Oružane snage islamske republike Iran


Oružane snage islamske republike Iran

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

@ Nelsa O kojem se radaru radi na ovoj fotki? Ikakvih podataka o njemu?

Na ovoj lici koju si postavio primijetio sam ovaj avion sa desne strane između rakete (Noor?) i F-4...Ima zeleno-bijelu kolor šemu. Koji je to avion? Ne mogu da razaznam čak i kad uvećam. SU-25 ili...??

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
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су 25..

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 20 Mar 2013 18:28

O radaru se ništa zvanično ne zna,neki su procjenili dimenzije na 5 do 6 X 2 do 2.5m ,zvanični informacija nema čak ni naziv nije objavljen.
Što se tiče radara iskreno čekao sam da Vrabac kaže nešto više o njemu,što se tiče radara poznajem materiju dobro i imam svoje neke pretpostavke ali mislio sam ipak sačekati da on kaže nešto o tome,ipak je on tu svoj na svome ali pošto nije reći ću ja a on neka me nadopuni i ispravi ako negdje fulam.
Ono što je očigledno da je phased array radar sa atenom koja se rotira po azimutu,antena je postavljena pod uglom tako da daje što bolju pokrivenost polja od 0-90 stepeni po visini,nabrojao sam 30 horizontalni redova/nizova radijatora, svaki red/niz sa svojim faznim zakretačem tj. 30 fazni zakretaća što bi značilo da je antena sa Planar sistemom ,po mojoj procjeni radar radi u S-bandu u kojem bi mogao imati odlično izbalansiran odnos izmedju snage ,dometa,preciznosti,veličine antene...takodje pored ovog radara Jamaran 2 je dobio izmedju ostalog FCS raradar kao na La Combattante IIa/Sina(Iranska unapredjena verzija koja se proizvodi unazad 7-8 g) klasi brzi napadni brodova.

Zbog bolje slike o radaru evo jedna i nosaća antene prije nego je radar montiran

Dopuna: 27 Mar 2013 21:54



Aframax tanker izradjen u Iranu za Venecuelu,jedan od četri koliko je naručeno.

Dopuna: 07 Apr 2013 1:36

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian defense officials announced on Saturday that the country would display its first 500-ton submarine in the next few months.

Deputy Defense Minister for Industrial and Research Affairs Mohammad Eslami said the designing and construction of Iran's new indigenous submarine is in its final phases and the new submarine will be launched by August 22, marking the National Day of the Defense Industry.

"All related works of this new submarine from designing to production of basic materials and equipments have been accomplished by local experts and proportionate to our conditions and needs," Eslami stated.

He added that the subsurface vessel with a weight of 500 tons will be Iran's first semi-heavy submarine and is a final ring in the china of the country's defense needs, given the other submarines, including Qadir-class light submarines and Tareq-class heavy submarines, that Iran already has.

In September 2012, the Iranian Navy officially launched a heavy submarine after the subsurface vessel was overhauled by the country's experts.

Tareq 901 submarine was launched in Iran's Southern port city of Bandar Abbas at the order of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution and Commander in Chief Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

In May 2012, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari lauded Iranian experts' success in repairing heavy submarines, saying their outstanding capabilities and mastery of the hi-tech used in naval vessels display the failure of enemy sanctions and pressures.

He said the submarine, called Tareq, is now fully ready to be dispatched to the high seas.

He pointed to the Supreme Leader's recent alarming remarks that enemies are trying to display Iranians as an incapable nation, and said, "Today we show that 'We Can', and that our ability is way beyond the enemy's imaginations."

In 2011, the Iranian Navy's Tareq-class submarine, 'Younus', managed to set a new record in sailing the international waters and high seas for 68 days.

Iran's Younus submarine, sailing alongside warships of the 14th fleet of the Iranian Navy, returned home in early June 2011 following an over two-month-long mission in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

The deployment of the Iranian submarine in the Red Sea was the first such operation by the country's Navy in far-off waters.


Dopuna: 13 Apr 2013 14:46

Iranian Army Test-Fires 3 New Missiles

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Army Ground Force announced on Saturday that it has tested three new missiles successfully.

