Oružane snage islamske republike Iran


Oružane snage islamske republike Iran

  • Pridružio: 01 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 440

Koje su ovo fore....
ovi da im vrate dron, a ovi da im se izvinu...jao jao

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  • maha  Male
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  • Pridružio: 06 Dec 2006
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Američka bespilotna letjelica srušila se na Sejšelima

vrijeme objave: Utorak - 13. Prosinac 2011 | 18:59

Američka bespilotna letjelica srušila se na Sejšelima
Zrakoplov SAD-a, bespilotna letjelica tipa drone, srušila se u zračnoj luci na Sejšelima, rečeno je u izvješću američkog veleposlanstva u utorak.
Civilno zrakoplovstvo Sejšela je potvrdilo incident, rekavši kako je zrakoplov bio na "rutinskoj ophodnji"
i da se srušio zbog mehaničkog kvara.
SAD koristi bespilotne zrakoplove u regiji, kako tvrde, za otkrivanje povezanosti Al-Qaide s militanatima u Somaliji.

Incident dolazi manje od dva tjedna nakon što je drugi američki špijunski zrakoplov drone, došao u ruke Irana, pod nepoznatim okolnostima .
Teheran je tvrdio da ga je zarobila i oborila njihova vojska, a Washington je rekao da je nesreća.
izvor(i): RT

  • vukm 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 609

Napisano: 13 Dec 2011 22:17

Нафта нагло поскупела због гласина о војним вежбама у Ирану
ЛОНДОН/ЊУЈОРК – Цене нафте скочиле су данас након што су се тржиштем прошириле гласине да Иран спроводи војне вежбе на кључним заливским правцима, као и због тога што су се очекивале веће стимулативне мере америчке Управе федералних резерви, указали су трговци.

Цена европске „брент” нафте за јануарску испоруку скочила је овог поподнева на 111,10 долара по барелу, пре него што се спустила на 109,32 долара, што је за 2,06 долара више него по затварању берзи синоћ, пренела је агенција АФП.

Сирова нафта је на Њујоршкој меркантилној берзи порасла на 101,25 долара, да би се потом спустила на 99,70 долара, што је за 1,93 долара више него јуче.

„Цене нафте оштро су порасле у поподневном трговању због извештаја о иранским војним вежбама око мореуза Ормуз, што је касније демантовао портпарол иранског Министарства спољних послова”, изјавио је аналитичар тржишта консултантске фирме „ЦМЦ Маркетс” Мајкл Хјусон.


Dopuna: 13 Dec 2011 22:21

– Из Вашингтона је Техерану, посредством Швајцарске, упућен формални захтев да „врати изгубљену опрему”. Ово су, у посебним изјавама, потврдили и председник Барак Обама и државна секретарка Хилари Клинтон.

„Ми смо тражили да нам га врате – видећемо како ће Иран да одговори”, рекао је на конференцији за штампу са ирачким премијером Маликијем, у понедељак у Белој кући Обама.

Реч је о „изгубљеној” америчкој беспилотној летелици („дрону”), коју су Иранци у понедељак изложили као важан трофеј у свом пропагандном рату против САД. Та летелица, „сентинел”, или званично RQ-170, произвођача „Локид Мартин”, изгледа прилично очувано, мада је доњи део њеног група сакривен америчким заставама на којима су звездице замењене лобањама, па се не види да ли је трап можда ипак оштећен.

Одговор из Техерана је стигао веома брзо: не само да шпијунски дрон неће бити враћен, него ће Иран да тужи САД због „инвазије”. Уз то, поднета је и жалба Савету безбедности УН.

У сенци пропагандних плотуна које долазе углавном са иранске стране, главна недоумица је колики је стварни амерички губитак с обзиром на супертајни статус „сентинела”, односно у коликој мери ће Иранци, а поготово Русија и Кина, моћи да „декодирају” технологију која је Америци досад омогућавала да прибавља изузетно важне податке о иранском нуклеарном програму.

Док представници иранске армије тврде да су већ при крају читања података из компјутерских система летелице узапћене око 220 километара у дубини њихове територије и најављују да ће ускоро, техником „реверзибилног инжењеринга”, направити њену копију, амерички медији, позивајући се на домаће експерте, износе противречне оцене о томе.

