Oružane snage islamske republike Iran


Oružane snage islamske republike Iran

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Napisano: 03 Apr 2015 21:10

General IRGC objavio da prestaje proizvodnja MRBM Shahab-3, te raketa kratkog dometa Qiam i Fateh 110. Počinje proizvodnja raketa koje su iste po dometu, ali tehnološki naprednije. Link je na farsi jeziku ali relativno korektan google prevod [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Dopuna: 05 Apr 2015 13:45

Za 18.04. kada je Army day u Iranu najavljena je prezentacija novog SAM sistema Talash-3 koji će koristiti raketu Sayyad-3. [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Objavili su da je to sistem dugog dometa, ne precizirajući kolikog. Prošle godine su pokazali sistem Talash-2 sa raketom Sayyad-2, koja izgleda kao kopija američke SM-2 (RIM-66B). Okarakterisali su ga kao SAM srednjeg dometa. Kanadski "Atlantic council......" procijenio je domet rakete Sayyad-2 na najmanje 60 km.
Talash-2 i raketa Sayyad-2 izgledaju ovako:

Talash-3 i raketa Syyad-3 bi mogli izgledati ovako, ali to je samo moja pretpostavka:

Možda je dodat buster, neko rješenje na tragu američkog SM-2 ER.
U svakom slučaju, za 18 .04. najavili su i prezentaciju SAM sistema koji će zamijeniti S-200 i imati domet znatno preko 200 km. Nije jasno o čemu se radi, špekuliše se da je to unaprijeđena raketa sistema S-200, kao i kompletan unaprijeđeni sistem S-200. Kao i obično, informacije se "gube u prijevodu", a iranci se trude da budu što više kontradiktorni. [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 307

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kasno marko na kosovu dodje... sada kada im nije od iznimne vaznosti hoce da ga daju

  • Pridružio: 14 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 3427

Itekako im je od vaznosti. Pogledaj sta Sunisticki kalifat radi u Jemenu. Okupili su koaliciju koja bi sutra mogla da preti Iranu, ali i Iraku i Siriji. Sve zemlje u toj koaliciju imaju ukupno vise od 900 savremenih aviona, brojano samo savremene i modernizovane, imaju i vise od 1000 ako se broje i F-5 i nemodernizovani stariji Miraz, Mig-21/J-7, Su-25 itd. . Uskoro ce se broj savremenih aviona jos povecati za par stotina.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

mareCar ::Itekako im je od vaznosti. Pogledaj sta Sunisticki kalifat radi u Jemenu. Okupili su koaliciju koja bi sutra mogla da preti Iranu, ali i Iraku i Siriji. Sve zemlje u toj koaliciju imaju ukupno vise od 900 savremenih aviona, brojano samo savremene i modernizovane, imaju i vise od 1000 ako se broje i F-5 i nemodernizovani stariji Miraz, Mig-21/J-7, Su-25 itd. . Uskoro ce se broj savremenih aviona jos povecati za par stotina.
Koga ubrajaš u koaliciju? Tursku? Ni slučajno, barem što se napada na Iran tiče. Egipat? Daleko, a imaju svojih briga, da im nije arapskih donacija ne bi imali za brašno. Pakistan? Upravo su objavili da ne učestvuju u koaliciji. Istina, Arapi imaju i bez njih dovoljno. Ali i sve aerodrome u dometu iranskih raketa, koje više nisu "glupe" sa CEP>1000 m. Daleko je to sada preciznije i opasnije....Neuporedivo!
Nego, nešto se po IMF piše da je u opticaju isporuka oba sistema: S-300PMU i S-300VM....Vidjećemo! Puno se iranci hvale sa novim sistemom Talash-3 koji će okazati za koji dan...Navodno, ima ovaj AESA radar

  • Pridružio: 19 Sep 2013
  • Poruke: 3375

" Kremlj: Otklonjene barijere za isporuku S-300 Teheranu
Tanjug | 14. april 2015. 12:29 | Komentara: 0

Kremlj je danas potvrdio da su sve pravne barijere otklonjene, kada je reč o isporuci ruskih raketnih sistema S-300 Teheranu, dan pošto je predsednik Rusije Vladimir Putin potpisao dekret"
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  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Uskoro će Army day u Iranu. Počeli su sa prezentacijom nove tehnike koja je u proizvodnji ili je u nekoj fazi testiranja. NEZAJA (KoV) je počeo prvi. Oni su u zadnjem redu za dobijanje novca iz budžeta. Zanimljiv je ovaj robot na električni pogon. Stavili su mu MANPAD iako može nositi i ATGM. Ne izgleda loše. Kažu da mu je težin 600 kg, a operativni radijus 2 km. Čini se da ima i IC far.