"Three types of missiles developed by the Army and the Defense Industries have been successfully test-fired in the Ground Force's recent wargames," Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Force Gen. Kioumars Heydari told FNA on Saturday.

The General declined to mention the specific details of the newly tested missiles, but mentioned that these "ground-to-ground missiles are different from the Naze'at 10 and Fajr missiles in type".

He further said that the Ground Force will also unveil its new personnel carriers during the parades to be staged throughout the country on the National Army Day on April 18.

The Army Ground Force test-fired Naze'at-10 and Fajr-5 during military exercises in Central Iran in mid March.

The missiles, which have been designed and built by experts of the Army Ground Force, were test-fired during the first day of the Army's ground drills around Kashan (Isfahan Province) some 340 km South of the Iranian capital.

The missile and rocket units of the Army Ground Force were participating in the drills to display their latest achievements and defensive tactics.

The Fajr-5 is a long-range rocket artillery with a maximum range of 75 km, while Naze'at-10 is a medium-range ballistic missile.

Iranian officials and commanders have repeatedly stressed that all military exercises and trainings of the Iranian Armed Forces are merely meant to serve deterrent purposes.

"When the enemy observes that our Armed Forces are constantly in wargame zones and their fingers are kept on the trigger, it will not dare to invade the Islamic Iran's borders," Army Ground Force Commander Gen. Ahmad Pourdastan said in January, underlining the significance of military trainings for boosting the country's deterrent power.

  • Lokalni politikant
  • Pridružio: 24 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 640
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Napisano: 15 Apr 2013 22:55

Iranska vojska testirala tri nove rakete domace proizvodnje:


Dopuna: 16 Apr 2013 15:42

Evo jos malo o iranskoj raketi:


  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Vidjećemo dosta novi stvari na paradi povodom dana oružani snaga 18.04. tj za dva dana.

Testirana je nova varijanta protiv-brodskog balističkog projektila.

Iran’s deputy defense minister says the Islamic Republic has successfully test-fired a land-to-sea ballistic missile in the Persian Gulf.

Brigadier General Majid Bokaei said on Tuesday that the Defense Ministry has been able to test-fire the new missile, which has a high target-hitting capability.

The Iranian deputy defense minister added that the missile was a modified model of a surface-to-surface missile.

“This new missile, which has been equipped with a surface-to-surface missile system, exits the atmosphere after being launched, re-enters it at a high speed, and completely destroys the target vessel or warship,” Bokaei stated.

The Iranian commander said all the enemy warships and destroyers retreated away from the vicinity of Iran’s borders after the missile was test-fired.

Over the past years, Iran has made important breakthroughs in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing important military equipment and systems.

On January 1, Iranian forces tested the indigenous Nour (Light) surface-to-surface missile during the Velayat 91 naval maneuvers. Iran’s Navy launched the six-day naval drill on December 28, 2012, in order to display the country’s capabilities in defending its maritime borders.

The latest version of the indigenous surface-to-air missile Ra’d (Thunder) was also test-fired on December 31, 2012.

The Islamic Republic has repeatedly assured other nations, especially its neighbors, that its military might poses no threat to other countries, stating that its defense doctrine is based on deterrence.



  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Nelsa, hajde stavi nam koju fotku sa ove današnje parade. Čini se da ima novih stvari. Nije mi jasna ova djetinjjarija na IMF, da fotke mogu vidjeti samo članovi tog foruma. Kakva je svrha toga? Ionako se dosta toga može naći razbacano po drugim forumima. Evo jedne fotke tenka Zulfikar sa Pakistan defence forum. Neobično je da ima top 105 mm. Da nije ovo neki laki tenk na istoj platformi?

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Tenk je obični Z-3 sa 125 mm topom,svi Zserijski Zulfikar 1 i 3 imaju 125 mm top,postavit u poslje još fotki dok skinem.

