Oružane snage islamske republike Iran


Oružane snage islamske republike Iran

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

U Iraku su pobunjenici upadali u predatore i rapiere ali tamo su uspjeli samo gledati live video prenos ,takodje je bio slućaj da su letjelice bile zaražene virusom,u prvom slučaju opravdanje je bilo da do tada live stream nije imao nikakvu enkripciju(mada to zvući nevjerovatno ali eto) a u drugom da su letjelice zaražene preko USB-a.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 03 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 273

Cudno da niko od vas nije povezao Pakistan sa padom drona...

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Senior defense and intelligence officials said Iranian-backed insurgents intercepted the video feeds by taking advantage of an unprotected communications link in some of the remotely flown planes' systems. Shiite fighters in Iraq used software programs such as SkyGrabber -- available for as little as $25.95 on the Internet. Mr. Green

Insurgents were able to use a mass-market software program to view live feeds from U.S. military Predator drones monitoring targets in Iraq, a U.S. official indicated to CNN Thursday.

The breach by Iranian-backed Shiite militants was discovered late last year, according to U.S. military and defense officials.

The story was first reported in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

The U.S. official, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to discuss the information, said no U.S. troops or combat missions had been compromised because of the intrusion.

There also is evidence that unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) feeds also have been hacked in Afghanistan, according to the Journal article, but there was no evidence the militants were able to take control of the remote aircrafts' systems in either country.

The inexpensive software, created by a Russian company called SkyGrabber, is downloadable off the Internet. It allows users to take advantage of unprotected communication links in some of the UAVs.

A senior defense official who was not authorized to speak about the security breach said, "This was an old issue for us and it has been taken care of," but he would not elaborate on what specifically had been taken care of.

The official said that many of the UAV feeds need to be sent out live to numerous people at one time, and encryption was found to slow the real-time link. The encryption therefore was removed from many feeds.

Removing the encryption, however, allowed outsiders with the correct tools to gain unauthorized access to these feeds.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman would not comment on any of the article's details but said that any security breaches that arise are addressed.

"The department constantly evaluates and seeks to improve both the performance as well as the security of various intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems and platforms," Whitman said. "If and when we identify any shortfalls we obviously correct them as a continuous process of seeking both improved capabilities as well as improved security."

Lt. Gen. David Deptula, who is in charge of the Air Force's UAV mission, said the military is trying to fix vulnerabilities with improved encryption on UAV feeds.

"Those kinds of things are subject to listening and exploitation," he told reporters Wednesday when asked about vulnerabilities of UAV systems.


"Sta su rapiere-i? "

Zajeb,mislio sam na ove( kucam u isto vrijeme na Britanskom forumu o PVO sistemu Rapier u Iranskoj vojsci pa sam se z...) Izvinjavam se GUZ - Glavom U Zid

Reaper drones, a newer model, whose video feeds could be intercepted in much the same way as with the Predators, according to people familiar with the matter. A Reaper costs between $10 million and $12 million each and is faster and better armed than the Predator. General Atomics expects the Air Force to buy as many as 375 Reapers.

Noah Schactman at Wired has a report claiming that the computers controlling America’s Predator and Reaper drone fleets have been attacked by a computer virus. The virus itself is a keylogger – a piece of software that records all of the keystrokes made by drone pilots. No damage appears to have been caused, and it’s unclear as to whether the virus attack was intentional or if someone just clicked the wrong link on Facebook. Either way, this points to a vulnerability in the security of the drone fleet, as the report goes on to claim that the virus hasn’t been cleaned off the systems yet.

Moreover, it appears that the virus has hit both classified and non-classified systems. If the attack was intentional, then it’s possible that data keyed into the systems has been transmitted to parties unknown. Though as of this time there’s no evidence of that.

Given that the use of drones has significantly escalated in the past few years, a breach in security is worrisome. Especially considering that it’s not the first time. As Schactman notes:



  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 808

Ukratko koristili su program za prijem satelitskog TV signala koji se zove SkyGrabber da gledaju snimke koje su trutovi ("drone" bukvalno znaci trut) tj BPL slali.

Avtobaza FTW!!! Mada je ovo sve nagadjanje siptomaticno je da su bas nedavno Rusi izporucili Avtobazu ELINT sistem Iranu. Mada da ne preterujemo, mnogo verovatnije je neko jednostavnije objasnjenje kao kvar na motoru i slicno.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 07 Dec 2011 22:26

Ma uglavnom to što sam već naveo,Irački pobunjenici su koristili softver koji se može nabavit na internetu za 25$ da probiju enkripciju "live strem" koje su letjelice slale prema komandi ,a prije toga im se to dešavalo i u Afganistanu ,navodno softver SkyGrabber je prizvela neka ruska firma i bio je dostupan na internetu, zadnja 2 linka govore o virusnoj zarazi koja je zahvatila letjelice,navodno se radilo o keylogeru koji je snimao komande,kodove..itd,ali navodno nikakvog štetnog djelovanja nije bilo iako pojma nemaju kako su letjelice zaražena,(izgleda da je šteta ipak načinjena).