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Tu je i robot za izvlačenje i dostavu logistike na prvu liniju...

Top-snajper 23 mmm

Snajper 14.5 mm sa magacinom sa strane

FALLAGH - lako borbeno vozilo sa jeftinom daljinskom paljbenom stanicom. Ako sam dobro razumio tekst još je u fazi testiranja i biće bezposadno vozilo. Očigledan uticaj američkog Ripsaw.

I na kraju ova grdoba BTR-60 sa kupolom i topom 90 mm (sa tenka M-47). Na tragu nekog kubanskog rješenja, čini mi se. Svježe ofarban, vjerovatno za ovu prigodu, sjaji se ko pasja kesa. U nekoj fazi ispitivanja, pretpostavljam. Moglo bi biti jeftino rješenje za borbu protiv ISIL-a ili sličnih opasnosti.

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 20272

Koja grdoba majku ti.
Blenda topa i predji deo kupole od M47 Patton-a, ostatak kupole od nekog lima ili cega je... Nema bas izgled necega funkcionalnog, verovatno je samo maketa u pitanju.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Dezful air show 2015

Prva slika Saegeh-1 sa V-tail

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan announced on Thursday that Tehran and Moscow have worked out an agreement on the delivery of the Russian-made S-300 air defense systems to Iran and are now having final discussions over the date of the delivery.

The agreement on the delivery of S-300 missile system has been finalized and the only remaining issue is the date of delivery now, Brigadier General Dehqan told reporters in Moscow today.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday removed the ban on the delivery of the missile shield to Iran.

Dehqan said a public announcement will be made as soon as final talks over the exact delivery date end.

On Wednesday morning, General Dehqan announced that Iran would receive the S-300 air defense systems from Russia in 2015.

"We will sign the contract for the delivery of S-300 air defense systems with the Russian side during an upcoming visit to Moscow in the current year," Brigadier general Dehqan said prior to his departure to Moscow to take part in 2015 International Moscow Security Conference on Wednesday morning.

He noted that the Iranian Defense Ministry has studied the details of the S-300 contract and the air defense system will be delivered to Iran before the end of 2015.

On Tuesday, local media in Russia said Moscow is capable of delivering five S300 air defense missile systems to Tehran in the first stage of their cooperation.

Interfax quoted a senior Russian General as saying that "supplying Iran with the S300 missile system, would compensate the geopolitical mistake Russia did during last years".

On Monday, Russia's Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that supplies of the Russian S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran may begin any moment in line with the relevant decree signed by the Russian president.

"The decree stipulates no delays," Peskov told journalists adding that the second provision of the decree states that "it comes into force on the day it was signed."

After the Kremlin press service made the announcement on Putin's decision for removing the ban on the delivery of the sophisticated missile shield, Tehran welcomed the decision and said it showed Moscow's care for its undertakings.

"The decree came as an interpretation of the will of the two countries' political leaders to develop and promote cooperation in all fields," General Dehqan said on Monday before departing for Moscow to discuss the delivery.

Putin's decision was announced hours after relevant reports said the Kremlin also plans to supply China with the advanced S-400 air defense system.

On Tuesday, Putin said during a meeting with Iran's top security official, Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani, that his decision set a role model at global class that every nation should remain loyal to its undertakings.

"The decision which was taken today bears this clear message that all countries are necessitated to remain committed to their undertakings," Putin said at the meeting in Moscow on Tuesday.

In January, Tehran and Moscow signed an agreement to broaden their defensive cooperation and also resolve the problem with the delivery of Russia's S300 missile defense systems to Iran.

The agreement was signed by General Dehqan and his visiting Russian counterpart General Sergei Shoigu in a meeting in Tehran in January.

The Iranian and Russian defense ministers agreed to resolve the existing problems which have prevented the delivery of Russia's advanced air defense systems to Iran in recent years.

The two sides also agreed to broaden their defense cooperation and joint campaign against terrorism and extremism.

In 2007, Iran signed a contract worth $800mln to buy five Russian S300 missile defense systems.