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4961

Све си рекао Нелса што је видљиво. Вероватно на 3 гигахерца, ЕС банд. Модеран тренд по димензијама антене са функцијом аквизиције, дакле повећаном тачношћу. Монопулсни рад по вертикали у пријему. Рекао бих да су пенкало снопови и у емитовању дакле радар је по мојој процени полуактиван на предају и полуактиван на пријему.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 19 Apr 2013 23:21

Kao što se i predpostavljalo FAKOUR 90 A-A projektil je Iranska verzija AIM-54 Fenix,po navodima znatno unapredjena što se i pretpostavljalo na osnovu iskustavaiz sličnih projekata,po izgledu skoro identična različita tek u sitnim detaljima.


I jedna interesantna fotka Sirijskog snajperista sa iranskim Sayad 2 snajperom




Dopuna: 20 Apr 2013 16:09

Iran army integrates defensive canon with missile

TEHRAN, Apr. 20 (MNA) – The head of Iran’s Army Self-Sufficiency Jihad says Project Soheil, where defensive canons are integrated to missile, doubles targeting enemy fighter jets.

Brig. Gen. Seyyed Masoud Reza Zavarei, who was speaking in the unveiling ceremony of three new Ground Forces achievements today morning, said that last year, according to directives issued, achievements such as wind tunnel, Neinava War Machine, Shaher gun, and new generation of Zulfiqar tanks have been the Forces’ achievements.

“In current year, other new achievements would be unveiled in fields of arms, nanotechnology and artillery,” he added.

He also pointed to Fadak Wireless handset. “This wireless handset will be capable of upgrading and sending and receiving data and images,” Zavarei asserted.

Providing comments about T-72 tank simulator, he said that “this simulator, which is capability of networking, is joint enterprise of SASED, Alqadir Industries, and has been endorsed by the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces.”

“With production of 3 category of this simulator, simultaneous training of the crew of 4 tanks will be possible, and simulator will carry out armor tactics for the first time in the country,” Zavarei explained.

“Missile Project Soheil doubles the targeting of fighter jets. The project has been carried out to integrate canons to missiles, and defensive canons of the Ground Forces will be equipped with products of this project,” he added.



On Saturday General Ahmadreza Pourdastan unveiled 3 new army achievements, these achievements includes Fadak handheld radio, Sahan 3 four missile launcher(Soheil) and T-72 simulator.
Fadak radio is a 2 band radio with 360 degree coverage,one of the features of this radio is that because of using code jammer techniques it can not be jammed,a battery with 10 hour life and ability to detect and block unauthorised users.
T-72 new simulator allows networking and simultaneous training of 3 crews in all weathers day and night.
Head of research and self sufficiency jihad of Nezaja announced that with implanting soheil project chance of hitting hostile airplanes have increased by two times and the goal of soheil project is to combine AA artillery and missile and that army plans to equip all of its AA guns with this project.He also said that this year we will have new achievements in fields of weaponry,ammunition and nono technology.

Dopuna: 21 Apr 2013 12:50

A detachment of ships of the Russian Pacific Fleet on the way from Vladivostok to the Mediterranean Sea where Russia is forming a squadron entered the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas on an unofficial visit on Saturday.

The detachment consisting of The Admiral Panteleyev major anti-submarine ship, The Admiral Nevelskoy and The Peresvet large landing ships, The Foty Krylov ocean-going rescue ship, and The Pechenga sea tanker left Vladivostok on the 19th of April to do combat duty in the world ocean.
The Russian Ministry of Defence reported then that it has begun forming a separate Mediterranean squadron.

Voice of Russia, RIA

Dopuna: 21 Apr 2013 13:52

Napokon kvalitetne fotke,uglavnom umiksao sam fotke iz skoro svih gradova gdje su se održavale parade,parade su održane istovremeno u dvadesetak gradova,pored ovih ubačeno je još neki fotki noviji, ali pošto se radi o danu Armije (ARTESH) a ne o danu oružani snaga IRGC nisu učestvovali a u sklopu IRGC su raketne snage,imaju svoju mornaricu,vazduhoplovstvo i PVO,i u prošlosti do unazad 2-3 g je najkvalitetnije naoružanje je išlo njima tako da su njihove parade mnogo privlačnije.Tek u zadnjih par godina Armija(Artesh) je dobila pažnju i sredstva srazmjerno njihovoj veličini i ulozi koju imaju u oružanim snagama tako da e i oni sve bolje opremaju.

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4961

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