The USS Jacksonville, a large nuclear submarine, has broken its periscope after colliding with a vessel which escaped unscathed. This is the latest collision to involve a US vessel in the busy and tense oil chokepoint of the Strait of Hormuz.
The American sub was performing a routine pre-dawn patrol when seamen heard a “thump”, according to a Navy source who spoke to several news agencies. The crew tried to ascertain the damage by looking into its periscope, only to realize it was no longer working. The other periscope on the submarine revealed that the first one had been “sheared off”.
It appears the ‘fishing trawler’ that collided with the 7,000-tonne submarine was not only undamaged, but barely noticed the accident.
“The vessel continued on a consistent course and speed, offering no indication of distress or acknowledgement of a collision,” says an official statement published on the US Navy website.
Authorities insist that USS Jacksonville is in no immediate danger.
“The reactor remains in a safe condition, there was no damage to the propulsion plant systems and there is no concern regarding watertight integrity,” they said.
The cost of repairing the damaged periscope are as yet unclear, but the discontinued Los Angeles-class submarines, to which USS Jacksonville belongs, would cost over $1 billion to build in today’s money (the sub was launched in 1978).
USS Jacksonville has now returned to Bahrain, where its damage will be assessed.
The Strait of Hormuz, by far the world’s busiest oil choke point and less than 40km across at its narrowest, has been a scene of several collisions since tension has risen between Iran and the US over the past two years.
The latest spiral of tension in the waterway, which is controlled by Iran on the north side, and US allies Oman and the United Arab Emirates on south, started with the gradual imposition of sanctions on the export of Iranian oil to most Western countries over the last two years.
In response, Iran has repeatedly threatened to close the strait, which transits a third of the world’s sea-borne oil, through ‘asymmetrical’ measures such as laying extensive minefields.
To counter the threat, the US and its allies have deployed what UK media has reported is the biggest concentrated naval force since World War II.
In the crowded passageway, with distrustful captains from dozens of nations operating at cross-purposes, collisions are inevitable.
Most notably, in August last year a Japanese oil tanker left a 3-meter-wide hole in the side of Navy destroyer USS Porter.
Dopuna: 14 Jan 2013 21:01
USAF c-130 na aerodromu Kerman Iran,od 26-28 decembra 2004 transportni avioni USAF C-130 su dostavili pomoć stanovništvu pogodjenom razornim zemljetresom koji je pogodio Iran.
Iranski ministar ekonomije i financija, Shamseddin Hosseini, objavio je kako je plan Irana "napustiti euro i dolar u budućim međunarodnim transakcijama". Kao razlog razvoja ovakvog plana ističu se sankcije koje su Iranu nametnule SAD i Europska Unija.
"Iranska Vlada odlučila je napustiti valute kao što su dolar i euro u svojoj vanjskoj trgovini", istaknuo je Hosseini u razgovoru za medije za vrijeme održavanje ekonomskog summita u Teheranu ovog ponedjeljka. Nadalje, ističe kako je Iranska Centralna Banka odmah nakon uvođenja sankcija krenula s promjenom rezervi "čvrstih valuta" u zlato te kako se ispostavilo da je taj potez "pozitivan za zemlju".
Ovime daje do znanja kako je Iran spreman za zaokret u svojoj trgovini te kako će ovaj model smanjiti potrebu Irana za posjedovanjem valuta kao što su dolar i euro. Pod žestokim sankcijama Iran je bio prisiljen tražiti nove modele i puteve te izgleda kako u tome dobro napreduje. Naime, Hosseini je također istaknuo kako su iranski trgovinski partneri već pozdravili ovu odluku, naročito zbog valutnog rata koji predvodi američki dolar kroz vlastitu devalvaciju, ali i zbog ekonomske krize u zapadnim zemljama zbog čega su mnoge druge zemlje svjesne da trebaju smanjiti svoju ovisnost o dolaru i euru.
Još 22. studenoga 2012, guverner Centralne Banke, Mahmoud Bahmani, pozvao je na uporabu lokalnih valuta unutar globalnog trgovinskog sistema kao alternativu dominantnim valutama.