По оцени личности која је у сваком случају за ово компетентна – Леона Панете, секретара за одбрану (иначе бившег директора ЦИА), прецизну процену је тешко дати, јер она зависи о тога „у каквом су стању делови” који су у рукама Иранаца.

Ричард Абулафија, аналитичар аеронаутичке технологије, за веб-сајт DefenceNews.com је изјавио да има мало примера да су неке земље стратешки узнапредовале једноставним заробљавањем неког непријатељског система. Совјети су, на пример, развили свој програм млазних мотора копирајући западну технологију, али никад нису достигли ниво, а камоли претекли Запад у области авијације.

У конкретном случају, овај стручњак каже да је „сентинел” у рукама Иранаца исто као „давање ’ферарија’ онима који су тек савладали технологију воловских кола”. По њему, главни ризик је да ће они остатке дрона продати „трећој страни”. Наравно, мисли на Русију и Кину.

Питер Сингер, из Брукингс института, мисли да Иранци немају знања да дешифрују тајне дрона, али Кина то свакако може. „Кинези у овој врсти технологије заостају само једну генерацију и ако дођу у посед радног или оштећеног модела, то није добро за нас”, изјавио је магазину „Тајм”. „Није лако урадити обрнути инжењеринг, али много је лакше нешто направити кад можете да проучавате модел.”

Губитак „сентинела” је иначе трећи пример да САД остају без једне летелице „невидљиве” („стелт”) технологије. Први случај је обарање једног Ф-117 код Буђановаца, током НАТО бомбардовања Србије због Косова, други је квар „стелт” хеликоптера у акцији ликвидације Осаме бин Ладена у Пакистану, док је трећи овај ирански.


  • Pridružio: 01 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 440

Lose se vade...


  • nelsa  Male
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  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
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Napisano: 14 Dec 2011 7:19

TEHRAN, Nov. 20 (Xinhua) -- Iran tested its passive radar system and electronic warfare equipment in the latest aerial drills aimed at maintaining readiness of a nationwide radar network, local satellite Press TV reported on Sunday.

Colonel Abolfazl Sepehri, spokesman for the four-day military exercises, said that Iran's armed forces deployed the country's most up-to-date passive radar system and hardware for electronic warfare on Saturday, according to the report, which did not elaborate on the system.

Led by the Iranian Army's Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base, the armed forces also employed domestically-developed artillery, missile and composite defense systems to counter possible radar disruptions and enemy's telecommunications.

Sepehri told reporters that the Iranian forces applied certain strategies to further disrupt the navigational systems of the hypothetical enemies' flying objects, the report said.

Iran started on Friday an aerial war game in the eastern part of the country.

On Saturday, Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corp aerospace division, said that Iran would retaliate if the United States attacked it.

"The U.S. dares not attack Iran, because in case it does so it will face a crushing response and be bitterly punished," Hajizadeh told the state-run IRNA news agency.


The number of the hi-tech drones that the US has lost since 2007 in combat or while spying over other world countries reached 90 with the last one hacked by Iranian armed forces and brought down in the Eastern parts of the country almost intact 10 days ago.

The Drone Crash Database of the global research says thirteen drone crashes have taken place over the past ten months, including the stealth drone in Iran.

According to global research database, 25 large drones have crashed so far this year. Altogether the database records some details of 90 drone crashes since January 2007.

USAF accident investigation announcements reveal that three US Predator drones have crashed in Djibouti, one in March 2011 and two in May 2011. While there are only bare details at this stage, more details should become available when the investigation report is published. It has been known for some time that the US is using a base in Djibouti to launch drone attacks in Yemen and Somalia.

Also revealed by the USAF accident investigation announcement is that the drone that crashed in Jalalabad in Afghanistan on 20th August 2011 was a US Global Hawk RQ-4 drone. This was the first time that the database recorded a crash by a Global Hawk.

Other crashes include an Israeli Heron drone that crashed in Turkey. Many Israeli Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been brought down by the Lebanese Hezbollah group during the last few years, and Israeli officials have announced that they are concerned about cyber attacks by the Lebanese group.

