Poslao: 04 Jul 2013 11:34
- nelsa
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
- Poruke: 1118
On July 3, 1988, the cruiser USS Vincennes mistook a commercial jet for a hostile Iranian F-14 fighter plane, shooting it down and killing 290 people.
USS Vincennes Fires on Iran Air Flight 655
Iran Air Flight 655 took off from Bander Abbas Airport in southern Iran at 10:17 a.m., set for the 150-mile, 28-minute flight to Dubai, according to the Iran Chamber Society.
Previously stationed in the Persian Gulf during the Iran-Iraq war, the USS Vincennes was in the Straight of Hormuz, a body of water that the aircraft would have to pass over on its route. The USS Vincennes was sailing in Iranian waters, along with the USS Sides and USS Elmer Montgomery, and had just been in the midst of combat with Iranian vessels.
The inexperienced crewmembers believed the aircraft’s flight pattern and speed matched that of an Iranian fighter descending at high speed toward the ship. The Navy said it attempted to contact Iran Flight 655 numerous times on civilian radio frequencies, never receiving a response. The Vincennes fired, killing all 290 people on board the plane.
Citing recent attacks, the U.S. government made it clear that there was an eminent threat of attack on the U.S. Navy. According to the Navy, only after other alternatives were exhausted did the Vincennes crew justifiably act in self-defense to what it perceived to be a threat during a time of war.
According to a letter written to Congress by President Ronald Reagan on July 4, the Vincennes was “firing in self-defense at what it believed to be a hostile Iranian military aircraft.”
Background: Iran-Iraq War and the attack on the USS Stark
Iran Chamber Society: Shooting Down Iran Air Flight 655
BNET (US Department of State Bulletin): Iranian airbus tragedy
Encyclopedia Britannica: Iran-Iraq War
Time: Escort Service for the Gulf
NavyBook.com: No Higher Honor: USS Stark on fire
Time: Blaming Men, Not Machines
Newsweek: Sea Of Lies
The New York Times: The Roots and the Rudiments of Compensation to Foreigners
The New York Times: Failure and Danger in the Gulf
U.S. Navy: Fact File: Aegis System
The attack on Flight 655 occurred during the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq. The war broke out over both nations' claims to the oil-rich area along their shared border. The exact number of casualties is unclear but it is estimated that 1 to 2 million people died as a result of the conflict, according to Encyclopedia Britannica.
U.S. Navy vessels were stationed in international waters in the Persian Gulf in order to prevent Iran from destroying Kuwaiti and Saudi oil vessels. Iran had attacked dozens of these ships.
Approximately a year prior to the Vincennes incident, in 1987, a rogue Iraqi Mirage F-1 fighter launched two Exocet missiles at the USS Stark, killing more than 30 sailors. The attack was unprovoked and the Stark, not expecting it, did not take defensive measures. The Stark was struck by the first of two missiles as it attempted to contact the Iraqi fighter via radio to issue a warning.
Learn more about the history of U.S.-Iranian relations in findingDulcinea’s reviews of Iranian Revolutions and U.S. Presidents’ Policies Toward Iran.
Opinion & Analysis: Was the U.S. Provoking Iran?
According to a subsequent review, particularly of the Aegis system, "a complex network of radar and computers" onboard the USS Vincennes, "blame fell not on the machines but on the men who were operating them," Time magazine reported.
Some observers said memories of the slow American response to an Iraqi air attack on the USS Stark a year earlier, as well as the wartime environment of the Iran-Iraq war, may have induced panic in the crew. But Iran believed that the attack was deliberate, and many journalists suspected a U.S cover-up, speculating that the Navy, anxious for wartime action, had been overly aggressive, reported Newsweek.
Days after the incident Gary Sick wrote in The New York Times, “The evidence suggests that our aggressive patrolling strategy tends to start fights, not end them. We behave at times as if our objective was to goad Iran into a war with us, when our real objective is to get Iran and Iraq to stop fighting.”
Just over a week after the incident, the United States agreed to pay compensation to victims' families on an “ex gratia” basis, meaning that it did not admit fault or accept liability. A White House spokesman remarked that the fault lied with “those who refuse to end the conflict.”
Related Topic: Aegis Missile System
According to the U.S. Navy, "The Aegis system was designed as a total weapon system, from detection to kill. The heart of the system is the AN/SPY-1, an advanced, automatic detect and track, multi-function phased-array radar."
Poslao: 06 Jul 2013 00:54
- Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 2595
- Gde živiš: Čačak
Kako prenosi glas Rusije.
Iran usavršio zenitne sisteme s-200
Одбрамбено-индустријски комплекс Ирана усавршио је ракетне системе С-200 совјетске производње, скративши време њихове реакције. Захваљујући побољшањима знатно је скраћено време, потребно за лансирање ракета пошто је откривен циљ у ваздуху.
Модификовани С-200, сада су такође у стању да погађају не само стратешке и вишеструке циљеве, већ и да дају параметре циљева другим зенитним прорачунима. Системи су способни да обарају ваздушне циљеве на удаљености од 200 до 350 километара.
Poslao: 06 Jul 2013 01:19
- vrabac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 4961
Napisano: 06 Jul 2013 1:13
*да дају параметре циљева другим зенитним прорачунима*
Šta to znači ?
Dopuna: 06 Jul 2013 1:19
Zapravo sistem je toliko ozbiljno modernizovan da je poprimo i osobine protivraketne odbrane.