"Iran je napravio dobru stvar kada je pokrenuo mjere za uklanjanjem dominantnih valuta, naročito dolara i eura, iz svojih rezervi stranih valuta i svoje međunarodne razmjene. Uradivši to, Iran je pokazao kako je moguće trgovati bez oslanjanja na velike valute", istaknuo je.
Zanimljivo je kako su zapadne zemlje nametnule rigidne sankcije Iranu nadajući se kako će time slomiti, ili barem znatno narušiti, iransku ekonomiju. Kako vrijeme prolazi, pokazuje se kako u tome nisu pretjereno uspješni. Štoviše, neopravdanim sankcijama prisilili su Iran na traženje novih načina trgovine, što bi u konačnici moglo biti pogubno upravo za one sile koje su i krenule s uvođenjem sankcijama.
Nije tajna kako se velik dio moći - ako ne i sva moć - velikih sila zapada kao što su SAD i EU, nalazi upravo u činjenici da su njihove valute globalno dominantne. Također nije tajna kako nove rastuće ekonomije, u prvom redu BRICS (vidi: BRICS i novi gospodarski poredak - protuteža sadašnjim centrima moći), nastoje oslabiti taj utjecaj na svjetskoj razini. Do sada su već predložene mjere kao što je osnivanje novih zajedničkih valuta itd. No, Iran - pošto ni nema drugog izbora - sada među prvima krči put ka novim trgovinskim pravilima, bez sumnje na zanimanje mnogih njegovih ekonomskih partnera koji u ovoj velikoj krizi očekuje svoje jačanje, a sukladno tome i slabljenje dojučerašnjih primarnih globalnih sila.
Ovaj plan Irana zasigurno se neće desiti "preko noći", već se radi o postepenom procesu isključivanja dominantnih valuta iz vanjske trgovine. Naravno, za adekvatnu realizaciju ovakvog plana Iranu u susret moraju izaći i njegovi ključni trgovinski partneri. S Turskom je već ostvaren odličan odnos prema ovim novim pravilima (vidi: Turska mijenja zlato za iranski plin: bilateralna trgovina cvjeta unatoč sankcijama saveznika).
Štoviše, upravo je iransko-turska bilateralna trgovina ogledni primjer kako dvije države mogu pokrenuti "specijalan" model koji nije u okvirima dominantne trgovine vodećim valutama. Pritom, kao i uvijek, ne treba smetnuti s uma kako su Iran i Turska trenutačno na poprilično oprečnim stavovima glede vanjske politike, naročito kada je riječ o konfliktu u Siriji. Nema sumnje da bez ovih trzavica i ekonomija bi funkcionirala još i bolje.
Naravno, bilo bi naivno misliti da bi vodeće sile, EU i SAD, tek tako dopustile da se razvije, po njih, alternativni model koji im u konačnici može nesagledivo naštetiti. Prva reakcija već je vidljiva - SAD nastoji čistom silom i utjecajem spriječiti realizaciju ovog procesa. Američki senat krajem prošle godine izglasao je niz novih sankcija protiv Irana, no za razliku od prethodnih sankcija, ovog puta se direktno cilja i njihov odnos s Turskom, točnije trgovina "zlato za naftu" (opširnije: Američki Senat uveo dodatne sankcije Iranu, SAD želi kraj trgovine "zlato za naftu" između Irana i Turske).
No, što ovo zapravo znači? Ovo više nisu sankcije samo protiv Irana, već na neki način i protiv Turske. SAD očito koristi činjenicu da trenutačno u Ankari sjedi Vlada i premijer koji je odabrao bez pogovora slijediti njihove "upute". Erdogan je već uvelike naštetio vlastitoj zemlji time što je odlučio "tiho" ratovati protiv susjedne Sirije, ali prihvaćanje još pogubnih zahtjeva za Tursku neće ga dugo održati na vlasti. Ili će on morati mijenjati svoj stav ili će ga unutarnja politika smijeniti. Turska je ekonomski dovoljno snažna zemlja da se zauzme za svoj nacionalni interes, a to se već može vidjeti i iz najnovijih izjava koje stižu iz ministarstva gospodarstva (vidi: Turski ministar gospodarstva kritizirao EU zbog pritiska na Ankaru povodom trgovine "zlato za naftu" s Iranom: "Turska neće slušati EU").