Israeli military officials have also announced that Hezbollah has most likely hacked the drone command-and-control center of Israel in a virus attack.

Izvor ; global research

Dopuna: 14 Dec 2011 22:22

Kopija RPG-29

Meni nepoznata kr.raketa

  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2009
  • Poruke: 578

Colonel Abolfazl Sepehri, spokesman for the four-day military exercises, said that Iran's armed forces deployed the country's most up-to-date passive radar system and hardware for electronic warfare on Saturday, according to the report, which did not elaborate on the system.

Led by the Iranian Army's Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base, the armed forces also employed domestically-developed artillery, missile and composite defense systems to counter possible radar disruptions and enemy's telecommunications.

Sepehri told reporters that the Iranian forces applied certain strategies to further disrupt the navigational systems of the hypothetical enemies' flying objects, the report said.

Obzirom da ekspanzijom raznih vrsta dronova, elektronsko ometanje postaje sve efikasnije, jer je moguće zasiti radio elektronsko polje raznim vrstama smetnji po velikoj dubini, pasivno izviđanje dobija na značaju. Mislim da bi kinezi morali da se aktivno uključe i pomognu irancima u organizovanju odbrane, iako Iran sam ima nezanemarljivi "know-how" u toj oblasti.

  • vukm 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 609

Iran ce u narednim danima predstaviti javnosti 4 Izraelske i 3 Americke bespilotne letelice za koje tvrdi da ih poseduje - Ako ovo uradi Iran ce potvrditi sve dosadasnje navode o tome sta je i gde je oborio jer je vise puta bila tvrdnji od Iranskih zvanicnika da su BPL oborene ali ih nikada nisu prikazivali kao sto su to sada uradili sa poslednjom koja je prizemljena - Vise informacija na sajtu redakcije ArmyInfoForuma http://www.armyinfoforum.org/Armyblog/ -

  • nelsa  Male
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  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

How Iran hijacked a US stealth drone

Posted on December 15, 2011 - 13:52 by Trent Nouveau

The Iranian military recently managed to hijack an American stealth drone by exploiting a well-known navigational vulnerability in the RQ-170 Sentinel, aka The Beast of Kandahar.

According to an Iranian engineer, electronic warfare specialists cut off US contact with the drone before reconfiguring the Sentinel's GPS coordinates and landing it in Iranian territory. 

How Iran hijacked a US stealth drone"The GPS navigation is the weakest point," the engineer told the Christian Science Monitor.

"By putting noise [jamming] on the communications, you force the bird into autopilot. This is where the bird loses its brain."

The "spoofing" technique, said the engineer, utilized precise latitudinal and longitudinal data, "forcing the drone to land on its own where we wanted it to, without having to (zabranjeno) the remote-control signals and communications," from the US control center.

Former US Navy electronic warfare specialist Robert Densmore told the CS Monitor the digital hijacking scenario detailed by the unnamed Iranian engineer was entirely plausible.

"Even modern combat-grade GPS [is still] very susceptible to manipulation," Densmore confirmed. 

He also noted it was "certainly possible" to recalibrate the GPS on a drone so that it flies on a different course than originally programmed.

"[Obviously], I wouldn't say it's easy, but the technology is there."


  • Pridružio: 10 Jan 2009
  • Poruke: 405

možda je malo prereno za hvalospeve. Meni ovo više liči na pecane. Čisto pipkanje Iranskih radara i njihovih mogućnosti.

  • nelsa  Male
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  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Dobro su se upecali. Mr. Green

The US Air Force reportedly plans to deploy a new offensive, radar-evading drone in Afghanistan after Iran downed one of its stealth drones, which was in violation of the Islamic Republic's airspace.

The Predator C Avenger is designed to evade detection and carry payloads of the weight of a bunker buster, the international aerospace weekly Flight International reported on its website on December 12.

The US Air Force has ordered a single Predator C Avenger -- produced by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems. Inc. -- for deployment in Afghanistan.

"This aircraft will be used as a test asset and will provide a significantly increased weapons and sensors payload capacity on an aircraft that will be able to fly to targets much more rapidly than the MQ-9 [Reaper] UAS," the US Air Force said in a statement.

