelson said.

But others see coalition-building as just one piece of a fruitful military exercise.

Former Navy Lt. Cdr. Stephen Burke, who served aboard ships in the Persian Gulf when it was infested with mines during the U.S. war with Iraq in 1990-1991, said 5th Fleet officials are “putting the spin on it” when they emphasize the 30-nation participation without detailing how well those countries did at finding mines.

When the U.S. Navy is “trying to get people to participate, you don’t get them to participate by telling them that they don’t do very well,” Burke said. “It was a big love-in exercise to get them to keep coming back and to build a coalition.”

Mine-hunting is quite challenging, he emphasized.

The less-than-50-percent success rate in the exercise shows “it’s very difficult to detect shapes on the seabed and discriminate between rocks and other debris from the actual mines you are actually trying to go after,” Burke said. Well aware of the tall order involved, the Navy likely laid “10 shapes in order for the probability of finding at least one of them,” he surmised.

Meantime, U.S. naval forces are trying to build a wide coalition of foreign navies to show resolve in confronting Iran, he said.

“They are trying to get everyone — especially the partner nations that may not have a robust capability — to come away from the exercise feeling good about themselves for having accomplished something positive,” Burke said. “So it’s like seeding a lake for fishing. You put more fish in there than you expect your customers to catch, but you want them to all go away having caught a fish.”

That said, setting an objective of maximizing international partner participation “in and of itself is not bad,” Burke said, given a perceived political need to signal to Iran that the international community is determined to keep the Strait of Hormuz open.

Raelson, the 5th Fleet media officer, emphasized the collaborative military successes involved.

“Each ship, unmanned underwater vehicle and helicopter that was tasked with finding a practice mine in a particular geographic operating area did. The use of shapes enabled participants to use their individual capabilities in their three regional environments while proving interoperability, compatibility and information exchange,” he said. “It was not the intention to utilize the inaugural IMCMEX to validate effectiveness by assessing individual nations’ capabilities and nor would it be appropriate for us to comment too deeply on tactical performance.”

O’Donnell said the exercise appears to have been useful, but the United States and its military partners should look to future counter-mine drills to more fully prepare for real-world threats.

“All in all, I guess that the exercise was a success since so many nations participated and they were able to communicate with each other,” said the retired Navy captain. “Next time, though, I think they should do a better job of finding the drill mines that were there.”

Editor’s note: This is the last article in the series focusing on the Strait of Hormuz and Iran’s threat to mine the chokepoint. Watch the broadcast report here:


Dopuna: 18 Okt 2012 23:07

  • Pridružio: 25 Apr 2012
  • Poruke: 440


Vijest iz 2008-e, slucajno naletih pretrazujuci stranicu Đure Đakovića.


To je zanimljivo iako je 2008-a već daleko iza nas. Ne posjećuju Iranski diplomate ĐĐ i Hrvatske vojne pogone baš svaki dan. Kladim se da su imali neki biznis na vojnom nivou po pitanju održavanja Iranskih tenkova, vjerovatno i nabave djelova itd...to su one stvari koje se radi očito iza zatvorenih vrata. Iranci su ipak imali šta naučiti od ĐĐ i to im je sigurno dobro došli. Volio bih znati održavaju li i dalje kakve kontakte, sastanke, suradnju itd...a u isto vrijeme sa Izraelcima se radilo na oklopu za M-84D...šteta što nije uvijek sve za javnost da se zna kako i šta rade takve tvrtke kao što su recimo ĐĐ, kakve sve satanke i poslove obavljaju sa nekim drugim državama itd. Većinom se takve stvari ne objavljuju nigdje.


Cro Cop

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 19 Okt 2012 11:15

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) forces have held a military drill southeast of the Iranian capital of Tehran, Press TV reports.

Around 15,00 IRGC military personnel and the voluntary Basij forces took part in the drill which was attended by IRGC Deputy Commander Brigadier General Hossein Salami.

“The Zionist regime [of Israel] is bringing baseless threats against Iran,” Salami said on the sidelines of the drill. “They are not advanced or equipped defensively against Iran especially after the [Iranian] drone [was] sent into Israel.”

The Iranian commander also referred to the economic sanctions imposed against the Iranian people saying that “enemies are trying to make a scenario by playing psychological warfare to put pressure on our people to give in to Western standards of living. But we see as the West increases its pressure Iranians become stronger and more united to stand up to arrogant powers.”

Salami said that the Zionist regime of Israel uses political bluffs and psychological threats against Iran, but the “Iranian people have decided to stand strong and united against pressures by Western countries.”

“Our strength will allow us to weather these times of pressure against our people, economy, and defense capabilities,” he stated.

The IRGC military drills are being conducted in eight different regions throughout Iran and will continue until October 19, 2012.

The United States, Israel and some of their allies have accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program with Tel Aviv recently stepping up its threats against the Islamic Republic.

Iranian officials reject the allegations, saying that Iran will never initiate a war but will give a crushing response to any military strike against the country.


Vježbe su bile usmjerene na odbranu od masovnog napada iz zraka i borbe u uslovima poput oni u Siriji,navodno se u Iranu intezivno treniraju Sirijske trupe i članovi Hezbolaha za borbu protiv pobunjenika u Siriji.

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