Ovo bi morao biti "poziv za buđenje" turskim dužnosnicima, bar onima koji drže do dugoročno održive ekonomije i nacionalnog suvereniteta, jer premijer Erdogan očito nije dovoljno dalekovidan da uoči predstojeće promjene koje se dešavaju na globalnoj razini.
Ono na čemu Iran svim snagama inzistira je stvaranje "Novog svjetskog poretka" - ali ne "onakvog" novog svjetskog poretka čija se definicija može svesti na kontrolu cijele planete iz par usko povezanih financijskih centara moći - već stvaranje tzv. "multipolarnog" svijeta u kojem postoji prostor široke autonomije za države i njihov suverenitet. Drugim riječima, poredak u kojem svaka zemlja ima pravo ostvarivati svoje interese s bilo kojom drugom zemljom bez sputavanja, restrikcija i širenja vlastitog svjetonazora.
Štoviše, tu politiku Iran je predstavio svim zainteresiranim kandidatima, pa i Hrvatskoj za vrijeme gostovanja glasnogovornika ministra vanjskih poslova u Zagrebu u travnju prošle godine (vidi: Glasnogovornik iranskog ministarstva vanjskih poslova u Zagrebu: "Unatoč politikama EU, moja je preporuka da pratite nacionalne interese"). Ne treba biti naivan, zemlje poput Hrvatske nisu u adekvatnoj poziciji slijediti svoj nacionalni interes jer za takvo što nužna je prije svega snažna politička autonomija, a ona opet proizlazi iz snažnog gospodarstva. Kao što znamo, gospodarstvo u Hrvatskoj - blago rečeno - ne stoji baš najbolje.
Zato treba obratiti pozornost na zemlje koje bi mogle prihvatiti ovu ponudu, kao što smo već naveli, tu je Turska, ali i ekonomije istoka - Kina, Indija, Pakistan, Južna Koreja, Japan. Nadalje, imamo Rusiju i Latinsku Ameriku. No nemojmo sasvim otpisati ni pojedine europske ekonomije, Grčka i Italija već otvoreno negoduju protiv sankcija koje su uvedene Iranu.
Dakle, govorimo o velikom segmentu svijeta koji u ovom kriznom trenutku može, i treba, misliti na svoj interes te će time neminovno i dovesti do stvaranja tzv. "multipolarnog" svijeta. Zato i vidimo veliki razvoj odnosa na relaciji Teheran - zemlje Latinske Amerike. Štoviše, moglo bi se reći kako od svih navedenih jedino Rusija još uvijek nije sama sa sobom sigurna što točno želi - biti jedan od glavnih stupova multipolarnog svijeta ili će i dalje čekati primanje u "klub partnera" zapadnih sila. S vremenom i Moskva uviđa, baš kao što će uskoro uvidjeti i Turska, da zapadni model - makar još uvijek izgledao primamljiv - dugoročno ne može ponuditi previše.
U cijelom ovom procesu, koji se ubrzano odvija od izbijanja ekonomske krize, aktualna odluka Irana da krene s "eliminacijom važnosti" dvije dominantne valute, možda je i jedan od najvažnijih segmenata. No proces neće biti stabilan, u prvom redu zbog činjenice da se Iranu već godinama prijeti vojnom agresijom, a ta agresija - kada bi do nje zaista i došlo - mogla bi čistom silom zaustaviti proces koji je sada u tijeku. Neminovno ekonomske promjene ponovno nas odvode u domenu geopolitike, točnije do Sirije. Ukoliko se Sirija obrani od organiziranog pokušaja rušenja, daleko su manje šanse da bi se u skorašnje vrijeme mogla pokrenuti vojna ofenziva na Iran. S druge strane, ako Sirija doživi kolaps, Iran će se naći u daleko većoj opasnosti.