Dopuna: 07 Dec 2011 22:48

Citat:Avtobaza FTW!!! Mada je ovo sve nagadjanje siptomaticno je da su bas nedavno Rusi izporucili Avtobazu ELINT sistem

Malo sam ova dva dana istraživao po stranim forumima i vojno-analitičkim sajtovima i večina ljudi što obični što experata pogotovo po US- sajtovima upravo zasluge za rušenje RQ-170 pripisuje sistemu AVTOBAZA,jedan od tih "experata" za D.Telegraph je opisao situaciju koja se po njemu realno mogla desiti,naime on smatra da nije moguće probiti enkripciju na sistemu kontrole na RQ-170 jer bi za to trebao super kompjuter velike brzine(koje Iranci proizvode)ali vrlo je moguće ometati letjelicu pomoću neke vrste mikrovalova koja bi u tom slućaju izgubila svaku kontrolu sa komandom i ako bi se dovoljno dugo ometala nasumićno bi letjela dok nebi ostala bez goriva i pala,ali u tom slućaju bi Iranci morali znati taćno gdje i kad će letjelica biti drugim rjećima detektovati je i kao sistem koji je sposoban ovo izvesti naveo upravo sistem AVTOBAZA.Takodje za ovo je bilo potrebno i zatvoriti VAP da ne bi srušili neku svoju letjelicu.
Evo teksta:

However - there is another possible way to down a high flying UAV like the RQ-170 and it doesn't require hacking or jets, bullets or bombs. What it does require is some advanced technical ability and a unique weapon - something Russia is known to have in it's arsenal. The Russians are geniuses at building jammers.
Once you know it's up - you clear the airspace and pump the airwaves so full of radiated microwave power the UAV can't hear - goes dumb - or the microwaves overload and burn out the autonomous brain - causing the UAV to wander aimlessly, eventually running out of fuel and crashing in Iran.

  • Pridružio: 03 Apr 2008
  • Poruke: 5910

Usakov ::Cudno da niko od vas nije povezao Pakistan sa padom drona...

Normalno je da niko ovo nije povezao sa Pakistanom jer Pakistan ima "odlicne" odnose sa Iranom u sveri vojne i ekonomske saradnje.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

TEHRAN - An informed source in the Iranian military has said that Russian and Chinese officials have asked for permission to inspect the U.S. spy drone that was recently downed by the Iranian Armed Forces, Nasimonline.ir reported on Wednesday.

On Sunday, an unidentified Iranian military source said that the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic had downed an advanced RQ-170 unmanned U.S. spy plane, which had violated the country’s airspace along the eastern border.

There are unconfirmed reports that Iran may put the drone on public display.

According to the Washington Post, the RQ-170 drone has been used by the CIA for highly sensitive missions into other nations’ airspace, including months of surveillance of the compound in Pakistan in which Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was allegedly hiding before he was killed in an attack by Special Operations forces on May 1, 2011.

On Monday, U.S. military officials said that they are concerned that Tehran may now have an opportunity to acquire information about the classified surveillance drone program, AP reported.

U.S. officials considered conducting a covert mission inside Iran to retrieve or destroy the stealth drone but ultimately concluded such a secret operation wasn’t worth the risk of provoking a more explosive clash with Tehran, a U.S. official said, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.


  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 808


Gledajuci na sve izgledno je da je u pitanju RQ-170. Vec i na americkoj strani vecina izvestaja govori o bas toj letelici. Dalje, sama dubina teritorija koja se spominje (140 km) nagoni logicki na zakljucak da se radi upravo o toj letelici jer zaista je zahtevno nekoj od letelica koja ne posedule tehnologije smanjenje uocljivosti da udje stotinak kilometara u branjenu teritoriju. Naime logicno je da Ameri imaju veliko interesovanje za osmatranje unutar Irana i da je verovatno RQ-170 upravljan iz baza u Avganistanu najbolji izbor za misije duboko u iranskom teoritoriju.

Ostala pitanja su i dalje skakljiva jer nemamo nikave osnove za razmatranje osim spekulacije. Moguce je sve, da je letelica citava, ili malo ostecena do mozda potpuno izgorelih ostataka. Tesko je reci.