Poslao: 07 Jul 2013 13:06
- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 835
Napisano: 07 Jul 2013 13:00
Citat:Commander of air defence forces (Khatm-al-Anbia air defence base) says "Mobile" version of S-200 has been made and will be unveiled in next air defence wargames, "Defenders of Velayat Sky 5".
He says in addition to increase of fire power, pinpoint targeting capability has been added on this S-200 and it has been effective.
He indicated to order of supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khameneyi to make s-200 system as a mobile systems and says mobilizing air defense systems isn't limited to S-200 we are going to make mobile, all gun and missile air defense systems.
Izvor: IMF
Dopuna: 07 Jul 2013 13:06
Citat:Iranski ambasador u Bejrutu: "Iran je spreman opremiti libanonsku vojsku"
Iranski ambasador u Bejrutu, Ghazanfar Roknabadi, istaknuo je kako je Iran spreman opremiti libanonsku vojsku s nužnim materijalima. "Već smo ranije istaknuli naš stav koji se nije promijenio. Uvijek smo spremni pomoći oko opremanja libanonske vojske", rekao je Roknabadi za vrijeme sastanka s liderom libanonske stranke Slobodni Patriotski pokret, Michelom Aounom u Bejrutu.
Iranski ministar obrane, General Ahmad Vahidi, već je ranije istaknuo kako je Teheran spreman na obrambenu suradnju s Bejrutom čim Libanon to zatraži. "Libanon je naš prijatelj. Ukoliko zadobijemo bilo kakav zahtjev oko opremanja vojske, imamo puni potencijal po tom pitanju", rekao je.
Za vrijeme razgovora u Bejrutu, iranski ambasador Roknabadi još jednom je istaknuo kako Iran podupire libanonski pokret otpora, Hezbollah, kao i vlasti u Siriji. Naglašen je službeni stav Teherana prema sukobu u Siriji koji se protivi svakom obliku strane vojne intervencije te se poziva na dijalog, nacionalnu pomirbu i slobodne izbore kao rješenje za okončanje sukoba u Siriji.
Michel Aoun, vođa stranke Slobodni Patriotski pokret, je bivši vojni zapovjednik s činom generala. Stranka Slobodni Patriotski pokret druga je najveća stranka u libanonskom parlamentu, odmah iza Harrijeve Pokret za Budućnost, i najveća je kršćanska stranka u Libanonu, no neki članovi stranke su i Šijiti. Trenutačno se nalazi u koaliciji "8. Ožujak" u kojoj je i Hezbollah s 12 zastupnika.
Aoun je podržao oružanu intervenciju Hezbollaha protiv militanata u Siriji za vrijeme bitke za Qusair. "Hezbollah su intervenirali tek onda kada su naselja u kojima su živjeli Libanonci pala u ruke pobunjenika", istaknuo je Aoun.
Poslao: 22 Jul 2013 08:59
- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 835
Napisano: 20 Jul 2013 0:47
Neke ideje kako bi mogla izgledati mobilna verzija S-200
Na poslednje dvije slike je kubanska modifikacija S-75 na tijelu T-55
Dopuna: 22 Jul 2013 8:59
Iran uveo u upotrebu nove transportere za oklopna vozila.
Citat:Iranian Army Ground Forces Unveil Indigenous Tank Transporter
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran unveiled a tank transporter, dubbed Sayyad (Hunter), designed and manufactured by the Iranian Army’s Ground Forces.
The new achievement was unveiled at a ceremony attended by Commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Forces Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan.
“The vehicle, considered a strategic one, is capable of transporting all types of armored vehicles, tanks and tracked vehicles to the necessary operation zones at the shortest possible time,” Pourdastan said, press tv reported.
The new vehicle has such a high mobility that only a few units of it can transport an entire armored battalion to distant locations in the country within one day, the Iranian commander pointed out.
In mid-April, Iran unveiled a number of indigenous military equipment, including a stealth unmanned aerial vehicle, two missile systems and a mobile electronic interception system, on the occasion of the country’s Army Day.
Over the past years, Iran has made important breakthroughs in its defense sector and unveiled a variety of indigenously-produced military equipment and systems, including tanks, sophisticated destroyers, submarines, unmanned aerial vehicles and advanced missile and radar systems.
The Islamic Republic has repeatedly assured other nations, especially its neighbors, that its military might poses no threat to other countries, insisting that its defense doctrine is based on deterrence.
Poslao: 25 Jul 2013 00:44
- emiremir
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 24 Jul 2013
- Poruke: 11
Moze li mi ko reci koja je ovo vrsta tenka,i navesti neke njegove karakteristikke kako i koliko komada iran posjeduje??????
Poslao: 25 Jul 2013 04:00
- mareCar
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Jul 2008
- Poruke: 3427
emiremir ::
Moze li mi ko reci koja je ovo vrsta tenka,i navesti neke njegove karakteristikke kako i koliko komada iran posjeduje??????
To je CV-90 - nije tenk i nema nikakve veze sa Iranom, niti ga Iran ima.
Poslao: 25 Jul 2013 12:55
- emiremir
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 24 Jul 2013
- Poruke: 11
Na ovom forumu sam vidio da je neko postavio ovu sliku zajedno sa slikama Iranske vojske,pa sam zato postavio pitanje jer nikad do sadda nisam vidio ovo u naoruzanju irana