Iranci uvode unapredjeni Zulfikar-3 vjerovatno če i biti uveden kao Zulfikar 4 kako su mnogi već predvidjali,uglavnom za dvje sedmice će biti predstavljen u Bashmanu i ova če verzija ići u masovnu proizvodnju,poznavajuči njihovu praksu da uvode naoružanje i sisteme tek kada ih več uveliko masovno proizvode vjerovatno je proizvodnja več uveliko u toku,bar je ovako bilo sa ostalim sistemima.
Iranian Army to Unveil Optimized Zolfaqar Tank Soon
TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan said the Army plans to unveil an optimized version of the home-made Zolfaqar tank in the near future.
Improved Zulfaqar Tank to be shown in Bahman, after many years of testing and evaluation, the Defense counsil of Iranian army has voted to enter improved Zulfiqar tank into mass-production
"The tank's fire control system and stabilizer have been optimized and it will be unveiled by the next two weeks," Pourdastan told reporters here in Tehran on Tuesday.
He said the new version of Zolfaqar has gone under comparison with one of the most advanced battle tanks manufactured by the Eastern powers and has shown increasingly higher capabilities.
Iran will start mass-production of the tank after the approval of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, the Army Ground Force Commander said.
Pourdastan had earlier said that Iran continued optimizing Zolfaqar tanks in a bid to upgrade its capabilities against modern threats.
"Each day we work on a newer version of Zolfaqar tanks so that the tank could maintain its efficiency in the battlefield and ground defense," Pourdastan told FNA in September.
"We certainly make changes in Zolfaqar tanks in accordance to threats and prepare it and make it an advanced tank in accordance with our battleground needs."
Zolfaqar is a second generation of Iran's main battle tank (MBT). The test prototypes of the tank were evaluated in 1993. Six semi-industrial prototypes of the tank were produced and tested in 1997.
Zolfaqar is operated by a crew of three personnel. The automatic loader is believed to be the same one from the T-72 tank.
The Zolfaqar-1 uses a fire control system which enjoys a 'fire-on-the-move' technology. The Zolfaqar mounts a laser-warning pod on the turret. Its design enables the tank to use an Iranian-made package of reactive armor.
Zolfaqar-2 is a prototype tank used as a test bed. The Zolfaqar-3 also features considerable upgrades to the fire control system, chassis, engine and main gun, with a 125mm autoloader.
Podatak o težini Zulfikara je glupost,Zulfikar 1 je težine oko 43 t dok je prvi prototip iz '93 težine oko 40t koji nije imao ni auto punjač,imao je top 105 mm , manji pogon..itd. ostali serijski Z-1 su dobili na težini ugradnjom jačeg pogona,auto punjač,125 mm top...
Zulfikar 3 je dosta duži i širi sa večim pogonom,kupolom..itd i samim tim i teži,vidječemo kakav je ovaj što će iči u mas.proizvodnju.
Z-3 i Z-1
Dopuna: 17 Jan 2013 21:43
TEHRAN, Jan. 17 (MNA) – Iranian Intelligence Ministry has said that its agents have discovered a group of CIA undercover agents in what the Ministry defined as ‘constant and smart operations.’ Part of the operation has been carried out in France and elsewhere.
Matti Waluk, a CIA operator and executive of a CIA intelligence plan was arrested by security and intelligence agents of Iran along with other members of anti-Iran group.
“In 2008, I registered an employment website, NGR, and signed contracts with European prestigious companies to introduce expert human force to them. In 2009, an individual calling himself Steven Logano, contacted me via Prizma Company Email, purportedly to cooperate,” Mati Waluk accounts.
“In first days, I recognized that his real name was not Steven Logano, and that he is a senior CIA officer, with mission of infiltrating Iranian elite circles and collecting information on Iranian developments in hi-tech industries,” he adds.
Logano, like other members of the group, fell into the Iranian intelligence agents’ trap. In the past, several American had come to Iran for spying, among them were Stephan Richmond, born in 1967, and a US national, and Mark Anthony Vandiar, born in 1958, and a South African national.