But the deal was scrapped in 2010 by the then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who was unilaterally expanding on sanctions against Iran imposed by the UN Security Council.

Iran filed a $4bln lawsuit against Russia in the international arbitration court in Geneva, which is currently pending review.

Moscow has struggled to have the lawsuit dropped, including by offering the Tor anti-aircraft systems as replacement, media reported in August, adding that the offer was rejected by Tehran.

The Antei-2500, however, may be a better solution, the reports said. The system does not formally fall under the existing sanctions against Iran while still being useful for the Middle-Eastern country.

While the S-300 was developed for the use by missile defense forces, the Antei-2500 was specifically tailored for the needs of ground forces, which could also be an advantage for Iran, known for its large land force.

Later, Iran rejected the offer, stressing that it would not change its order.

The S-300 is a series of Russian long range surface-to-air missile systems produced by NPO Almaz, all based on the initial S-300P version. The S-300 system was developed to defend against aircraft and cruise missiles for the Soviet Air Defense Forces. Subsequent variations were developed to intercept ballistic missiles.

The S-300 system was first deployed by the Soviet Union in 1979, designed for the air defense of large industrial and administrative facilities, military bases, and control of airspace against enemy strike aircraft.

In the meantime, Iran designed and developed its own version of the S-300 missile shield, known as Bavar (Belief) 373. The Iranian version has superior features over the original Russian model as it enjoys increased mobility and reduced launch-preparation time.

Izvori ,RT News,PressTV

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Napisano: 17 Apr 2015 15:34

Čini se da se konačno iscrtavaju konture ruske strategije u Aziji. Na obzoru su naziru strateška partnerstva i to ni manje- ni više nego sa najmnogoljudnijom sunnitskom i šiitskom državom: Indonezija i Iran. U Moskvi su se susrele i razgovarale o proširenju saradnje u odbrani delegacije Indonezije i Irana, predvođene ministrima odbrane. U Moskvi!!!
Prije pola godine Iran i Indonezija su potpisale ugovor o zajedničkoj proizvodnji iranskih radara za Indonežanske civilne i odbrambene potrebe, sa punim transferom tehnologije. Radari će se proizvoditi u Indoneziji. Nedavno je Rusija ponudila Indoneziji Su-35S i proizvodnju u Indoneziji, sa punim ToT. Ako Indonezija to prihvati, čini se da se nazire i koji će to borbeni avion biti glavna snaga IRIAF-a u budućnosti...Možda griješim, ali meni se nameće takav ishod...

Iran, Indonesia Stress Expansion of Defense Cooperation
Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan and his Indonesian counterpart Ryamizard Ryacudu in a meeting in Moscow on Thursday underlined the need for broadening mutual cooperation in a bid to boost the Muslim world's power.
During the meeting in the Russian capital today, Brigadier General Dehqan and Ryacudu explored avenues for bolstering and reinvigorating ties, specially in defense and military areas.
Brigadier General Dehqan is in Moscow to attend the 2015 International Security Conference in Moscow.
The Iranian and Indonesian defense ministers also underlined the need for strengthening the Muslim World as well as spreading peace, stability and security in the region and the world.
In March, Commanders of the Iranian Navy's 33rd flotilla of warships and West Indonesian Navy Fleet in a meeting in Northern Jakarta on Monday discussed bilateral ties and mutual cooperation.
During the meeting in the Indonesian capital, the Iranian and Indonesian navy commanders underlined the need for the further expansion of bilateral ties.
Commander of the Iranian Navy's Flotilla Commodore Mohammad Reza Kermanshahi thanked the Indonesian navy commanders for their hospitality during their stay in there, and called for the expansion of mutual cooperation between the two navies.
He, meantime, pointed to the high capabilities of the Iranian Navy, and said, "In addition to human resources we are self-sufficient in repairing, maintaining, designing and manufacturing military hardware, including heavy warships and even submarines without any reliance on foreign countries."
Izvor: Fars news agency

Dopuna: 17 Apr 2015 19:56

Ovu fotku sa parade 2010. godine, kada su prvi puta prikazali kako će izgledati Bavar 373 PVO sistem, vidim prvi puta. Iz ovog ugla se vidi još jedno ležište na vrhu, za peti kontejner. Biće zanimljivo vidjeti kako će na kraju sve to izgledati.

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