Alongside four weapon stations on each wing, the drone has an internal weapons bay, which provides “greater flexibility and will accommodate a large selection of next generation sensor and weapons payloads," it added.

The newest aircraft is jet-powered and particularly characterized by its capability of carrying a total payload of more than 907 kilograms -- almost the weight of a GBU-24 penetrator bunker buster bomb.

Analysts say the fact that Taliban militants have no radars to detect such aircraft robs Washington of excuses to deploy the stealth drone in the war-torn country.

The prospect of the deployment of the highly-capable Predator C comes after Iran successfully brought down a US RQ-170 stealth drone recently as the aircraft was flying over the northeastern Iranian city of Kashmar, some 250 kilometers (156 miles) away from the Afghan border.


TEHRAN — Iran is to insert its first domestically produced uranium fuel into its Tehran reactor by mid-February, Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said in comments published by the IRNA state news agency on Thursday.

“Within the next two months the first fuel plate which is produced with the 20% enriched uranium will be placed in Tehran’s research reactor,” Salehi, who previously headed Iran’s nuclear organisation, was quoted as saying.

His statement was an excerpt from a longer interview to be released “soon,” IRNA said.

The West — which fears Iran’s nuclear programme masks a push to build atomic weapons despite repeated denials from Tehran — is sceptical that the Islamic republic has the technology to make fuel plates.

Four sets of UN sanctions and additional Western sanctions have been imposed to pressure Iran to halt its nuclear programme.

Iran has been working to enrich its stock of 3.5% low-enriched uranium to 20%, which it says it needs for research and medical purposes.

Currently, the research reactor runs on fuel imported from Argentina in 1993, but that is nearly depleted. Iran’s other nuclear plant, an energy reactor at Bushehr, runs on fuel bought from Russia.

Iran was to produce its first lot of 20 percent-enriched uranium plates for the Tehran reactor in September this year, but that date passed with no result.

Salehi was quoted by IRNA as saying in mid-October that Iran would produce the plates within months.

The International Atomic Energy Agency in November released its most damning report yet on Iran’s nuclear activities, saying it had evidence suggesting research into atomic warheads had been carried out.

After Iran announced to the IAEA that it had run out of nuclear fuel for its research reactor in Tehran, the Agency proposed a deal according to which Iran would send 3.5%-enriched uranium and receive 20-percent-enriched uranium from potential suppliers in return, all through the UN nuclear watchdog agency.

The proposal was first introduced on October 1, 2010, when Iranian representatives and diplomats from the Group 5+1 held high-level talks in Geneva.

But France and the United States, as potential suppliers, stalled the talks soon after the start. They offered a deal which would keep Tehran waiting for months before it could obtain the fuel, a luxury of time that Iran could afford as it was about to run out of 20-percent-enriched uranium.

Iranian lawmakers rejected the deal after technical studies showed that it would only take two to three months for any country to further enrich the nuclear stockpile and turn it into metal nuclear plates for the Tehran Research Reactor, while suppliers had announced that they would not return fuel to Iran any less than seven months.


A grim Ministry of Defense bulletin issued to Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev today states that President Hu has “agreed in principal” that the only way to stop the West’s aggression led by the United States is through “direct and immediate military action” and that the Chinese leader has ordered his Naval Forces to “prepare for warfare.”

Hu’s call for war joins Chinese Rear Admiral and prominent military commentator Zhang Zhaozhong who, likewise, warned this past week that: “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a Third World War,” and Russian General Nikolai Makarov who grimly stated last week: “I do not rule out local and regional armed conflicts developing into a large-scale war, including using nuclear weapons.”

A new US intelligence report has also stated that China has up to 3000 nuclear weapons compared with general estimates of between 80 and 400. To further pour more gasoline on the fire, the Washington Times has just reported that North Korea is making missile able to hit the US.

The raising of global tensions between the East and West was exploded this past fortnight when Russian Ambassador Vladimir Titorenko and two of his aides retuning from Syria were brutally assaulted and put in hospital by Qatar security forces allegedly aided by CIA and British MI6 agents attempting to gain access to diplomatic pouches containing information from Syrian intelligence that the United States was flooding Syria and Iran with the same US-backed al Qaida mercenaries who toppled the Libyan government.


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