These two CIA agents came to Iran under the titles of ‘biotechnology researchers’. They knew that Iran had achieved much in terms of biotechnology developments in more than a decade. They had made friends with science elites in Iran by holding scientific in biotechnology conferences in their own expenses, and transferred their personal information to CIA.
A third CIA agent was Faisal, a Morocco national, with higher education in IT, entered Iran to identify Iranian software and hardware elites, and inform US intelligent centers about that. He purportedly registers a company which was actually an undercover information center for his spies.
Herio Macherosa, with an eastern Asian country passport, was sent to collect critical information on nuclear program under the cover of scientific activity, and deliver them to western intelligence institutes.
A fourth agent was a Malaysian national, Douglas Fernandez, a Christian. To avoid the suspicions, introduces himself as Ali Abdrani. His mission was collecting information on nuclear program and military projects of Iran.
He was well aware that Iran had launched in rapid developments in science, and hence, was sent by CIA for spying. His disciple had made contacts with his targeted individuals on the Internet in Iran and had made appointments inside Iran, to identify and elicit sensitive information from them under commercial cooperation, and even put their names in assassination list of western sources.
The plan was aborted by the Iranian intelligence systemtracking the agents , and thus their mission, who would endanger Iran’s critical structures, had it failed.
Dokumentarac o Iranu,dotiče se svega od nuklearnog programa,revolucije,rata s Irakom pa do danas
Dopuna: 19 Jan 2013 21:30
Dopuna: 21 Jan 2013 21:20
Iran to Unveil New Defense Achievements in Days
18:12 | 2013-01-21
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi announced that his ministry would display several defense achievements in the next few days.
Vahidi said new achievements will be unveiled during the Ten-Day Dawn ceremonies from January 31 to February 10, celebrating the victory of the Islamic Revolution back in 1979.
The minister informed that a space observing base or space observatory, dubbed as 'Imam Sadeq', will be inaugurated during the Ten-Day Dawn ceremonies, adding that the base will be tasked with monitoring the country's expeditionary space missions.
The Iranian minister further announced that Iran would unveil the latest home-made fighter jets in the coming days, and said, "The aircraft will be different from the other fighter jets Iran has already made."
Pointing to the other projects and achievements to be unveiled in mid February, Vahidi said Iran would launch mass-production of air-defense products.
He added that important projects are underway in missile fields and will be announced later.
Iran has also taken wide strides in designing and manufacturing different types of light, semi-heavy and heavy weapons, military tools and equipment. Tehran launched an arms development program during the 1980-88 Iraqi imposed war on Iran to compensate for a US weapons embargo. Since 1992, Iran has produced its own tanks, armored personnel carriers, missiles and fighter planes.
Yet, Iranian officials have always stressed that the country's military and arms programs serve defensive purposes and should not be perceived as a threat to any other country.
Iranian Defense Minister will soon unveil the third generation of Iranian fighter jets, defense ministry official said.
Reports quoted Ahmad Vahidi as saying; "a new fighter jet to be unveiled soon, is designed as a bomber and performs both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. It is fully engineered by Islamic Republic of Iran's scientists and is considered a very important achievement for Iran."
This will be the third generation of Iranian fighter jets unveiled by Iranian defense ministry since the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Previously, Iran Defense industry had revealed "Azarakhsh" and "Saeqeh" for first and second generation of fighter jets respectively.
This new fighter jet, whose name has not been announced yet, has been designed for a new integrated avionics, coupled with new LCD monitors and intelligent flight helmets, which give pilot and co-pilot far more maneuverability time.
Citat:An explosion deep within Iran’s Fordow nuclear facility has destroyed much of the installation and trapped about 240 personnel deep underground, according to a former intelligence officer of the Islamic regime.The previously secret nuclear site has become a center for Iran’s nuclear activity because of the 2,700 centrifuges enriching uranium to the 20-percent level. A further enrichment to weapons grade would take only weeks, experts say.