Po meni, ako (veliko ako) je uzrok akcija Iranaca mnogo je lakse da zamislim da su Iranci ometali GPS signal. Naime, ako su uspeli da ometu komandni signal (ma koliko on bio sifrovan) letelica po svim svedocenjima treba da se da na "stand-by" tj na neki kruzni let oceukujuci dalje komande. Ako i to izostane onda ide nazad po programiranoj trasi. Po mom razmisljanju, posle ometanja komandnog signala, bez ikakve potrebe za razbijanjem sifre, lakse bi bilo ometati GPS signal. Jos ako imaju pomoc mozda Rusa sa svojim GLONASSom ili Kineza posao je jos laksi.

Naime, kako bi se ta letelica orijentisala za povratak nazad? Verovatno je najlakse da se vodi po GPSu ili eventualno preko inercijalnog vodjenja (mada inercijalno je sekundarno). Ako su GPS signali ometeni ili lazirani da letelici predstave pogresne koordinate, mislim da je tako lakse naterati letelicu da sleti jer ako trut ne razume gde se tacno nalazi na mapi onda ce naravno da sleti na pogresnu metu.

Dakle, po meni, dovoljno bi bilo dati letelici pogresne koordinate GPS satelita putem ometanja pravog signala pa poturanja laznog pri kome bi softver letelice nacinio pogresan proracun lokacije i sleteo na pogresnu lokaciju. Koliko god tehnologija bila pametna, roboti su u principu glupe masine jer nemaju inteligenciju da vide bilo sta van svog programa. U tom smislu covek je (jos uvek) nenadmasiv.

  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 808

checkYS ::nelsa

Previse idealizujes stvari, jedino sto je moguce da su ga detektovali radarom i da su poslali lovce ili sacekali da dodje u domet PVO sistemu.

I naravno moguce da je pao usled kvara.

Zasto? Pa moguce je da su ga pasivno otkrili putem niza opcija. Moze sasvim obicno vizuelno. Pustinjsko nebo je obicno vedro.

Dalje, moglo bi pasivno putem otkrivanja EM radijacije koju letelica isijava u komunikaciji.

Trece mozda preko nekog IC sistema.

Pogotovo ako je u pitanju letelica sa kamerama za osmatranje, mislim da ne bi bilo smisla da leti nocu jel tako?

A za "idealiziranje" imamo vise Zapadnih izvora koji potvrdjuju da je neka letelica sigurno izgubljena. Procesom eliminacije tesko je zamisliti bilo koju letelicu stotinu kilometara u dubini iranske teritorije osim RQ-170.

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 07 Dec 2011 23:36

Ti očigledno ne pratiš moje postove,ja sam u svojim postovima naveo sve varijante pa i te koje ti spominješ i neiskljućujem ni jednu ipak logikom i poznavanjem osnovnh stvari možemo zaključiti koje varijante su najizglednije a za to je potrebno što više informacija sa obe strane,ali oni su sebe sami diskreditovali sa milion izjava i svaka je drukćija od druge,i ovo nije prvi put da imaju ove probleme sa UAV .
Dakle oni tvrde da je letjelica iz nekog nepoznatog razloga sletjela u Iran,pogledaj video iznad.

Dopuna: 07 Dec 2011 23:42

"A za "idealiziranje" imamo vise Zapadnih izvora koji potvrdjuju da je neka letelica sigurno izgubljena. Procesom eliminacije tesko je zamisliti bilo koju letelicu stotinu kilometara u dubini iranske teritorije osim RQ-170. "

Netrebamo ništa pretpostavljati,njihove rijeći

Newser) – The CIA drone that was lost in Iran over the weekend is part of a fleet that has been spying on Iran for years, US officials tell the AP. The US has a number of stealth aircraft at a base in Shindad, Afghanistan, as part of an effort to establish a long-term presence there for surveillance and possibly special ops. After the drone crashed, US officials considered a covert mission to retrieve or destroy it, but decided it was too risky, the Wall Street Journal notes.

An official says that the US knew immediately when the drone crashed in a remote part of eastern Iran. A "catastrophic" malfunction is suspected, as the drone was programmed to return to base even if it lost its data link, Reuters notes. The AP adds that the drone crashed while deep in Iran's airspace, 140 miles from the Afghan border in Kashmar. Officials initially thought Iran failed to detect it and feared being accused of an act of war if a team entered the country to retrieve it. Click for more on the secrets the drone could reveal to Iran.

A U.S. official told The Wall Street Journal on condition of anonymity that sneaking a team into Iran or somehow destroying the drone wasn't worth the potential consequences of upsetting Iran.

"No one warmed up to the option of recovering it or destroying it because of the potential it could become a larger incident," the U.S. official said.

The official said any effort to recover the drone might be considered an act of war by the Iranians. The narrative provided by the newspaper suggests the drone may have crashed in eastern Iran rather than being shot down, as the Iranians claimed.

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